Tash for Short
- Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I'm 99% certain they'd be more than willing to make BC an expansion.
Sadly, in our dreams. It'd be awesome if they did make BC an expansion to the Remake.
But after watching the Pokemon I Choose You reboot film and saw the trailer of it's sequel that's coming out next year(and that they made Ash's eyes big again, much to my annoyance), I'm 95% percent certain the FFVII Remake will go down towards the same path of an alternate continunity of it's own like the 20th Pokemon film did.
5% of me says that I'm wrong, but that's very unlikely.