Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

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Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
This is all pie in the sky, because I'm not convinced they could do this without spoiling it with compilation bullshit.

But anyway, if they're going to do DLC I'd quite like playable backstories. Like all this discussion about Barret, I was thinking something along the lines of:

A whole bit where you meet the townspeople, and Myrna and Eleanor, just sort of going about Corel before it gets shitted up. Then he and Dyne get their arms shot off, so like, presumably Barret has to tie up what's left of his arm, make his way back to Corel, and you find Myrna dead. So then Barrets just broken...like you don't know what he's going to do, and then he hears a baby crying....

and then the rest of it would be getting to Midgar, travelling with a baby. I'm thinking before he gets his arm modded he would have had some sort of makeshift weapon taped on there or something...but basically a whole Lone Wolf and Cub thing, Barret being badass - only with a baby sling. I dunno, it's something that was going around in my head.

Then, you could have stuff with Cid in his pre-space program days, flying for Shinra. Yuffie getting up to all sorts of shit in Wutai before telling her dad 'no u' and travelling the world.

Vincent...well we sort of know some of that from Dirge I guess :/ Coffin simulator?

Anyway, you get the general idea. Just kind of sucked how the other characters got brushed aside in AC so it would be interesting to see things from their pov you know?

To go with this, I am sure a lot of people including myself would like to see a playable Zack's Final Stand.

I know we already got it in Crisis Core, but it would be awesome to do it again in the Remake.

(I'd imagine the coding for that part would be a bit different, considering how Zack's Final Stand on the PSP involved you staying at 1hp until the DMW went though all of it's cut scenes).


Save your valediction (she/her)
That final fight was all I wanted from Crisis Core, and they nailed it. The use of the DMW was so inspired, and it was a central game mechanic that I hope not to see in the remake. Because of that, doing it with the FF7R system wouldn't feel right.

Zack's death could be played perhaps from Cloud's POV. Like, perhaps crawling towards Zack (like Squall's space walk?) but it's futile because he dies before you get there? And then please have Cloud's silent breakdown. So much more moving than "Be my legacy" and "Whyy-hyyy?"


Kaiju Member
That final fight was all I wanted from Crisis Core, and they nailed it. The use of the DMW was so inspired, and it was a central game mechanic that I hope not to see in the remake. Because of that, doing it with the FF7R system wouldn't feel right.

Zack's death could be played perhaps from Cloud's POV. Like, perhaps crawling towards Zack (like Squall's space walk?) but it's futile because he dies before you get there? And then please have Cloud's silent breakdown. So much more moving than "Be my legacy" and "Whyy-hyyy?"

I think doing Zack's death as first-person Cloud POV would be cool as well (I think I've also suggested that before as a way to meld the Crisis Core and OG versions of the scene together).
I doubt you have to worry about a melodramatic Ayaka/J-Pop song being for the scene for the simple enough reason that the OG/Remake death scene is/will be in terms of structure have a very different narrative use than its portrayal in Crisis Core (where it is a final ending scene for Zack, as opposed to being to an additional flashback scene that is additive to Cloud's character arc).
I think dialogue is still likely to be present though (I would personally be fine with the dialogue remaining), however, if a first person Cloud POV is used, the dialogue could be muffled as part of illustrating Cloud's messed up sensory state.
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Save your valediction (she/her)
I would like the option to blow up the mako reactors at Corel and Nibelheim. It does not interfere with the story, and it always bugged me that you couldn't just summon Ifrit inside the core while passing through. You know, for Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I feel like 1997 was too early for companies to unleash moral quandaries like that upon the impressionable youth (why can't they play Barbie's dream kennel? Final Fantasy was sent by satan to turn our children into terrorists!) except that FFVII's main plot straight up requires it FIVE TIMES (two reactors and three huge materia.)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
"Roly Palmer" I bet he got the piss ripped out of him at school :lol:


Pro Adventurer
I always thought Scarlet was her first name...I mean, it IS a first name after all. Actually, this being Final Fantasy, even Heidegger (although his name is in reference to Martin Heidegger...I'm sure everybody knew that already though) could be a first name. Is there any way to be sure? I mean, is Hojo a first name or last name as well? The Turks, we know it's their first names, but...


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I always thought Scarlet was her first name...I mean, it IS a first name after all. Actually, this being Final Fantasy, even Heidegger (although his name is in reference to Martin Heidegger...I'm sure everybody knew that already though) could be a first name. Is there any way to be sure? I mean, is Hojo a first name or last name as well? The Turks, we know it's their first names, but...

Good question.

Come to think of it, I don't think anyone even knows President ShinRa's first name. We only know his son's full name-Rufus ShinRa.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Wait, the Turks have first names? I thought those were call signs.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
When it came to the Turks' names, people have trouble what Reno's last name is(though a lotta fans call his last name Sinclair).

But then again, look at Cloud Strife and his name is the same as a cloud.

On the other hand, these are nothing compared to a person I saw on TV this morning having named their cat Baconcup or another person in the same interview having named their dog Biscuit.

Or someone having named their kid Apple.


Pro Adventurer
I mean, is Hojo a first name or last name as well?
I assume first name. With cases from the game: With Gast, Gast is his first name. The Japanese version of the game has his name as ガスト・ファレミス (Gast・Faremis). Usually last name goes first in Japan land, but this does not apply in this game world as evidenced in the only other both-names instance in the dialogue I know of: ルーファウス神羅 (Rufus Shinra).

Since Gast is usually referred to as ガスト博士 (Gast-hakase), and Hojo to as 宝条博士 (Hōjō-hakase), I would say it's fairly likely Hojo is his first name.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Usually last name goes first in Japan land, but this does not apply in this game world as evidenced in the only other both-names instance in the dialogue I know of: ルーファウス神羅 (Rufus Shinra).

Last names go first in China too. But you're right, that rule doesn't apply in this game world(or other Square Enix titles for that matter).


Pro Adventurer
JBed: Aha! Okay, I was figuring someone who is familiar with Japanese and has played/read the text of that version might be able to point out a clue to whether the given names are first or last, so that was exactly what I was looking for. While I'm only very casually familiar with the language from talking to Japanese classmates of mine (essentially amounting to amusing phrases), I'm familiar enough with it to know that there tends to be more situation-specific giveaways to things like 'titles', etc. When I first played the game, pre-Guidebooks, I assumed pretty much all characters given names were their firsts, with the exception of the ones that had 'titles' attached...I mean, "Professor" Gast to be just screamed that was his last name. Otherwise it'd be like calling somebody "Professor Bob". But, of course, as we now know, that IS what they were doing. Hojo is interesting to think of as a first name, because it's so...asian-sounding, I guess. His last name would have to be something clipped and...asian-y as well. In my head

Ite: As for the Turks, why do you suppose they would be the only Shinra employees (at least off the top of my head) to get special codenames? I mean, SOLDIERS go by their real names, right? Or do you mean because the Turks are supposed to be supa-sneaky-dirty-work-assassin-type-fellers? Rude is admittedly strange (in English), but as was pointed out, that's like saying Cloud is normal. And also that either Reno's parents OR his Shinra superiors named him after a shithole in Nevada...

Tash: Biscuit, at least here in the U.S., is a SUPER common pet name. I personally come from the school of thought that bestows 'human' names upon my pets, as I think of them as my buddies and don't hang out with dudes named Mittens, so I think it's a bit ridiculous. But it is very, very common. Especially amongst uncreative schmoes. I assume by Apple you're referring to Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow's kid, which leads me to the completely off-topic observation that it seems to be some kind of RULE that celebrities MUST name their children preposterous names. Not just 'less common' names, but things like "North West", and...fucking, "Eggplant". It must be a major concern of the Lizard People that truly run the world
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Elena definitely isn't a codename, she was called that before she was a Turk. I doubt the other are either.


Pro Adventurer
Wait...when is she around but not a Turk? Or, are we talking about the c...the c-c-c-compilation?? *shivers*

For the record, though, I took them all as first names, but since Ite suggested he thought they might be codenames, im tryina consider that possibility, dig it?


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Tash: Biscuit, at least here in the U.S., is a SUPER common pet name. I personally come from the school of thought that bestows 'human' names upon my pets, as I think of them as my buddies and don't hang out with dudes named Mittens, so I think it's a bit ridiculous. But it is very, very common.

That I didn't know since I've never been to America. Heard and read up a lot about it. Nothing wrong in naming pets with human names.

Used to have a dog named Tara who sadly passed away back either in 2013 or 2014(I can't remember) due to old age. Heck, she was part german shepard and even outlived her lifespan since she was very healthy.

Before I moved out myself, I named my parent's currant cat after Mickey Mouse due to me still being a child at heart, lol, and he(the cat) can be a handful like a small 2 year old child.

Especially amongst uncreative schmoes. I assume by Apple you're referring to Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow's kid, which leads me to the completely off-topic observation that it seems to be some kind of RULE that celebrities MUST name their children preposterous names. Not just 'less common' names, but things like "North West", and...fucking, "Eggplant". It must be a major concern of the Lizard People that truly run the world

"North West"? And "Eggplant"? What kind of names are they?

Seriously, I'm extremely sorry to sound very cruel and horrible here, but that's just unbearably ridiculous.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I named my cat C. K. Dexter Haven. You can call your pet whatever you want. They don't have to explain it to their peers.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I like the idea of giving animals human names, like Alan or John. Roger. Ken. Sandra. Deborah. Just to confuse people :monster:
I had a cat once called Harry and he was awesomeness personified. He had cat friends he'd invite round in the middle of the night to eat from his food-bowl. He was Mr Gregarious. He was one of the people I've loved most in my life.

Back on topic, I always thought Gast's full name in western style was Professor Faremis Gast. Which means Aerith's real name would be Aerith Gast.

Or Aeris Faremis.
As for the Turks, why do you suppose they would be the only Shinra employees (at least off the top of my head) to get special codenames? I mean, SOLDIERS go by their real names, right? Or do you mean because the Turks are supposed to be supa-sneaky-dirty-work-assassin-type-fellers? Rude is admittedly strange (in English), but as was pointed out, that's like saying Cloud is normal. And also that either Reno's parents OR his Shinra superiors named him after a shithole in Nevada...

Genesis, Angeal and Sephiroth are not exactly normal names even within the world of FFVII. Sephiroth doesn't have an assigned last name (would it be Sephiroth Hojo? No, that's not possible - Sephiroth doesn't know who his father is.) They're like celebrities who are so famous they just go by one name, like "Pele" or "Madonna".

I admit Zack Fair seems to be his actual name, but how do we know that Kunsel and Luxiere aren't code names too? And it is somewhat canon that the Turks have code names, in the sense that all the BC Turks go by code names and not their "real" names, and Cissnei in CC tells Zack her Turk name isn't her "real" name.

I refuse to believe that Hojo, Palmer, Heidegger and Scarlet are their first names.
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