Would you say that's not a possibility? Given the often ... let's call it "incongruent" ... blend of the Compilation and the original game, might they not look at the Compilation and say "It would be fairly easy to do the remake consistent with the Compilation" in terms of aesthetics, technology, the occasional differing plot detail, etc.?
It's a possible route to be sure - I'm just saying, again pacing myself, not something people should be expecting.
FFVIIR, I highly likely to be as different from the original game, as it is different from the compilation. And, IMO, that's probably a good thing.
Forcing the remake to be consistent with the compilation is, again IMO, inherently going to negatively impact its quality.
I think, as you kind of touch on, creative freedom is a big thing for the team atm. They'll write the story they think is best, and use the framework and ideas from the FFVII franchise to build it, but with no concern for whether it is consistent or ties together with it.
It's its own continuity, and personally, I'm okay with that.
What is your opinion on this particular
reference-idea for the remake?
Shademp said:
It's already been long visualized in my head that the player might find obscure references by hacking into Scarlet's and/or Heidegger's computer(s). The player might then find references to Deepground, Tsviets, Synaptic Net Dives etc either as the names to folders that the player can't open, or as revealed keywords in encrypted documents that the player (or some tech-savvy NPC) have only managed to partially decrypt.
I picture these optional references being available either during the infiltration of Shinra HQ, the "disc 2" revisit to Midgar or after the fall of Shinra (or all of these aforementioned instances).
I think that's a perfectly valid way of doing it, if they end up including stuff like Deepground.
Personally though, that's some of the stuff that I really don't like from the compilation.
Words like "Deepground, Tsviets, Synaptic Net, Modeoheim", and stuff like the VR room in the Shinra Building, pretty much sum up most of my issues with the comp.
I think almost all those additional elements to the FFVII world were really quite bad. They're stylistically/thematically/aesthetically inconsistent with the OG in so many ways. If they want to do use the base ideas of those things, they should reconceptualize them.
Or alternatively, restructure the entire world of FFVII to better accomodate them.
I see the latter as being unlikely though.
But adding nods, or building lore through documents found in in places like Shinra mansion, Shinra Building, or just talking to Shinra employees in dingy bars, I think is workable and tasteful.