My running theory is that there's only one "Game", the basic install.
I say this because I recall a long time ago I got the "Remake" of American Mcgee's Alice on PS3. Welp, stupid me didn't read the fineprint, because it actually isn't it's own game, but a version that runs on the same engine as it's sequel. You're supposed to buy it AFTER you buy Alice: Madness Returns, and run it from the same software.
So that's how I think VII-R is going to work: You pay for the initial digital download or CD (CD's these days seem to just be data dumps and you have to install content from online anyways), and every part after just shoves more data onto your hardrive to continue where you left off.
So it'll probably be impossible for anyone to play the remake's second part (and onward) without already having purchased and completed part 1.
So sort of like the extra parts being DLC? Because that's a theory I've had. It might not work, but that would be an interesting way for them to release the game. You'd buy the main game and then DLC down the line for each remaining part. There could be benefits for that, because it'd probably tie in with my theory that they'll have the whole game complete before they even release the first part and that would mean we should be able to get the rest of the game fairly quickly after the initial release.
I wouldn't be surprised if the sequels blocked access unless you had the original, but there are tons of ways to incorporate a previous game's data over to a new game. But all that may be moot if they have a variant leveling system. If the enemies of the game are only as powerful as you are, it doesn't matter on that front. More difficult would be transferring items and materia... but even that isn't really an issue if you have to play the first game to begin the second.
Not too unrealistic. They made those comments years ago. Who knows anymore?
Yeah I don't think it would be difficult at all to move everything over. You'd just upload your save like any other game and continue where you left off. The questions would lie in what levels would you be max for each part? I wouldn't think they'd want to allow you to reach level 99 after the first part, because if they did we would all be level 99 by the time the second part finally released lol.
And exactly - we have virtually heard nothing on the FF7R front ever since the PlayStation Experience trailer. Who knows what they have planned now? Personally, though, I am on board with it being in multiple parts as long as we don't have to wait a freaking decade between each one.
One thing I would like to see, and I know this would probably be extremely difficult to implement, is an option to play it traditionally with turn-based battles or the new system. I know people that
say they won't buy/play the game if it isn't turn-based. I also have friends who have never played the game strictly because it
is turn-based. I know you can't please everyone, but if they found a way to allow the option for both then that would be as close as they'd get to pleasing everyone. I want this game to reach as many people as possible. There was a game (I believe at the Nintendo direct yesterday) that allowed you to play the entire game in it's old style or the game with it's new updated style. So I don't think it's impossible, just difficult and possibly not worth it in Square's eyes.