Still remember, good times...It evolved into when the original webhostess lost her shit and deleted it all in a fit, to be honest
But that's neither here nor there.
He HAD received Jenova cells before that point then, yes? Do they get them at the point they apply for Soldier or something? I can't remember these details at all.
He didn't overpower him, he backstabbed him and got in a lucky break because Sephy was expecting less resistance from someone that was impaled at the time. Gameplay mechanic wise, every limit relies on taking damage.
No, he was just a regular trooper. Only SOLDIER members were injected with Jenova cells (until Hojo injected them into all of the NIbelheim survivors, specifically to cause the reaction for which Cloud was denied)
I actually thought the leitmotif was the direct opposite. Cloud WAS good enough all along, he just didn’t know it and hence his failure was kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy.One thing I never figured out in the original story is how Cloud managed to overpower Sephiroth and "kill him" in the Nibelheim reactor.
Wasn't the whole point that Cloud had failed to become a member of Soldier because he just wasn't good enough?
@Chip The owner of the original AdventChildren.Net was an obsessive Sephiroth fangirl who claimed that she was married to him on the astral plain.
Aye suspension of disbelief is a given in this case. But on top of that you have to acknowledge that Cloud is extremely “triggered” in this scenario too, given the massacre and burning of his hometown/the life-threatening injury of his childhood crush or sweetheart, and his own wounds, all at the hands of the hero he looked up to throughout his adolescent life. Sometimes people find something in themselves that lies dormant when staring death in the eyes, that will to live at all costs or what have you, as is sometimes said.That's probably the best explanation for it. Although it's slightly implausible that someone that strong would fail so badly due to lack of confidence (because positive performance is what generally makes people confident). But that's within the bounds of suspension of disbelief for a fantasy story.
My brain threw an exception trying to process this sentence.
Cloud said:I'm physically built like someone in SOLDIER.
Hojo's plan to clone Sephiroth wasn't that difficult.
It was just the same procedure they use when creating members of SOLDIER.
You see, someone in SOLDIER isn't simply exposed to Mako energy.
Their bodies are actually injected with Jenova cells......
For better or worse, only the strong can enter SOLDIER.
It has nothing to do with the Jenova Reunion.
But weak people...... like me, get lost in the whole thing.
The combination of Jenova cells, Sephiroth's strong will, and my own weakness are what created me.
He picked him up off the floor using the sword that was impaling him, and then threw him across the room. That definitely counts as overpowering in my books.
That's what I'd originally thought. But I was thinking the Jenova cells were necessary to explain how he managed to get that extreme strength.
Because if he was capable of that kind of strength anyway, does that mean by the time ff7 starts, Cloud is basically a superhuman because he's also had Jenova cells?
Being wounded doesn't change his body mass though. If Cloud could pick him up off the floor when wounded, he could necessarily do the same when not-wounded.
Let's also remember that at the time Cloud wasn't even fully grown. He was a mere 16 year old.