How many of you finished ff7


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
I finished the game in about a week when it first came out. Really haven't played through it since.


squee ~
on my first play , i got up until the northern crater , but since it was my first play i kinda sucked and kept getting killed by those master tonberry or whatever they were . so i gave up and am now working on a second play :) !


Green Mage
on my first play , i got up until the northern crater , but since it was my first play i kinda sucked and kept getting killed by those master tonberry or whatever they were . so i gave up and am now working on a second play :) !

On one of my first plays through the Crater, I encountered the Save Point glitch. Not knowing anything about it, I proceeded to level up quite a bit of Materia in the one area with the Movers & Magic Pots... yeah that sucked when I realized I could never get out. :O


unsavory tart
My first playthrough was years ago, it was my first RPG and I was about eleven so I didn't know anything about strategy. Got to the Wall Boss and kept dying, I was so upset.

Every game after that I spent hours leveling up (backfired in FFVIII), so whatever my time was, it was up there. Never did beat the weapons though so it couldn't be too bad. Since I got it for the psp I've been speed running it but I've only played it sporadically.


Pro Adventurer
On my first playthrough I didn't have a guide, but I was determined to do all the sidquests, get a gold chocobo, and find all of the secret materia so it took me quite a while to do it all without a walkthrough. I think I was pushing around 85 hrs. My longest playthrough was like 99 hrs. I kept jacking around at the gold saucer. I'm trying to play through it again right now, but my husband keeps taking the psp to the missile field with him so I never get to play. :(
Lauren, Lozzi, Lozza
on my first play , i got up until the northern crater , but since it was my first play i kinda sucked and kept getting killed by those master tonberry or whatever they were . so i gave up and am now working on a second play :) !

On my first play, i got up to the temple of ancients..but then lost the memory card. So i got another memory card and started a new file...and managed to get up to the northern crater...but before i did that, i wanted to get everyone up to 9999 and fought those magic pots...and then realized i cudnt get back to attempt the ruby and emerald weapon. Ahhh! But in the end managed to complete it, and was easier than i thought it wud be. But, i did use a walkthrough on trying to get Knights of the Round as i had trouble with getting the different coloured chocobos. :)


Lv. 1 Adventurer
AmethystAnne, SurREAL
I have not finished FFVII yet.

For me, I know it's been at least 120 hours so far, and I'm not even done with Disc 2 yet :doh: I might be near the end Disc 2, probably. I am at the part where Cloud and the gang are on their way to the Northern Cave again.
Ugh, I already know how the game ends, but I still want to see the ending for myself.


I did.I had,I think,70 hours of gameplay or more.
I did all sidequests,killed all weapons,and pretty much killed Sephiroth in less than 30 seconds.


I finished it with everything completed and or found in around 77 hours of play time. I've beaten it about 4 times. May FFVII reign supreme for eternity.:joy:

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
I can't remember how many hours it took me to beat it the first time. I was playing it with a friend, and she was the one who had it, and she lived kind of far away so I didn't get to see her a lot...

Every time we got together for a sleepover (which was always over the weekend), we'd play straight through, only stopping to eat, roleplay, and pee. We alternate between who played. All together, it took us... a couple months at least to get through the game.

I'm repaying FFVII on my PSP now, and I'm at 30 hours. I'm on the second disk and I can't remember where I am because I haven't played it for a week or two.


Mr. Thou
I got FF7 when it was released and only stopped playing to sleep. Good times.

Well, the 90's were good times period. /get off my lawn


Member of Qhimm
How many times have I beat Final Fantasy VII? Uhmmm, I think last month I hit about the nineteenth time. (really good replay value)


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I didn't bother on the first playthrough, but stopped after defeating Hojo. Next playthrough I did everything - fought the weapons, bred and trained a gold chocobo, all the sidequests. Defeating Sephiroth took about five minutes; I was really surprised how easy it was.
Finished it only the first time I played it. It took me around 80 hours, since I was too stubborn about maxing all my crew and getting all the special Materias and the Golden Chocobo :awesome:


Waiting for something
Took me a year and a half to complete it because I was at ridiculously low levels by the time I had a shot at fighting Lost Number and ran from almost every monster fight. I eventually just started a new game with better levels and beat it within a month or so.

In my most current game I'm coming towards the end of disc one on level 50 and several already mastered materia :)

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Three times.

First time I played it when I was like eight and I got stuck at the stupidest point (when you've just left Midgar and are preparing to venture out into the world for the first time - I'm not sure how I managed to be so retarded, but I couldn't figure out how to leave that screen).

Second time was about two years ago, beat it in about 45 hours, didn't really do any of the sidequests or grind (except in the Northern Cave after wiping on Seph a few times). The Sephiroth bossfight is a lot more fun when you're only level ~60, have no KotR/Mime and only have a few of your materia mastered. Big Guard, Regen, and Howling Moon on Red. Was a fun time.

Third time was within the last year, did all the sidequests, mastered everything yada yada.


Rookie Adventurer
On ACF I was Pucca_Girl_VII
Had the game since the ninties, decided i didn't like it at first... Re-played it later on and wow.

Emm well depends on what you'd mean by "finished" It took me over a year to do what i would consider finishing the game. I refused to beat Sephiroth until i had beaten both WEAPONS and a Gold Chocobo. Since i didn't have the best stats i tried various methods to beat them. The Chocobo was easy, as soon as i could i done that bit as watching my friends do it before i had the game made me want it in the first place.

This resulted in my time being 99:59 all three team members being lv 99 and a ridiculous stock of Mime materias.

Eventually i did it and finsihed the game. I've done some playthroughts but never full plays.

So really i've only completed a full run on one file once.
However I've beaten the final bosses countless times, played the gold saucer countless times, got all Aerith's limit breaks on a file, watched Aerith die a number of times, fought JENOVA hundreds of times as i love the music, done the Wutai bit loads, the Rufus welcoming bit loads, Shinra building loads...

Basically, I've done every bit of the game over and over (besides the rocket and train bit) yet, all on different saves and not on full playthroughs.

I have a whole memory card with saves just for skipping to the bits i like so i can play them again =D

I am currently not playing it atall for as long as possible so i can play it again with a slightly fresher mind. I'll never get that "first playthrough" nostalgia ever again but i can try!


I haven't beaten the game yet. I could've, back in 1997, and I got to almost the end of disc 1 in the Forgotten City. Something wrong with the memory card or whatever, and I lost it it all.

Started again 13 years later this past August and why didn't I remember half the stuff I saw before? That made it fun, but still, by then I knew what was going to happen at the end of disc 1 and minor details from watching people play it in college.

I've gotten to disc 3. I was and still am hovering over the crater at the beginning of disc 3, but with Cloud only having 4000HP.

Then ACC was delivered to my doorstep much earlier than expected. I was weak: I went to youtube and watched the ending of FFVII, and finished watching all the cut scenes from CC and DC and finished the OtWtaS novellas, so that I'd be ready to watch ACC.

<<WARNING: the following goes off on a tangent AND has bad grammar>>
<<if it is better suited to a different thread, i don't know what it is>>

Back to FFVII, not long after I restarted, I was searching images of Cloud x Tifa and saw a fan illustration of them about to kiss, and I never saw Cloud so... needy? don't know the right adjective but it was intense. It stirred up something in me as I reflected on a past relationship where I saw us like them... I felt like Tifa and it seemed Cloud was often cold... but we had our moments. I also saw myself as Cloud, in my new attempts at relationships... like I can't be fair because I'd still be in love with someone else (at that time, I'd not yet seen ACC, only previews, and thought Cloud was having an "affair" with a "ghost/memory")

10 years ago I had brain surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Drugs and radiation, while slowly leaving the body over the years, keep dealing out more damage until they're out of your system. One side effect that creeped up on me is/was an inability to laugh or cry. Maybe the causes are different, like depression or a coping mechanism, I don't know. But that illustration did stir me up with bittersweet feelings and by the next day my heart was light and it made me feel like I want to fall in love again. (Also got so much energy, I cleaned the house!)

Now I laugh hardy at puns, slapstick, and other stuff. Feels almost as good as... 1 hour of yoga, which feels almost as good as... 15 minutes of... it's been a few years. Guess I have to find and fall in love with my new Cloud (happy Cloud).


Pro Adventurer
I haven't completed FF VII . I could of, but only being about nine years old when first got the game, thought that it would be better to cheat and use somebody's elses gameslot, instead of going through Sephiroth's cave and completing the game by myself. Now I regret it, because I've seen the ending several times, and done the last battle many times, and now don't have enough interest yet to do it independently. So yeah, haven't completed FF VII yet.

Elisa Maza

Just once and it took me a year, not only because I was too young for such a game, but also because of the language barrier. I paused again and again to get the dictionary... and I even learned some things the wrong way, seeing how bad the translation was. x~X I remember, though, when it was over, I cried for a week straight. The ending made me depressed. I have no idea why... :( It still leaves something cold and alien in me. Not that I think it was a bad ending, mind you. Just... depressing.

Even though I can understand the game now, I have no time to play more. It's a lose-lose for me... :(

BTW, am I the only one who went in and fought all the way up the Shinra building instead of taking the stairs? :huh: Both times. (Hooray for level-ups! :ego:)


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
Admittedly, I only got up to Safer Sephiroth and then I was unable to finish it. I was borrowing it from a friend and had it for almost a year, mainly cuz, like I said before, I suck major ass at RPGs xD and then I had it too long, so when he asked about it, I gave it back. So yeah, I suck :awesome:.

~ Raz


Pro Adventurer
When I was younger I managed to play through it a couple of times. I'm playing through it right now (just about to enter North Corel).

BTW, am I the only one who went in and fought all the way up the Shinra building instead of taking the stairs? :huh: Both times. (Hooray for level-ups! :ego:)

The next time you playthrough, you should check out the stairs. They may seem endless at first but the teams comments make it all worth it. Specially when Tifa and Barret...

Barret said:
Marlene, Daddy wanted to see your&#65279; face one more time...

Tifa said:
Would you stop acting like a retard and climb?!


Harbinger O Great Justice
I first beat it as a collaborative effort with myself, my little brother, and my neighbor Mike. He owned the game, but hadn't even played any RPGs, so he didn't get into it which gave us a good reason to all try it out. I borrowed a beat up, old strategy guide from my friend Keith a ways in to the game, and we set off. We'd hang out after school, and just play away. The main thing that I remember, aside from being completely encaptivated by it, was that I was sick for a week, and they played through the WhirlWind Maze without me, so it meant that it was a long time before I played back through it and finally saw that section.

We got our Gold Chocobo, Beat Emerald, beat the game, and (finally) Ruby. No idea how long that took me(us) though. I played through it again for little story aspects, but I'm still slightly bothered that I've never mastered the Enemy Skill Materia. I remember fighting the Midgar Zolem at WAY too low of a level, when you first encounter him, and equipping Red XIII with the Fire Ring so that when Beta killed the rest of my party, he'd survive, and I'd get that Enemy Skill, and run away and heal, and have a really sweet Fire-based ability.

X :neo:


You d-dummy!
I-it's not like I wanted you to know my ACF username or anything! I-idiot! (Magitek)
Played it though but never took the time to beat Emerald/Ruby Weapon.
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