You are very rude.
People like what they like. You're forgetting that these are games, you wouldn't knock computer chess for poor graphics, so honestly shut the fuck up and keep your judgements to yourself.
Also I hated FFXII until I got over myself and tried to see the game for what it was, a fun use of my time, with puzzles and monsters and intrigue. This whole "video-games-should-be-high-art" thing is an attitude that will suck the fun out of the medium, just like film, poetry, theatre, and books before it.
So, basically, if you are shitting on people for liking a game, you're a shit.
Ooh quite edgy, aren't we?
Of course people like what they like, duh. Things tend to, surprise surprise, appeal differently to each and everyone of us. I applaud you for your skills of observation. As I said earlier, I'm not going to judge you or anyone for liking FFXII. I found it a major disappointment and a huge waste of my time - not an end of the world, old sport. Well, perhaps, on a personal level. Then again, the things that compete for the main portion of my free time-usage tend to have more developing or even intellectual aspects to them. From this standpoint I usually judge everything, even the games: Is it/Was it worth my time? Just because I don't like it, doesn't mean it couldn't be of any worth to me. Is it worth pushing through FFI, well...? To make the long story short and to shape my earlier opinion into a maybe more understandable form -
I seriously don't believe that FFI has anything to offer for a modern-day player. Except for the hemorrhoid, oh boy. Hence, it's a major waste of time and the only reasons
I can possibly imagine for someone to play it through and actually to enjoy it are probably one of the followings: 1) Nostalgia (old-school gamer) 2) Achievement Unlocked! (virgin) or 3) Suicidal state of mind (Literal, Social... etc. you name it!).
It's no high artsy -attitude, just a very simple minded view for a simple minded man. I do have to admit though, that video games are definitely an art form, but I let you be the one to judge what I meant by that. I'm sorry that you don't like my opinion and way of reasoning, but hey, what's the point of having a forum like this and not to be able to talk and debate about the superiority of individual opinions?