How much do you know about FFI-IV?




i havent play FF serires I to IV

but i know that FFI is the game

which make square enix climb out from an end

i hope square enix will not stop at FFXV

and keep making amazing series of FF ;)


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
I have played through all of them more than once. Honestly if you are looking to play 1 and 2, go for the GBA or PSP releases. Is there some particulars you would like to know about any of these games?


Rookie Adventurer
I have a battle scene from FF1 tattooed on my arm. One of the greatest games ever, as there was little direction; the game allowed you to do whatever.


Pro Adventurer
That is awesome.

Or just sad. The line between the two is kind of blurred.

FFI may have been an O.K game back when it was published, but nowadays you should just skip it. I mean, really. This game has nothing but pain to offer. The only fans of FFI are the fanboys, who make it some sort of an achievement to play through all of the final fantasy games. Their virgin level is probably somewhere around 99.

From FFIII onwards it starts to gradually get pretty amazing.


You mean right before X-2, :monster:. TBF, FFXII was pretty damn good. I'm on the fence about 13 though, I guess it's next-gen and thus different from its predecessors. I am bummed though that apparently they no longer have the creativity to create three almost-completely separate games (in terms of storyline, characters, art style, even technology/quality) in one console generation though.


Pro Adventurer
You mean right before X-2, :monster:.
In the perfect world this would have happened, yes. Already worse, but still tolerable scenario would've been to stop making any kind of sequels/prequels, or just to end Final Fantasy series as a whole. After the first screw-up, which was FFX-2, they should've realised to stop. Instead they just decided to produce more shit and the rest is history. I'm not going to argue with FFXII fans, eventhough I find it hard to believe that anyone who loved the earlier installments from VI to IX could actually like FFXII.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Or just sad. The line between the two is kind of blurred.

FFI may have been an O.K game back when it was published, but nowadays you should just skip it. I mean, really. This game has nothing but pain to offer. The only fans of FFI are the fanboys, who make it some sort of an achievement to play through all of the final fantasy games. Their virgin level is probably somewhere around 99.

You are very rude.

People like what they like. You're forgetting that these are games, you wouldn't knock computer chess for poor graphics, so honestly shut the fuck up and keep your judgements to yourself.

Also I hated FFXII until I got over myself and tried to see the game for what it was, a fun use of my time, with puzzles and monsters and intrigue. This whole "video-games-should-be-high-art" thing is an attitude that will suck the fun out of the medium, just like film, poetry, theatre, and books before it.

So, basically, if you are shitting on people for liking a game, you're a shit.


Maybe we could all chill out just a little bit in this thread? Jeepers.

I know less about FF's I - IV than I do about the rest of them, but I've played the Origins version of I and II as well as the PSP remakes, and I found them quite fun. My appreciation of the original game comes from my love of the rest of the series. The only FF game I haven't enjoyed was III, but that could easily be because I played an iOS port of that and I hate using touchscreen controls in games that weren't originally built for it.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Pesky spambots starting controversial topics :monster:

I did try and play the earlier FFs, pre VI, but could never get into them. I dont doubt that they were very enjoyable for those who have played them.

I think it is difficult to go backwards, I had trouble with FFVI, but I can still play something like Secret of Mana just fine even now, because I experienced it when it was new. Same with FFVII - I tried to get my husband into it but it didnt work for him, he couldnt get past it's limitations, where I can overlook then because I'm playing from a 15 year olds perspective again and he isn't.

I suppose it's like when my mother is watching old black and white films, often I can't get past the style of speech. Maybe some day ill be in a better position to appreciate them.

trash panda

Everything I know about FFI-V, I read on FF Wiki. :awesome:
I played a little bit of FFV and a little bit of FFIV. I attempted both during road trips on my really cool craigslist purchased portable PS1. However, when I bought my portable PS1, I did not buy memory cards to go with it and every time the car turned off, so did the system, since I had it plugged in to the car charger. I didn't get very far, to say the least.

I first played FFVI around 2008 or so. It remains to be one of my favorites with it's awesome cast of characters.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I know tons about IV, as it's one of my absolute favorite FF games. And FFI is kind of like Pokemon Red and Blue: a fun game, but severely outclassed by later installments in its series.


Waiting for something
Everyone needs to play FFIV at least once, it's tied with FFIX for my favourite ever!

I actually really like FFI, I've played a couple of versions but I do like the Anniversary PSP version the most, those graphics for it a beautiful and for me I loved that it was more challenging in the sense that there is no direction of where to go like Helkaweth said, there's a few hints here and there by NPCs but you're sort of on your own, it took me forever to find Matoya's cave for instance and where to go to find her eye.


Pro Adventurer
You are very rude.

People like what they like. You're forgetting that these are games, you wouldn't knock computer chess for poor graphics, so honestly shut the fuck up and keep your judgements to yourself.

Also I hated FFXII until I got over myself and tried to see the game for what it was, a fun use of my time, with puzzles and monsters and intrigue. This whole "video-games-should-be-high-art" thing is an attitude that will suck the fun out of the medium, just like film, poetry, theatre, and books before it.

So, basically, if you are shitting on people for liking a game, you're a shit.

Ooh quite edgy, aren't we?
Of course people like what they like, duh. Things tend to, surprise surprise, appeal differently to each and everyone of us. I applaud you for your skills of observation. As I said earlier, I'm not going to judge you or anyone for liking FFXII. I found it a major disappointment and a huge waste of my time - not an end of the world, old sport. Well, perhaps, on a personal level. Then again, the things that compete for the main portion of my free time-usage tend to have more developing or even intellectual aspects to them. From this standpoint I usually judge everything, even the games: Is it/Was it worth my time? Just because I don't like it, doesn't mean it couldn't be of any worth to me. Is it worth pushing through FFI, well...? To make the long story short and to shape my earlier opinion into a maybe more understandable form - I seriously don't believe that FFI has anything to offer for a modern-day player. Except for the hemorrhoid, oh boy. Hence, it's a major waste of time and the only reasons I can possibly imagine for someone to play it through and actually to enjoy it are probably one of the followings: 1) Nostalgia (old-school gamer) 2) Achievement Unlocked! (virgin) or 3) Suicidal state of mind (Literal, Social... etc. you name it!).

It's no high artsy -attitude, just a very simple minded view for a simple minded man. I do have to admit though, that video games are definitely an art form, but I let you be the one to judge what I meant by that. I'm sorry that you don't like my opinion and way of reasoning, but hey, what's the point of having a forum like this and not to be able to talk and debate about the superiority of individual opinions?


Save your valediction (she/her)
(virgin-shaming and suicide joke)

*does not dignify with response* Moving on!

FFI-III offer three very different things that I find are all united by IV.

FFI engages the imagination more than perhaps any other FF. We don't know who this free company is, how they got the orbs, or why they are traveling together. That's entirely up to you. Which direction they go in? Up to you. Every battle is difficult and requires thought. It's a very cerebral game that requires your attention and imaginative investment to enjoy. People might say that is my way of trying to excuse its early-installment deficiencies, but I think FFI does this better than any other FF.

FFII does away with all of that and replaces it with a great story. Elements from FFII echo in almost every installment afterwards (most obvious is the Bahamut in FFXII). If you like FFs for story, you should give II a go. It has some great twists.

FFIII had customizability going for it. The job system has obviously been improved on in FFV and Tactics, but FFIII also does away with set characters, so, much like FFI, you are free to role-play (get it? That's what these games used to be about)

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Some good points in there, but I absolutely have to disagree with "FFI engages the imagination more than perhaps any other FF." There's minimalist storytelling that engages the imagination (example: "Shadow of the Colossus") and there's giving you nothing and no reason to imagine (example: this game).


Save your valediction (she/her)
*shrug* I dunno. I came to FFI after playing FFVII-X and found it the most like D&D out of the whole bunch. Maybe I'm just the kind of person who likes using their imagination though.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Maybe so. What I like is when you know there's a story there but it's conveyed to you in less obvious ways than we're traditionally exposed to. To me, the cast of the first FF is just sort of there. Nothing to think about.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
^Dark Souls is a great example of this, there is a story but it isn't a traditional narrative

FFV's my favourite of the classics, shame it seems to get overlooked a lot of the time. It produced Gilgamesh though, which is probably it's most enduring effect on the FF legacy


Pro Adventurer
I side with Ite here, they're still only games in the end of the day. As for what appeals to the modern gamer, it is a matter of opinion. I mean you could pick a selection of open-world games with better engines, but then you could throw away all the older board games with less rules than chess.
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