How would YOU do it?


I'd add more piano arrangements. Landscape would be phenomenal, and Tifa's boobs. Wait...didn't we already say this? :P
1) Add an attack in which Cloud uses his Hardy Daytona (his motorcycle). Though the continuity suggests he left it at the edges of Midgar, it would not be stranger to have a motorcycle limit break than Tifa always carrying around a dolphin. Or stranger than an attack being a huge question mark.

2) I'm not sure if they should let Cloud's Buster Sword be visible on his back at all times or not. This has always been the trademark of Zack. Consider also that Cloud has a lot of different swords; some of which would overshadow his character almost completely if they were visible.

Edit: I approve of the idea below me. Very much.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
To solve that issue given the swords increased prominence in the Compilation, they should give the player opportunities (through sidequests, minigames, plot advancement, whatever) to make the Buster Sword stronger and increase its benefits as you play, to make it a viable option compared to other weapons throughout the game.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
In the original FFIII, the Onion Knight job class was the standard job class your characters had, but as soon as your characters reached lv. 90 or something. the Onion Knight's stats would increase in such a way that it would make it the most powerful Job Class in the entire game.

Maybe they could do something similar with the Buster Sword.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I'd update the graphics and replace the soundtrack with higher quality sound (but not remixes) and of course fix all the errors but other than that I'd leave it the same.

I feel classics should always be left as they are.


Pro Adventurer
Everything in full 3D, high-quality character models and a revised battle system (perhaps more emphasis on characters as individuals, perhaps a restructured Limit Break system and a more cinematic ATB similar to what's planned for FFXIII). Voice acting, re-recorded music. Drop in little hints and cameos for other Compilation titles -- glimpses of Denzel's family during the Sector 7 collapse, an NPC or two talking about the urban legend about "G", etc. Retranslate it, though that should go without saying. New locations, including new areas located in Crisis Core. New dungeons, weapons, superbosses, etc., ala the Advance remakes.

Alternate "classic mode" which uses fixed cameras and the original battle system, perhaps swaps out other new additions.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
[quote author=Suzaku link=topic=261.msg26687#msg26687 date=1236139287]
Everything in full 3D, high-quality character models and a revised battle system (perhaps more emphasis on characters as individuals, perhaps a restructured Limit Break system and a more cinematic ATB similar to what's planned for FFXIII). Voice acting, re-recorded music. Drop in little hints and cameos for other Compilation titles -- glimpses of Denzel's family during the Sector 7 collapse, an NPC or two talking about the urban legend about "G", etc. Retranslate it, though that should go without saying. New locations, including new areas located in Crisis Core. New dungeons, weapons, superbosses, etc., ala the Advance remakes.

Alternate "classic mode" which uses fixed cameras and the original battle system, perhaps swaps out other new additions.

Wow, way to sum it up. I feel much the same.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
No way in hell can it be.

They're not going to go through such a monumental undertaking and leave everything the same.

If you want an FF7 game exactly like the original, then play the original ffs.


[quote author=Dacon link=topic=261.msg27487#msg27487 date=1236279978]
No way in hell can it be.

They're not going to go through such a monumental undertaking and leave everything the same.

If you want an FF7 game exactly like the original, then play the original ffs.

Exactly what I think. It should be a good mix of old and new stuff. FFVII can be it should be.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
That's why it irritates me when people say "HURRR GAME SHOULD STAY THE SAME WITH PRETTIER GRAPHICS". Shit makes no sense. A lot of the stuff in the original game just wouldn't appeal to today's audience, and in order to justify the investment the game's going to have to appeal to a wider audience than the casual longtime FF fan.


Waiting for something
1. Better graphics..obviously.

2. Voice acting and new arrangements of the music.

3. Mandatory involvement of Vincent and Yuffie within the game.

4. The optional event of Cloud going into the Nibelhiem basement and remembering Zack up to the point of his death becomes a compulsary event and the scene itself is updated..obviously it would have to be what with the interaction during Crisis Core.

5. I'd like to see the battle system as a mix of Crisis Core and Kingdom Hearts in that Cloud is the main character to control and you have two supporting party members that act in a cpu matter the way Sora, Donald and Goofy perform in battle however they can be swapped and changed so that each character can level up and gain new limits and abilities while the player has the option of controlling them.

6. A cutdown on the length of time spent on summoning scenes, or the option of skipping them like in Crisis Core, though its pretty cool watching them as FMV sequences.

7. Remove the idea of chocobo breeding for getting materia like KOTR and such and instead make the caves they are found in accessible by the highwind after Cloud rejoins the party, more intricate and to make it more challenging include a boss battle with the prize being the materia.

8. An update of the limit system, instead of only being able to use those specific to the level, do away with the level system and allow any to be used but keep the criteria needed in order learn them, i.e certain number of kills or uses of the limit break.

9. A more indepth translation and corrections to mistranslated speeches or words.

10. FMV cutscenes should contain all available party members rather than just Cloud as is noted in certain scenes.

11. An more indepth look of what eveyone else got up to during the time Cloud told them to leave the highwind, we only saw Tifa and Cloud afterall.

12. Include towns and areas available in other compilation titles and also drop hints about how they are related to FFVII i.e Banora Ruins, Modeoheim and the like.

13. New Game plus option

14. An update on the materia and equipment system, personally I prefer the layout of Crisis Cores equipment system.

15. As a little fun thing have Cloud receive messages from people on his phone similar to how Zack does.

16. A reappearance of Cissnei would be nice as we don't know what happened to her after Crisis Core, i.e the player would know its her though she's going under a different name and she drops hints that she knows Cloud, maybe they could meet her in Gongaga living with Zack's parents or something.

That's all I can think of for the moment.


That Guy With The Midgar Model
NoenGaruth, Stolz, Blitzwing, Ryoko Asakura, Judge Magister Gabranth, Col. Hans Landa, Itsuki Koizumi, Treize Khushrenada
[quote author=Monochrome Delirious link=topic=261.msg28905#msg28905 date=1236646424]
16. A reappearance of Cissnei would be nice as we don't know what happened to her after Crisis Core, i.e the player would know its her though she's going under a different name and she drops hints that she knows Cloud, maybe they could meet her in Gongaga living with Zack's parents or something.[/quote]

Actualy having Cloud come across Cissnei at Gongaga would screw with the timeline (since you usualy visit Gongaga after Gold Saucer), and she knew he was just a Grunt and not a SOLDIER, and would most likely bring up Zack. Maybe encountering her after cloud figures out who he is would work better as a new way of triggering the flashback of Zack's death.


Pro Adventurer
She's supposed to be in hiding up until Meteorfall anyway. Granted, by the time the plot of FFVII, I'm sure the Ex-Turks wouldn't really have to worry about retribution from the Shinra company, but I don't think they'd be off in various locations around the world. I get the impression they're probably holed up somewhere in Midgar, since they're on the scene so quickly after Meteorfall.

I think changing it to an Action RPG is a bad idea, because that basically comes down to changing the game's genre.

I'd rather see a combination of FFX and what we've seen so far of FFXIII. Do something so the battles are a bit quicker paced, and the characters aren't just standing there taking turns attacking each other. And let players swap out party members in-battle.

I'd really like to see the Limit Breaks reworked as a more integral part of the battle system, so that characters can be a bit unique. Have the Limit Breaks consume only a portion of the guage, rather than only letting you use one when the guage is full.


ACF Refugee
First off, in explaining the following part, I always imagined the remake being kinda like an Action RPG, with gameplay kinda ike KH or Dissidia. In this new battle system, you can play as a character other than Cloud as long as you have the spiky haired dude in your group.

How about maneuvering around the map? How would that work now. Obviously you can't have a little chibi character walking around a map to symbolize movement from one town to another anymore. I think when you exit an area, there should be a map of Gaia. There you are allowed to chose one of the closest cities.

Once your destination is chosen, you are put in the playing field, which is essentially the world map in FFVII. From this playing field you can only go to two destinations, where you came from and the destination you selected on the map. Depending on how much gas or mako you have you can take cloud's bike or barret's truck to the destination, but typically you walk. Logically there'll be enemies on your way to the next city. Fighting on the bike would work similarly to the motorcycle mini-game in the golden saucer, but barret;s truck would come with a turret that the characters can shoot out of.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I don't mind the battle system being changed to a real-time system with integrated strategy elements, because it would still be an RPG.


We have come to terms
I'd probably stay faithful to the original as much as possible - fix translation errors, redo the graphics (duh), re-record some of the songs for better audio quality, clean up the menu/dialog boxes, little things like that.

Maybe add in some extra items, sidequests, enemies, that sort of thing. Perhaps an ACTUAL boss battle challenge for the Battle Arena.


Pro Adventurer
[quote author=Fenrir/Cerberus link=topic=261.msg29659#msg29659 date=1236898889]How about maneuvering around the map? How would that work now. Obviously you can't have a little chibi character walking around a map to symbolize movement from one town to another anymore.[/quote]
Final Fantasy Versus XIII has a to-scale overworld map with airships and everything, just like the classics. They said there were some issues with making things visible from a difference, but they ultimately came up with a solution.

I don't know, I'd just prefer the main game systems to remain without any major tweaking. You can improve a turn-based RPG without having to make it not turn-based. I'd also prefer a gimmick-free world map (what you described was basically the Final Fantasy Tactics map system), without an abundance of forced vehicle mini-games.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Dragon Quest 8 did the world map thing pretty well imo.

Event though you only see it from a distance when you're flying.


We have come to terms
Yeah, the world map was a big part of the actual game - the Midgar Zolom, capturing Chocobos, finding the Chocobo Sage/Round Island, Wutai, the Materia Caves, Emerald and Ruby, Lucrecia's cave, the list goes on. Exploring on the world map was fun.

More levels for some of the minigames would be nice. I LOVE TORPEDO ATTACK


to shay on forum activity HA, just post shit if you want, it makes a more interactive forum. :monster:

Anyway, i would upgrade graphics, add voices. Get rid of all the silly stuff like snowboarding, cos in todays graphics it would look wrong. Keep that playground place whatever it was called. basically just keep the sotry exactly the same, i mean the script aswell.

The battle system should have lots of different settins to provide for all types of FF fans, dependant on their preferred style of play.

The map should stay the same, i mean same locations and same silly stuff.....ok mabey not that strategic battle on that tower place....u know what i mean.

Oh and mabey add blood...that would be ok.




Double Growth
I don't want a real-time battle. I don't care how much you think modern gamers hate turn-based, I want control over all the characters dammit and there's no way to do that effectively in real time. No, not gambits. I want to issue commands to my whole party.

I am NOT saying they should to leave FF7's combat unchanged, they shouldn't. They can make it as fast as they want, but i have no need to freely run around, especially when it doesn't actually have any bearing on whether you are hit or not (a la FFXII or Star Ocean). Personally I think FFX-2's system is the pinnacle of ATB, use something like that. XIII's is looking cool, but have no idea what its actually like.

The world map is a tough one...I agree we can't have characters bigger than towns anymore...But what I really want is still to be able to free fly in the airship, it is something I really miss.
It would be absolutely awesome if they could do an overworld like Elder Scrolls... that would retain the searching for hidden caves and stuff. But there's no way they could, unless they really do push the remake till like PS7, no platform would have enough memory to make Gaia feel big enough. And even if it did the memory would never support speeding around in an airship. Though they could make a different, significantly less-detailed map when in the airship...but that would require a loading screen which FF rightfully avoids.

I dunno, the world map is a tough one. Because they have to walk around somewhere. I suppose a XII-like map would work...but I miss free flight :'(

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I want control over all the characters dammit and there's no way to do that effectively in real time. No, not gambits. I want to issue commands to my whole party.

Yes, yes there is.
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