Hypothetical Scenarios


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
One scenario I could see with Sephiroth being born a woman is the fact that she would be the only successful experiment from Project Jenova but there would be concerns over her gender and what they should do with her.That is why I was thinking that maybe a female Sephiroth would have been trained to be a scientist.


^I still don't see why gender should be an issue. If .. Sophiaroth? Sephira? :desu: still ends up as the best SOLDIER of Shinra, why would it matter?

Also.. nobody got an idea on my hypothetical Cloud- Mukki encounter? :(
Also.. nobody got an idea on my hypothetical Cloud- Mukki encounter? :(
Wherever the encounter happens, Mukki will forcably hug Cloud. Mukki will talk about old times and Cloud will try to get away from there.

The situation would be more hilarious with Denzel next to Cloud. Many of us imagine that Cloud, after AC, will open up more to Denzel and tell stories of his past. Denzel will then, in this Mukki scenario, be confused and ask why Cloud has never mentioned this "Mukki" guy before. :monster:


Mukki will forcably hug Cloud.

You sure that's the only thing he'll try to do? :wacky:

The situation would be more hilarious with Denzel next to Cloud. Many of us imagine that Cloud, after AC, will open up more to Denzel and tell stories of his past. Denzel will then, in this Mukki scenario, be confused and ask why Cloud has never mentioned this "Mukki" guy before. :monster:

And then the kid will continue to demand answers til they get home to 7th Heaven, where Tifa will hear and be equally curious. Cloud will reveal as little as meeting him in Honeybee Inn, where both adults are reminded once again of the shenanigans that occurred. Denzel will then ask what is this ''Honeybee Inn'' place..

Cloud has a shady past.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Going back to the idea of the female Sephiroth.I have a feeling that even more guys would join the Wutai War because of her.I always think in my head that female Sephiroth would look like a white haired version of Lucrecia and probably be very busty because of the fact she was trained since she was young to be a soldier.

Another hypothetical situation I want to discuss again is what if Sephiroth found Vincent in the basement of Shinra mansion.I mean if he did that then all that happened in the game would never come to be because he would have someone who would give him the full truth.It would be fun seeing Sephiroth and Vincent teaming up to beat up Hojo.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
What's the rationale for Hojo being upset about Sephiroth being born a woman? I don't see any indications of that in canon, I think such a trivial detail would be irrelevant for him.

Agreed. Hojo doesn't care about things like sex and gender -- everything's either useful as a tool in satisfying his curiosities or isn't useful.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Agreed. Hojo doesn't care about things like sex and gender -- everything's either useful as a tool in satisfying his curiosities or isn't useful.

Although I have a feeling that female Sephiroth's fanbase will be filled even more fanboys.Plus I picture Zack and Cloud would both crushes on female Sephiroth which wouldn't actually be that big of a change but now Sephiroth has boobs.I actually see female Sephiroth being similiar to Raven in personality;she would be standoffish and cold but have a hidden sweet side to her.For some reason I picture female Sephiroth having a secret girly side that she doesn't like to admit having.


Although I have a feeling that female Sephiroth's fanbase will be filled even more fanboys.Plus I picture Zack and Cloud would both crushes on female Sephiroth which wouldn't actually be that big of a change but now Sephiroth has boobs.I actually see female Sephiroth being similiar to Raven in personality;she would be standoffish and cold but have a hidden sweet side to her.For some reason I picture female Sephiroth having a secret girly side that she doesn't like to admit having.

That really doesn't answer your rationale for Hojo being upset over Sephiroth being a woman in your hypothetical scenario.

I agree with Tres btw.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
That really doesn't answer your rationale for Hojo being upset over Sephiroth being a woman in your hypothetical scenario.

I agree with Tres btw.

I guess its because I have read some fanfiction interpretations that Hojo might have problems with Sephiroth being a woman.It could be also be the assumption that Hojo would have looked like person who would have prefered a son over a daughter.

Another thing that also is in my mind is the fact that if female Sephiroth was in the army then she would be sleeping somewhere away from all the guys.I kinda of wonder if female Sephiroth's relationship with both Angeal and Genesis would have some romantic subtext to it.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I would foresee femSephrioth and Scarlet exchanging many e-mails regarding the inadequacy of all the men they're working with. Actually, I'd think Hojo would like it if Sephrioth was female as there's more of a potential for offspring that way... Jenova would also have that much more in commen with Sephrioth and if there aren't any girls in SOLDIER, there's one more "I'm not like everybody else" thing for Sephrioth to worry about.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I would foresee femSephrioth and Scarlet exchanging many e-mails regarding the inadequacy of all the men they're working with. Actually, I'd think Hojo would like it if Sephrioth was female as there's more of a potential for offspring that way... Jenova would also have that much more in commen with Sephrioth and if there aren't any girls in SOLDIER, there's one more "I'm not like everybody else" thing for Sephrioth to worry about.

I wouldn't put it pass Hojo to actually see his own child as a breeding machine.I can horrifically see Hojo trying to find someone who would be a perfect match for his child to have offspring with.

Yeah,femSephiroth would probably believe she is surrounded by immature men with the exception of Angeal who she would have soft feelings for.

I actually think this would make femSephiroth yearn even more for a mother in her life because she really never a strong maternal figure in her life that she could relate to.I really defiantly see her being a tomboy because of her warrior upbringing and training but have a secret love for cute things.

I also have a feeling that Lazard would be defiantly be interested in her but keeps it hidden.
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I would foresee femSephrioth and Scarlet exchanging many e-mails regarding the inadequacy of all the men they're working with. Actually, I'd think Hojo would like it if Sephrioth was female as there's more of a potential for offspring that way... Jenova would also have that much more in commen with Sephrioth and if there aren't any girls in SOLDIER, there's one more "I'm not like everybody else" thing for Sephrioth to worry about.

Yeah, I kinda see Hojo being more fascinated with female Sephy, if not seeing her gender as a trivial matter.



Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I also think that Shinra would market femSephiroth as a sex symbol to get more recruits.And I have a feeling that femSephiroth would hate being exploited in that way but really doesn't have a choice.I do have a feeling that Hojo's obession with female Sephy would make some people even more creeped out by the quack scientist

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
What do people think would happen if Deepground had been used against Sephiroth at the end of FF7 after the barrier went down? Assuming they were transported to the North Cave successfully, could they beat him? Would they even try? Would Weiss set up an independent Kingdom and declare war on Shinra Inc?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
What do people think would happen if Deepground had been used against Sephiroth at the end of FF7 after the barrier went down? Assuming they were transported to the North Cave successfully, could they beat him? Would they even try? Would Weiss set up an independent Kingdom and declare war on Shinra Inc?

I don't know Sephiroth was really powerful at this point so I think he would have creamed Deepground.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Can Sephiroth defend himself against swirly black stuff, though? There doesn't seem to be a way around it other than being Vincent Valentine.

If just the Tsviets were sent, Shelke and Azul would probably be dead before they ever got close to him, (Azul's weakness is magic, which the crater monsters have in spades). Rosso, Nero, and Weiss could make a fight of it, though...

If all Deepground rank and file were dumped in the crater, on the other hand...


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Can Sephiroth defend himself against swirly black stuff, though? There doesn't seem to be a way around it other than being Vincent Valentine.

If just the Tsviets were sent, Shelke and Azul would probably be dead before they ever got close to him, (Azul's weakness is magic, which the crater monsters have in spades). Rosso, Nero, and Weiss could make a fight of it, though...

If all Deepground rank and file were dumped in the crater, on the other hand...

I believe only Nero and Weiss could stand up to Sephiroth but on the other hand they could be overpowered if he was using all of his strength.Sephiroth is cunning and could possibly out smart the Tsviets someway or another.
What do people think would happen if Deepground had been used against Sephiroth at the end of FF7 after the barrier went down? Assuming they were transported to the North Cave successfully, could they beat him? Would they even try? Would Weiss set up an independent Kingdom and declare war on Shinra Inc?

Sephiroth would give up in disgust at the travesty his game had become.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
One situation I actually like thinking about is what if Genesis was the one who burned down Nibelheim Incident instead of Sephiroth and then became the game's main antagonist.

Also what if Sephiroth never went insane and did actually retire from Shinra.I think the only possible way Sephiroth could remain sane if he found Vincent in the basement.


Sephiroth would give up in disgust at the travesty his game had become.

Aerith will stop using her Cetra powers to pray and summon the Lifestream so Meteor can finally crash the Planet and prevent a very bad sequel.

One situation I actually like thinking about is what if Genesis was the one who burned down Nibelheim Incident instead of Sephiroth and then became the game's main antagonist.

For the love of Da Chao, NO.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Its not because I actually like Genesis but because he got away scot free at the end of Crisis Core that I want him to be taken down hard as a villain.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
One situation I actually like thinking about is what if Genesis was the one who burned down Nibelheim Incident instead of Sephiroth and then became the game's main antagonist.

Gonna be honest, if that happened I doubt a real crisis to the planet would have ever existed, beyond Shinra's reactors of course.

Assuming Sephiroth stayed sane while Genesis went on a killing spree, Sephiroth would likely confront Genesis. We've been told that Genesis had combat abilities that were ranked on par with Sephiroth's own abilities, but that seems to refer primarily to the way they were before Genesis suffered from degredation.

By Nibelhem Sephiroth is strong enough to fight Zack without any significant risk of defeat, and Zack was shown as being able to defeat Genesis during the events of CC.

On those grounds I would conclude that Sephiroth would kill Genesis in the ensuing battle. Even if Genesis could call on his old strength enough to have a shot at beating Sephiroth, Zack is still present. Genesis would die, and never come into contact with Jenova in the way Sephiroth did.

After that things would proceed down a very different road from the Canon Story, to the point where it probably couldn't even be considered the same story.

It would be interesting to see, however.
Hypothetical scenario: Dirge of Cerberus improved version

Vincent discovers (via the Turks) that one of Hojo's very early "experiments" in implanting materia escaped and is believed to be living on a hitherto unexplored part of the planet (it's not hard to add to a map, and the reason the area is unexplored is because the terrain is extremely hostile). Vincent believes this "person" may hold the secret to freeing himself of his demons, so he and Avalanche set out to find he/she/it. In order to track it down, they need Lucretia's help, so they wake her from her sleep and (reluctantly on the part of some members of Avalanche) take her with them. They also have to gather various clues and background information which are scattered around the Planet, necessitating a visit to all our favourite old haunts, including Nibelheim. I guess crystals would have to be involved in some way. Maybe as drugs?

Rufus Shinra is also after the escaped experiment, since he believes it may contain patented Shinra secrets which will be valuable to him in the new pharmaceutical industry he is setting up. Thus the Turks and Avalanche are once again pitted against each other. You have the option to play as either party, by which I mean there would be essentially two narrative arcs - so you can play once as Avalanche and then again as The Turks and you would get a different story, different adventures, different bosses in each story. Eventually, however, they have to combine their efforts to defeat some as yet undefined Boss which has nothing to do with Jenova, Sephiroth, Genesis or Minerva.

It would not be a first person shooter.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Hypothetical scenario: Dirge of Cerberus improved version

Vincent discovers (via the Turks) that one of Hojo's very early "experiments" in implanting materia escaped and is believed to be living on a hitherto unexplored part of the planet (it's not hard to add to a map, and the reason the area is unexplored is because the terrain is extremely hostile). Vincent believes this "person" may hold the secret to freeing himself of his demons, so he and Avalanche set out to find he/she/it. In order to track it down, they need Lucretia's help, so they wake her from her sleep and (reluctantly on the part of some members of Avalanche) take her with them. They also have to gather various clues and background information which are scattered around the Planet, necessitating a visit to all our favourite old haunts, including Nibelheim. I guess crystals would have to be involved in some way. Maybe as drugs?

Rufus Shinra is also after the escaped experiment, since he believes it may contain patented Shinra secrets which will be valuable to him in the new pharmaceutical industry he is setting up. Thus the Turks and Avalanche are once again pitted against each other. You have the option to play as either party, by which I mean there would be essentially two narrative arcs - so you can play once as Avalanche and then again as The Turks and you would get a different story, different adventures, different bosses in each story. Eventually, however, they have to combine their efforts to defeat some as yet undefined Boss which has nothing to do with Jenova, Sephiroth, Genesis or Minerva.

It would not be a first person shooter.

Yeah,should have hired you to write for Dirge Of Cerebrus

The fanfiction story Final Fantasy 7 Another Side had Genesis become more strong by injecting Jenova's cells into himself so he could stop the degrading.Its still in progress but its very interesting to read and the writer really has made this project a work of love.
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