Yeah and maybe they have to shatter the crystal Lucretia is in in order to get at her, and then as well as tracking the escaped experiment down they have to gather up the crystal shards because it holds her life force or whatever and without it she'll die but then at the end Vincent is freed from his demons and Lucretia's crystal is reassembled and lo and behold the two of them suddenly age very very rapidly until they are their true ages and then they die and crumble into dust, and their ashes mingle romantically together as they are blown away on the wind, and in the final FMV you see the ashes settling on the petal of one of Aerith's flowers.....
Or Lucrecia can be a crystallized hideous monster as what was originally intended. Since Vinnie transforms into different creatures anyway, they're still a perfect match!
By the end of DoC Lucrecia could be made free of her Jenova cells, and thus returns to her human form but dies because in the process she also lost her vitality or some shit. Vinnie is also purged from his transformations, and becomes a mortal. He continues to live and looks toward his new found future.. whispering to the wind that he shall be reunited with Lucrecia in his own time...
*cue in Lucrecia's theme*
P.S.: There will be no mysterious bishounen in red leather in the ending. The creators will now think of a storyline for the prequel Crisis Core that mainly involves a hero named Zack, together with his mentor, and blond best friend..