[22:00:43] <Fangu> haha cat is having issues
[22:00:51] <Fangu> she's running around like mad
[22:01:33] <Sprites> my cat finally got up of my bed, he's been on there for about 5 hours apparently
[22:02:12] <Cthulhu> pff, amateur.
[22:02:42] <Sprites> who my kitty??
[22:05:10] <Cthulhu> yesh
[22:05:18] <Cthulhu> five hours is for beginners
![Awesome :awesome: :awesome:](/forums/images/smilies/awesome.gif)
[22:06:16] PrinceLex has quit (Ping timeout).
[22:06:31] PrinceLex joined the channel.
[22:07:06] <Sprites> hey my cat's a pro at sleeping, he sleeps all over the house, in the morning he sleeps on my bed, then he moves onto my parents and then the sofa and then back to my bed and finally at around 1am he sleeps on his blanket around the hallway, he gets up every now and again for a feed, drinks some water, gets some cuddles and then goes back to sleep
[22:07:18] <Fangu> I'm thinking about uploading my stuff to fanfiction.net as well
[22:07:28] <Fangu> I think it's a lot more trafficed than AO3
[22:07:35] <Fangu> but, on the other hand, the audience is like... 13
[22:07:46] <Sprites> he also has this bizzare fascination with walking into the toilet with you as your about to pee
[22:08:01] <Fangu> hahaha my dog used to do that
[22:08:32] Amizon has quit (Client exited).
[22:09:24] <Sprites> you kinda have to push him out, it;s like do you mind, I don;t sit and stare at you when you're peeing in the litter tray
[22:09:43] PrinceLex has quit (Ping timeout).
[22:09:49] <Cthulhu> maybe you should,
![Smol Monster :mon: :mon:](/forums/images/smilies/smolmonster.gif)
[22:09:51] <Cthulhu> for kicks
[22:09:54] <Cthulhu> and disgust
[22:10:35] PrinceLex joined the channel.
[22:12:57] <Sprites> aww no that's his wee private thing...also if he knows you're watching he won't pee
[22:13:10] <Cthulhu> eeexactly
[22:14:01] <Sprites> BUT HE NEEDS TO PEE!!!
[22:16:07] <Sprites> speaking of, is it true that when a man pees he can't stop the flow?
[22:16:25] <Sprites> this is proabbly the most bizzare thing i've ever asked
[22:16:43] <Sprites> to you guys anyways
[22:16:57] <PrinceLex> yes the flow cannot be stopped
[22:16:58] <PrinceLex> also hallo
[22:17:28] <Fangu> you can't stop it?
[22:17:29] <Fangu> wow
[22:17:32] <Fangu> I had no idea
[22:17:51] <Sprites> I wonder why guys can;t but girls can?
[22:18:54] <Sprites> I think one of my guy friends and I had a conversation about this when we were both really drunk I think he said it really hurt to try and stop it
[22:19:30] <Cthulhu> I never really tried, but it�s definitely not something done easily.
[22:21:15] <Sprites> weird
[22:21:29] <Cthulhu> pfff, you guys bleed for a week without dying, no u
![Smol Monster :mon: :mon:](/forums/images/smilies/smolmonster.gif)
[22:25:50] <Meibito> Yeah, we're badass like that.
[22:26:06] <Cthulhu>
![Smol Monster :mon: :mon:](/forums/images/smilies/smolmonster.gif)
[22:26:10] <Cthulhu> speaking of badass
[22:26:14] <Cthulhu> sleepytaimu
[22:26:15] <Meibito>
![Reptar :reptar: :reptar:](/forums/images/smilies/reptarsmiley.gif)
[22:26:20] <Ryulappy> Uh, the flow can be stopped.
[22:26:36] <Meibito> I was just going to say because it's 5am.
[22:26:42] <Ryulappy> It's not exactly pleasant, but it's entirely possible
[22:26:44] <Sprites> well it;s not a major amount or anything, it's all that lining of the womb shite when your body decides it's not bebemekingtaimu
[22:27:12] <Meibito> Bye guys! I'll observe for things again later if I can.
![Smol Monster :mon: :mon:](/forums/images/smilies/smolmonster.gif)
[22:27:15] <Cthulhu> IT�S BLOOD AND YOU BLEED FOR A WEEK AND IT COMES OUT BY THE GALLONS AND it makes you very uncomfortable
[22:27:25] <Cthulhu> but there are things you can stuff down your pants
[22:27:32] <Cthulhu> that suddenly make you go WOO JUMP OUT OF AN AIRPLANE!
[22:27:33] <Sprites> best analogy I can think of is when your roof gets overflowed with snow and it decides to drop off XD
[22:27:43] <Cthulhu> people died from roof snow.
[22:27:46] <Sprites> WOOOOOAHHHHH BODYFORM!!!
[22:27:52] Meibito has quit (Client exited).
[22:27:59] <Cthulhu> xD exactly
[22:28:39] <Sprites> also lol it's not gallons of bloody lol
[22:29:25] <Cthulhu>
![:p :P :P](/forums/images/smilies/stickouttongue.gif)
the ads imply otherwise
[22:29:55] <Sprites> lol cause they throw that blue liquid shit on it
[22:30:23] <Cthulhu> indeed
[22:30:25] <Cthulhu> hm
[22:30:26] <Cthulhu> well
[22:30:32] <Cthulhu> their shit may work for blue liquid
[22:30:33] <Sprites> actually I've trown water all over one before because I wanted to cut it open to see the gel that forms from it and it was the most hygienic way to do it
![biggrin :D :D](/forums/images/smilies/bigsmile.gif)
[22:30:38] <Cthulhu> but will it work for GALLONS OF BLOOD?
[22:30:53] <Sprites> GALLONS OF BLOOD!
[22:31:38] <Cthulhu> just when it�s the most inconvenient
[22:31:38] <Sprites> pffffffffffffffffffft
[22:31:47] <Sprites> OH ALWAYS MY GOOD MAN
[22:31:48] <Cthulhu> i.e. when you�re in a skintight white outfit jumping out a plane
[22:31:49] <Fangu> haha wait. fanfiction.net doesn't allow explicit content.
[22:31:51] <Fangu> delete
[22:31:54] <Cthulhu> pffff weak
[22:31:57] <Cthulhu> then again
[22:31:58] <Cthulhu> 13 year olds
[22:32:06] <Cthulhu> replace �fisting� with �miffing�, perhaps?
[22:32:19] <Cthulhu> �fucking� with erm... �caressing�?
[22:32:30] <Sprites> what...but there's a rating system and everything
[22:32:37] Ryulappy has quit (Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[22:34:06] <Cthulhu> also
http://boostedboards.posthaven.com/technical-progress-part-ii-dual-motor-drivetrain is neat
[22:34:14] <Fangu> yeah but apparently they delete explicit stuff
[22:34:17] <Fangu> whatever explicit means
[22:34:21] <Fangu> BE INTERNATIONAL FFS
[22:34:32] <Fangu> can I or can I not use the word 'cock'
[22:34:49] <Cthulhu> replace it with �rooster�?
[22:34:55] <Sprites> how the fuck?? there's stuff like that all over ff.net
[22:35:06] <Fangu> "Detailed descriptions of physical interaction of sexual or violent nature is considered Fiction MA."
[22:35:13] <Fangu> they don't allow this MA
[22:35:39] <Cthulhu> pfff
[22:35:46] <Cthulhu> wait
[22:35:49] <Cthulhu> physical interaction
[22:35:51] <Cthulhu> make it a dream
[22:35:56] <Cthulhu> problem solved
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[22:35:57] <Fangu> oh well, it'll be fun seeing how long it will stand
[22:35:58] <PrinceLex> MA just means mature
[22:36:00] <PrinceLex> as in
[22:36:06] <PrinceLex> you have to give it a mature rating for it to be posted