Maybe Sephiroth found it and that's what tipped him over the edge into full-on crazy-pants Sephiroth.Do you think that sex tape would be in the basement and Vincent knows?![]()
Truly amazing.Yep, that's it, new head canon. Hojo's sex tape is responsible for all the mental anguish in ff7. It made Vincent lock himself in a coffin, made Sephiroth go crazy, and made Cloud suppress his memories. Amazing.
This interpretation works very well and I am convinced that the plot was built to be understood like this, at least for one of its strata.It's funny when you realize all of Vincent's anguish, nay the anguish of all of the main characters of FFVII, can essentially be traced back to Hojo cucking Vincent so hard, he put himself in a box for 30 years.
Relationships are hard. Especially when a mad scientist steals your crush and you watch helplessly as he implants alien DNA into her baby.
Yet you seem to recognize that she was somehow contaminated by Jenova.We have no reason to suppose it's not the original Lucrecia.
Lucrecia from mythology/history is known for being raped, so that was always my assumption with what was going on with that. I dunno if there's actually anything to support that FF7 Lucrecia was written with the story of the Roman Lucretia in mind. The series isn't super strict about tying the names it uses to the real life stories they derive from.
I understand what you are saying and I find it very consistent.She was indeed contaminated with Jenova, as she herself states. She carried a child in her womb that was a combination of the genes of Hojo, herself, and Jenova. We don't know exactly how Hojo and Lucrecia made Sephiroth, but we can assume that if she didn't acquire this Jenova material during the course of the experiment (e.g., injecting Jenova cells directly into her ovaries), then she acquired it during the course of her pregnancy.
"During pregnancy, cells from the fetus cross the placenta and enter the mother's body, where they can become part of her tissues. This cellular invasion means that mothers carry unique genetic material from their children’s bodies, creating what biologists call a microchimera."
Smithsonian Magazine
Could the flashback we are witnessing be what the Cetras have called a "specter of the past"?Ifalna
It looked like ... our ... our dead mothers ... and our dead brothers. Showing us specters of their past.
....I understand what you are saying and I find it very consistent.
I still allow myself a digression:
When we enter Lucrecia's cave (with Vincent in the team) we are shown a kind of flashback.
In Kalm it is Cloud who tells his story but who is telling this particular one?
Two thousand years ago, the Cetra saw relatives approaching them. Parents they thought were dead
Could the flashback we are witnessing be what the Cetras have called a "specter of the past"?
It seems to me that some similarities can potentially be observed between these two situations and their protagonists.
I'm pretty certain that it's actually a reference to the knight chapter in Live A Live. The whole area or kingdom in that chapter is called, "Lucretia". And Square often (a lot of the time) when I've made comparisons between FFVII (and others honestly, they're still doing it with FFXV and FFXIV Online) and previous games likes to ripoff or reference their older games.
Anyhow, Lucretia has a lot of bad stuff happen in it in the knight chapter (spoilers). Oersted snaps like Sephiroth did and becomes the next demon king (mao) just like Sephiroth (who is allegorically alluded to as a "resurrected demon king" (or alternatively- "resurrected Satan"). Also, I find the connection of the statue and the shape-shifting extraterrestrial being called Jenova to be interesting; they play roughly the same role. They fought; they were beaten by the heroes and driven out. And they both need heirs to succeed them while still being alive or active in some capacity.
I think that there's a great chance Lucrecia (some of) in Live A Live is inspired by the mythological one.
It is interesting to learn that this theme has already been explored in a Square Enix game older than FFVII.
The name Lucrecia (and its Latin counterpart "Lucretia") comes from lucrum, meaning "wealth". Lucretia was a mythical Roman figure who was infamously raped by Sextus Tarquinius. This may have been meant to hint to the nature of Lucrecia's forced participation in the Jenova Project in early game designs (when she was named), or it could be meant to emphasize the perverse nature of Sephiroth's conception.