Personnally... I felt that hearing his voice in a fade to black was more powerful than the OG version where you do see him fall and where he does say that too.
I also feel that if too many characters revive, it will cheapen Aerith's death - one of the two things that's definitely going to happen. Especially secondary characters like Jessie and Wedge. There's already that thing with Zack and Biggs and while we're not sure about the first (I will say forever that Aerith's face and words tell me that Zack is gone), well the second is... here while he should not, and that's not debatable. If the trio survives, Aerith's death will feel too unjust - why can they survive but she can not?
And just so you know, I agree with you,
@Odysseus, they could totally have left things as they were to leave doubts about Jessie and Wedge to be able to bring them back. But I still think that was not the intent, because I don't feel they need more development. Biggs, on the other hand, has been left aside a bit, aside that "he taught those orphans". He's the one who feels incomplete, and with whom Cloud connects the least, out of the trio. So he's the one they can expand on, in one way or another.