Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread


Ninja Potato
Jessie kinda is my favourite character but I'm kinda afraid to talk about her because of his nonesense
I did make that Avalanche appreciation thread in hopes of burying this whole thing and starting fresh with Jessie and co. That's still around for anyone who wants to use it. It'd probably be good to kickstart new conversation about them so we can all move on.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
For those morbidly curious as to what @KindOfBlue is referring to...
but again, we really don't need to be talking about him.
I promised myself that I wouldn't give a single shit about whatever shenanigans He Who Must Not Be Named is up to on Twitter, but morbid curiosity got the better of me and I worked up the courage to look. I looked at it and now I have a pimple because of that tweet. This pimple was not here 30 minutes before and now exists because of that tweet. :@


Pro Adventurer
I swear one of these days I’ll end up doing a case study on waifu/shipping wars or something

...I really don't get the internet sometimes.
We live in a world where even real life mass murderers have online fan clubs (the two Columbine shooters come to mind)...something about anonymity mixed with the internet really brings out some pretty bizzare behavior.

An outlet to express these things can certainly be a helpful way to deal with them but it can also feed obsessions as we’ve seen many times, and it’s pretty scary when this behavior translates to harassing others online or even in real life.

Well then... I really enjoyed chapter 4, because it was really interesting to see how Jessies behavior kinda changed during this chapter.
It was pretty nice foreshadowing to Cloud’s own mako-induced coma as well

That's where it becomes more clear that Jessie's hyperactiveness was at least partly a front to help her deal with stress.
Yeah, she kinda rubbed me the wrong way at times, like a dream girl for guys that are too shy to talk to girls so they self-insert as the brooding loner who all the girls just throw themselves at. Still though, the bit about her father makes up for it for me.
TBH, I was appalled by the fact that she couldn't bring herself to go into her father's room. I understand that YMMV on this and I don't expect anyone else to react the way I did, but for me personally, it completely put me off her. She struck me as a rather selfish person, incapable of mastering her emotions enough to put others first. I mean, I get it that she's in Avalanche for her dad's sake and to save the planet, but it's still a self-indulgent way of dealing with stuff.

Jessie Rito

Useless Lesbian
TBH, I was appalled by the fact that she couldn't bring herself to go into her father's room. I understand that YMMV on this and I don't expect anyone else to react the way I did, but for me personally, it completely put me off her. She struck me as a rather selfish person, incapable of mastering her emotions enough to put others first. I mean, I get it that she's in Avalanche for her dad's sake and to save the planet, but it's still a self-indulgent way of dealing with stuff.
Hm never thought about it this way


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
..... What the fuck. Why the hell can't you have a polyamorous waifu relationship?

That's like, the weirdest fucking line in the sand to draw.

"Look. We're cool with your imaginary relationship. We're cool with you falling in love with an omnicidal 1000 year old vampire princess who you smash on every night in the Astral Plane. We don't judge... But one partner only, mister. There's only room in the heart for ONE imaginary waifu. Period. End of discussion. We don't budge on this. Don't try to have your vampire loli queen and your sexy space bounty hunter too. THAT'S NOT HOW LOVE WORKS."

Like, you really gonna be closeminded on that of all things??? LOLOL


Pro Adventurer
I think Wedge is legitimately just one of my Favorite FFVII characters now, for what it's worth. Now that simp mode has deactivated, he really is the stand out member of the group. He had great chemistry with pretty much everyone, and was generally just the sort of slightly incompetent yet likable character it's easy to root for.

For me Jessie is still my favorite of the three, I loved her attitude and she luckily wasn't ruined for me by out of game factors, the other two though. Biggs and Wedge have kind of been ruined for me simply because of their changed fate. I HATED Wedge surviving and thought is new throwaway death was cheap, he should have died with his friends on the tower, instead, he died randomly looking around an empty office now, I don't even think we've seen him mourn the death of Jessie, and neither Cloud nor Barret nor Tifa seemed to care that Wedge was still in the building. Since Biggs seemingly survived, his character has also lost all meaning to me, only Jessie's emotional impact is impact since she still died when she was supposed to, and in a adequately sad way.

For those morbidly curious as to what @KindOfBlue is referring to...

HAHAHA, oh wow XD

I wonder if it’s possible to appreciate a character too much to the point where what you like about them isn’t who they actually are. And by not appreciating them for who they actually are, you’re not actually appreciating them. Kind of speaks to a larger conversation about artist’s intent versus audience perception, and the nature of love in general. If you truly love somebody, do you try to make them into whatever you want, or do you accept them for who they are?

Very fascinating discussion to me. Reminds me of how some fans want Cloud and Aerith to be this idealized, Disney-like hyper romantic couple when the whole point of that pairing’s direction was that it isn’t what it seems to be and is instead tragic. Not that they couldn’t go in that direction to appease fans, but why? What does it add to the story?

In Jessie’s case, I like the idea of her now being alive but having never joined Avalanche, working at the Gold Saucer instead but not remembering the crew when they recognize her (I think Maximilian Dood was where I got that idea). It could make for a bittersweet moment that really drives home the idea that things are different, but not necessarily better and could potentially be worse for her depending on what happens afterwards (like being gunned down in the crossfire when Dyne shoots up the Gold Saucer, which I just thought of right now).

I don’t think changing Jessie’s role so that she is more integral to the story and even letting her be a romantic option is more distasteful than say, letting Aerith survive just so that her and Cloud can be together, but I do get similar feelings of “just write your fanfiction and get over it already”.

THANK YOU! I often find myself making this point. People say that you can be a fan and like whatever, or view the story however you want, but I sort of disagree. If you pretend the story is something it's not, then you're not a fan of the story, you are a fan of your own fan-fiction.


I’m really interested in how much of her character is genuine and how much of it is a performance. Like beyond the ecoterrorism and dad thing, what is she like without that? She’s kind of mysterious, like Cloud.


Pro Adventurer
I’m really interested in how much of her character is genuine and how much of it is a performance. Like beyond the ecoterrorism and dad thing, what is she like without that? She’s kind of mysterious, like Cloud.
Classic question, what's the real you? The way you are when you're alone, or the face you put on when around others? For me personally, who a person wants to be tells me more about them than who they are.
Think of someone who smokes but always tries to quit. One is a goal, the other is a failure, I try to appreciate people for goals I admire, rather than judging them for something they're trying to change.

I think Jessie is how she appears to be, I am sure she has her sad moments, but she wants to project the image of a person who enjoys life, and whether she's someone who really enjoys life or not, what we can tell about the real Jessie is that she's the kind of person who wants to appear like an outgoing person who enjoys life.


Ninja Potato
I’m really interested in how much of her character is genuine and how much of it is a performance. Like beyond the ecoterrorism and dad thing, what is she like without that? She’s kind of mysterious, like Cloud.
The loss of that scenario with Tifa hurt this too. It would have been interesting to see her reaction to Cloud being "dead." I really hope that becomes dlc.
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Pro Adventurer
I linked that subreddit to specifically point to its description:
For better or worse I think he who shall not be named is at least aware enough that Jessie is a fictional character, though I wouldn’t say that makes him better than people on that subreddit, just...different.

If you pretend the story is something it's not, then you're not a fan of the story, you are a fan of your own fan-fiction.
Yeah, I remember expecting FF7 to be “up to the player” like many people (cough, shippers, cough) said but I walked away from it thinking, “but is it reeeeally, though?”. I think believing as much invites all sorts of nutty misinterpretations, all of which are inferior to the actual story but in the mind of somebody who believes it’s up to the player, there’s no room to be wrong.

I’m really interested in how much of her character is genuine and how much of it is a performance.
If there’s one thing I’ll agree with you-know-who on, it’s that I actually do think she likes Cloud (but seeing as they literally only know each other for a few days, there’s really not much more there than a crush).

She kinda reminds me of theater kids, some of them just don’t know how to turn their stage personas off and it ends up being off-putting. Some do it on purpose to mask their true selves, which is where I would probably put Jessie. Honestly though, I think only a handful of people could actually pull off maintaining a persona that isn’t just an extension of themselves so I think what we see of Jessie isn’t too far off from what she’s like when not “performing”.
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