Journey (PS3/PS4)

Alex Strife

It'll hurt, having 45 minutes of spare time and not playing it :(

Oh well, tomorrow morning. I'm really looking forward to this.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm downloading it right now. 16 minutes to go. I'm not sure if I'll be able to start it, because I have to leave in 1 hour, and I want to put some time into this. I don't want my experience to be hampered by rush...

Yeah, get yourself a nice block of time to go through the whole damn thing in one go for your first time.

Also, while I truly understand Journey's aesthetic of 'two strangers meet by chance and travel the endless deserts together' I'd also like the ability to invite someone to play it with me, you know? I'd by this for my girlfriend in a heartbeat if I could reliably connect to her and play it with her.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Worth the wait to take it all in. Promise.
I'll be looking forward to hearing what you think when you do get to play it. ^_^

X :neo:


Finished my second journey. More or less accidentally shortened it by stepping into one of the portals at the beginning which transported me into that tower you climb right before the mountain.

Met a stranger there who had an insanely long scarf and we climbed up the tower together.

I chirped at them a few times and was kinda disappointed they didn't chirp back. ;P

After reaching the top they started going back down and chirping like crazy so I figured they wanted to show me something, so I followed. And indeed, I was led to that creature thingy which gave me the "Ancestors" trophy. =D

I remember at the top of the tower, they sat down. I signaled them and they got up for a moment, chirped twice, and sat back down. I kinda took it as "hold on a sec" and sat down next to them until they were ready to go (or perhaps they just wanted the trophy for meditating together?).

Climbing the mountain felt quite different this time, as the first around, I went ahead of my companion and as a result had to get up to the summit all by myself. It was far less lonely now, and I thought it was interesting how you can give each other warmth and keep the scarfs from freezing somewhat.

When we got to the summit, I tried hard not to lose them but kinda failed toward the end. I thought they went ahead without me and ascended that golden path that leads to the end, when I noticed them chirping behind me. My companion was standing there at the bottom of the path, looking down the mountain, continuously giving signals.
I suppose they thought I had fallen behind. I went back down to pick them up, and once my companion noticed me, we went to the top together (2 more trophies, yay =p)

Next time, I'll do the full journey again (as I had intended in the first place, but once I met the other person in the tower, I thought I might as well accompany them to the top instead of restarting)


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
So, I'm going to play a little more tonight, then not do anything with this for a week and play more Skyrim

Wonder if anyone's made a Journeyman cloak for that game yet. It's been two whole days, after all.

One Google image search later....


Is it a costume or a dummie? :huh:


Harbinger O Great Justice
@Russell: I'm almost certain that's a costume.

How cool it would be to design a kite that looked like the traveller, with their cloak spread out and flying, and having the scarf as the tail.

X :neo:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I seriously want that costume now. I think we should start our own Journey cult!

Alex Strife


I've just finished it. Amazed. Absolutely amazed. Will post my experience (been taking notes as I played) soon...


Harbinger O Great Justice
What some of you may find interesting is how last year's Beta is different from the released version. It's worth checking out the gameplay videos

Can't wait to read about it, Alex!! :D

X :neo:

Alex Strife

The first feeling I got when I started is; wow, beautiful. Really really beautiful. Gorgeous, even. It feels melancholic, as you start your journey on your own, and try learning your way. I take the first part as a learning scenario, and soon I enter a new zone... and what is this that I see in the distance? A partner! We start working together in order to move onwards. It feels relaxed, nice, as though this journey is going to be easy.

I start wondering, though, as I communicate with my partner; do different "journeyers" have different voices? I sound "quieter" than the other guy. Any way, we keep going, down the speedy descent, exhilarating and really cool. The sun seems to be setting, and it's so beautiful! It's the best moment I've seen so far, with this golden light.

We're going underground, all of a sudden. It almost looks as though we're under the sea. This is so beautiful again, but watch out! Some monster just appeared! Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be dangerous... Or that's what I thought, until we've walked into a long corridor kind of zone, but there's this kind of "sea serpent" lurking around... And all of a sudden, my partner is attacked! I panic, and I do not have time to hide. I'm attacked as well, and I lost half my scarf. I feel my power going down, and I'm concerned it may become a problem later on.

I'm surprised when we finally get to a tower, inside of this underground place. We start climbing. But soon I lose my partner, and I'm unsure about his whereabouts. At this point, my brother comes into my room, breaking a bit the immersion. He asks about the game, I give him a quick explanation, and he starts watching, curious about it, even if he has to go to bed, since he's up early tomorrow. He stays for a good while, concluding that he doesn't know what the game's about and that it's addicting to look at. He shares his opinion with me on the beauty of this game. He goes to sleep and soon, another partner joins me. He has quite a long scarf, and he seems colder, less communicative, but also more expert. While I was leading the way before, he leads the way, now. We left the tower, and... is this snow?!

Eventually, the cold winds and the cooperation to maintain our heat and power helped us become closer. Even if there is not much talking. We both understand how difficult everything is. The sea serpents are now air serpents, and they lurk around the place again... much more dangerously now, as this is an open area... and the inevitable happens. My partner is attacked, which changes his way of moving. From then on, he goes the safe route, even when there's no need for it... And I got attacked too!! He's waiting for me on a safe place, and as soon as we reunite, we continue. Only to get attacked again. We're almost scarf-less. It's getting harder, a lot harder than I anticipated, too.

We made it through the dangerous serpent area, but now the wind and the cold is draining our energy. We start a long climb but we can barely continue. Our legs are getting weaker, but we keep pushing, we keep moving up. Never stopping, never giving up. We can't stop it. During the whole time, both my partner and me are cheering up each other, never stopping, we keep our silent voices going on, knowing it help us continue. But it's impossible, and we both collapse. I even do it after my partner. Maybe it's my willpower that keeps me going a tiny bit further than him.

But then, a miracle! My energy is restored and I'm flying up to my goal! I reached a paradise-like area, which, once again, is gorgeous (I need more adjectives). Unfortunately, I'm alone now... But the feeling is again cheerful. My voice came back. And I'm climbing at a steady speed, enjoying the moment. In the end, an even more gorgeous glittering sand welcomes me as I reach my final destination, the rift between the two parts of the mountain...

A surprisingly intense journey, and while I tried to convey with words my feelings during the playthrough, I will admit without much trouble that I failed to do so. The feelings were much more intense during the time my first journey lasted. And much more things happened through my head, that I probably forgot to write about. But still, this was a lot better than I expected.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Just finished my second and third Journeys.

Not a lot to say about this one, really. It was pretty lonely. I encountered several others along the way, but all of them either sat down and turned to sand at some point, or showed no interest in sticking with me.

Did almost everything on my own this time and was just left eager to start over again.

This adventure, on the other hand, was amazing. Shortly after arriving in the area with the broken bridge, I met MaShSe, a white-cloaked wonder. He took delight it seemed in showing me everything -- every mural, every piece of cloth (though we must have missed one somewhere, since I didn't get the Transcendence trophy), every sealed-up cloth creature in the desert, our Ancestor from "Flow," and how to easily avoid the dragons at each turn. He even had me sit down and meditate with him for the Reflection trophy.

Our tails were already so long by the time we finished freeing all the cloth creatures that we spent several minutes just flying around the desert. My dream came true: infinite flight is possible. Both journeymen just need to take turns letting out a full-power chime every few seconds.

We flew around the desert without touching the sand for more than three minutes. This was one of the most memorable experiences I've had with "Journey," and easily the most fun.

When we reached the mountain, though, that was another awesome experience. We flew the whole way together, and set foot at the summit right beside each other. Then we walked off into the sunset together, triumphant.

I was touched by how MaShSe went to so much trouble to guide me. After our Journey ended, I added him/her to my friends and thanked them for everything. I was then greeted with my biggest surprise yet -- either they're French or just like speaking it.

I feel amazed at how Thatgamecompany has created an experience that two people from anywhere in the world can enjoy together, regardless of languages they speak (or don't speak). Like I said in my ruminations over my first Journey, I think we could have world peace if we just got everybody to play this for two hours.

Anyway, thanks to MaShSe, I have all but three of the trophies: Adventure (I feel like this should be easy to get), Transcendence (no idea where to look for this missed cloth; I might see if there's a YouTube walkthrough for it available yet), and Return (this might actually be the hardest to get lol; I can't imagine ignoring the game for a week right now).

I've liked the trophies for "Journey" a lot better than most of those for "Flower," which is funny since some are similar. They just haven't felt like a chore in "Journey" the way some of them did in "Flower."

Though this does beg a significant question: How hard is it going to be to get some of these trophies that require another player when there aren't as many people playing it anymore? It will happen eventually -- you might go all day and not meet a soul.

Maybe the developers know something we don't and this one is just never going to go out of style. Or maybe they just really couldn't envision it any other way. I know I can't.


Harbinger O Great Justice
@Alex: It's surprisingly difficult to find the words to describe a game with none, but your experience was well-conveyed. :D

@Tres: It looks like your third and my fourth Journey were quite similar. It made me super glad to read your latest experience. ^_^

As for Transcendence,
In the first area with the level select, there's a building at ~5:00 if you're standing on the central platform, facing the main exit. It's the only structure with stairs, bit no roof. It has little Icons that glow for every Scarf Symbol you've gotten. They're arranged by level. If you want to, I should be able to tell you where the one you're missing is.

X :neo:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
In this incarnation I noticed my cloak looked more fancy than before. Nice. I found myself trying to explore more in the first two areas, I guess because I knew my way back to the path. I discovered the warp points but I didn't use them, I guess they're useful for earning specific trophies and stuff.

Anyway I was eager to see who (if anyone) my next companion would be. I was really suprised to see a figure in a white cape with a ridiculously long scarf turn up. I wondered if this was part of what happened in a 2nd playthrough, and there was still a period of wondering if it was an AI, especially as this guy seemed to know what he was doing, encouraging me to follow with rapid chirping. (this is before I read your accounts about becoming trancendental)

Anyway, I got a really good feeling from this guy. I suppose the word is benevolence, he guided me to a few hidden glyphs and areas I hadn't seen before. I was really excited to see the flower - at first I thought it was the first signs of the regeneration of the world, so I was a little saddened to find the trophy earned was called 'Mirage'

It was like he was the jedi and I his padawan :monster: I noticed that his scarf was self-replenishing and by the time we had got through the first couple of areas my scarf was longer than it had ever been before. He managed to lead in a non-patronising way and was quite patient when I fucked up on a few occasions.

Despite his expert tutelage I missed a few glyphs (on the sliding part) but at least now I know where they are now.

I also began to understand more of the story (I think) from the murals. I had originally thought that the journeymen had been attacked by some evil force (from space!) but on second viewing it became clear that it was a war between Journeymen. From what I can tell, the red cloth was a power used by all journeymen, but then they began to fight over it (the part depicting to figures tearing the cloth) and I think this is what started the war. The cycloptic monsters are remanants of the technology used in that war, and ultimately they destroyed themselves. I find this a lot more relevant and poignant than 'peace loving hippies attacked by evil space aliens'.

I thought it was pretty awesome to see the creatures from Flow make a cameo and I'm really grateful that my companion showed me that. Also, I had a horrible moment where I got a disconnected message and I panicked that my companion would leave me but he didn't.

Anyway, I definitely had total trust in my companion. There was a part where he did lead me astray in the snow area, we were attacked by the cyclops and I lost half my scarf. I think this may have been inevitable because he then lead us to another secret area with a mural. Perhaps there was no way of getting there without being spotted?

Weirdly, after that we came to the part where you hide under the ruins to avoid detection and just as we reached the last ruin, my companion stood on top of it, instead of underneath? I was chirping like mad as if to say 'Duuude what the fuck are you doing?!' and then the cyclops blasted him. I don't know why the hell he did that, was he trying to atone for his earlier mistake? Had he dropped his controller or something? :lol:

Anyway, we pressed on together and as we struggled through the storm I noticed that our pendants were glowing, something I hadn't noticed before. It felt kind of sad, but at the same time we both knew what was coming. When I was going through the tunnel of light my subconcious ruined things a bit by bringing up the lyrics to Queens 'Don't Stop Me Now' :lol:

Anyway, my companion and I practically flew through the next section, because of his self replenishing scarf I hardly had to recharge from anything else. When we finally reached the summit we had a little moment, echoing each others chirps as if to say 'good job buddy, nice knowing you' but at the same time I really wanted to be able to say thanks unambiguously. I hope he knew that.

Trophies earned thus far:

Companion: Mr_Midknight

Kind of a stupid question, but this is the first game where I've paid any attention to the Trophies list. By what criteria are you awarded Gold/Bronze/Silver?


Kind of a stupid question, but this is the first game where I've paid any attention to the Trophies list. By what criteria are you awarded Gold/Bronze/Silver?

That's completely up to the developers as far as I know...


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
So is it like....if a trophy is deemed easy to get it would be a bronze? Or does it mean that you could get a gold for that trophy if it was done in a certain way (though I don't know how that would work for some of these trophies)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Anyway, I definitely had total trust in my companion. There was a part where he did lead me astray in the snow area, we were attacked by the cyclops and I lost half my scarf. I think this may have been inevitable because he then lead us to another secret area with a mural. Perhaps there was no way of getting there without being spotted?

It is entirely possible.
But the dragons are a bit random in that section.

Anyway, my companion and I practically flew through the next section, because of his self replenishing scarf I hardly had to recharge from anything else. When we finally reached the summit we had a little moment, echoing each others chirps as if to say 'good job buddy, nice knowing you' but at the same time I really wanted to be able to say thanks unambiguously. I hope he knew that.

You have his PSN name. Tell him.

Trophies earned thus far:

Companion: Mr_Midknight

Kind of a stupid question, but this is the first game where I've paid any attention to the Trophies list. By what criteria are you awarded Gold/Bronze/Silver?

Difficulty of aquisition, generally. But it really does depend.

Also, I am amused my little term for the Avatars is getting used.


Harbinger O Great Justice
@Octo: Just message 'em. I highly doubt that they'll think you're a stalker. Everyone from Journey that I've sent messages to have been very kind.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
X, thanks for your offer to help me out with my missing cloth. Here's a pic of my only unlit glyph:


I went ahead and got the Adventure trophy while I was doing this, so just Transcendence and Return left.
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Joe, Arcana
I bet your missing one is on the third row down and the second one from the left. Just a hunch as that was MY one and it is 10 times more out of the way than any of the others.
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