Journey (PS3/PS4)


Higher Further Faster
I can't remember when was the last time I played. :/

Maybe I'll wait a couple more days.

I still need to finish typing up my second play-through.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm still quite anticipating reading it, Tenny. *^^*

I know that mine was either the day before, or after I became Transcendental XD.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
Oh, I think I forgot to tell you guys, but either last week or the week before Entertainment Weekly had Journey in their top ten things to check out that week. :monster:

I squeed. :3


Joe, Arcana
Okay. The most heart-warming and amazing thing that has come out of this game so far. Are you ready for it?

After a Journey of mine 2 weeks ago I sent a message to the one companion of mine I had along the way. My message basically said, paraphrased 'Thanks very much for quite a unique Journey and I loved having you with me during it. Maybe we'll meet again at some point.'

So I heard nothing back and then forgot I ever sent it. Then out of nowhere I get a message through yesterday from this person. (this is also paraphrased because I can't access my PS3 right now)

'Hello and thank you.
The experience was rather magical for me too
I hope to see you somewhere else soon and to play with you again.'

Now it's definitely nice that I got a reply but it's rather strange that is was two weeks later. Then I see the bottom half of the message.

'I sorry that this message took so long. I am Japanese and do not speak English so this message is the work of many hours of translations this way and that way. =]'

Yeah. Somebody took the time to translate my message properly (couldn't just cp it into google ty psn) and then translate a message all the way back, just because of such a pleasant experience together.

I didn't want to give this poor soul more work to do so instead I just sent a message back with one of my Email address' for much easier contact. Isn't this special?


Higher Further Faster

Okay I finally finished writing up my second play-though. It's very tl;dr. I have a tendency to get very long-winded, I guess. :P

I'm not even become transcendent yet and I concur that the true experience of this game can only be achieved by helping others. On my second full play-through I did just this and it was one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had.

I wasn't going to play the game again so soon. I was going to wait few more days and get the achievement for waiting a week, but I just couldn't quell the desire to once again pick up the controller and traverse the glittering sands of the desert. I really just wanted to play this game again.

I told myself that I was only going to concentrate on finding the stuff I still needed. I was going to find all the glyphs, I was going to find the flower, I was going to find all the ribbon creatures, and maybe even whatever it is that is supposed to be in that temple up the mountain. I wasn't going to care about remaining with my companion if they wanted to go on ahead without me. This journey was going to be all about me.

At first I was doing well. I came across my first companion as I was putting the bridge together in the windy area after the start. I ran up to them and sang out. They sang back. Okay, this could bode well, or so I at first thought. I sang a few notes, and then sat down to meditate. They just stared at me. I stood, sang once again, and then sat down to meditate once more. They turned and walked away, clearly either not understanding or just plain not interested in helping a girl out.

This was no matter. I reminded myself that this adventure would mostly just be for me. I turned and went on my own merry way as well. It would not be a big deal if I didn't get the companion achievement this time around. I would get it eventually once I learned all of the game's secrets myself.

I was confident that I had made the right choice at first. I went and got the two glyphs I had already known about, found the location of the third, and even found a hidden mural. All in all this area was turning out to be a success. I even came across another companion. At least, I think this was my second. My theory is that wandering so far away from the first one booted them from my game brought in someone new, for when I sang out and sat to meditate, they sat with me and after twenty seconds the achievement was mine. Clearly this had to be someone else.

My streak of good fortune would come to an end, however, for after I stood and sang my thanks to this stranger, they turned and began plodding toward the one remaining ribbon that would complete the bridge. I followed and sang out hysterically for them to stop, but they just kept going. Feeling this would be a fruitless effort, I turned and made a mad dash for the bridge, hoping that just maybe I could cross it before the final section was complete. As I began to climb I assessed the distance between the pillars and figured I could probably make it. However, I would never get a chance to try, because just as I reached it the other ribbon was activated and the bridge was complete. No achievement for me. Oh well, maybe next time.

The next section got a bit exasperating, though. My companion sped on ahead without me, never slowing down to see how I was doing. I was quickly left behind and feeling a bit irritated. Even still, when we got to the shrine at the end I still sat with them, even though I had not yet collected all of the glyphs. I’m not quite sure why I did it. Perhaps deep down inside I’m not quite so independent after all.

The next section, however, is where everything came together. When the game loaded after the cutscene I was completely alone. Wherever my previous companion had gone I have no idea, but I supposed this would be better than someone who was just rushing ahead. I figured I could just take the time to gather all the glyphs now.

That is when I saw them, right before the first steep drop for the sand surfing area was another player. For simplicity’s sake, I’ll call them, “J,” the first letter in their screen name. They were simply singing out to the ribbons and being hurled into the air, only to sing again as they dropped down so as to stay afloat. It looked like they were having a good time, so I joined in. We did this for a minute or so before we finally landed on the ground.

It was then that I noticed J’s scarf. It was far too short for this far into the game, and I surmised that this player must have only collected the very first glyph at the starting point. To me, this said only one thing: they were new. This was their first play through! It had to be. The prospect of this excited me.

So on we went, surfing down the first hill, surfing down the next. This new companion seemed to slow up a bit now and then as if afraid to go too far. But it was a very fun experience, zipping through the gates, marveling at how the sun glanced off the sand and turned it gold. This is most definitely my favorite part of the game.

I remember when we dove through the giant waterfall of sand, I sang out for them to follow me off to the right side to get the glyph on the ledge. They didn’t follow, but instead stayed down at the ground, singing up to me. I sang back. I wasn’t quite sure how I could get J up to this spot, but at least they now know where it is for their next play-through.

Eventually we found ourselves underground. At this point I realized that, if this was their first time, they probably didn’t have the meditation achievement. Even though I had already just gotten it myself, I wanted to help J get it, too. So I sang and sat down. At first they didn’t seem to catch on, so I stood up, sang and sat again. This time they sat, but they were kind of far off. I wasn’t sure how close we had to be so I stood and walked over to them until we both glowed. I then sat down again, and after about twenty seconds J stood up and sang. I knew they must have just gotten the achievement, and I felt pretty good about myself.

I led J through the subway cars and the area with the jelly fish ribbons, making sure they got every glyph. I paid special attention to their symbol to make sure it was still the same person. Every time I sang, they sang, and seeing that it was still the newbie I had already kind of grown attached to, I was happy.

The next part, however, was fairly tricky. This is the first moment of the game where there are actually enemies that can do you harm. When we witnessed the first of the flying wyrm monsters eat the ribbons, J turned and ran back a bit. Instinctively I followed, until I realized that we were in no direct danger for the time being. I sang to them, and they followed me as I led them through the “Trials.” I remember the first time I came through this area I managed without being attacked, however, the companion I had at the time didn’t fare quite so well, being attacked twice and almost completely losing their scarf. I was bound determined that this would not happen to J as well.

I would periodically sing out, signaling for J to follow my lead. Whenever a wyrm came close I would sing repeatedly for them to follow me into hiding. Being responsible for the well being of another player made this section seem far more intense than I had remembered it being before. J stayed by me and followed my every move. If they were attacked, it would be my fault.

We were almost out, almost to safety when I realized I had no idea where to lead them to next. Two wyrms guard the narrow pathway to the shrine that would lead us out of here, and I didn’t see any way to get past their search lights. I remembered what I had done before to make it past this part, and that was to fly up over the wyrms. Would J follow me if I did that? Would we be safe?

I sang, and then I took off, not knowing if my companion was following me or not. I could only hope that they would, however, that hope immediately turned to fear. Somehow, the wyrms had spotted me flying above them. They turned their faces up at me and my bright white glow turned to red. I didn’t think it was possible for them to see me up here, but they had, and I was completely helpless. I hoped that if I was attacked it would mean safe passage for J at the very least. If my hands weren’t gripping my controller I would be crossing my fingers at this point.

I began to drop down, seeing the shrine before me. I had enough energy for one more push, so I fluttered as quickly as I could toward the shrine, still not having any idea where J was. Perhaps this would be the moment where we would be separated and have to part ways just like all my other companions. However, it was at the last possible second that they appeared and followed me into the glow of the shrine just as the wyrms were diving to attack. A barrier went up and our pursuers were repelled.

I can only imagine what must have been going through their mind at the time, but I was quite elated. It felt like a supper intense moment in some movie, they way we had managed to escape like that. I imagined being able to chat the way players can in World of Warcraft, and a speech bubble appearing over my head saying, “Like a boss!” It was pretty awesome.

The next part went by without incident. J followed me step by step as we approached each mural, opening up the tower of light and riding on the ribbon whale. There’s still a glyph in this section that I don’t know the location of, but I didn’t want to waste time trying to find it. Moreover, I didn’t want to feel like I was wasting J’s time looking for something I may never find.

So then comes the mountain. This is where everything may have begun to fall apart. J caught on quick that we needed to stand behind the carved stone in order to be safe from the wind. We eventually made it up where the mural is right before the bridge. I noticed how there seemed to be another path that led off to the right. I figured I’d just pop over there quick to look for more secrets, and if there were none, we’d just go back and continue on our way.

Big mistake! Going out to the far ledge seemed to cause a glitch in the game! When we landed on the far ledge we sank right through it and fell all the way back down to the windy area with the carved stone! I was absolutely mortified, and tried to sing out in apology, but I don’t know if they understood. All I know is that J turned and began to plod on without bothering to take cover or wait for me.

Oh great, now they’re pissed.

We went on. I didn’t go off to the right this time, J was still ahead of me. Luckily I got them to come to the mural, so we did that. And we crossed the bridge. Now comes the part where one needs to take shelter to hide from the wyrms. J seemed to understand this, for they went to a shelter. However, I don’t know if they didn’t want to wait or what, for a passing wyrm seemed to have caught sight of them, even though I was the last one in.

I ran, and I sang for J to follow, but they went in the opposite direction. They wyrm dived at our dwelling, and when it came up it lifted J off the ground and threw them back. I ran to the next dwelling and waited just outside, singing and hoping for a response, not sure where the monster had thrown them.

Then I saw a tiny speck in the distance, growing larger, and the familiar symbol. J was all right! From then on they seemed more patient, waiting for me to make a break for it out of a dweling before they did. When at the temple, we did our best to brave the winds, but J went out onto one of the balconies without railings. Knowing that they would be blown off I followed. I didn’t want to risk losing them after we had gone this far.

I was still convinced that J was mad at me. I had backtracked us, and they had gotten attacked by a wyrm. Somehow I felt like the wyrm thing had to be my fault as well. We floated up the ribbons and made it through the doorway. As we climbed the windy slope, losing our ribbons, J had taken the lead. I did my best to stay with them, however I wasn’t sure if the wind was just blowing them off course or they were still mad at me.

In any case, I eventually came out ahead, once again leading the way. J still followed, which made me feel a little better. Slower and slower we went, my control steadily shaking more and more, until finally we both collapsed to the ground, unable to make it any farther.

The elders appeared, restored my scarf, and sent me shooting off toward the mountain. I really do enjoy this part, but I knew it would make me sad if I got paired with someone new.

When I came to in the snowy, blue utopia I sang out to my companion. They sang back, but I couldn’t tell what the symbol was. The only thing to do now was to make it to the summit, so I took off, seeing whomever this player was that had appeared with me sink down instead of fly. I kept going, dancing in the ribbons, flying through the light, surfing down a shimmering slope. My companion had caught up with my by then, but I didn’t know if it was still J or someone new.

We got to the waterfall. I somehow fell behind, but I made it through. I kept stopping and looking around, calling out, looking for J. I didn’t see them. My heart sank a little, but I was determined not to give up. Maybe I would find them, or maybe they were still coming. I’d go wait for them at the final gate, or perhaps at the summit.

I rode on the back of the large ribbon whale. I floated up and up, jumped off to float toward the last gate, and there they were! My companion was simply standing there, looking in my direction. Were they possibly waiting for me?

When we flew up to the summit I sang out. They sang back, and there was that familiar symbol. It was J, after all!!!!

We continued singing as we made our way forward, eventually the game taking over as our people walked off into the light together. It was such an amazing feeling to go off into the light with someone I had come such a long way with.

I even got the companion achievement. I though you had to have only one companion the entire game to get it, but I must have spent enough time with J and it counted.

All in all I had three companions. I don’t remember who the other two are, just J. I sent them a message right after, but I never received a reply. But that’s okay. I still have some very fond memories of my second play-though.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Okay. The most heart-warming and amazing thing that has come out of this game so far. Are you ready for it?

After a Journey of mine 2 weeks ago I sent a message to the one companion of mine I had along the way. My message basically said, paraphrased 'Thanks very much for quite a unique Journey and I loved having you with me during it. Maybe we'll meet again at some point.'

So I heard nothing back and then forgot I ever sent it. Then out of nowhere I get a message through yesterday from this person. (this is also paraphrased because I can't access my PS3 right now)

'Hello and thank you.
The experience was rather magical for me too
I hope to see you somewhere else soon and to play with you again.'

Now it's definitely nice that I got a reply but it's rather strange that is was two weeks later. Then I see the bottom half of the message.

'I sorry that this message took so long. I am Japanese and do not speak English so this message is the work of many hours of translations this way and that way. =]'

Yeah. Somebody took the time to translate my message properly (couldn't just cp it into google ty psn) and then translate a message all the way back, just because of such a pleasant experience together.

I didn't want to give this poor soul more work to do so instead I just sent a message back with one of my Email address' for much easier contact. Isn't this special?

Oh god, ;_; you just don't get touching moments like that very often do you? This is how I would like to see the future of online gaming, so we can consign the days of "HA HA PWNED FAGGOT I WILL RAPE YOU?!?1111!" to the trashcan of history where it belongs.


Harbinger O Great Justice
From Jenova Chen's Twitter:

Jenova Chen said:
I felt the same way when I'm playing it myself. “@awintory: You can never know how you've touched me...

Read the link, listened to the track. Totally cried.

Austin Wintory also responded:

I had no idea there was a whole Tumblr of these stories. Goodbye life.

Also - if any of you signed up for Austin Wintory's website, he sent out an ENTIRE ZIP FILE full of unused songs, and announced that it's been successful enough that they're releasing the soundtrack as a PHYSICAL CD.

X :neo:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man



Joe, Arcana
Never mind Reg.

Did anybody get the song because I was late to the party. I'd really like them >:

I will also be purchasing the CD when it's around.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Never mind Reg.

Did anybody get the song because I was late to the party. I'd really like them >:

I will also be purchasing the CD when it's around.

I just signed up 5 minutes ago and got sent the download link so I don't think its too late. ;)


Harbinger O Great Justice
I've got the song and the .zip Drop me a PM with your e-mail and I'll forward you the mail. If that fails I'll see if it'll let me send/upload the .zip

X :neo:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Okay. The most heart-warming and amazing thing that has come out of this game so far. Are you ready for it?

After a Journey of mine 2 weeks ago I sent a message to the one companion of mine I had along the way. My message basically said, paraphrased 'Thanks very much for quite a unique Journey and I loved having you with me during it. Maybe we'll meet again at some point.'

So I heard nothing back and then forgot I ever sent it. Then out of nowhere I get a message through yesterday from this person. (this is also paraphrased because I can't access my PS3 right now)

'Hello and thank you.
The experience was rather magical for me too
I hope to see you somewhere else soon and to play with you again.'

Now it's definitely nice that I got a reply but it's rather strange that is was two weeks later. Then I see the bottom half of the message.

'I sorry that this message took so long. I am Japanese and do not speak English so this message is the work of many hours of translations this way and that way. =]'

Yeah. Somebody took the time to translate my message properly (couldn't just cp it into google ty psn) and then translate a message all the way back, just because of such a pleasant experience together.

I didn't want to give this poor soul more work to do so instead I just sent a message back with one of my Email address' for much easier contact. Isn't this special?


Love this game. :monster:

I'm still missing Trophies, finding 10 glyphs for example.... what are the glyphs? :huh:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
The glyphs are those shiny things that extend your scarf. The first one is the one that enables you to jump and the others look very similar to that. I think X posted a guide a few pages back.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I played as Transcendental, and my symbol looked like a smiling face:

☐☐ . . ☐☐
. ☐ . . . ☐
☐☐ . . ☐☐

☐ . . . . ☐
☐☐ . . ☐☐
☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Aside from seeing someone briefly in the bridge area who wasn't interested in teaming up, I had one of my favorite runs through so far. Once we got in to the Desert, we parted ways, and I found a new companion by the Mural, with whom I spent the entire time.

They only had the bottom cloak strip, and appeared to have been through the game only once before. We jumped and sang, and they learned how to fly with me very quickly, and we soared around the desert, finding all the runes & kite-rays, before we finally sat and meditated by the Flower. We then took off from the Flower, and flew together the ENTIRE WAY, and landed on top of the tower, rather than climbing up it. From there, we went sliding down the hill, easily nabbing the first two runes, but I wasn't quite able to get them up to the last one in the crack, but we continued into the darkness. We easily wandered together, grabbing the runes before entering the realms of the Cyclo-Wyms.

We carefully wandered along the left hand side, making it the entire way to the slope before flying off together, and never even being spotted by them - no chase down the hill. We easily went though the tower, finding all the runes and the little fl0w creature. From the tower we took to the mountain. As always, I sang and revived one of the kite-rays and flew them to new shelter, which always makes my companions chirp with joy. We traversed together closely, find both murals, and passed entirely without incident to the harsh winds, or the Cyclo-Wyrms, until the winds finally overcame us. Upon our revival, we flew high, and stayed together without ever getting lost and entered the top of the mountain happily chirping, before falling silent.

I sent them a message telling them how much I loved flying with them, and where the single rune that they didn't get was. They haven't responded, but they added me on PSN. They don't even have any of their Journey Trophies displayed on their account yet, and when I logged in a few minutes ago, they were still playing Journey hours later. I can only imagine that they're helping out other little redcloaks learn how to fly.

Emotions: Happiness, imparting wisdom, flawless.

Companions: Kuruvar (didn't write the other chap down).

Also, I went on the Journey space on PS Home. Like the main game, there's no direct talking, and no usernames displayed. The starting area is similar, and the easiest place to receive the first prize. When you're close to another player, you'll get a little cloth piece over your head. Get within proximity of 5 players, and you'll be awarded a Kite-ray companion who flies around with you (called a cloth fish for some reason).

In the second area it looks like the bridge stage. There're 5 cloth swarms that sing and disappear when you walk up to them and 5 little tombstones that light up when you reach them. Reaching all 10 of them will give you a reward of a statue of one of the large white figures.

X :neo:
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