Journey (PS3/PS4)

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm having a hell of a time with figuring out how to upload a pic from my Droid Razr to this site or anywhere that isn't Facebook or Photobucket. Imageshack is useless on a phone apparently (forces you to the mobile version, which you can't do anything with if you don't have an account), and while I used the Snapbucket app to put it on Photobucket, I can't get a non-mobile version of the URL. This is kind of ridiculous. As much shit as this phone can do, I just want to put a picture on the Internet, and that's apparently impossible.

I'll try describing which glyph it is. In the smaller set of only two rows, it's the one on the top left. Thanks again.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Those two rows are the last two levels, and I'm thinking it's the "train car" part of the underground level with the car that's propped up on another one, just after the little cloth swarm.

Does that sound familiar?

X :neo:


Joe, Arcana
Those two rows are the last two levels, and I'm thinking it's the "train car" part of the underground level with the car that's propped up on another one, just after the little cloth swarm.

Does that sound familiar?

X :neo:
Car? Are we playing the same game? XD


Harbinger O Great Justice
They're the little hallways on the ground at the beginning of the underground level. They look just like a bunch of empty train cars.

X :neo:


Joe, Arcana
Oh I know what you mean now. The tunnel things you can walk through underground. The thing is in the one propped up diagonally on another one.

If it's not that one then there is one in another tunnel thing near the floaty seaweed-like stuff


Harbinger O Great Justice
As far as I can tell, this is how it works:

Each Row represents a level, the individual symbols run in the order you encounter them from left to right. The four rows on the left are the Level Select Area (3), Cloth Bridge (3), Kite Tower (4), & Sand-Surfing Hill (3). The two rows on the right are the Underground Level (4), and the Glowing Tower Level (4).

When I first visited it, I was missing the last one on the sand-surfing hill, and in the Glowing Tower and thus the bottom right on both sides.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Thanks, bro.
I'll give those train cars (that's what I thought of them as too =P) another look. Thought I got all those bastards there, though. Seems like there was one in the train car near the "seaweed," one in another random car, one on the highest jellyfish in the jellyfish area, and one behind a random wall in the dragon area.


Harbinger O Great Justice
• Level Select Area (3)
- First ruin (pretty much required).
- Pedastal to the right of the main pillar.
- Ledge on the left of the main pillar.
• Cloth Bridge (3)
- Rock to the left of the staring dropoff.
- Left-side of the back cliff-face, behind the sand waterfall.
- Right-side of the back cliff-face, on top of the sand waterfall.
• Kite Tower (4)
- On a small pillar wall to the left.
- On the wall Circular building with the cloth swarm.
- Atop tall tower to the left with the cloth swarms.
- Around the left side of the final Meditation platform.
• Sand-Surfing Hill (3)
- Column lined ledge in the center near the start.
- Ledge to the right of the midpoint dropoff
- Across one of the archways in a crack in the mountain ledge.
• Underground Level (4)
- Uptilted "subway car"
- Right, raised up "subway car" in the cloth seaweed area with one entrance towards the bridge, and the other towards the entrance, both covered by cloth.
- Top Jellyfish in the climb/flying area.
- Behind the thin, column-filled wall on the left side of the third(?) Stone Cyclops Wyrm room.
• Glowing Tower Level (4)
- Little ledge on the right of the central column at the start.
- Side room on the wall, to the right of the mosaic you're approaching.
- In the Central pillar.
- Behind a tapestry on the left of the side room where the Whale comes from.

(Sorry if any of these are vague or slightly off, I did this from memory while at work) :awesomonster:

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Just got my Transcendence.

It turned out to be the second one on the tower level. The one behind the gated structure just to the right of and below the second (I think) mural in this area. Starting my fourth Journey now.

By the way, I played this level offline and when I finished it this time, I noticed that the cutscene murals here are different if you're alone -- just one robed figure in the murals instead of two. It's most obvious in the last mural -- the one depicting the traveler(s) about to fall to the blizzard at the end of the snow level.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I didn't think they were train cars, but looking at the cutscenes I did get the impression that they had some sort of mass transit system, where it shows a train like thingy going across a bridge. I might be wrong though


Higher Further Faster
I just did my second full play-through of this game. Technically third but the second time I jumped ahead and was ditched by all my companions so it doesn't count.

But omg this second experience was even better than the first. I was near tears (metaphorically anyway).

But I'm being dragged away by the roomies. But I just want to come say something.

Full details later...
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I didn't think they were train cars, but looking at the cutscenes I did get the impression that they had some sort of mass transit system, where it shows a train like thingy going across a bridge. I might be wrong though

I actually interpreted that as a stream of energy or something.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I actually interpreted that as a stream of energy or something.

I interpreted it as representing the travelers going across that long bridge-like structure in the sunken city, sand slidey level. It's funny how many different interpretations we've got right here.

I finished my fourth Journey, by the way.
I see now what some of you have meant in saying that your real Journey began once you had found everything and got to show someone else where it all is. It was quite profound a feeling to don my white cloak, guide someone to the top of the mountain, and then step into the light together with them -- but while giving them just one step ahead as we took that final walk.


El Diablo Gato said:
I interpreted it as representing the travelers going across that long bridge-like structure in the sunken city, sand slidey level. It's funny how many different interpretations we've got right here.

But this was still from before their civilization went down. The murals show one of those cloth things going into that tunnel and then you see the energy wandering through it and lighting up the city.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
But this was still from before their civilization went down. The murals show one of those cloth things going into that tunnel and then you see the energy wandering through it and lighting up the city.

I guess I had a different interpretation of the murals' story as well. I took them to be a chronicle of the repeating Journey, which is why the first mural cutscene then shows the travelers' many unique glyphs descending from the mountain, and the last mural cutscene shows them falling in the blizzard during their ascent of the mountain.


I guess I had a different interpretation of the murals' story as well. I took them to be a chronicle of the repeating Journey, which is why the first mural cutscene then shows the travelers' many unique glyphs descending from the mountain, and the last mural cutscene shows them falling in the blizzard during their ascent of the mountain.

I think you actually see them developing their civilization and eventually destroying it through war. First, you got the birds and plants appearing, then the robed figures. Then they build their cities and stuff and seem to be utilizing the powers of the cloths.
Eventually you can see the plant life being replaced by more and more buildings and they seem to get into a war.
They build those flying snake things and you can see white-robed figures on top of them, and they seem to be fighting each other.
They destroy themselves, and the murals show a lot of them buried. Then their cities get swallowed by the sand.
Lastly, a single robed figure descends from the sky. That's when the journey starts.
After that, it depicts your journey up until the summit.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Actually I think Tets is right, the red cloth stuff was used as a powersource cos the city springs to life as the cloth moves through it. Also, I figure that either interpretation, whether the murals show the journey as being cyclical or just the history prior to the journey, it seems pretty clear that the summit of the mountain is the source of all life for them.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
So, after a few days of henpecking I finally got him to sit down and play Journey. It was really difficult for me not to tell him where to go or give him tips and stuff, eg: when it came to illuminating those posts near murals/meditation spots it took him a while to figure out you could do it by singing instead of having to touch them.

The first companion he met was also a noob, and they didn't seem very communicative at first even though Mr Octo was chirping at them. Together they both figured out how to activate the bridges but then the companion seemed to disappear after the meditation.

The next compainion appeared in the section just before the sandsurfing part, they seemed to be more experienced (and had a more elaborate cloak) but they were willing to wait for Mr Octo while he pissed about trying to get a glyph that was well out of reach :lol: They managed to stick together all the way until the snow section when we lost our internet connection :doh:

Because of Mr Octos tendency to wander about he ended up being attacked about 3 times by the cyclops, turns out if you've already been spotted the ruins offer no protection at all :monster:

Then on the narrow mountain path there was a white glow and a new companion appeared, and together they managed to press on until they collapsed. (All through this I'm trying not to give anything away) When the while cloaked figures appeared again he said it was 'Speilbergesque' and I was like 'NO!' :lol:

Anyway, they finally make it into the next section and are flying about with his companion ahead of him and then......then.... when climbing the red cloths, he somehow manages to go the wrong way. Even though the cloths more or less guiding you. The next thing we know he has slid into some weird area, so I tell him to head back towards the 'jellyfish' type cloths and then it becomes apparent that HE IS STUCK INSIDE OF A MOUNTAIN AND HAS BORKED THE GAME

by now his companion is out of sight. So reluctantly we have to reset and annoyingly this means starting again from the beginning of the snow section. Another companion appeared (another noob) but dissappeared shortly afterwards, so Mr Octo completed the game alone.


Anyway, despite the obvious fuckups he did concurr that it was a good/interesting game/concept and gave it 8/10. I don't think he had the same depth of experience with it that I did and afterwards he said it was probably because he was kind of used to having non-verbal interaction online in games such as CounterStrike, which despite being a totally different genre, you could pal up with people and non-verbally communicate (usually by jumping about like a lunatic and shooting stuff)

The most important thing however, was that he agreed that the Journeymans cape was cool :monster:

I kind of think I shouldn't have even been in the room while he was playing, I was totally alone when I played and I think that made it a more immersive experience. Ahh well.

Companions met (I've only mentioned 4 above because I cannot remember where the 5th one appeared):


Joe, Arcana
While playing my second full play-through
I stopped dramatically close to the very very end when you're walking to the top of the mountain toward the credits. It felt so cinematic because my companion stopped too and walked slowly back to me. When we were facing each other we both happened to charge our LOUDEST chime and it hit at the exact same time. That really did feel like the end then
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