"Kupocon" FF Convention! (2017?)


Chloe Frazer
I think considering that the UK summer event will be the second in one year and the third overall in England, it should've gone instead to Scotland or Northern Ireland. I might go anyways depending on when it is since I have a family trip next summer.

Toronto is another one, once Vancouver was announced well a lot of people are going to pick that over Toronto. I think a better choice would've been California, there's a Distant Worlds concert in late January and it would've fit as a one year anniversary of KupoCon event. This is totally an unbiased opinion and has nothing to do with the fact that Howl is there. :awesome:

Since the UK summer event wasn't originally planned, I'm guessing there's going to be another KupoCon in 2018.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I'll be going to the second UK event next year, regardless of where it'll be. I would have liked Scotland or Northern Ireland even more as Carlie said because it's somewhere new and different (I've been to EGX in Birmingham for the past 3 years now, change of scenery would be nice!).

But a lot of what Flint said really does make sense. I'm also considering Vancouver, but it depends on how much it'll cost since Pomtario's now the most expensive trip I've ever made to date. :monster:

Deleted member 546

I missed out on the ticket scramble for Pomingham Palace (though I live in hope yet), so I'll be going to the next event for sure. The ticket sales just fell at an awkward time (late payers and several cheques, fucking maddening), plus it was 2pm when the ticket sales started and I was at work and not all of us use a computer at work, le sigh.

Not sure where I'm going with this now, I want more Kupo!


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Yeah, the time of the sale seemed really off, considering a lot of people were at work in the UK (coincidentally, I was only working half days that week). If you're in the same jam again, Mage, let me know and I'll happily reserve a ticket for you next time. :)


Again though, later this month we'll do a TLSCon, to heck with KC :monster:

HECK I still need to book flights :monster:

Deleted member 546


@ Ami: Cheers biatch, hopefully it won't be an issue soon anyway.


Before I dive into any potential TL;DR, I just want to highlight this:

I missed out on the ticket scramble for Pomingham Palace (though I live in hope yet), so I'll be going to the next event for sure. The ticket sales just fell at an awkward time (late payers and several cheques, fucking maddening), plus it was 2pm when the ticket sales started and I was at work and not all of us use a computer at work, le sigh.

Not sure where I'm going with this now, I want more Kupo!

I bought some of the cheaper tickets a few hours after tickets went on sale.
Consider one reserved for you :)

I'll help answer a few queries (I've this strange habit lately of not posting for 1/2 week periods - my apologies for any delays). Please feel free to ask anything specific - likewise, we could turn this into some sort of interview, should anyone ever feel like doing something of the sort :wacky:

So, the reason there is even a third UK event is as a result of the demand for the second one, P. Palace. That is, having sold out so soon---so very unexpectedly soon---a lot of people were left without being able to get a ticket. Obviously, to accommodate this, another event had to be in the UK, and considerably close to our original locale of demand (in this case, London), but we also know we're going to get overlapping attendees - thus, there's a fine balance to be found in trying to deliver new elements while also trying to keep elements that will be in P. Palace, as this new UK event is primarily a reaction to those unable to get a ticket for P. Palace. It's not our aim to have these two events so close to each other. In the greater future, UK events are likely to be on a larger scale to accommodate more people at a time.

Regarding the notion of demand, the above is a different type of demand than how lots of individuals look for KC to come to lots of different location. Bottom line is it's not that simple. Consider the size of our event and team, and that we don't make money on any of this [surplus funds go into future events, hence initiating the growth]. We have to find the most suitable of locations, those where we don't risk having to shell out thousands of our own dollars/euro to cover costs on account of lacklustre ticket sales (none of this is cheap, that's for sure). Fortunately, KC is lead very well in this regard (at worst, we've only ever had an underestimation of ticket demand, which of course was P. Palace's unprecedented sellout).
As an example, we haven't forgotten the US. I had a lot to say about this, but I didn't want to come across too harshly, so I'll summarise and say as an international team it's one of our riskiest locations to work with, but we still plan on making it work again.

Honestly, I could go on for ages about so much more, but I don't want to pick on everything mentioned here bar what has been the core of the discussion so far (i.e., the third UK event and locations). I don't want to risk coming across as defensive or even argumentative - and I sincerely apologise if any of this did. If people forward specific questions/concerns/curiosities regarding anything of anything, I would be more than happy to do my best to answer them :)

@Yop - I'm glad to see elsewhere you've since got your travel covered for this month! :)
Knowing the nature of TLS---that is, of its members---I suspect TLSCon might not be the word for it. Not unless, of course, you want some of us to set up some appropriate...displays or events...then, sure, you got it ;)
(Yeah, this is very crap sexual innuendo. I'm ill and exhausted; leave me alone, ha!)

On a different note, Vancouver's event will be taking place on April 21, 2018.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Sweeeeeet thanks RedFFWolf! Any idea when tickets'll go on sale for Vancouver?

Deleted member 546

Before I dive into any potential TL;DR, I just want to highlight this:

I missed out on the ticket scramble for Pomingham Palace (though I live in hope yet), so I'll be going to the next event for sure. The ticket sales just fell at an awkward time (late payers and several cheques, fucking maddening), plus it was 2pm when the ticket sales started and I was at work and not all of us use a computer at work, le sigh.

Not sure where I'm going with this now, I want more Kupo!

I bought some of the cheaper tickets a few hours after tickets went on sale.
Consider one reserved for you :)


Deleted member 546



Pro Adventurer
Thanks for the post, Red, and for answering the biggest questions that were being asked lately. I appreciate you taking time to write that all out. ^_^

And get well soon, wtf, why are you feeling unwell <3 :properhug:


Chloe Frazer
Alan is going into some sort of cocoon state and his body becomes unwell but he will come out stronger and ready for the UK TLS orgy.


Pro Adventurer
Well guys, as it stands, the Vancouver KupoCon is looking like it won't be financially possible. I'm still searching for a full-time job, and because I'm no longer in school I'm not receiving the benefits that help to pay my bills. My current job is giving more more hours, but it's not enough to be able to pay bills and set aside money for the trip, especially when I have a con in October that I'll be going to for the weekend... I just don't see how it's going to be possible to save up enough right now for a con all the way across the U.S. up in Canada.


Pro Adventurer


Don't count the trip out yet, it's not til April of next year! :(


Save your valediction (she/her)
Yeah Lith if there's any way I can help out let me know. I have plenty of friends in the city who may be able to lend their couch. Heck, my parents live about 1 hr outside of town but they have a spare room and can't resist my puppy dog eyes.


It's fine, guys, I'm not that sick :lol: - just my sinuses flaring up again, which is giving the throat trouble, too - and very bad night's sleeps >_>
It was a hefty hit the last two days, but it's fine now, and overall they're just sinuses and the throat so nothing as a whole serious.

@Lith - Yeah, don't discount it too soon, if you would like to go. It being the first time we're hitting the west coast of North America, I doubt it'll sell out in the way P. Palace did. Still plenty of time till April :)

Thanks for the post, Red, and for answering the biggest questions that were being asked lately. I appreciate you taking time to write that all out. ^_^

Oh, it's no problem ^_^
Everyone, feel free to ask me things like this at any time and I'll do my best to answer.
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Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I'm hoping to make Vancouver, but Pomtario has cost me an arm and a leg so far. :monster:

Deleted member 546

^ Probably a more compelling argument than covfefe to be fair. :monster:


Pro Adventurer


Don't count the trip out yet, it's not til April of next year! :(

Yeah Lith if there's any way I can help out let me know. I have plenty of friends in the city who may be able to lend their couch. Heck, my parents live about 1 hr outside of town but they have a spare room and can't resist my puppy dog eyes.

@Lith - Yeah, don't discount it too soon, if you would like to go. It being the first time we're hitting the west coast of North America, I doubt it'll sell out in the way P. Palace did. Still plenty of time till April :)

Lith no.

We will make this work.

You guys are lovely human beings and I'm privileged to know you, but we'll just have to see. I've planning all these trips left and right for the past few years, but my husband and I have never actually taken a vacation for ourselves, you know? And I can tell it's on his mind every time I plan one of these things.

Idk, we'll see. I've applied for a few more jobs recently, so hopefully something comes through.


Pro Adventurer
Well I don't wanna sound like I'm pressuring or making you feel guilty or something, so hopefully it don't come across that way, and if it ever makes you feel weird, let me know right away :properhug: I just wanna meet you so much <3
A lot can change in even a month's time, so who knows what life will be like by next April. :) Try not to discount it right away okay?

Oh oh, speaking of KupoCon in general, I finally used my gifted tri-pom cards to play 3 games with my cousin <3 Taught her how to play and managed a few rounds. Things were constantly interrupting though, my grandpa kept talking or her 1-year-old would come up to her or my parents would chat, etc. XD
Next visit we'll play more in my room! :D
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