The Record Keeper Journal I won came in and Red included a personalized message for me. It was super sweet and I am much excite.
It's on my FB, my share options are stupid on mobile.
Red has graciously offered to buy me and Mr Channy's tickets wherever it may be and I told him we'd be there.
I don't think they'll sell out that quickly.
HHOOLLYYYY SHHIITTT THIS IS SO COOL?!?!??!When purchasing a ticket for any event, whether Pomtario, Pomingham Palace, or any future event, you can now apply the discount code "TLS" before purchasing your ticket for a 11% discount.
This is permanent.
I'll make mention of this every so often whenever people talk about buying a ticket - wouldn't want people missing out on discounts.
^I would be more than honoured to join you all - you, especially, I think I've had the least amount of time with, and that's just not acceptable
It wasn't enough time with everyone, for that matter
For sure if time and money ['cause I won't have anyone facilitating nothin' for me, as much as I appreciate the offer] allows me I will certainly consider it, but I'm not expecting it to happen (I work Friday-Monday inclusive).