Maybe lol Im guessing it'll be pretty dead, tho if anyones interested but doesn't know much about dota, they have casters for new players where they explain what skills do, why they do certain things, etc.
I've played a few matches vs bots yesterday and saturday, I'm sure I will again tomorrow. TBH I still haven't a clue what I'm doing, the game really needs to improve its onboarding process, i.e. holding new players' hands in doing basic stuff like getting into a game, selecting a character, explaining why the communication is limited to three-lettered acronyms where people claim a lane, explain why they go hysterical when you don't get it because you're new, and why they can't pick a character and stick with.
as well as a UX overhaul (why is there a separate patcher, game menu, and actual game client anyway?
I got 1-2 wins away from promos from S1 into Gold 5, and then had a really awful losing streak that wouldn't end no matter how well I played. I ended up dropping down into S3 and ran out of time to do more than get back to S2.
I know I'm not ever going to be a plat or diamond player, but my decision making and mechanics are a solid mid-range gold, from what I've seen of other players.
Not sure if this forum has some sort of policy for necroposting threads but...
I never understood why there's so much salt againts Teemo?fuck you teemo