League of Legends

Maybe lol Im guessing it'll be pretty dead, tho if anyones interested but doesn't know much about dota, they have casters for new players where they explain what skills do, why they do certain things, etc.


Pro Adventurer
The art style looks so familiar but I cant put my finger on it. Either way this was pretty hype :monster:


Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Amazing video, Darius is for some reason always pursuing Ahri rofl. I think charm really was permanently fixed on him by that point, but by god he was The Man able to withstand Rengar and Leona ults before dying to Ahri ult.

In other news, I've tried support Jayce as of late AKA Family Man mode with hilarious results.


We have come to terms
Anyone having any thoughts about the new pre-season, like the new items and the jungle reworks?

So far I've come to have a deeper appreciation of Gnar, and have taken a shine to AD Malzahar, in the jungle and out (voidlings have a 1:1 bonus AD ratio!). That said, I still kind of feel like I should just stick to playing Jarvan and Nami :/


I've played a few matches vs bots yesterday and saturday, I'm sure I will again tomorrow. TBH I still haven't a clue what I'm doing, the game really needs to improve its onboarding process, i.e. holding new players' hands in doing basic stuff like getting into a game, selecting a character, explaining why the communication is limited to three-lettered acronyms where people claim a lane, explain why they go hysterical when you don't get it because you're new, and why they can't pick a character and stick with. Might also help if the game tells you you'll need to buy characters, :monster:. I bought Ashe last night, and I had to google that the cost of champions is based on their (approximate) difficulty to play with.

Might do with a fuckton more game modes and maps, as well as a UX overhaul (why is there a separate patcher, game menu, and actual game client anyway? And why is the font in the shops illegible on a normal HD screen?) and a big round of optimizations (because why does it take five minutes for the game to load). For a game that's bigger than WoW based on number of players, it feels kinda limited and underdeveloped :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I've played a few matches vs bots yesterday and saturday, I'm sure I will again tomorrow. TBH I still haven't a clue what I'm doing, the game really needs to improve its onboarding process, i.e. holding new players' hands in doing basic stuff like getting into a game, selecting a character, explaining why the communication is limited to three-lettered acronyms where people claim a lane, explain why they go hysterical when you don't get it because you're new, and why they can't pick a character and stick with.

Cant agree more. IIRC they still use the multiple tutorial system where 1 is on howling abyss and the other is on SR. Those tuts were insanely limited and didnt even explain why you did the stuff they had you do.

IIRC in HA one you end buying Thornmail as Ashe and they never explain what it does. I remember a time when I ran into a bunch of Ashe players buying thornmail when it was totally unnecessary :monster:

Also I think what you googled is not right.. If thats the case Orianna, and Syndra would still be full price and Azir will never go down in price lol.

The prices trickle down after every new champ release. ! champ gets released another champs price goes down. Before the end of S3 and all of S4 Riot used to release champions very frequently and the prices would vary they weren't always like 6300 ip, some came out for 3xxx and even some in the 13xx range. Then with in the last year or so they slowed down the release cycle and started making "higher quality" champions and the prices have been locked to 6300 at release with the new trickle price drop system.

as well as a UX overhaul (why is there a separate patcher, game menu, and actual game client anyway?

Current patcher is a beta actually and the new client is going to be based off its design and integrated much better. IIRC the current client while following the form factor of the patcher is still the old adobe air client just reskinned and its still in a transition phase.

Btw if you have friends who play League I highly suggest you dont play with them =/
It's a lose/lose for you. If they play with you in normals their main account your MMR will normalize to theirs in normals.

If they hop on a smurf/alt account to play with you you will get stuck in the extremely toxic Smurf queue.


I have no clue what you just said in the last two paragraphs, :monster:.

I just played my first actual pvp match using Team Builder, it's nice because you can pick a character and find a game that matches it, instead of finding a game and hoping you get to use that character. We were one down from the start due to some disconnect, but I still managed to (help) destroy an enemy inhibitor in the bottom lane (twice), and I like to think we put up a good fight nevertheless (the match lasted 45 minutes). Looking at the team composition, we had four players with 0 or 1 win (and one with 30) while the other ones had between 6 and 53 wins, :monster:. They were also organized / going around in a pack halfway throughout the game. I'm sure that's perfectly normal, but, I know nothing :monster:


Pro Adventurer
About the last paragraph.

Basically League uses a Match Making system that applies a Rating to every player in specific queues. The queues being Normal PVP, Team Builder, Ranked etc. You can also refer to this as ELO

If you were to play with experienced friends on their main accounts your MMR/ELO would end up getting close to theirs. Meaning that when you go to play by yourself later on you will get matched up with and against other much more experienced players which can be negative to newer players if the new player isn't playing their role or the map correctly.

"Smurf" accounts are secondary accounts players use to try to play in lower MMR/ELO and level environments. This used to be a huge problem because new players would get stomped continually by experienced players. So Riot made a separate invisible queue for "Smurf" players.

In League if you try to make a second account to play against new players and pub stomp you just end up getting queued against other players with the same goal in mind. If your friend were to make a new account to level up with you and show you the ropes you would just end up getting stuck in this queue for a while which unfortunately attracts really toxic players.

This pretty much why I suggested staying away from playing with more experienced friends for a while :monster:

If you did get stuck in a higher MMR tier or in the Smurf queue the system should get you out of it after a few matches but it can still be a frustrating experience for new players.

Yeah in pvp generally grouping up and "pushing down mid" is probably the most used strategy for players. Though its not always the right choice and there are other valid and sometimes more versatile strategies. The trick is trying to get 4 random people you dont know to agree on and execute them :monster:


I just came back to League again so still trying to absorb the new play style. Though I agree with you that J4 and Nami are still power picks. I usually top lane so I cant comment to much about Jungling though I have found some success on Shaco in the jungle. I think the changes to items and new camps put him in a better Solo Queue spot now.


We have come to terms
Lol, Shaco. He is the biggest dick character in the game after Teemo XD That said, the few times I play him, I can consistently get first blood on the enemy jungler, since boxing escape routes is so effective.

I kind of float around picking champs to use on a whim, but u tthink I need to get in the habit of just picking maybe 8 champs to use regularly and get add good as I can with them. Idk. I want to get into gold this season and I want/need a freelo champ that I can coast with.


Pro Adventurer
What rank did you get to this last season man?

I'm still taking in the pre-season and know S5 itself will be generally different so it's hard to straight up just suggest what to play.

But you have the right idea. Just focus on a small core of champs (or play styles) and refine that. Heavily focus on 1-2 champs and have the other 6 or so champs as back ups if you cant get the lane you want.

In Ranked showing your lolking profile will do wonders for locking in a lane/role you want if you are extremely good in it. Everyone wants to be carried and if you can get to the point where you can prove you are excellent on an available lane/champ people will let you carry them most of the time. Though trolls exist =/

Champions aside raw mechanics and game knowledge will always prevail. Practice CS'ing every day , practice perfectly freezing lane and learn how to CS correctly in a freeze as well. Learn "when, why and where" to push or freeze a lane. Sometimes taking a tower is the worst decision you can make etc at that point in time etc.
For CS'ing. I shit you not load up a custom game, pick Soraka and take off all masteries and Runes and only Last hit the minions. You will become amazing at it I promise you.

Also go into a custom match and CS, write down how much gold you earn at different amounts of minions slain and memorize it like you would a flash card. Than when you go into a real pvp match you can hit tab, look at the scoreboard and get a general idea of how much gold your enemy has. You can use that information in addition to his current build to have an idea of when he wants to go base to buy his power spike item etc. Info like that can go a long way if you can act on it (i.e. push wave into tower, kill him, freeze in an awful spot for him etc.).

For the end of S4 I did coach a few people and 1 5's team. They would send me games they recorded via lolreplay, LSI , Baron or OP.GG. Than I would go over them while recording my stream and break down mistakes and what they could do better.

If your down for that just send me your replay files and I can take a crack at it or I can link you to some of the videos I have up on my youtube (cant link the 5's team ones ones unfortunately =< )


We have come to terms
I got 1-2 wins away from promos from S1 into Gold 5, and then had a really awful losing streak that wouldn't end no matter how well I played. I ended up dropping down into S3 and ran out of time to do more than get back to S2.

I know I'm not ever going to be a plat or diamond player, but my decision making and mechanics are a solid mid-range gold, from what I've seen of other players.


Pro Adventurer
I got 1-2 wins away from promos from S1 into Gold 5, and then had a really awful losing streak that wouldn't end no matter how well I played. I ended up dropping down into S3 and ran out of time to do more than get back to S2.

Ouch =/

I know I'm not ever going to be a plat or diamond player, but my decision making and mechanics are a solid mid-range gold, from what I've seen of other players.

Now not trying to talk shit here at all just offering my own anecdotal evidence and stuff, but when I started doing the vids I was told that exact same line from a handful of plats (5's team) and the golds and below I helped out. I started watching the replays and there were still a ton of bad decisions being made and the mechanics could have been better.

Now not saying thats the case with you but there is always a lot to learn. Heck I still cant do ToyzTech myself lol.

From everything I've seen I personally feel carrying out of Bronze - low Gold is all decision making. Mechanically these 3 tiers the players are pretty lacking. CS is universally low at the 20 and 40 minute mark (statistically slightly over half per wave missed) and team fights are ... well just check out the Best of Bronze subreddit :P

After like Gold 4-3 you suddenly run into people who not only start to make the right choice but also are marginally better at CS'ing so now they have the stats and items to back up their choices lol.

In any case if you haven't already I suggest at least recording your gameplay and reviewing it later yourself. You'd be surprised at the amount of small things that can be missed.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I don't play or watch this, but I know two guys from work are attending the championships this year in London. They seem pretty hyped for it and play themselves.

I did think about trying the game, but got told that I couldn't play this AND Dota 2 (tbh, I've only played the latter like 2-3 times?). :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I dont see why you cant play both lol That'a like being told you cant play CoD if you play Battlefield lol.
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We have come to terms
...you can't. You're not ALLOWED to play BF if you play CoD.



Eyes of the Lord
Not sure if this forum has some sort of policy for necroposting threads but...

For anyone that still cares about the game, Riot Games released another new cinematic trailer, this time featuring the Pentakill metal band.
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Pro Adventurer
The first Pentakill album "Smite and Ignite" has some pretty excellent tracks on it with a wide variety of metal genres though they generally lean towards Power Metal. On top of that some of the guests have some serious chops behind them such as Jørn Lande.

Riot games apparently just throws money at their music department , this coupled with a few other projects are pretty unique for the gaming industry imo.

Anyway if your a fan of metal you should definitely check out both albums.
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Pro Adventurer
In keeping with the theme of Riot making good music, the World Championship 2017 log in theme was released today

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