Least favourite character in ACC?


Read My Mind
The Silver Haired Men were fairly underwhelming. Kadaj gets more credit for actually being a character. Then again being able to sum someone up in two sentences instead of one isn't much.

ACC gave a better explanation narrative wise for why Cloud was acting differently, but I still liked it better the first time he dealt with and overcame his insecurities back in 1997.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
ACC gave a better explanation narrative wise for why Cloud was acting differently, but I still liked it better the first time he dealt with and overcame his insecurities back in 1997.

True, but the insecurities he overcame back in FFVII, were not the same ones he dealt with here in ACC. He wasn't overcoming his fear and apprehension of being a father and partner to his lover, or getting over the fear of being unable to protect them. That wasn't in FFVII at all. He was resolving his identity crisis and his past. ACC is him overcoming his grief and fear of the future.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
ACdefense force to the rescue.

I agree with Gale wholeheartedly, like most of the time.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Fuck off and go rage over DC yaoi, mister snarky pants.

It's not the same, and you know it.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It pretty much is.

Deal with it kid.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
NO. It's not. :awesome:

You don't know what you're talking about. Cloud was trying to figure out who he was and deal with his failed past and self esteem.

ACC had him dealing with the fear of being unable to protect his family, and save those he cared for. Not to mention dealing with a death sentence from a terminal disease.


Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
NO. It's not. :awesome:

You don't know what you're talking about. Cloud was trying to figure out who he was and deal with his failed past and self esteem.


Cloud wanked over his guilt and identity crisis in FFVII plenty. Get over it.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You fucking idiot, stop trolling here and understand the facts. This shit is getting old. That wasn't the point of ACC and you know it. I'm tired of you fucking around and being a dick for no goddamn reason. STOP.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I think what Dacon (or at least people who agree with him in the fandom, which is quite a bit) that it was a bad move from a narrative standpoint from SE to write the story so that Cloud would be back to being similar to how he was during FF7. Sure, it make sense in the narrative within the story that already exists, but the thing is, Square shouldn't have wrote it that way.

There are plenty of sequels where the main character is back to solve another problem, but it doesn't negate said characters emotional development established during his first appearance.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
You fucking idiot, stop trolling here and understand the facts. This shit is getting old. That wasn't the point of ACC and you know it. I'm tired of you fucking around and being a dick for no goddamn reason. STOP.



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
ACC didn't really negate his emotional development from FFVII though. He wasn't lying, or living in his own imaginary world, unable to face reality. He was instead, facing reality head on, and buckling under it. Not quite the same thing at all. I don't see how one could say it's the same thing, when the circumstances and reactions Cloud is exhibiting are like nothing in ACC. Cloud didn't wait to die during the Meteor Crisis. Likewise, Cloud didn't think he wasn't fit to help his friends or family, or even HAVE a family in FFVII. It seems like its fans taking the piss out of Cloud cause he's not the superhero in real life, that he is on the battle field.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Dacon, I'm getting tired of your shit. YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR NOBODY. You need quit this stupid shit, I'm getting tired of it.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Stop crying you big fucking baby.

You're a goddamn adult crying over people not seeing your precious shit the same way as you.

SE really must pay good huh you cocksucking loser.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
ACC didn't really negate his emotional development from FFVII though. He wasn't lying, or living in his own imaginary world, unable to face reality. He was instead, facing reality head on, and buckling under it. Not quite the same thing at all. I don't see how one could say it's the same thing, when the circumstances and reactions Cloud is exhibiting are like nothing in ACC. Cloud didn't wait to die during the Meteor Crisis. Likewise, Cloud didn't think he wasn't fit to help his friends or family, or even HAVE a family in FFVII. It seems like its fans taking the piss out of Cloud cause he's not the superhero in real life, that he is on the battle field.

It's the same outcome for different reasons though.

Thinking you're someone else/living in la la land and being mentally manipulated by your nemesis= Sad Clown Cloud

Not feeling up to the task of your new job and suffering an incurable disease=Sad Clown Cloud

No matter the reasons, a lot of the fans just didn't want to see Sad Clown Cloud anymore. How or why he got there is irrelevant, it's just the outcome that's old.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That's it. You keep that mister, you can go enjoy a ban for your behavior. I will not be talked to this way. No, sir. Not at all!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's the same outcome for different reasons though.

Thinking you're someone else/living in la la land and being mentally manipulated by your nemesis= Sad Clown Cloud

Not feeling up to the task of your new job and suffering an incurable disease=Sad Clown Cloud

Now that's a cold reduction. So is Cloud no longer able to be portrayed as sad or conflicted anymore? :monster:

No matter the reasons, a lot of the fans just didn't want to see Sad Clown Cloud anymore. How or why he got there is irrelevant, it's just the outcome that's old.

A narrative that can no longer have a character undergo trials or tribulations is hollow and very lacking in any real character. Part of life is dealing with ups AND downs, and that's what ACC showed up. I don't see how turning Cloud into a cheerful guy is the only possible way of portraying him. As long as Cloud doesn't just turn into a permanent sad clown, or do things that make no sense or are against his character..he should be able to be portrayed in all forms of emotions, right?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That's it. You called down the thunder, and now you got it. Enjoy your ban.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Now that's a cold reduction. So is Cloud no longer able to be portrayed as sad or conflicted anymore?

A narrative that can no longer have a character undergo trials or tribulations is hollow and very lacking in any real character. Part of life is dealing with ups AND downs, and that's what ACC showed up. I don't see how turning Cloud into a cheerful guy is the only possible way of portraying him. As long as Cloud doesn't just turn into a permanent sad clown, or do things that make no sense or are against his character..he should be able to be portrayed in all forms of emotions, right?

I'm not saying that Cloud isn't allowed trials and tribulations, or to go through some bad shit, or to feel down or whatever. But Cloud was feeling like shit for a good part of the narrative. Nobody is blaming Cloud himself perse for feeling down (some still do), but SE for writing him that way. Cloud's reaction that we saw to all of the stuff that he was going through in AC/C isn't the only valid human reaction to struggles.

There are many, many, many (ad infinum) characters in film sequels that have to go through terrible shit that they thought they overcame that they thought they got over the first (or sometimes 2nd or 3rd) time through, but it's not necessary to write the character to revert back the way he was the first time around in dealing with it.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I'm so leet. Successful hack of Dacon's account was successful :awesome:


Read My Mind
MOG's already said just about everything I'd offer on the subject of Cloud's characterization in ACC. I can understand that he acted in line with his established personality regarding his insecurities that came about for novel reasons - but we all know Cloud's biggest problem is his personal demons and most of the movie was touching on ground that had (in some form) been covered. Were Cloud a real person it's natural that at some points he would fall into familiar funks, but it's something that's been illustrated and the last time it happened it was through the strength of his friends (Tifa especially) that he overcame them. In ACC, wouldn't you know it, it's through the support of his friends (dead and living) that he's able to forgive himself for his past mistakes and believe that he can protect his family.

At the heart of it I rather just see two hours of functional Cloud instead of just thirty minutes.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Hey Mr. Worf, can you liek give the 500 you owe me to Mako so he can unban Big Boss?

Also Sephiroth and Cloud. Stop being a baby like Mako and mosey to be a man. I'm sick of your whiney ways, I can beat you up 9000 times for it.
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