Least favourite character in ACC?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I'm not saying that Cloud isn't allowed trials and tribulations, or to go through some bad shit, or to feel down or whatever. But Cloud was feeling like shit for a good part of the narrative. Nobody is blaming Cloud himself perse for feeling down (some still do), but SE for writing him that way. Cloud's reaction that we saw to all of the stuff that he was going through in AC/C isn't the only valid human reaction to struggles.

There are many, many, many (ad infinum) characters in film sequels that have to go through terrible shit that they thought they overcame that they thought they got over the first (or sometimes 2nd or 3rd) time through, but it's not necessary to write the character to revert back the way he was the first time around in dealing with it.

^This is truth. I agree with Mako, Cloud has entirely different reasons for being all angst-riddled and depressed this time. The new reasons are good reasons to BE that way, especially if you accept that Cloud kinda has a history of that kind of response (which does not negate character growth, we all backslide sometimes). But, it is truth that, different reasons and understandable response or not, it's kinda what we saw last time we went on a trip with Cloud. Some people wanna see him do something new. Some people would be highly offended if he was not "classic" Cloud. This is my understanding of why they chose to take Cloud back to his "dark place" basically, to keep him "classic." Either way, doesn't come close to pleasing everyone. Take me for instance, in the original game I never got a sense of Cloud BEING angsty and depressed all the time. During the whole reconstruction thing most parts of his mind seem pretty down, yeah. He definitely has his downer moments, like everyone in the story. But somehow I guess I for some reason saw Cloud laughing with me at some of the absurd moments he encountered around the world. I swore everytime he did that little head motion/shoulder shake I thought he was cracking up laughing (to be fair this wasn't actually this often).

As for my least favorite people in AC/C, I have to make seperate lists for different groups of characters to be true to myself.

Least favorite Hero: Cait Sith. Hated him in the game, reveled in his destruction at the Temple of the Ancients, hated him again when #2 showed up. And this time he is even more useless, he has absolutely NO combat ability. Seriously, why the fuck did we bring him, to piss people off in hopes they get to Limit Break more often? Seems to me hypers (or stimulants, if you prefer the OtWtaS:CoS terms better, since Hyper cures Sadness which is a prerequisite to catching geostigma, I figured they were the same thing) are easier all around.

Least favorite Villain: Yazoo. Really? You had like, one speaking part, you looked kinda oogy, you can only fight if Loz is pitching in and helping (unless its against the oddly comical Turks) and you overall bring very little to the film. The Shadow Creepers were just generic monsters to fight, and I believe they served more purpose than you.

Least favorite unimportant character: The guy who knocked over Moogle Girl and then got all "ZOMG I touched a stigmatic little freak, I'm so contaminated and paranoid about it I should cut off my hand!!! Asswipe.


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
Sephiroth was my least favourite. His battle scene disappointed me severely.
I couldn't agree more. Here everyone thought Sephiroth was going to be in alot of the movie and only got about 15 minutes. To much hype for to little time.
Yazoo was my least favorite character to say the least. He's too pretty.

Ghost X

Much to my embarrassment, before the movie was released, I actually though Yazoo was a woman. Well-placed shadows and camera angles in promotional pictures had me seeing feminine curves D:. Perhaps he's a tranny.


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
Much to my embarrassment, before the movie was released, I actually though Yazoo was a woman. Well-placed shadows and camera angles in promotional pictures had me seeing feminine curves D:. Perhaps he's a tranny.
Considering the source, I wouldn't be surprised.:ego:

Crimson Wolf

SSBMaster and Blue Wolf are my other two names I've gone by mainly.
Least favourite character in Advent Children Complete: Cait Sith. Reason: Simple, he stole almost all of Nanaki's lines, whenever I saw Nanaki, I would hear that irritating Cait Sith talking. >_<


Pro Adventurer
Don't like emo Cloud either, he goes to this tough solider type figure who doesn't give a damn about anybody to a man who is upset about things that he isn't even guilty of committing..

Final Fantasy VII Cloud had his cheerful moments and his sensitive moments, but dislike the way SE turned him into a bishi or whatever you call it, so fangirls could *squeal* over him. Cloud made of had his issues in the original game, but blame the Jenova injections for that and he improves after the meteor summoning and after Tifa helping him in the Lifestream he transforms into a cheerful and open towards his comrades.

Would rather watch a movie about original Cloud being a smart-ass jerk towards Barret, doing those strange gym-push ups, and those weird movements and poses that he once did. Rather than. ".... I threw my cellphone in the river..."

Just blegh, don't like Emo Cloud at all. >_>


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Don't like emo Cloud either
Yeah I agree that I hate that Cloud is emo. I mean WTF is his problem? It's not like he feels responsible for the death of two of his closest friends which he's constantly reminded of and blew his one shot at redemption when he contacted the same fatal disease that his son has that he was trying to cure...

oh wait...


Pro Adventurer
^^ See Yoshi part of making the character more human like is that psychological trauma cannot be fixed so easily. There are several layers to it, and while he may have picked up in one aspect of his life, the underlying trauma of the death of his friends and his perceived inability to save them, is causing severe disruption, which in turn has lead to regression...There is no potion solution to these things, and my gosh Cloud's been through a lot.


I didn't like that blond haired dude that kept whining about those two that died...
Seriously,he was mad in love with that dead girl! Like totally!


Was he cool when he gave the Black Materia to Sephiroth...twice?
Was he cool when he hit Aeris? Or when he confessed of being a weak kid and having a weak ego? And so on. I disagree that Advent Children made him less cool.

My least favorite? Yazoo. I just can't care for him. Loz is a bit more interesting as he ends up more in the spotlight.

LOL I actually always wondered if he did hit her.:awesome:


Pro Adventurer
^^ See Yoshi part of making the character more human like is that psychological trauma cannot be fixed so easily. There are several layers to it, and while he may have picked up in one aspect of his life, the underlying trauma of the death of his friends and his perceived inability to save them, is causing severe disruption, which in turn has lead to regression...There is no potion solution to these things, and my gosh Cloud's been through a lot.

Okay guess have been a little harsh on Cloud's Advent Children state,though do miss the original Cloud that we witnessed in the original game. It's more wishing that the original Cloud was on film. The original Cloud was something that gave you plenty of emotions from :what a jerk to : what a awesome leader, and watching a depressive hero is a little difficult to watch, because it's not something that you want one of your best friends to go through in real life, it's a little scary.



Stupid really.Cloud seemed just fine and over all those terrible things that happened to him...like Aerith and guys from Avalanche dying.He assumed his own personality with Tifa helping him and showing she cares for him,let's mosey everyone...
And what do we know? BAM! Case of Tifa.Cloud enters depression and Tifa is the strong one,while in the original game we see Cloud full of confidence and cheering everyone.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah but there is such thing as a delayed grief/ trauma reaction. It can take up to 6 weeks to materialise.


Pro Adventurer
Stupid really.Cloud seemed just fine and over all those terrible things that happened to him...like Aerith and guys from Avalanche dying.He assumed his own personality with Tifa helping him and showing she cares for him,let's mosey everyone...
And what do we know? BAM! Case of Tifa.Cloud enters depression and Tifa is the strong one,while in the original game we see Cloud full of confidence and cheering everyone.

Think it said in the game that Cloud was going to pretend to be happy until Sephiroth was defeated, need to play the game again but think Cloud was going to pretend to act cheerful until Sephiroth was defeated. This could be wrong though, haven't played FF7 in yeearss...


Double Growth
Stupid really.Cloud seemed just fine and over all those terrible things that happened to him...like Aerith and guys from Avalanche dying.He assumed his own personality with Tifa helping him and showing she cares for him,let's mosey everyone...
And what do we know? BAM! Case of Tifa.Cloud enters depression and Tifa is the strong one,while in the original game we see Cloud full of confidence and cheering everyone.

Yeah but there is such thing as a delayed grief/ trauma reaction. It can take up to 6 weeks to materialise.

Then there's the fact that he, oh I dunno, contracted an incurable terminable disease!

But I'm sure that had nothing to do with it.


I think the death of close people and the fact that the world was almost destroyed would have a bigger impact in his state of mind.In the game,I mean.


Double Growth
During the game he still had something to focus on - Sephiroth. Then rebuilding. Once life was back to normal, and he was delivering flowers to the Forgotten City, he had time to think about it again.
Catching a terminal disease which he perceived as punishment, or least something he deserved, and it all came rushing back.


Fiat Lux
During the game he still had something to focus on - Sephiroth.

He had something to focus on in AC - his family.

In FFVII, Cloud fought against impossible odds, against a mortal enemy who had previously chewed his consciousness into tiny chunks and spat them out. Did he sulk? Did he throw in the towel? Nope. He pulled up his Hammer pants and got on with it. Even in spite of ALL that, the world could still end, but it never deterred him.

He couldn't invoke that experience just to be beside his family? That's something that desensitized his character and trampled over all the character work from the original game.

Then again it would seem that mopish, stoic, eye-shadow Cloud is more profitable in today's market.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
He had something to focus on in AC - his family.

In FFVII, Cloud fought against impossible odds, against a mortal enemy who had previously chewed his consciousness into tiny chunks and spat them out. Did he sulk? Did he throw in the towel? Nope. He pulled up his Hammer pants and got on with it. Even in spite of ALL that, the world could still end, but it never deterred him.

He couldn't invoke that experience just to be beside his family? That's something that desensitized his character and trampled over all the character work from the original game.

Then again it would seem that mopish, stoic, eye-shadow Cloud is more profitable in today's market.

You forget that in AC the world wasn't at the brink of destruction until Sephiroth appeared, then Cloud did as you said: "He pulled up his Hammer pants and got on with it".

And a family is not a motivation if you think you are the cause of all their grief.


Fiat Lux
You forget that in AC the world wasn't at the brink of destruction until Sephiroth appeared, then Cloud did as you said: "He pulled up his Hammer pants and got on with it".

You're missing the point. It's not about 'saving the world', it's about Cloud proving his credentials in another impossible situation. Instead of fighting this dreadful disease together with his family, he ditches them out of misplaced guilt. Remember that defeating Sephiroth took greater emotional and mental strength than physical (see: final battle).

Besides, AC Cloud wasn't interested in helping anyone until everyone told him what a douche he was being.

And a family is not a motivation if you think you are the cause of all their grief.

And therein lies the problem.


Double Growth
That's all true, but I'm not sure how that tramples all over his established character. That kind of thing does happen to people.

I agree that Nomura seems to prefer mopey Cloud (as in KH), but he wasn't in Dissidia so it isn't all of SE. And if in the final compilation entry he's still depressed about Aeris and Zack I'll agree with you. But I don't think even they would do that.
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