Least favourite Final Fantasy character(s)


[quote author=V link=topic=267.msg15033#msg15033 date=1233902748] Tidus. Not so much for the fact that he whined as for the fact that he's pretty much as dumb as a rock.[/quote] Well he was just someones dream manifest in to something kinda real so you could almost forgive his dumbness lol. What exactly was tidus made out of anyway? And I'm glad he didn't turn into some whining brat ( you know "why meee" and all that) when it was over.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
And I'm glad he didn't turn into some whining brat ( you know "why meee" and all that) when it was over.

I know! I was all impressed. He didn't weep like a beetotch and say, like, "Help me, somebody! Make me real again! Buuuh!"

Nope. Mr. Cool just dives into the Farplane with his buddies, gives Jecht an enthusiastic fiver, and is all like "Wassup, foo'! High five, bitch! Yeah, blitzball's awesome. I totally agree with you, dad!"


Lv. 25 Adventurer

1) TIDUS -_-
2) Cid - all of them!!
3) Selphie

I hates moar of them but those are my most hated at the moment.



Fiat Lux
[quote author=kunoichi link=topic=267.msg17921#msg17921 date=1234613134]
I see no one could answer my question then. Cba to look if it had been answered before.

Tidus was made out of pyreflies summoned by the Zanarkand Fayth!


[quote author=Masamune link=topic=267.msg26502#msg26502 date=1236125317] [quote author=kunoichi link=topic=267.msg17921#msg17921 date=1234613134] I see no one could answer my question then. Cba to look if it had been answered before. [/quote] Tidus was made out of pyreflies summoned by the Zanarkand Fayth! [/quote]
Of course! Thank's for jogging my memory.


B ● A ● N ● A ● N ● A
Vaan. What a sorry excuse for a main character. He does nothing but talk once in a while. "Hello~ I'm still here~ o:"


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
[quote author=Purple link=topic=267.msg27303#msg27303 date=1236227564]
Hmmm, Paine.
[/quote][quote author=pornography link=topic=267.msg27632#msg27632 date=1236298045]

These two. Paine seemed like such a wet blanket, and Vaan was just some little punk who didn't seem to give two shits about what was going on.


Rookie Adventurer
Every FFVII main character post AC besides Yuffie, especially fucking Cid, Wakka, Khimari, Steiner, Amarant, that one little summoner girl from IX, Tidus, and... there's probably more, but I cba to think of anymore. There were lots of douchebag FF characters, but the main ones stood out the most and had the easiest names to remember :monster:


Vann was shit, as a main character.

Oh and cait sith, ok mabey would of looked better in FF9, but looked out of place in FF7, too serious for cait sith was FF7....fuck off already. ;D
Well, least favorite character? It has to be Yuna for me.

She's just too perfect, plus, she and Tidus didn't appeal to me.


I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Wow, a lot of people seem to hate/dislike Rinoa. So it's true that she has the biggest hate fanbase. :D

...not that I'm complaining or anything. I'd totally love FFVIII tons more than VII if her whiny self wasn't there.

So...the list.

Heavily dislike/least favorite:

  • 1. Rinoa (NO. JUST. FREAKING. NO)

Dislike a little/disapprove:

  • 2. Yuna (her make-over just DID NOT impress me; in fact, her whole "sequel" game didn't impress me)
  • 3. Hojo
  • 4. Lucretia
  • 5. Ashe (I just can't relate to her)

Almost there:

  • 7. Vaan (Balthier is a better protagonist than him)
  • 8. Tidus (UGH)
  • 9. FF8 Squall (EMO MUCH? And he fell in love with #1, -10000000 points)
  • 10. Kefka (I love to hate him :awesome:)
Yah TTLY :awesomonster:


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
FFVII : cait sith, barett
FFVIII: quistis, irvine
FFIX: quina WTF. Steiner
FFX/X-2: meh, Paine


tits or gtfo
Moo, Meuterei, Destroyer of Worlds
Possibly the worst character in RPG history: Whatever. I mean, Squall. Do I really have to explain this?

Some others that got old pretty fast:
Zell - Hyperactive annoyance, something tells me he was supposed to provide at least some sort of comic relief, but he never says/does anything funny.
Yuffie - Utterly worthless, period. Should have never been written into the game at all, the entire sequence involving her is nothing but a diverting inconvenience that I nearly quit the game over.
Quina - Despite the fact that he becomes a superpowered walking nuke if you get the right abilities, what the hell were they thinking with this guy?
Black Belt - Why would you ever need one?
The whole damn cast of FFX - I couldn't even finish the game it was so terrible. Seriously. The idea behind character-driven plot is to make the reader/player empathise with/care about the characters, and I couldn't bring myself to give a damn about any of these. Except maybe Rikku, she was cute.
Rinoa - Figures this idiot would be the emo dork's love interest. They're perfect for each other. Go away.
Amarant -Why are you even here? GTFO.


~The Other Side of Fear~
FF1: Black Belt. IIRC he becomes a killer fighter at high levels but by the time you get to high levels the game's easy and at this point in the rpgs you don't have character development so all you have to base them on is worthfulness. Fail.
FF4: Edward. Although the new games increase his talent, this guy is made of fail. Weak magic abilities. Weak defense. Weak attack. Just plain weak.
FF6: Gau, but honestly I liked pretty much the entire cast of this game. I just liked him less.
FF7: Yuffie. I like my materia. I like it even better when it's assembled right. Damnation. Pain in the mofo ass.
FF8: Squall and Rinoa. Yes, I know they're the main characters, that's the problem. Too much teen drama crap for my tastes.
FF9: Quina. Okay, Quina's cute, downright bizarre. I get the point, it just didn't resonate with me. I don't give a shit if they are super-powered--I don't pick characters based on power at this point in gaming anyways.
FF10: Wakka. I liked him a wee bit but mostly he was just annoying. He seemed very one dimensional. The only part I liked was the part about what he had against poor Rikku, which I thought deepened his character, too bad they ditched that bit of interesting storyline.

Um, the others I haven't played well enough to get a feel for the characters. When I do I"ll edit.
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ZOMG. I didn't realize this was about the characters you hated first. XDDD
Okaaaay.. I'm so embarressed.

-Scarlet. She IS a bitch, deal with it.
-Squall. LOL, he is really mean. :monster:

I don't think I hate someone else.. 0.o
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tits or gtfo
Moo, Meuterei, Destroyer of Worlds
Dude you realize this is the *least favorite* characters thread? :monster:


Dude you realize this is the *least favorite* characters thread? :monster:
LOL XDDD I realized it afterwards. I started to read the posts and was like: "Heeeey.. These people aren't talking about their favorites!"
Geez, I'm so stupid it hurts. :loopy:
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