Least favourite Final Fantasy character(s)


Beacause I am a puppet
Yeah, I have a few gaming projects in progress myself so I cba to hook up my SNES again for a replay. I did replay FFVII again recently so maybe I'll just start going down the line from there sometime, and perhaps finding moar obscure playable characters to hate on.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I haven’t had any gaming system hooked up in awhile, I’ve just been playing everything on emulator because I’m lazy. Sadly I don’t own a cartridge of FFVI :(


Beacause I am a puppet
Aww, well that's certainly a good reason to emulate (despite that being a touchy subject). I'm a bit of an emu junkie, too, but if I have the game and can remember where I put it, I try to play it on the original platform just for the whole nostalgia factor. :D

P.S. Are we hijacking this thread too much?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
yeah I can’t blame you there, but like I said, lazy :monster:

also probably. It would be a good topic for another thread though, but again, too lazy to make it :wackymonster:


It's all the same...
I suppose mine would be Zack, he's ok. Just my least fave. I mean I still cried in CC but lol dunno...just something about his character and I can't bring myself to like him much :/


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah I need to remedy that. Last I checked they went for like $100 on eBay, but now that PS and GBA versions have been released (yes it's really been that long since I checked) they probably won't be anymoar :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Edward/Gilbert. When he wasn't fucking hiding IN BATTLE, he was playing his harp IN BATTLE.

Relm is the second most useless piece of shit IMO.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Relm actually had the highest natural Magic Power stat of any character in the game, and the Sketch glitch was useful if you wanted to possibly get 99 Illuminas/Atma Weapons, at the risk of losing your save files, :monster:.
Hmm..Why not..

Hated/Large Confliction

White Mage
Wtf...The only chick and its ugly? (The only thing that saved it was the Black Belt + Master's PWNAGE)
Black Mage
What the hell. No.

Annoying and weird looking.

Cait Sith
He just doesnt appeal to me personally

Imbecile. His crush on Selphie was cute though.
What a dick.
What an intelligent man. 'Chickenwuss'? Seriously?

I found her more annoying than any other FF character imagineable.

Im not sure why, really, he was just very annoying.

For some reason, she just came across as a bitch. I'm sorry.
Isnt cooler than Balthier. He fails as a main character.

Conflicted Emotions/Irritating/Pointless/Flawed Sentiments

...Okayy? Wow what an impact, 20 minutes worth of playtime with this oh so important person?... She was rather pointless..Adorable, but pointless.

Personally I do like Lenna but her design is just so lacking, and her development also, and its worst compared to Faris, who was an extremely captivating character on her own. Lenna could have been better, she was very lacking.
I thought him hopping around girl from girl was alittle bit of a douchey thing, that and his total innocent/naive rave he pulled all at the same time, he was a bad crossbreed of Tidus and Zidane in personality and it irritated me.

She was annoying at times, but she was kind of designed to be a certain extreme of another female character, so of course a bubbly, outspoken, girl like that will annoy certain people. (Like Barret Hah.) She isnt perfect either, if there is anything I do truly hate and despise about the last Cetra its her fanbase. She isnt perfect, she isnt an angel, she isnt Minerva, she isnt everyones love interest.
He was really boring
I dont like Johnny, because I dont. I actually just dont like how jealous he is of Cloud, but still its a reason. Cloud and Tifa are an item raising children, and Johnny steals Tifa's bar name ideas. THEFT. Copywrite infringement? Something.
I love him but I hate him. On one hand he's badass, and a pretty attractive male character, so in the end win for the fans, that and he's unmistakably cool, and then again he killed one of the prettiest faces in FMVcutscene history, but the first? That dick. That and he stabbed Tifa and then let her fall down a flight of stairs, after killing her father and her friends and villagers and burning it all to the ground. Wtf. Ass.
Epic Failure on DoC's behalf.
If I hear "Vincent Valentine" one more time in the souless, negative, broody, whiny emo voice one more fucking time for the hundreth time, I will bitch and complain about it for the rest of FF history.
It was suppose to be 'Unrequited love' not this weird leading him on then running off for Hojo but OH I REALLY LOVED YOU ALL ALONG IT WAS A TRAGIC SECRET TO PROTECT YOU VINNY!! That was one of the worst storylines I EVER had to follow.

GORGEOUS girl, but she seems abit to depressive and such. I know she's abit hurt over Squall falling for Rinoa, but Rinoa is the one who captures his heart. She deserves MUCH BETTER anyway. (Both females do, I personally say.) I want her to get over Squaggot, and find someone who makes her happy.

Ehh..He was annoying, thats my only bag.

See Zidane.

Lacking abit.
Giant tan bunny. I hated her English VA...Sorry to say.

That is all.


Dante's Lady
Angelwing Aeris, AA
Rinoa annoyed me for the first two discs of FFVIII with her childish attitude. Thank God, she matures by Disc 3 and I could finally actually like her.

Quistis - She's Tifa, just way more annoying and depressed.

Tidus's VA- He made Tidus sound horrible.

Hojo - There is nothing any one could say that could make me like him. He killed Vincent, used Lucrecia for the science experiment of Sephiroth and he's the perfect example of a man who has got insane with power, but claims it in the name of science. Plus he uses people. (Lucrecia). He also used Lucrecia and prevented her and Vincent from being together even through she loves Vincent. I hate Hojo with a passion! If he didn't make experiments, Sephiroth wouldn't have gone crazy and killed Aerith.

Seymour- How can anyone like him? His dress is appalling, his evil isn't impressive and he forces Yuna to marry him despite being dead.

Yuna and Rikku FFX-2 - No amount of magical mushroom can erase that crap of a game. The only good thing about it is Shuyin/Lenne and Tidus coming back.

Vaan - Boring but at least he finally get's together with Penelo.

Basche- Presumed traitor got me to dislike him, and the fact that so many people ship him with Ashe is disturbing. (No offense fans. ^_^)
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The Wanderer of Time
All the FF8 cast members acted like over-grown kids, even Laguna. Seifer is my fav, but come on, "chicken wuss"?

Oh no he didn't, you just got burned! That's your villain for this game, Seifer, the man with the insults of a seven-year old, yeah!


Great Old One
I don't really see any chemistry between Squall and Rinoa. Which is why I hate both characters at FF8, to be honest. Rinoa was just... outspoken, and Squall was just rude, conceited and mean towards everyone else - 'cept for Rinoa, because they apparently had chemistry from the start.


The Wanderer of Time
I don't really see any chemistry between Squall and Rinoa. Which is why I hate both characters at FF8, to be honest. Rinoa was just... outspoken, and Squall was just rude, conceited and mean towards everyone else - 'cept for Rinoa, because they apparently had chemistry from the start.

Neither did I really. Once Disk 3 hits he's all devoted to saving Rinoa and wanting to get her back and blah blah. I was like "where is this coming from?" Up until that point their interactions seemed to go like this:

Rinoa: Say something stupid or lame
Squall: Tells her off
Rinoa: "meanie!"

Celes Chere

Well, Rinoa has a mind of a 5 year old, really. =/ I agree that Squall and Rinoa seemed very random. Rinoa forced Squall into things, was everything he basically hated, and then randomly he tells her he's falling for her?

What about the people who were ACTUALLY there for you Squall, from the very start? Suddenly this ditzy princess is your world? D=


Great Old One
Not only that, but it was incredibly fast paced. One moment they're in a catfight, and the next minute they're admitting their 'love' for each other.

@Celes: Yeah, seriously.

Rinoa: Why so serious?

Squall: Eff you.

Rinoa: :(

Squall: I LOVE YOU.


The Wanderer of Time
Yeah. Ever notice how In the FF games the hero falls for the second-hottest female character and never goes for Number 1?


Great Old One
But Yuna is way prettier than Rikku. :monster:

EDIT: And you're right. The hottest character in FFVII is Sephy. The second hottest is Zack. Clearly, this is proof.

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