Least favourite Final Fantasy character(s)


The Wanderer of Time
I meant Cloud, though I was just joking... sorta. :)

Except Tifa doesn't have man-eyebrows.

It's funny, when I bought FF8 I wanted to buy FF7, but I didn't have enough money so I got 8. A friend of mine was in the store and said "FF8's cool, at least it doesn't have a whiney emo bitch named Cloud". And after playing FF8.....0_0

That, and Tifa is attractive, Rinoa is not.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Except Tifa doesn't have man-eyebrows.

Rinoa's man-brows are adorable. You know it's true. .....Don't you? :(

..... :monster:

But, I really like Rinoa, though. You whores. Hehe.

And to second CelesChere, please explain how in the hell Celes = Bella Swan!!!

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Stop ragging on Rinoa's manbrows, as I am a proud sporter of manly eyebrows. :awesome:

Celes Chere

It's funny, when I bought FF8 I wanted to buy FF7, but I didn't have enough money so I got 8. A friend of mine was in the store and said "FF8's cool, at least it doesn't have a whiney emo bitch named Cloud". And after playing FF8.....0_0

That, and Tifa is attractive, Rinoa is not.

Lmao, that is quite hilarious, I must say. I think Rinoa is cute, but I don't think she makes it as one of the prettiest characters. I really can't get over her eyebrows, though. xD I thought she was really cute in the beginning of the game, y'know when she was asking Squall to dance and such. Anything beyond that... keel it with fire.

Rinoa's man-brows are adorable. You know it's true. .....Don't you?

Oh bby. No offense to Rinoa fans, of course. :monster: I'm sure I'm the only one here that actually likes Selphie. xD


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Selphie is my fave chicky from VIII. Rinoa an' Quistis are just about tied, for me. Quistis has got looks Rinoa ain't ever gonna get her hands on, though. But, I remember hearing that Rinoa wasn't even supposed to be as gorgeous as Quistis is; cute was what they were going for with her.

And...I will take offense, Tiff! Coz...I just will. :)
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Celes Chere

Quistis seemed to think Rinoa was pretty, lol. She said that once Rinoa came into the picture, she knew she had no chance. :(

Then I shall take offense to you... for no real reason. :monster:


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Quistis seemed to think Rinoa was pretty, lol. She said that once Rinoa came into the picture, she knew she had no chance. :(

I took that to mean that, right from the get-go, Rinoa got a reaction from Squall. And that it was obvious to everyone in the group that they were bumpin' heads because they were attracted to each other. That's why everyone ganged up on Squall and made him stop acting like he wasn't totally into Rinoa.

Then I shall take offense to you... for no real reason. :monster:

And it will become a vicious cycle! O mai gawd! :monster:


The Wanderer of Time
I always took that to mean that Quistis realized how clingy and co-dependent Rinoa was and knew she'd never be able to get two minutes alone with Squall without Rinoa barging in.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Grroar. Haha, I don't think Rinoa can be blamed for Quistis' inability to catch a canary. I mean, did she really think that following the guy around and parroting him wasn't gonna be a turn-off?

I am joking here, but the way things were going, even before Rinoa made her twinkly star entrance and hypnotized Squall into liking her, Quistis was beyond doomed.

Keep it reeeeeeeaaaaal.

Celes Chere

hypnotized Squall into liking her

So you willingly admit that Rinoa hypnotized Squall into liking her, and it had nothing to do with her personality? That's always been my belief, glad you agree. >D

Yes, I agree that Quistis was doomed with Squall before Rinoa came into the picture. I just find it a bit sad that Quistis had so much care and concern, only to be treated like shit. Though, the sentence thing she did in the beginning was kind of irritating. :awesome:


The Wanderer of Time
To an extent, Zell, Selphie and Irvine got treated like shit too. It seemed that once Disk 1 ended, their individual character stories and personalities vanished, and they spent their time trying to force Squall and Rinoa together.

Celes Chere

Ugh, man, I couldn't agree more. There was too much focus on Rinoa and Squall's shitty romance story imo, and less focus on everyone else.

Laguna made it all better, at least. :monster:


The Wanderer of Time
Ugh, man, I couldn't agree more. There was too much focus on Rinoa and Squall's shitty romance story imo, and less focus on everyone else.

Laguna made it all better, at least. :monster:
That's why FF6 and FF7 are among my favorites. Some characters are more important than others, but sooner or later every character gets their time to shine, gets their own backstory and personality and you see those backstories affect the character and the events around that story unfold.

FF8, the entire main cast has the same backstory - Edea's Orphanage, went off to join Garden, bleh. That'd only be good for some sort of psychiactric paper, evaluating how despite the same childhood, they all (except Quistis and to a lesser extent Seifer) grew up to suck in their own individual ways...

Celes Chere

That's why FF6 and FF7 are among my favorites. Some characters are more important than others, but sooner or later every character gets their time to shine, gets their own backstory and personality and you see those backstories affect the character and the events around that story unfold.

This is QFT, pretty much. It's definitely one of the reasons why FFVI is my favorite FF. :) I think that FFVII, IV, and IX did the best with this as well.

FF8, the entire main cast has the same backstory - Edea's Orphanage, went off to join Garden, bleh.

This is supposed to be an interesting part of the story, but I always viewed it as the creators getting lazy. At least, that's what it felt like.


Great Old One
Oh right. I can't stand Selphie either, she was quite annoying. She's like Yuffie, but in extreme mode.


The Wanderer of Time
I will say this in FF8's defense though - as bad as it is, there is one FF game that is worse, far worse.....it is a stain upon the series, a black spot on an otherwise gorgeous tapestry. It is a disgrace to the Final Fantasy series, an abomination, a testament to all that is wrong in the world, a champion among horrible games, and the scourge of my existence with a presence so foul I can feel it in the pits of my soul......

The worst video game I've ever played in my entire life


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Mystic Quest was in the same calibre of games as Shaq-Fu. It really was that awful.

though at least the soundtrack wasn't terrible. Then again, neither was FF8's :monster:


Great Old One
Which Final Fantasy is that? :monster:

And the worst video game I've ever played is Crazy Arcade. Seriously, what the heck.


wangxian married
I gave up on FF8 halfway through because I hated it so much, but the only reason I got as far as I did was because of Rinoa. At the very least she was amusing. Everyone else somehow fell into the extreme of "no personality" or "exaggerated personality".

At least, imo.


The Wanderer of Time
I just finished replaying FF8. I'd forgotten how broken the battle system is. "Aura + Renzokuken + Meltdown = GG Ultimecia". I took out Griever and Junctioned-Griever in one Renzokuken/Lionheart each.

Shaq-Fu? I've heard the tales. Is it really as bad as Mystic Quest? Whenever I judge a game, I often console myself by saying "well, at least it was better than Mystic Quest". Is Shaq-Fu truly its equal in crapiness?

Celes Chere

I just finished replaying FF8. I'd forgotten how broken the battle system is. "Aura + Renzokuken + Meltdown = GG Ultimecia". I took out Griever and Junctioned-Griever in one Renzokuken/Lionheart each.

Shaq-Fu? I've heard the tales. Is it really as bad as Mystic Quest? Whenever I judge a game, I often console myself by saying "well, at least it was better than Mystic Quest". Is Shaq-Fu truly its equal in crapiness?

YES, it is. :monster:

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