Let's Play Final Fantasy VII: At the same time!


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
- I never noticed before but where on earth does the waterfall behind Aerith's house come from?

I always assumed that it was a sewer pipe, since Midgar doesn't really seem to have any fresh bodies of water.

On Aeris: I immediately liked her after the Church scene. It always makes me laugh when she catches Cloud trying to leave. He's telling her how dangerous it is and she just says 'Are you done?'

This is random, but I usually don't unequip Lightning and Ice from Cloud until later in the game. I feel guilty giving them to someone else because I think of them as his materia.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Apparently they're from the unfinished construction of sector 6. Sector 6 and the plate of it was destroyed in Before Crisis apparently after the
Turks battle with Zirconiade

Right, but...why giant mecha hands? Is that how they build shit in Midgar, using mechas rather than like, cranes?

Because Biggs, Wedge and Jessie stole their clothes to disguise themselves. :P

...how did I not realize this, derp. Still, lmao :monster:

Edit: forgot to add
I always assumed that it was a sewer pipe, since Midgar doesn't really seem to have any fresh bodies of water.

That's what I wondered, but the water looks really, really clean. All blue and pretty and shit and the lake around the house that the waterfall feeds is clear.

Unless Ancient powers includes water purifying systems? :monster:


Well, the water is blue...when there is no blue sky to reflect.

It's clearly the same liquid usually found in chemical toilets. :awesome:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
- I like how Cloud doesn't comment on the spaceship in the church.

Spaceship? :huh:

And I remember a mock newspaper called the Midgar times or something reporting on the waterfall.

"Waterfall & river magically appear out of nowhere in the slums, no one cares."

I always saw it as a plothole. :P


Spaceship? :huh:

There's a rocket in the church. I think I initially mistook it for a fallen pillar or something but Cid mentions how a Shinra test rocket crashed into the Midgar slums.



Pro Adventurer
@ Ace: Seriously? Tell me you're being serious? I thought it might've been sex because of them talking originally about wanting to be alone together and the huffing and puffing noises coming outta one of them after the collaspe.

I could be wrong, but that's what I assumed what they do xDD I tried to find the scene again on youtube, but everybody just walks by them. / frustrated.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
@ Ace: Seriously? Tell me you're being serious? I thought it might've been sex because of them talking originally about wanting to be alone together and the huffing and puffing noises coming outta one of them after the collaspe.

I always figured they were doing drugs or something.

You do a line and i'll do a line, honey
You do a line and i'll do a line, babe
You do a line and i'll do a line,
we'll fight an' screw 'til mornin' time,
Honey, baby, mine.



.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Refer to rule 121 (Child Protection Act) of these standard RPG rules. :awesomonster:


I love rule 143:

[FONT=Arial,Univers,Helvetica]Falling Rule
An RPG character can fall any distance onto anything without suffering anything worse than brief unconsciousness. In fact, falling a huge distance is an excellent cure for otherwise fatal wounds -- anyone who you see shot, stabbed, or mangled and then tossed off a cliff is guaranteed to return later in the game with barely a scratch. [/FONT]


Btw, a 4 year old girl left behind in a bar in the slums.

What were they thinking?

You think that's bad? Look at her mixing drinks like a pro, ffs.

wouldn't be surprised if she was an alcoholic. Same with Tifa btw.

Speaking of, how come there's no customers at all there, either in FFVII or AC? :monster:.

It's fucked up btw. Here's everyone, living in the slums, no sunlight, no fresh air, living in trash and shit. Then you walk a few feet over to the right, and you find yourself in an oasis under the plate, sunlight, clear water, a pretty (not broken) house and flower gardens. How the fuck don't nobody live there? It makes no sense at all, the only hospitable place below there and they waste the space with flowers, :monster:.

But then again, nothing makes sense in FFVII.
It's fucked up btw. Here's everyone, living in the slums, no sunlight, no fresh air, living in trash and shit. Then you walk a few feet over to the right, and you find yourself in an oasis under the plate, sunlight, clear water, a pretty (not broken) house and flower gardens. How the fuck don't nobody live there? It makes no sense at all, the only hospitable place below there and they waste the space with flowers, :monster:.

If anything, the other people of the slums would likely have wrecked this "oasis" out of pure jealousy and spite. These are slum people we're talking about. They are a bitter lot.

But then again, nothing makes sense in FFVII.
What matters is that it does not make sense in an AMUSING way. I think that's one of the beauties of FFVII. Seen with an adult's critical eyes, the story and world becomes even more entertaining.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Btw, a 4 year old girl left behind in a bar in the slums.

What were they thinking?

This always confused the hell outta me. I mean, from the characters' perspectives, but also from the writers' perspectives. Why would you have your characters leave behind a little girl (almost a baby!) ALONE to run a bar??

idgi. What does this accomplish?

The only plausible explanation is that even though she was left alone, maybe one of the neighbors is really keeping an eye on her. And maybe when Tifa tells her to take care of the bar, it's just to make Marlene feel important or special and the bar is actually closed.

This always confused the hell outta me. I mean, from the characters' perspectives, but also from the writers' perspectives. Why would you have your characters leave behind a little girl (almost a baby!) ALONE to run a bar??
In a remake they would most surely change this.

An example comes to mind. In Castlevania Rondo of Blood (released in 1993 for the TurboGrafx16), our hero Richter Belmont recruits Maria Renard, a 12-year old girl, as a fighter by her side. This is wrong and silly for obvious reasons. The girl says she isn't just any normal girl, Richter laughs it off, and lets her join without any further objections.

In a recent remake however, the scene was rewritten. Richter is at first very determined to not put the girl's life in danger, but after she displays her great magical powers he reluctantly agrees to let her come along.

I think this reflects how video game writing was much more silly in the past and did not focus as much on realistic character interactions. So in a remake, Marlene would most surely not be left alone in the bar and she would DEFINITELY not be mixing alcoholic beverages.

The only plausible explanation is that even though she was left alone, maybe one of the neighbors is really keeping an eye on her. And maybe when Tifa tells her to take care of the bar, it's just to make Marlene feel important or special and the bar is actually closed.

Props. I never thought of this. =)


I'm thinking the scene was just meant to be humorous. I can't imagine they'd be serious about writing a scene like that. :P


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Shademp said:
I think this reflects how video game writing was much more silly in the past and did not focus as much on realistic character interactions.

I think it's mostly this. There's more consideration these days for more realism in games. Does that come with more realistic graphics? :awesomonster:


What matters is that it does not make sense in an AMUSING way.

It often doesn't make sense in a non-amusing way though, :(. But I see what you mean.

/me pwnzord... electronic signs with guns and fucking Transformer houses already.

As for Marlene, I actually think they didn't really think that bit through. In a remake, I'm pretty sure they'd make her exactly like AC Marlene. Older, too, so she'd make some sense.

...I fear the worst for a FFVII remake. It'd be all srs business and they'd scrap Cait Sith and crossdressing and everything, :monster:.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I think it's mostly this. There's more consideration these days for more realism in games. Does that come with more realistic graphics? :awesomonster:

I think that is a factor, but also the average age of gamers has gone up now. The more I play FFVII, the more aware I am that this was on the cusp of games trying to become more grown up.

I can really see FFVII working as a SNES rpg.

I've bitten the bullet and bought FFVII on the PSN today, when is the next checkpoint? I want to get up to date ASAP.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Ah, the Slums! My second favorite part from this game! (the first being Wall Market) I always had a strange fascination with these kind of decaying, full of metal scrap places.

Leveling? LOL! I always took combats as they came, not minding which level I had (indeed, FFVII is pretty easy)

It was a bit early to have an idea about Aerith. I saw her as a likeable girl who needed some rescuing from the hero, but I yet had to see more of her.

The barrel game: I failed so hard the first time!!!! Next playthroughs were better, though.


Higher Further Faster
Same here. Wasn't it in the morning when they left? The bar wouldn't be open.

But they still left her there without supervision. :P


Higher Further Faster
Trying to keep occupied?

She was mixing drinks for the invisible customers that you couldn't see?
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