Alex Strife
Maybe when Midgar was built, before the plate existed, every sector had a name, but with time and the plate being built, people "stopped caring"? I really don't know anyway.
I know one major argument haters use against VII is they say Sephiroth's plans all failed. Well, what do you call the destruction of Sector 7 resulting in the death of possibly thousands by the Shinra? And skipping a little further the death of Aeris at the hand of Sephiroth? The destruction of Nibelheim and the slaughter of it's citizens including Cloud and Tifa's parents? What about Shinra's burning of Corel? Those were truly evil acts that succeeded.
clowd said:At the support column how does Wedge survive such a long fall?
Ahh yes but the ending of Tremors disproved that. Really Wedge should have exploded like a bag full of....well..lard. God bless him.Natural shock-absorbant padding,.
Maybe when Midgar was built, before the plate existed, every sector had a name, but with time and the plate being built, people "stopped caring"? I really don't know anyway.
or either make him look "too manly", which would make Corneo's choice quite stupid. Anyway, we'll see it someday, I guess.
Ahh yes but the ending of Tremors disproved that. Really Wedge should have exploded like a bag full of....well..lard. God bless him.
So I've heard a couple rumors, and I'm thinking maybe someone here can answer them. I heard there's a bug such that the undergarments don't actually count toward Cloud's attractiveness total.
The Attraction Bonus from Makeup is only given once, and the chances in the table above summarize which bonus is given. You can never check which bonus you have gotten, but you are given an indication by the sound the game plays when makeup is applied.
A +1 bonus gives a single 'tink' sound effect.
A +3 bonus gives a healing sound effect.
A +5 bonus gives a wind sound effect (may be difficult to hear).
I have honestly never heard of this before. There *should* be no difference between the first and second English releases, other than the box covers.I've also heard that, on the Greatest Hits version for the PSX, you can't get Corneo to pick Cloud, no matter what. Just wondering if those are founded.
Octo, is that Joseph Hadyn for realz? I usually write it off as some Loveless riff, but if it's actually Hadyn, that's pretty baller. The President is a mega deuche.
I've also heard that, on the Greatest Hits version for the PSX, you can't get Corneo to pick Cloud, no matter what. Just wondering if those are founded.
Kate Beckett said:- I never noticed Biggs and Jessie in Elmyra's flashback before. Nice touch.