Let's Play Final Fantasy VII: At the same time!


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
when I was younger, me and my cousin used to play behind the bar at the firehouse. we'd pretend to be bartenders and stuff, and give people soda from that squirty thing.



Also, I totally saw Aerith's ghost in the church just now. :P
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Waiting for something
Nice, she do much or just pop away after a second or two?

I'm gonna continue playing again tomorrow spend a bit of time in the train graveyard, yes yes I KNOW FFVII is easy enough, but I can't help grinding early, bit addictive, means I spend less time later, I'm gonna have a field day once I can hit the alarm in the tunnel in Junon and start killing things that give me a big EXP boost.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ok so I am a bit behind here having only just reached Wall Market but meh!

A few thoughts so far:

1)I love the Shinra Manager, and I love the exchange between him and Barret "I won't give in to violence, and I'm not going to give you my seat either" Anyone else think it was fucking stupid of Barret to go picking a fight with him? We're on a mission for gods sake! Try and keep a low profile!

2) OCTO'S TENUOUS FFVII MOVIE CONNECTIONS™ #1 Ok, this is probably me clutching at straws because I have Blade Runner on the brain. But did anyone else think that Biggs' disguise on the train bore more than a passing resemblance to this guy?
Well I did anyway!:awesome:

3) I never knew that if you keep heading in the opposite direction after jumping off the train, you eventually come to a door with two guards who then attack. You can choose to stay in one place and they keep respawning. You only get 80-odd EXP per battle though, which is not much different to the other battles encountered in the tunnel. The only advantage is that you don't have to keep running about to start battles. I leveled here until I got bored.

4) So Reno and a couple of Shinra grunts had come to get Aeris. I'm thinking that something major must have happened. Heigdegger or whoever has decided enough is enough and is tired of Tseng's 'softly softly catchy monkey' approach. Is this why he sent Reno instead? I guess we'll never know. One things for sure, if Cloud hadn't been there they would have definitely caught Aeris.


So, the playground in Sector 6 had always seemed kind of familiar to me, and I think this is perhaps why
from Akira, obviously it isn't exactly the same but I guess these kinds of slides must be pretty common in Japan? This won't be the first Akira reference in this game though :monster:

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
THIRD CHAPTER: Pimps, Tricks, and Falling Pizzas


CHECKPOINT LOCATION: Right before the assault on Shinra Tower

-Everybody knows this part of the game. It's iconic, to say the least. What are your thoughts on this part of the game and crossdressing Cloud?

-Did you get all of the best items? I'm sure some of you know that who Corneo picks depends on what items you manage to get, and there are 'best' versions of a lot of the stuff you can get, such as perfume, the dress, tiara, wig, etc. If you want Cloud to be Corneo's main squeeze, don't settle for less!

-Bumblebee Inn. I was not aware that you can go into this place back in '97 when I first played. I realized it, like, a few years afterwards. However that's nothing compared to what you find when you go in there...Thoughts? Also don't forget to have the Bees put makeup on Cloud!

-The collapse of the Plate was fucked up, wasn't it?

-Don't forget to Steal from the Bandits before you climb the Plate! You can get rare Speed Potions from them! Also don't forget to steal from that monster to get the Striking Staff for Aeris.


I didn't learn you could get into the Honeybee Inn until a few years later either. Heh. Some weird shit's going on in there.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
The guy in wall market who you get the Tiara from...
(He asks you to stay at the motel and get something from the vending machine in the middle of the night)

Edit Found an image:


That guy, he's stoned. Seriously. All the glass jars behind him are filled with "green stuff", I think we all know what he's selling in that shop of his. :monster:


I only got the wig and dress, which made Corneo aqcuire good taste by picking Tifa, :monster:. Didn't get into Honeybee Inn, getting in there wasn't glaringly obvious. Didn't steal shit from nobody.

This is why I played it with a walkthrough back when, :monster:.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Whoooo what a chapter. Here are my ramblings, I made loads of notes cos I'm taking this SERIOS!:

Wall Market....what a place! I think this is where the game really gets going. FFVII's seedy dirty filthy little soul is revealed here. The place itself.....you can almost smell it can't you? I imagine it smells a bit like a cross between a fish market, a soup kitchen and a garbage dump. The music is excellent, sort of a lazy reggae vibe that says 'Everyone is covered in shit and nobody cares' I also really like the screen in the bar that keeps changing showing different world locations. I remember seeing that the first time and suddenly feeling very small in this sprawling metropolis.

Honeybee Inn: I chose the '**** room' Usually I go for the group room for sheer lulz but I decided that the '**** room' is more pertinent to the plot. Clouds subconcious trying to say 'Dude!? What the fuck are you doing in a whorehouse?!'

Mukki's revival is particularly hilarious 'poik poik .....squish!' :lol: Ahh Mukki...the loveable homosexual stereotype, second only to South Parks Mr Slave. Thought it was a bit odd how Mukki says to Cloud after his freak out 'Don't be depressed about things like this. It happens to me all the time' Whatever do you mean Mukki?!

I will never get over Reeves parents, I remember once some noblet on the internets was saying that 'We don't know that theyre Reeves parents for sure' and I was like.....'dude what the fuck?! Of course they are. Do you need everything spelled out to you?' The nobhead. Anyway I refuse to believe that there are no nicer hotels in Midgar, I think it was a fuck up on Reeves secretarys part. Maybe she meant to book the 'Honeysuckle Inn' instead? We will never know.

I thought it was nice that they got the look right for Reeves mother in the case of Denzel OVA, she is pretty much the same, minus the hat. What happened to his dad though? :huh:

I got the girls to make me over, and I got pretty much all the best items so that Cloud gets chosem by the Don. I fucked up a bit on the Wig front and only got the Dyed wig. Only in FFVII will you compete in a squat thrust contest to win a soiled wig from a transvestite. How could they do that in a remake? Huh?

So I get chosen by the Don and I was just about to kiss him when Tifa ruined everything. After we wake up in the sewers I spoke to Tifa first, I'm trying to get the Tifa date. A point about sewers - at no point after this does anybody get a wash or change their clothes. So they spend the rest of the game stinking of shit. Just think about that - especially the Highwind scene. Takes on a whole new meaning now :lol:

Stole the Striking Staff from Eligor (a kind of robot horse/man thing) in the train graveyard. It only appears in the north section. Stole a couple of Ethers and got some graviballs from the Deenglows. Nice.

Going to stop here for now because this is already TL;DR :monster:


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Crossdressing Cloud is a classic, and if the censore it on any possible remake I'm gonna be very angry. What about the film "Some Like it Hot"? Should it be censored then?

Ahem! The first gameplay got me picking the bad items which prompted Don Corney to take Tifa. I didn't mind, since beating the slobbering thugs was funny 8D

I got into the HoneyBee the first time I played, and I got the cutscene when Cloud passes out and has voices inside his head (creepy...), among all the other weird stuff happening there.

Wall Market marked me. Now every time I see an Asian city at night I ALWAYS think about FFVII.

Oh Tseng bitchslap to Aerith! We got to see the real reason why he did it more than ten years after it! The first time I saw it I just thought he was being a dick because he was at the bad's side, so: siding with evil=acting like a douchebag. It's good to see that my thoughts weren't too off :awesome:

Ah, yes, the falling of the plank. I cringed and shuddered, thinking about all the people who died under it :( Iknowit'sjustagamebutshutup:P


The Doomsayer
Now I'm starting to like Aerith a lot more. How she proposes the idea of crossdressing Cloud, being a lot less of the innocent girl stereotype (rather, the complete opposite, despite her appearance) and all. :monster:

AND HOLY SHIT AT HONEYBEE INN. I was scarred for life when I got to this part of the game in the age of like 6 or 7. Initially I didn't know what to do next after getting the dress and wig, so I wandered around, talked to everyone, and eventually ended up getting the Group room. And my brother explained it all to me... and yeah. :whistle:

I also love how the game actually shifts to the supposed-villain's viewpoint for a second, showing some of the planning process and his thoughts. Games nowadays don't do that. I like this.

I'm gonna attempt to abuse my Steal materia. By playing FF3 and FF10... stealing items will render useless 30-50% of other party members, skills, etc. as the items you steal will do the job better, if not well enough. I already stole the Striking Staff, some Ethers, Ghost Hand, and Speed Potions. Never managed to get any Graviballs though. owell :(

Oh, and is it just me or did I actually find Elmyra's story very touching? Of course there's also Barret, but still... :awesomonster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Part 2 of my bullshit:

So, it was interesting how the guards hang around near the bottom of the pillar. I figure that these guys all managed to escape as they were very near to the sector 7 gate. Either that or they were fucking stupid. Alas Wedge......goodnight sweet prince...feel pretty bad for him, and for Biggs and Jessie. I decided to be nice to everyone as they were dying because I am not a total fucking cunt, even to fictional characters :lol:

I fucked up before the Reno fight (No one get in the way of Reno and the Turks!), it said press menu to change equipment and....uh.. I did a brain fart and cancelled before I got the chance. No big deal as I was already overlevelled a bit and Cloud and Tifas equipment was optimal. Barret just had to make do with his gun. Wasn't a hard battle anyway.

Reno does his death defying leap, anyone notice how at the end of the battle he runs towards one side of the platform, but in the cutscene afterwards hes running the other way? Did he do a circuit just so he could run back and cop a feel of Tifa? :lol: Also how does Reno jump onto the chopper without getting sliced to pieces?

Tseng is such an evil bastard here. They have explained it away in the compilation, but can't he just be evil? Why does everyone have to be misunderstood or in a complex position? Anyway, I guess he was pretty frustrated with Aeris.

The following FMV is something special. Its clever how you're left to run about on the platform aimlessly...really induces a sense of panic, and then Barret saves the day! The plate falling is quite terrifying, especially the scene of the TV anchor man and then the signal cuts out. President Shinra is a total bastard, listening to a bit of Haydn while people are slaughtered....real classy.

I always feel sorry for Barret, it is overlooked how much that he has suffered too. His village was destroyed - he helped persuade Dyne that a Mako reactor was a good idea. He lost his arm, he lost his wife, his best friend. And now Biggs, Wedge and Jessie. Good thing that Barret is a mega hard bastard. He has a freak out sure, but then he's back on top, using his anger to give himself strength, you've got to admire that.

I popped into one of the sector 5 houses, the TV report states that 'there are no civillian casualites' ?! How the fuck can they get away with a lie like that? People on top of the plate will have bought it too, and they must have relatives. Crazy.

One thing I noticed during Elmyras flashback, you can see Biggs and Jessie playing on the lamp post at the station. I thought it was particularly touching to see them being young and carefree.

So now I'm heading to Wall Market, going to level up a bit first and steal some speed drinks from the theives. :monster:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Tseng is such an evil bastard here. They have explained it away in the compilation, but can't he just be evil? Why does everyone have to be misunderstood or in a complex position? Anyway, I guess he was pretty frustrated with Aeris.

:o They explained Tseng's actions in this scene? Where? And why haven't I read it?
Reno does his death defying leap, anyone notice how at the end of the battle he runs towards one side of the platform, but in the cutscene afterwards hes running the other way? Did he do a circuit just so he could run back and cop a feel of Tifa? :lol: Also how does Reno jump onto the chopper without getting sliced to pieces?
I never thought about this continuity error. Probably because we are not expected to care about continuity between battle and field mode. Another such "mistake" is that you fight Yuffie in the forest, but then you talk to her on a grass field. There is no indication that they dragged her there. =/
I believe that originally you were meant to encounter her on the field, but so to make recruiting her more of an optional thing they changed the fight to take place in a forest.

:o They explained Tseng's actions in this scene? Where? And why haven't I read it?

On the Way to a Smile: Case of ShinRa


Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
I never thought about this continuity error. Probably because we are not expected to care about continuity between battle and field mode. Another such "mistake" is that you fight Yuffie in the forest, but then you talk to her on a grass field. There is no indication that they dragged her there. =/
I believe that originally you were meant to encounter her on the field, but so to make recruiting her more of an optional thing they changed the fight to take place in a forest.

On the Way to a Smile: Case of ShinRa


Oooh, right, thanks. Read this a while back but evidently forgot parts of it. Cheers. :monster:

Alex Strife

Let's see; I start playing the third chapter now, and I'll write as things happen!

Ah, the wooden plank on my way to the playground!! I too was a victim to it, and didn't know how to get past it. Good times indeed.

Oh, and by the way, there was someone asking what the guards on Sector 7 were protecting... I think that behind the guards there was supposed to be the Gate that leads to the playground on Sector 6.

Wall Market!! I would never forget about this place, but... entering it for the first time in a playground always brings a fantastic sensation. It really gives you the feeling of playing FFVII more than other parts of the game, right?

Also, Cloud's not as tough and a hardass as it looks like. Even when he's not "himself", you can see he's still "himself" in some of the interactions with Tifa and Aeris. I love that you can still see traces of Cloud's real persona in there!

I took some time to gain some money because I wanted to buy Tifa's gloves, and... well I got two Cloud Limit Breaks, so I'm now happily on Lvl2.

Inside Honeybee Inn... weird shit's weird, man. I just love Cloud's enthusiasm right before going in. It's... interesting. Anyway; Miss Cloud is just cracking. I would love to know how they're to manage all this in an eventual remake of the game. Seriously, it's not easy to do; it may make Cloud look "too woman-y", which should be impossible; or either make him look "too manly", which would make Corneo's choice quite stupid. Anyway, we'll see it someday, I guess.

For some reason I remember when I first made it to the Train Graveyard (never knew it was right from the station, at first), it made quite a big impression to me. Probably it was the background music, which is one of my (if not the) favourite of the entire game.

I never knew you could stole that staff for Aeris... so I did now; useful, no question about that. Moving onto the pillar... I always thought two things were weird; one of them is how Tseng seems to be concerned about Aeris yet he slapped her. But I find REALLY strange how Reno, who seems basically just a ShinRa fanboy but not a bad person, would so cold-heartedly push the button of the bomb that would kill innocent people. I won't say it's out of character, but... Reno in FFVII is sort of a "Cool enemy", whereas in the other entries of the Compilation he's the "silly enemy" type of character. Bothers me a bit. They did get his relationship with Rude alright, though, I'll admit! :D

And then after the pillar collapsed... "On that day five years ago", another of my favourite music pieces in the game! Suits quite well the dramatism of the moment, but still... I realise I'm in love with this game, still after all these years. Every time I play it I find it even better. I guess it's not because it's SO good, but because it brings me back to so many different eras in my life (Because I've played it so many times). So the more I play it, the more I want to play it, and the more I want to play it, the best it makes the game for me, which in turn makes me want to play it... a really fantastic circle.

Oh, a random interesting note. Obviously, in the Spanish translation, "Wutai" is "Wutai", but when Aeris' mother explains how her husband was in the war, they wrote "Utai", so at first I didn't realise those two things were the same :monster: . Stupid translations. By the way, child!Aeris is cuuuuuuuuuuuuute.

I'll post my set-up later, though, because I don't have time now... :P


Double Growth
I HATE waiting for the Striking Staff guy to show up but it's so worth it.

But I find REALLY strange how Reno, who seems basically just a ShinRa fanboy but not a bad person, would so cold-heartedly push the button of the bomb that would kill innocent people. I won't say it's out of character, but... Reno in FFVII is sort of a "Cool enemy", whereas in the other entries of the Compilation he's the "silly enemy" type of character. Bothers me a bit.

While I think people blow this a bit out of proportion (especially after Crisis Core and the toned-down slapstick in ACC), the bad guy becoming hapless while helping the good guys is pretty common - especially in Japanese media in my experience.
But Compilation crap aside, I think that's part of what allows Reno (and the rest of the Turks) to be a likable character and still be scary. He will do literally anything Shinra orders him to. (On his own time and on his own terms, perhaps, but he'll do it.) He won't bat an eye if he was ordered to save a child one minute and kill one the next.
But I do find it interesting that Quinton Flynn, who only knows him through Advent Children, is aware of that quality even with his slapstick humor.


Pro Adventurer
Boy am I glad I found this site before the playthrough got deeper in.

Allow me to introduce myself. Like many others Final Fantasy VII is by far my all time favorite game. Like many others it was the first RPG I ever played. How I missed the SNES Final Fantasy games I dont know. I'm 26 so I had my parents take me to rent SNES games fairly regulary in the early 90s but never played the SNES Final Fantasy games. Its that fact that bothers me when I see 18, 19 year olds bad mouth VII and praise VI. Weren't they like 2 when VI was released? Sounds like they want to sound old school, the lame "screw XBOX I'll play old school Nintendo" attitude.

Anyway, though VII was my first RPG it didnt make me a RPG fan. Sure I ended up playing and finishing VIII, X, and XII as well as a few non Square titles like Breath of Fire but I never really got into RPGs after VII, and I felt VIII, X, and XII were all vastly inferior to VII. I've maybe played 10 RPGs my whole life.

To get an idea of my tastes in gaming here are a few games I'd list as my all time favorites.

- Final Fantasy VII
- Flight Simulator Franchise
- Age of Empires 2
- Gran Turismo Franchise
- Super Mario Bros. 3

The point is I firmly believe I hold VII so high because its a honest masterpiece, not that I was amazed by my first RPG experience. I like to believe I'm a different OMG VII is the greatest! supporter. AC was the only compilation movie/game I bought. I never thought Clowd was amazing. I never thought Sephiroth was some all time great epic villain though both did their jobs as villain and hero fine. Final Fantasy VII is so, SO much more then a couple of characters. Through this playthrough I'll "blog" about how so many things came together near perfectly in VII to create the modern masterpiece it is.

That is important for me today with the army of VII haters growing larger and more vocal every day. I find it odd so many say "I played VII and didnt think much of it. Overrated." Reminds me of a friend who begged me for months to play Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I eventually did but quit after a few hours. It felt like a story for 6 year olds and I hated the whole thing. I wanted to scream overrated!. But did I have the right? Millions adore the game and its seen as highly influential like Final Fantasy VII. Is my opinion somehow worth more then Ocarina of Time's legion of fans? No, its not. And just as easily as I could rip it apart with an argument they could do an even better job of building it up as deserving of it's elite status as an all time great game.

Enough of that. Final Fantasy VII has finished downloading on my PS3. This will be my 7th, 8th playthrough. Time to start the adventure. And thank you for this playthrough and website


I popped into one of the sector 5 houses, the TV report states that 'there are no civillian casualites' ?! How the fuck can they get away with a lie like that? People on top of the plate will have bought it too, and they must have relatives. Crazy.

Seriously, that's some major bullshit. Shinra PR must be quite retarded.
I'm sure Denzel wasn't amused. :hohum:


Pro Adventurer
I'm just about to start the 2nd bombing mission. My thoughts so far

How nice was it to hear the sound of the cursor again. Something so small yet so iconic.

The camera sweeps away from Aeris and we see Midgar in all it's glory. Midgar is without a doubt one of the great fantasy locations of all time. It's up there with Star War's Death Star and Blade Runner's futuristic Los Angeles. Without Midgar I think Final Fantasy VII loses alot of it's luster. The city is unlike anything ever seen before. Green exhaust/emissions from mako poor out around the Shinra building and from the reactors. This reminds me so much of the plooms of fire bursting from Burnoff towers in Bllade Runner's futuristic Los Angeles. The Shinra building towers over the city in the Middle, complete with spotlights and circling helicopters.

You meet a man named Barret. How do you make the real Mr. T any more badass? Is it possible? Final Fantasy VII developers found a way. Give him a gatling gun for an arm and make him a tree hugger. As already mentioned in this thread Barret is absolutely surreal. Not only is a black character in a game this huge refreshing even though he's a stereotype, his Character is absolutely epic and one of the best designs of all time. His soft, tree hugger persona balances his stereotypical angry black man personality quite nicely. It makes him feel more real.

Inside the reactor we hear the Mako Reactor theme song. It perfectly captures the creepy feeling of the reactor. The opera like howling (are there vocals in this song) in the song turns the "epic" dial up several notches.

The gamer is swept into the belly of this sprawling, impossible floating city by a train at the early hours of mourning. The place is called Sector 7, a slum where houses are made of pieces of scrap metal. Neon signs light up the dimly lit sector where the sun never shines. Campy glowing light emits from windows. Uematsu's music is full of atmosphere. You feel the depression and plight of those living in the slums. You feel uphill battle you have ahead of you against the Shinra.

As already mentioned its amazing how many current real world issues Final Fantasy VII touches on. Terrorism, the destruction of the enviorment, genetic engineering, opressive government. Its also how many movies/anime etc Final Fantasy VII drew inspiration from. Later we'll see how movies like Species, Blade Runner, Akira and even Godzilla found their way into Final Fantasy VII.

I can feel the steam punk influences but its not overwhelming. Final Fantasy VII borrows from so much but it never overwhelms or annoys the player by focusing on one "feel" in particular. For example the corny Japanese esque comedy gags like Barret punching Biggs into the camera are kept to a minimum. The player doesn't mind they are there and actually enjoys them as long as they are kept to a minimum and do not destract from the game. If every other character had steam punk goggles and clothing it would get annoying quickly.

I am shocked by the amount of cursing I've read so far. It feels like I've seen damn 10 times and hell another 5 in the first 60 minutes of gameplay. Some even from a little boy who even is censored using #%#%. But the language doesnt feel forced, like they're trying to make the game feel adult. It feels natural, not like modern games like Grand Theft Auto who overuse harsh language to try and appear adult.

The game ages well in my opinion. The blocky characters never really bothered me, I thought it added charm to the game, like the poor sound effects. The only thing that bothered me a bit was the low resolution backgrounds during battle but outside of that I cant ask for more from a 1st generation Playstation 1 game.

My "config" is as follows

- ATB to active
- Battle speed fastest
- magic order: attack, restore, indirect

Also made sure to move Cloud to the middle of the party, everyone on the front row.

I got the strategy guide and I think I'll be needing it now going to the second reactor.

One thing I noticed that I did not know before, Jessie tells Cloud that the people have forgotten the names of the towns in Midgar, so they refer to them as sectors. This makes Midgar much older then I could have ever imagined as I find it hard to believe names of towns can be forgotten in a short period of time.

Again, thanks for this awesome thread.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
One thing I noticed that I did not know before, Jessie tells Cloud that the people have forgotten the names of the towns in Midgar, so they refer to them as sectors. This makes Midgar much older then I could have ever imagined as I find it hard to believe names of towns can be forgotten in a short period of time.

Again, thanks for this awesome thread.

Yeah, I'm sure it was stated somewhere how old Midgar was, but I didn't think it was more than 100 years old, which isn't really enough time to forget names. Also Barret gives the impression that there were people living there before the plate was even built.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
So maybe the town names referred to what was there before....I guess. I don't even know how they could have given the different sectors real names...they're all the same!

Its like when the council give names like 'Nelson Mandela House' and its just a massive fucking tower block :monster:
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