There's a lot of criticism (mostly fair) of this game since the reviews have been mostly negative although there's one thing that kind of baffles me, and that's the arguement that Lightning is too closed off, like the first game.
But... I kind of don't see it? Yeah there's moments where she is, looking at her intearctions with Noel, and she sure says it a lot (I wince eery time she makes a "I can't feel anything anymore comment) but overall?
She's openly empathetic to Snow and a couple of npcs, I feel like her voice is a lot more soft when talking to children, she has enough banter with Hope that's lighthearted, and her interactions with Mog are nothing but sweet. And if you look at each time someone fires up the game again, the "previously on" is her thoughts and they are hopeful.
It doesn't make sense to me. Yeah she's no Tidus... but she isn't actually a Squall either. Lightning is stoic but she emotes often? Not extremely or dramatically but it's definitely there enough.
I guess to each their own?
That said there are a few things I agree with. 1> inconsistent tone, especially witht he sidequests. Quests like save my dog or look at all the clocks. In the wildlands, there's a lot of quests when one of the characters had died and such since it's suppose to be a fierce land... but you don't really feel it.
If they had more time, I think they would have benefited from putting the monsters on the screen like Archtyppe Stepp in the first game. It's suppose to be overrun with animals, but you don't feel like that. Sure the encounter rate is up, but over all... you don't see it. It would also make some of the quests easier without just handing it to you. And encourage more exploration.
They need to make more poignant side quests. There's a few that are interesting, there's one that has phones around you ring and you have to find someone, and there's another halfway interesting story where you meet an npc reading a pile of thick journeys and says that those are the journals of all 500 years of his life- if you walk by him you can hear him laughing at his own stories. Those are interesting because it utilizes the environment and gives you an interesting feel about living all these years. Everything else... you could easily replace 500 years with 5 years.
I can do a mindless amount of sidequests. I can't do ones that don't feel connected to the world or not have stories, or don't expand Lightning's characters. There are some that do, but not enough.
The main story revolves around the main cast and while that itself is good... you can't really compare the ten minutes of the cast to the really dedicated characterization and development of the OG. Normally it wouldn't be too bad, but when you can contrast what happened before, it feels cheap.
Not enough Sazh. Seriously this will not stop pissing me off.
Graphics are pretty raw. Normally doesn't bother me but sometimes you look at something and think "Yeah they phoned that in." Couldn't stop laughing at the animals in this, they look like bad pw2 graphics. In other ways, they didn't take advantage of a potentially interesting point. Wildlands is where Academia is located right? I can see a broken Academia building in the distance. You can't tell from running in the field. Sometimes you will see a little broken highway, but there's really not any indication that there was a great city there. I would have LOVED to explore a broken down Academia like they did The Last of Us, or Enslaved. No, just more boring areas. Shame.
Hope needs to stop bitching at me every 30 seconds about teleportation. Needs more friendly banter because that seems the best way to make the characters more likeable.
This game is so cheesy and dramatic sometimes. Even that wouldn't be so bad if I could get more of the main story. Not enough of the main story.
I really like the world. There are a few things I wish they did, made the world changed more drastically throughout the night and day sequences. For the most part, it feel bustling and lively, and there are differences from the night and day, but I feel like they could have. But overall, I think they are interesting and fun to explore.
The time limit doesn't really affect you, as soon as you learn time freeze so you can explore to your hearts content.
The combat is amazing and the customization is so much fun. I really enjoy working different combinations and killing things.
I never understood the "glasses" thing that people like. I put glasses on Lightning and yes... good. I am a believer.
Like I said... I really like Lightning. A few awkward moments are more attributed to bad writing that characterization.
I thought I wouldn't care about Lumina... but I love her? She's so lively compared to Lightning that it's a fun contrast, she's a little shit and doesn't care (boy Hope sure loves to talk), her voice acting is amazing, and she's just interesting. You can talk to random NPCs in Luxerion and some of them mention Lumina trouble making, or you see what happens when she starts messing with something (like how she turned a boy into a cat) but at the same time they defend her pretty valiantly. They seem really affectionate towards the girl. It's that kind of duality that makes her fun.
Voice acting minus a few npcs are good. And even the bad ones are full of character. People said the NPCs are lifeless but I really don't feel that way. They could do better with the lines that people utter when you just pass by them, but sidequest NPCs seems to really be their own people.
And well, at the end of the day, I'm having fun. Which is really all you can ask in a game. Wish the story was stronger for a franchise I've been following rather faithfully, but I'm enjoying the journey thus far.