Love Triangle Spoiler Thread


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Huh, really? Or are you talking about the line where he says he isn't going to outright say who Cloud's light is, or what Tifa is because he wants players to really think about it?

Excerpts taken from this site:

On what kind of basis did you choose the FF characters?

Nomura: In a way, we selected characters that are on demand. We considered from both fans and the staff's opinions and it all ends with just characters that are highly on demand.

And Tifa from FFVII showed up.

Nomura: In fact, back when we were working on KH:FM, some of the staff members wanted to have Tifa show up. They said "Battling with Tifa would be fun, in a melee sense" and originally wanted to add both Sephiroth and Tifa (into KH:FM) but due to tight schedules, we could only go with one character so we inserted Sephiroth into KH:FM. Because of that, we decided to let Tifa show up in this game.

In Kingdom Hearts II, things have changed. Cloud gets his very own sidestory and with him is Tifa Lockhart. Both are sporting their Advent Children outfits, making them stand out from the crowd. In this second installment Tifa is a powerful woman who is shrouded in mystery. She kicks walls – earning the respect of Sora and Co. in the process – and gets to kick some Sephiroth ass as well. But more importantly, she plays a very key role in Cloud's sidestory. If ever there was any association of Cloud's light with a person, then that person would be Tifa. She's the one character that actually gives her light to Cloud. Literally.

There's an event where Tifa talked to Cloud after beating Sephiroth.

Nomura: In Mr. Nojima's scenario, it explained Cloud and Tifa's connection more in-depth but I deleted it away. I thought it would be more interesting to let the gamers think about it. For example, "If Cloud's darkness is Sephiroth, then Tifa is light"; in that sense you can take it that Tifa isn't really human. The reason Tifa doesn't talk to anyone else besides Sora and Co. may be because she doesn't exist as a human. Of course, I also presented her in a way that she could also be a resident of Hollow Bastion, so I think you can feely think for yourself about her.

Nojima: Tifa wasn't planned to appear at first. I was talking with Tetsu about what Cloud could be doing in Hallow Bastion, and we eventually moved towards him chasing after Sephiroth, but also being chased by something himself. So Cloud's really running from something but goes around pretending, saying that he's chasing Sephiroth. Then we decided to make it him running from the "something warm" like what Tifa was after in AC.

We heard from Mr. Nomura that you could see it as "if Sephiroth is Cloud's darkness, then the light is Tifa." Looking at it like that, what do you think Aerith's position is?

Nojima: In my opinion, Aerith doesn't really belong to either light or darkness. Kind of like, she's in another world and can go to either if she wants to. She's independent, not steeped in either light or darkness. To put it another way, she's the most stable, having both light and darkness.

Hope that cleared that bit up.


Selene, Sheila
LMAO @ prayer & song
As a Roman Catholic Christian I found it highly amusing because it matched perfectly and was clearly written on the spot. Also, I have a sense of humor.

soul fusion stuff


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Hadn't you heard, Sheila? Spirit Sex is literally the union of two souls and shit.

It's so much better than nasty dirty physical sex could EVER be.

And it sounds like a combination of puritanical values and mary-sueism rolled together, don't it?

Addendum: A little birdy sent this my way. From Anastar.

Well, a "Cloti hint" didn't occur to me when I read it... so I guess it's all how you want to perceive it. Like AerithG. said, it's all up to interpretation. I think it makes perfect sense for Cloud to mean that it'll be different since they won't be chasing Sephiroth any more when you remember that this conversation takes place on the Highwind immediately after Sephiroth gets defeated. Cloud says he's starting a new life - what's going to be different? He doesn't intend to fail, he's no longer trying to make SOLDIER, he's no longer in a battle situation, and he thinks it'll be alright this time. There's all kinds of possibilities other than "it'll be different because I'm with you". Don't jump to conclusions.

Because 'it's different' MUST mean anything OTHER than the togetherness that he cites as being a new factor in his life attempt with Tifa, who says she's always been with him... Why? Because we can't have anything even remotely Cloti in the compilation, no no.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think people should be talking about the changes in Case of Tifa instead of the batshit insanity of a certain rabid fanbase. :monster:

I think these changes further emphasize the punch in the face Cloud and Tifa's togetherness is supposed to convey now post FFVII.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Can we be efficient and talk about the batshit insanity of a certain rabid fanbase in response to the changes to CoT?

But yes, the changes, even the minor ones, are in several cases significant. Several of them seem to be specifically geared to shut down spin, as if Nojima was checking up on the fandom and getting sick of them.

Of course, that can't be the case. I enjoy the ludic- I mean HE doesn't care. Yeah, yeah. That's the ticket.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Nojima changed the phrasing for a reason. He wanted to further emphasize something. What could that something be?

Cloud's undying devotion to Aerith and his abject depression at her loss. I mean duh. :loopy: It's not like the guy smiles or anything significant toward Tifa.... :shifty:


Selene, Sheila
Hadn't you heard, Sheila? Spirit Sex is literally the union of two souls and shit.

So it's not this kind of fusion?


I don't notice many changes other than what we've already known all along. Of course, we're just waiting for certain people to twist the story once more - the difference is they don't get to rely on mistranslations (cloud's place, dubious) to discredit the whole point of the story (read: Tifa and Cloud's relationship).


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
No, Sheila, it's EXACTLY that kind of fusion. DBZ was a porno, but such things are lost on inferior western audience who don't understand true Japanese symbolism.

And like I said, Sheila, they're largely minor revisions, but they solidify a lot of things that were TECHNICALLY not concrete before.


Great Old One
Nojima changed the phrasing for a reason. He wanted to further emphasize something. What could that something be?
He probably changed it because he wasn't liking the misinterpretations certain people were giving out. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Cloud closed his eyes.

(Tifa) "Let's work hard together."

Tifa waited for his answer, though she couldn’t hear it even if she waited until the morning.

wait.. is this saying she waited till morning for an answer? Sorry, this kinda confuses me.. :/


Higher Further Faster
No I think it's saying that even if she had she never would. Kind of a fancy way of saying that Cloud didn't answer her. Artistic license, and all that. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
No I think it's saying that even if she had she never would. Kind of a fancy way of saying that Cloud didn't answer her. Artistic license, and all that. :monster:

oh alrighty.. but if she's sleeping next to him, then she probably did wait and never got an answer.. :monster: that's what I always assumed from the scene..I mean, if they are not sleeping next to each other, this is a very awkward and odd scene...


Higher Further Faster
That's what I think, too. Cloud and Tifa have got to be sharing a room by this time. If not, then why isn't the first thing he says, "WTF are you doing in my room Tifa you creeper?!" XD
Lol. I still am not 100% convinced that they sleep together. I mean, what was the point of having 'Cloud's room'? :monster:

I can't believe I missed the fun a few pages ago. XD
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Your Mom
In the official English translation, it's referred to more than once as "the room Cloud uses as his office." Strange way to refer to it if it's also where he sleeps. :)

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Wait, I thought his office was his bedroom...




In the official English translation, it's referred to more than once as "the room Cloud uses as his office." Strange way to refer to it if it's also where he sleeps.

Oh. I see, and that little bed there is just for incase he gets an overtime? It makes sense since there was no much stuff in there.

I don't know. Imma still confused, if only they had shown Tifa's room. o:

But I have to admit when I first saw this:

...I was convinced for a whole three seconds. :monster:


Tifa Pwnage 101
Some changes definitely make the novel better, but some just add more unnecessary complexity. I'll start you off with this passage:

Barret: “Make sure you be a nice child of this family!
Hearing those words, Cloud and Tifa looked at each other. A child of this family?

It's a very good addition, because it kind of shows you where it all began. But then, after a few lines from Marlene and Cloud, comes this:

Friends were a necessity to me so that I could live on without being supressed by the sins in my consciousness....We couldn’t live without comforting each other and encouraging each other....Maybe you could call that family.....Tifa thought she could get over anything while being with friends that she could call her family.

So after hearing Barret calling the three of them family, Tifa starts contempating about what she thought she had as a family before, and now:

“A family.” - Tifa murmurs

thinks about what Barret just brought up, being a union exclusive to her, Cloud and Marlene?

[Cloud] looked at Tifa. Tifa nodded a little. Would there be various problems arising after this? However, Tifa decided that she whould stop worrying about the relationship between the two of them.

it's seems I answered my own question after this^ excerpt, but is this saying that after Cloud said he wanted to stay with Tifa (with more romantic connotations added, but still in a fairly ambigious manner), Tifa was still unsure about them being romantically involved, and never considered them sharing that kind of relationship yet, with her thinking "Would there be various problems arising after this?"

What do you think?
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
[Tifa was still unsure about them being romantically involved, and never considered them sharing that kind of relationship yet, with her thinking "Would there be various problems arising after this?"

What do you think?

I think you have a pretty good grasp of the situation, and although I don't think she so much questioned the "romantic" nature of their relationship, adding a child--making a family--can cause issues/problems that they may not be ready for. After all, they are still a "new" couple. That was my take on that anyway.

I think this passage/additions also emphasizes that it's not Tifa chasing Cloud. In fact, it's him that initializes most of the romantic things as well as insisting on their union and remaining together. (Traveling together, starting a business, insisting he will be there to reassure Tifa, Holding her firmly, wanting the family role...etc.)



Rookie Adventurer
"WTF are you doing in my room Tifa you creeper?!" XD
Also this:
Cloud closed his eyes.
“Let’s work hard together.”
Tifa waited for his answer,

If they weren't in the same bed, can you imagine how weird it would be for Tifa to be perched in Cloud's room, while he's trying to go back to sleep and she just SITS there waiting for an answer D:

I always wondered why Nojima had Tifa ask Cloud if he loves her. I mean, it's the kind of question that is begging a yes/no answer and he doesn't just give it to the reader straight.
"Would there be various problems arising after this?"
What do you think?
I'm with Fairheart on this. I think the problems here that she is referring to is more of a shift in dynamics between their relationship. From things going steady, albeit slow, suddenly she sees herself and Cloud assuming parental roles. It's like, whoa, what happened to the inbetween part?


Tifa Pwnage 101
Overall, I appreciate that Nojima desperately tried to make Spiky seem less of an ass in how he treated Tifa. Yet the convo in the bedroom still makes me feel sorry for her
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