SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
Thank you, I can be a little overly sensitive sometimes, so any offense I took was probably my own insecurities manifesting, sorry if I put that on you. ??
Don't worry! My comment was surely not very polite to begin with, sorry! I jumped the gun mostly because I saw that one Clessie supporter instead of a more legit Zerith one. I thought it would have been a twitter drama show, I'm glad I was wrong.
Anyway whatever comment here shouldn't stop you from doing what you believe to be right for you and your channel.
I'm still not sure whether involving such a "determined and involved fan" in the thing was really a good idea but, honestly, he stands out just because he focuses on a very niche ship. Other shippers have the same attitude and the same level of obsession but benefit from the fact of belonging to a larger community.


shinra merch buyer
I've been a shipper for various non-canon rarepairs in many fandoms. I think the best way to get people into your ship is to just share your love for it, rather than trying to tear down the other ships, or invade the spaces of other ships and other characters, asking why no one likes your ship/character in your ship. It doesn't need to be about some lofty idea of bringing communities together - Sometimes, positivity can be infectious. :hohum: A panel or setup where people can just do that without the presence and baggage of a controversial figure like Jairus would probably have been more enjoyable for everyone involved imo!


Rookie Adventurer
I've been a shipper for various non-canon rarepairs in many fandoms. I think the best way to get people into your ship is to just share your love for it, rather than trying to tear down the other ships, or invade the spaces of other ships and other characters, asking why no one likes your ship/character in your ship. It doesn't need to be about some lofty idea of bringing communities together - Sometimes, positivity can be infectious. :hohum: A panel or setup where people can just do that without the presence and baggage of a controversial figure like Jairus would probably have been more enjoyable for everyone involved imo!
I agree and Jairus controversy aside… most people seemed to find the whole thing pretty wholesome and positive. Even the Jairus stuff was pretty mellow. The main point I drove in him sounded pretty close to yours, focus on building up your own ship, create rather than destroy, etc… under the weight of an actual captive audience, he seemed to agree to it, and he’s been asking me/running ideas by me all day on how to do it… so hopefully that sentiment lasts.


Pro Adventurer
I'm not sure how tuned in you might be to the debate-bro sphere of Twitch, but the panel definitely felt like it was modeled after that kind of set up.
Forget BreadTube, let’s get ShipTube going

Thank you for this. Honestly I am likely going to tune out all of the shipping discourse for a while now that this episode is over. I will admit this is my most "fanservice-y" episode, because it's not something I myself would willingly seek out to watch. I know how valuable time is and I can definitely see viability in skipping something like this.
For what it’s worth, the shipping discourse on this site is pretty cordial (after what I assume to be years worth of culling lol) so I for one welcome you ‘round these here parts :awesome:

I've been a shipper for various non-canon rarepairs in many fandoms. I think the best way to get people into your ship is to just share your love for it, rather than trying to tear down the other ships, or invade the spaces of other ships and other characters, asking why no one likes your ship/character in your ship. It doesn't need to be about some lofty idea of bringing communities together - Sometimes, positivity can be infectious. :hohum: A panel or setup where people can just do that without the presence and baggage of a controversial figure like Jairus would probably have been more enjoyable for everyone involved imo!
I’ll admit because of this experience I went from being indifferent about the Cloud & Jessie ship to straight up not liking it lmao but hey, shippers gon’ ship


Rookie Adventurer
For what it’s worth, the shipping discourse on this site is pretty cordial (after what I assume to be years worth of culling lol) so I for one welcome you ‘round these here parts :awesome:
It really does seem that way. You guys are great and quick to forgive, or adjust your attitude to fit the tone. Twitter is a hellscape. They’ve been tearing apart the Clerith that was on the show all day…


Fire and Blood
Yep, sadly this is what I feared, that basically nothing would change :/ I do sometimes check the cloti tag myself, but I don't follow anyone from the FFVII community, nor the FFVII tag, except my two friends (that's just really Peko and my clerith friend who's been traited as a traitor by a certain portion of her fandom for saying cloti is canon - but I can attest that she truly do love clerith) whom I chose wisely to not have drama on my TL. I'm like, "I'm too old for this shit guys" :wacky:

I wonder if the fact that we have a forum here where it's easier to explain things, type long forms of posts and visible mods helps the situation. IMHO Twitter is a pretty awful platform for arguing, so are Tumblr, YT, Reddit.


Hey everyone! I have some important things to discuss with you.

First of all, as some of you may be aware, we recently had to take the very hard decision to remove Tres from staff. He's always been very committed to maintaining this sub and keeping a close eye on the goings on here. With him gone, there's a lot less of us to moderate what can quickly become a total shitshow haha.

With that in mind, I have a really huge favour to ask of all of you who use this sub. The second you see something that you have even a sneaking suspicion breaks the stricter rules of this section, please report it.

I will be doing my best to watch over you all, but that would help me out a lot.

I would also like to hear from all of you who care enough one way or the other as to whether you want this section to continue. I'm personally of two minds because as you've all been saying over the past couple of pages, we've all grown up and matured a lot and this is one of the chillest shipping discourses on all the Internet, which is great. But having this section at all has also brought some of that spice to our door numerous times, and created issues that take a lot of mod time to sort out. So how important do you think it is to keep this sub open? I just want to hear what you all think, nothing is going to happen any time soon.

Thank you all ❤


Pro Adventurer

I’m a little over a year old on this site so I feel like the old-heads could probably speak to this issue better. Personally, I think it’s healthy to have an outlet like this where we can discuss the topic in a productive and significantly less toxic environment than, well, pretty much anywhere else lmao.

That said, once the next installment of Remake drops, booooooooooooy howdy…batten down the hatches and brace for impact, folks.



Rookie Adventurer
Yep, sadly this is what I feared, that basically nothing would change :/ I do sometimes check the cloti tag myself, but I don't follow anyone from the FFVII community, nor the FFVII tag, except my two friends (that's just really Peko and my clerith friend who's been traited as a traitor by a certain portion of her fandom for saying cloti is canon - but I can attest that she truly do love clerith) whom I chose wisely to not have drama on my TL. I'm like, "I'm too old for this shit guys" :wacky:

I wonder if the fact that we have a forum here where it's easier to explain things, type long forms of posts and visible mods helps the situation. IMHO Twitter is a pretty awful platform for arguing, so are Tumblr, YT, Reddit.

Yeah I never expected to put a dent in Twitter. I’ll admit I was a *little* surprised by the CloTi outrage… I was expecting it to go the other way… but alas. My little community enjoyed it so that’s a win. And now Jairus is really trying to be different for the time being (I’m maintaining healthy skepticism, don’t worry).
But yeah, the character limit and culture of Twitter is just not conducive to human discourse.


Mr. Thou
Hey everyone! I have some important things to discuss with you.

First of all, as some of you may be aware, we recently had to take the very hard decision to remove Tres from staff. He's always been very committed to maintaining this sub and keeping a close eye on the goings on here. With him gone, there's a lot less of us to moderate what can quickly become a total shitshow haha.

With that in mind, I have a really huge favour to ask of all of you who use this sub. The second you see something that you have even a sneaking suspicion breaks the stricter rules of this section, please report it.

I will be doing my best to watch over you all, but that would help me out a lot.

I would also like to hear from all of you who care enough one way or the other as to whether you want this section to continue. I'm personally of two minds because as you've all been saying over the past couple of pages, we've all grown up and matured a lot and this is one of the chillest shipping discourses on all the Internet, which is great. But having this section at all has also brought some of that spice to our door numerous times, and created issues that take a lot of mod time to sort out. So how important do you think it is to keep this sub open? I just want to hear what you all think, nothing is going to happen any time soon.

Thank you all ❤

At the end of the day, you mods are unpaid volunteers who have to clean up after grown adults. If the sub is unmanageable and no one has the time or patience to sort it out, I'd 100% support you shutting it down.

Having said that: it's also a lot of work to stop LTD discussion from happening. My guess is that this sub is doing more good than harm. At least here it's self-contained and anyone who wants to avoid the spice can easily do so.


Fire and Blood
Yeah one of the good thing is that if there is something I want to speak about I'll tell it here because I don't want to annoy people who're not interested in the general forums. To me, it works like this and it helps keep a friendly atmosphere, it avoids fighting in the general forums too (every numbered Remake game will I think be scrutinised a lot by the shippers, so it's best to avoid this kind of overwhelming talk that can derail other threads).


Haha I think this is derailing the thread a bit but

I didn't have any way to play OG FFVII for a very long time, literally until a couple of years ago, so I made do watching walkthroughs, so I've seen other people play it all the way through a couple times, no idea where I got to when I played myself though. Probably not very far. I'm not very fussed tbh.


Pro Adventurer
The rest of us are very fussed and concerned to say the least. Now that you have admitted it, I have reported you to the Gatekeeper FF7 Police.

(Okay I'll stop derailing now...)


Pro Adventurer
Next time (hopefully there won't be one), they should invite non-shipper, to keep sanity in check...


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
There's one ending and I don't think it needs to be changed :monster:

It's not as if there aren't C/A "hints" that exist. But the conclusion of the LTD is already quite clear, so not really sure what they're talking about. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
There's one ending and I don't think it needs to be changed :monster:

It's not as if there aren't C/A "hints" that exist. But the conclusion of the LTD is already quite clear, so not really sure what they're talking about. :awesome:

I agree. Maybe once Aerith dies, and her/Zack have a makeout sesh in the lifestream, the debate will be over
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