SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
I don't think they'll walk back CT or ZA no. Just as I said in my earlier post they'd probably address how he deals with guilt over Zack and Aerith's death.

I think this theory you made makes more sense than you think. Also it reminds of a theory my brother made. My brother who doesn't care about theories nor fanstuff at all and is as out of the loop as can be. He played Remake multiple times and insists it's a timeloop.

Except in his theory Cloud did something that caused the loop. And that whatever he did was him trying to rewrite fate to save Zack and Aerith.

Again he knows nothing of Ultimanias or anything.

I at the time told him he was wrong but honestly a pseudo timeloop using the Lifestream which is a river of memories doesn't sound too far off now with this ending.

Except I think not Cloud but Sepiroth and Aerith as forces pushing on opposite sides might be the cause for the loop. If there is any, that is.
Just musing here.

Also I don't mean timelines. I'm thinking it's Lifestream chaos going on.

And this could explain the dreamdate yes. I also am sure dream Aerith is not who we traveled with.
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I read shady's post and I have to say if they did all that just for Aerith to figure out she doesn't like Cloud ... why. Could have saved CAs everything by not writing them in since OG in the first place.


Pro Adventurer
And I think the ending is about Cloud because Cloud is the protagonist and we are supposed to put ourselves in his shoes.
- thanks for saying I somehow agree on why we have the 'weirdest' ending ` technically Cloud accepting their death and putting all that weight off is in ACC soo in Rebirth he's literally losing his mind ( seeing ghost? since Nanaki felt it too)

And Cloud ignore Tifa's tears w/c makes it more sadder bec you know Real Cloud is just soo far just as @insanehobbit said her silence kinda says it. He's just soo lost in there due to Sephy and Jenova killing his mind.

I really think Zack is just super confused. As far as he knows Cloud and Aerith have never met. Cloud is still the young man from Nibelheim that Zack has to constantly protect and take care of. And the way Marlene answers "Yeah, she likes him." is very casual and childlike. I think Zack takes it in stride, like everything.

- oh yeah I kinda forgot this part for Zack Cloud is like a young man from Nibelheim he sort of needed to protect and marlene answers it like a 'childlike' answer as well just as @eleamaya said on JP translation Zack has to explain to marlene he's referring to 'adult romance' kinda like and use the word 'pyu-pyu..' kinda make sense.

- another way to look at it.


Pro Adventurer
Did they really say no DLC for Remake and then do it anyway?
I think so, if I remember correctly. They also said part 2 would be a cross gen game and then made it PS5 exclusive lol and I remember this well bc I was pissed off since I never wanted a ps5 bc it's uglie


Pro Adventurer
I read shady's post and I have to say if they did all that just for Aerith to figure out she doesn't like Cloud ... why. Could have saved CAs everything by not writing them in since OG in the first place.
This is what happens when they try to make everyone happy tbh. They don't want to fully ostracize CA fans, so this is what we get instead. But it does both Cloud and Aerith a disservice in the long run since they'll never commit to them as an official romantic couple.


Pro Adventurer
I read shady's post and I have to say if they did all that just for Aerith to figure out she doesn't like Cloud ... why. Could have saved CAs everything by not writing them in since OG in the first place.
I agree with what Rin said. You know what they say -- "If you try pleasing everyone, you end up pleasing no one."

I will admit it would suck more for whoever is on the shorter end of that stick, but even we on the longer end of it have our own bones to pick with it.


Pro Adventurer
Through either selfishness at the time, pure love, or a reason I cannot fathom yet in a grander plan the first thing Aerith does is alter Zack's fate to where he survives
This is one of the things I am hoping we get a clear answer about in the final game. Exactly who saved Zack and how. It definitely does seem that it was Aerith but I would like concrete confirmation as to what happened.

It's quite obvious at this point that this is not the Aerith we were just with for the all of Rebirth, this is an Aerith that's more akin to Remake who seems to have knowledge and understand things.
I actually disagree here. I think the Aerith in the church date is Rebirth Aerith that's transferred her consciousness into unconscious Aerith. But I think the Aerith in the forest is Lifestream/Remake Aerith. That bit was a breath of fresh air for me. I enjoyed forest Aerith.

I read shady's post and I have to say if they did all that just for Aerith to figure out she doesn't like Cloud ... why. Could have saved CAs everything by not writing them in since OG in the first place.
Did I miss Shady saying she doesn't like Cloud? I could have sworn she opened by saying Aerith does like Cloud???
And I mean... CAs have been a sunk ship for 27 years. The point was to get us attached to Aerith and think that there is potential for a love triangle and have her suddenly and tragically die, only to realise it was never meant to be a love triangle.. So no, they really can't save CAs from anything lol. It's part of the narrative man. There was never, ever, ever going to be a happy ending for Cloud and Aerith. That was never on the cards. The only way you could think it was on the cards is if you stopped playing before her death in the OG.


Pro Adventurer
I meant they didn't have to make Aerith do all that to figure out she didn't fancy Cloud at all really.
But where did anyone say that? That's what I mean. Am I missing something? She definitely acts like she's confused about her feelings but I don't think anyone said she doesn't fancy him at all.


Pro Adventurer
I think it’s less to do with Aerith not liking Cloud (because she obviously does like him), and more to do with her coming to terms with:
A. Unresolved feelings for Zack, who Cloud reminds her of
B. Wanting to meet the real Cloud but not gettting the chance to in her lifetime
C. Cloud’s relationship with Tifa, who she also considers a dear friend
D. Her own role as the last Cetra and as a force in opposition to Sephiroth


Pro Adventurer
This is what happens when they try to make everyone happy tbh. They don't want to fully ostracize CA fans, so this is what we get instead. But it does both Cloud and Aerith a disservice in the long run since they'll never commit to them as an official romantic couple.

- this~ I have to sadly agree when a geniune CA fans feels like they've been baited. All i can say it you guys still buy and play the game hence you're consumers. Although in a long run its still a ultimate loss because C/A will never be couple.

I meant they didn't have to make Aerith do all that to figure out she didn't fancy Cloud at all really.

- but that's the point! It has to take everything for her to realize it.

When you love someone and feels strongly for this person and you know he's gone you gonna do everything you can to move on. To Aerith that's ZACK FAIR he's someone irreplaceable to her life so when he died she's a bit confused on what to do. Seeing Cloud kinda reminds her on same feeling.. she wanna asked what happened but afraid to do so. She need to move on and seeing this new person on same similar manerisms reminds her on same feeling.

Aerith didnt know actually how to communicate properly with her romantic feelings. This kind of things are only taught to her by Zack and mostly they did on small dates going around sector 5 and almost cut short immediately because of sudden death. Aside from Zack she didnt actually felt strongly for a another person other than Cloud and he's mimicing mannerism of Zack w/c is confusing.

The things he like about Cloud are still basis of it and bottom line with is STILL Zack. She has to face reality that's Zack's gone and Cloud's not him ( he will NEVER come back at all). When she begins to accept that, those 'strong feelings for Cloud starts to let go too' and soon on that last date she realizes what she feels isnt' exactly romantic but different liking or as cloud says 'comrade'
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Pro Adventurer
Again just wanna say by no means is what i’m saying confirmed true and could indeed just be the ramblings of a mad man, if it made any of you think a little though that’s good enough for me


Well it's one thing for Aerith to have genuine feelings that she begins to move on from including when she sang a love song at that time it's another for her to create worlds for her to hide Zack in while she continues to travel with Cloud, if that's not what you were trying to say, I apologise for the misunderstanding.


Pro Adventurer
Well it's one thing for Aerith to have genuine feelings that she begins to move on from including when she sang a love song at that time it's another for her to create worlds for her to hide Zack in while she continues to travel with Cloud, if that's not what you were trying to say, I apologise for the misunderstanding.

- well yes except she begins to cry after the song..

“I know goodbye will be hard. But when I think of meeting someone new, I still get so excited. It’s cruel.”
“Things won’t last forever. Sure, it’s lonely. It’s sad. But I can say "bye” with a smile, right?“
"That’s it. I give up! I can’t stop thinking of you. Ugh, I can’t stand this!”
- Aerith Farewell Monologue.

- a new person is already here she created that song ( she starts to see that but in the end her heart knows who trully in there- she's a different person singing that NPTK wearing different outfit) but in end she starts crying.

After the song she still wears that ribbon, pink dress and everything Zack. Even on that 'dream date' she remove the ribbon to gave Cloud white materia hug him for goodbye and after 'dream' she still again returns to same outfit pink and again 'that ribbon' everything that will reminds her of Zack.

I was actually hoping to see that 'brooch' before the 'deed' but i didnt see or my eyes are playing with me. Can anyone confirm?

She can never let it go, she didnt wanna let it go. That last date as i said is a downing realization to her. Its not same feeling at the same time she begins to accept her fate and Zack's death.
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Pro Adventurer
So. This is why as a shipper honestly I think we need to take off shipping googles when analyzing a story. A lot of the times our bias for certain things can make it harder to understand things with an accurate lens.

The scene with Zack being told by Marlene that Aerith likes Cloud.

Every assessment I read of it is people's feelings about it. Feelings are valid but to analyze a story we can't count on them.

Now why is the scene there in the first place?

Is it really Randomly forced in? Not really? That's just a reference to what Marlene said already in OG in Aerith's house. "I bet she likes you Cloud!" "Let's hope so" in OG this was supposed to showcase Cloud's obliviousness to Aerith's feelings. He think she means "like" as in thinks he is a good person or something or in the other alternate response Marlene will flat out call him stupid for not seeing it.

Except is now instead of CLOUD there it's Zack that's being told that bc this Lifestream world thing is screwed up and Cloud is comatose there instead. And my guess is it's supposed to be Cloud there like in OG and Aerith is supposed to be awake and everyone in Avalanche is supposed to be alive but the crazy Lifestream shenanigans have changed everything and are destroying this world.

People are seeing this scene with either CA googles or CT or ZA goggles on as either romantic or as Z getting his heart broken. And I havent seen anyone mention what it it's purpose could be just how it makes them feel.

But I think that's put in on purpose to show the nature of this world and the differences and hint at what is really happening. And to address the claim of how would Zack feel about all this which is also needed to properly address what's going on overvwith Aerith's conflicted feelings too. It hints to the player Z loves her.
Not to break Zack's heart. He is just in the world that originally would have played out as maybe OG but he's now witnessing it in Cloud's place maybe. Still havent decided my full thoughts yet.

But if that's the case my opinion is sleeping on the bed Aerith was supposed to be OG Aerith.

And I think what he is seeing is because the Lifestream is based on memories. He is not supposed to be in this spot he is an anamoly here basically being told the plot of OG.

And needs "to wake up Cloud to save Aerith" because that's how the story is supposed to go. Marlene is narrating OG telling him what events were supposed to happen but didn't bc of Lifestream World Destroying Electric Boogaloo. A hint on what is really happening and what this world is.
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Rose Alive

Pro Adventurer
Always hungry
I finally made it to chapter 12 last night!

So for a while there, I didn't know who was going to be my date. Everybody was blue smileys. I was trying to keep Tifa ahead of everyone, so I gave a few neutral responses to the others. But side quests? My weakness. It's in my blood that you do the side quests before moving on with the main story. So by the time I got to Cosmo Canyon, everybody and their mother was blue. And I'm finally like must.... not.... do... any more side quests except for Tifa.

I made myself move on to Nibelhiem. I did the cat quest with Tifa (so cute! I love love cats! I'm so glad she found out her baby was ok!) And what do you know?? It made her go light blue! I was like stop everything! We're going to the saucer right now.

It was great! I loved every part of it. And seeing Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie after Aerith finished her song got to me a little. But I loved how everyone supported Aerith.

Cloud and Tifa.... their shyness! The hand-holding! The kiss that made everybody stare at their screen in stunned disbelief. How many years have some of us waited to see this?

Best part of the date? Cloud's tiny little head nod he gives to Tifa when he's holding out his hand to her. I can't wait for the Lifestream scene! :lol:


Pro Adventurer
Now a lot of this is an out of the box theory, some of it is cobbled together and I don't quite have all the ends of it tied up, but I thought maybe some people would be interested in reading parts of it and seeing if they could make sense of it themselves


I'm going to try and explain Remake vs Rebirth Aerith, how it relates to the LTD and what's happening in terms of "timelines" It's going to be a little long, advanced apologies for not only the long post but if you also think i'm talking nonsense. This does relate to Lifestream White too.

So i think it's established Remake Aerith clearly has an understanding of events that are happening or have already happened in the game, because I think at this point she is already "dead" and part of the Lifestream where she is battling it out with Sephiroth surrounding the fate of the planet and the party. She's just "inhabited" her past self, I think this happens at the point we are first introduced to her in the game and she is staring at the mako coming from the wall in Nibelheim. Sephiroth has followed her because as it's been established in Rebirth, Sephiroth continues to follow Aerith through the lifestream and beyond in order to basically wipe her out. Think the Dream Date where he turns up and says "So this is where you've been hiding" we'll come back to the dream date later.

Now, I think there's no doubt she likes Cloud as she comes to hang out with him throughout Remake, she is a bit playful and flirty with him and obviously that is just Aerith being herself. There are however clear hints throughout Remake that not only does she know of things that are going to happen but she also seems quite supportive of Cloud and Tifa's budding relationship after they have reunited

1. She gives him the flower, knowing what it symbolises
2. Telling Tifa to follow her heart
3. Smiling at the Flower in the bar knowing what it means
4. She asks about Tifa in the game multiple times and Cloud's relation to her
5. When she makes sure Cloud goes after Tifa in Wall Marker, then the wall market scenario with her and Cloud going after Tifa

Possibly even more that I cannot remember right now without combing through all of Remake's moments. This is because I believe that whilst she likes Cloud at this point--because she is her dead self in the Lifestream-- she knows his true heart belongs to Tifa and being as how she already knows what's going to happen, she knows what happens with both of them, and as a good friend to both of them she is being supportive because not only does she know that they want and need each other, but that the fate of the planet rests in them being together.

Let's fast forward to the end of Remake here with Aerith's resolution and the end scene with Sephiroth and defeating the Arbiters of Fate. Aerith's resolution or the famous "Don't fall in love with me, it's not real" line I believe has multiple meanings, for starters I believe she is obviously letting Cloud know that whatever he may come to feel for her, romantically, will not be real because he is not his real self and that his real self is somebody that desires and loves Tifa. It's also her trying to convince herself not to fall for Cloud in order to save herself the heartbreak-- we'll come back to this in a moment. I believe it's also a meta moment, she's also saying it to the players because having experienced the events of the game already she knows what's going to happen to her or knows WHAT has to happen to her. Now at the end point Aerith is in a bind, again, because she knows what's going to happen but she knows that what's going to happen needs to happen in order for her and the planet to eventually win, even if it's means Sephiroth believes he has the upper hand here. I believe he plays a cheap trick in showing Cloud and Aerith the "Destiny comes" moment, which is Zack's final stand and when he convinces the party to defeat the Arbiters of Fate, which allows him to then bypass the fate already set out by the planet to his own benefit, but it also allows Aerith to do the same thing.

Now if we assume the Lifestream is like a river that flows, sometimes branches of a river break off and either end up at a dead end or eventually flowing back into the river it came from. Through either selfishness at the time, pure love, or a reason I cannot fathom yet in a grander plan the first thing Aerith does is alter Zack's fate to where he survives, which creates a branch in the Lifestream where things have changed and in this branch the planet will not survive because in order for the planet to survive Zack's fate has to be his death, because without his death the wider narrative of Cloud and so on doesn't happen, thus the planet will die.

Aerith did this knowing that doing so would make her lose her precious memories, making her white materia become translucent and useless in the process. This is why in Rebirth we suddenly switch to what is now more akin to the OG Aerith, she understands there were things she knew but she doesn't understand them and obviously has no memory of the things to come. Remember I said she was trying to convince herself not to fall for Cloud, that's because her future Lifestream self we played as in Remake knew she was about to lose her memories and likely fall for Cloud all over again, knowing that she'd eventually only get hurt in the process because of her conflicting feelings about Cloud and Zack but also because she knows Cloud won't reciprocate said potential feelings as his true heart belongs to another.

There are examples in the game of what we know is Lifestream Aerith from her death in the future at this point helping the party in the Rebirth. One of the most prominant ones i can think of is showing Tifa her importance in things to come, in terms of Cloud and the planet and protecting her from Sephiroth. In Gongaga it seems like Aerith in the Lifestream and Sephiroth are battling it out to decide Tifa's fate because both of them understand that Tifa's fate is directly related to Cloud's fate and therefore the planets eventual fate. White and Black Whispers. Lifestream White and Lifestream Black.

Back to our now "memoryless" Aerith, if we follow the events of Rebirth then up until she sings NPTK we can see that she does begin to like Cloud but also that she is clearly conflicted over her love for Zack-- at this point obviously her no memories self doesn't remember that she knew of and altered Zack's fate, she doesn't remember Cloud and Tifa's budding relationship, she doesn't remember the "don't fall in love with me" line and she doesn't remember Cloud doesn't reciprocate her potential feelings. She obviously remembers meeting Cloud and so on she just doesn't remember her lifestream memories.

Now we've all seen the lyrics and the song being about Aerith's feelings towards Cloud etc, I don't think that's irrefutable at this point, I do think however it's an unrequited love song because I think she's trying to understand at this point where she stands with Cloud and where she stands with her own feelings, I believe the song is ALSO about Zack but only in reference because her love for Zack originally ties back into her interest in Cloud. Her wish in the song seems to be about spending more time with Cloud, or seeing him again, in order to try and either work out what her feelings are or if it's possible to even change what happens betwen her, Cloud and Zack via fate or destiny. The issue, and the tragedy is, she never gets the time to do this as we know what happens.

Now lets talk about the Dream Date and the Church sequence. It's quite obvious at this point that this is not the Aerith we were just with for the all of Rebirth, this is an Aerith that's more akin to Remake who seems to have knowledge and understand things. This is because this is also Lifestream Aerith who has already been lost to Sephiroth and is in the Lifestream. She pulls Cloud into what she calls her "dream world" in the Japanese script when Cloud asks if they are dead, she basically says "it's a homecoming" or something akin to half way home, meaning they haven't quite returned to the planet aka the Lifestream, but are close to it. A place that Aerith has manipulated where they can hide out. She has done this for 2 reasons.

It's at this point Aerith has her NPTK moment. One here at the Church and one at the beginning of Remake where we first meet her again. Let me explain..

She creates the date and the church scene for 2 reasons, one is to meet Cloud again-- because at this point she is dead and hasn't seen him for an undertermined amount of time-- and get the closure she was unable to get in life because of everything that was happening after the GS moment, she never got the chance to work her feelings out for Cloud, never got to understand his feelings, never got to meet the real him, she is finally able to understand her feelings (Like... but probably not romantic like), she is finally able to know where they both stand with each other (At least I know now, where you and I stand I mean) and she is able to thank Cloud and tell him that what's about to happen isn't his fault.

She also creates it because she knows in order for everything to happen as is fated and as she has planned, she needs to give her memory filled materia to Cloud in order for him to pass it back to the memoryless Aerith that we've been playing the game with this entire time, which he does in the Sleeping Forest I believe. At this point the Rebirth memoryless Aerith who, like the OG Aerith, just wanted to experience life and not die, realises she has to go to Sephiroth and die in order for her to go to the Lifestream and be able to manipulate the events and fate in order to battle against Sephiroth and eventually save the planet.

It's also at the end of the game when she links hands with Cloud (where the music of seeing Aerith for the first time in Remake with that iconic opening scene starts to play) that she disappears and transfers herself back to her old self at the beginning of Remake, which is why she has knowledge of events to come etc. It's also where she meets Cloud and the Player again on Cobblestone streets and wishes to change fate to where maybe things don't have to be this way. I also think in some instances she's hoping Zack will turn up at the street to but yeah.
These are the NPTK moments she sings about, it's about her complex feelings for Cloud, in relation to Zack and her fate which she lives out by creating the dream date and the initial meeting again in a loop hoping things can maybe be different this time. But they can't because she knows her death, and Zacks death, is intrisically linked towards the fate of saving the planet, and until she accepts this fate she will be stuck in this loop. Just like how Zack is trapped in a loop of branching Lifestream paths everytime he makes a decision, every decision creates a new path that will inevitably end in destruction because the planet cannot survive if he lives, this is why he is always confronted by Shinra soldiers, because that's how he was supposed to die, but he's also refusing to meet his fate which means he isn't dying and his branch inevitably hits a dead end, but Aerith is continuously moving him through new branches so he doesn't meet his end. To what end we don't know yet. I don't believe he will accept his death until he reunites with Aerith properly, which is why I think they showed us this so prominently, and I think it showed us why Biggs was able to eventually accept his fate of death and return to the Lifestream.

Now I have more I have to say in terms of the Ending and the LTD going down this path but it's already like 3am here and I fear it's already starting to turn into a rambling mess and that i've contradicted myself because I was writing it down on the fly. If you did manage to read the post then I hope some of it made a little bit of sense to you. Understand it may be the ramblings of a mad man but if I got at least one of you to think hmmm okay interesting then that's cool with me! Haha

In terms of the LTD though, I don't see how they can walk back what was essentially a CT heavy game with a kiss, and what seems to be promising a reunion between Zack and Aerith, particularly at the end with Zack waiting in the church. If they turned P3 into a Cloud and Aerith game i'd be interested to see how they pull it off because they'd have to really take a baseball bat to a few of the characters and the narrative they've built over the past 2 games.
The one thing I'm trying to work out is why Aeirth and the rest of the group remain unconscious. With red being killed and Tifa and Barret being unconfirmed. With her waking up being her death, I'm not sure I buy the tornado put them all in a coma. I do wonder how they are going to reunite Aerith and Zack unless her death now means she has woken up in the dream world which is however doomed to end. For advent Children Aerith will probably find a way to reunite with Zack in the lifestream. This will fit into the theme of accepting death but in doing so since Aerith is a cetra her and Zack will be able to still exist in the lifestream giving them the happy ending this time, while still being bittersweet.


Pro Adventurer
This is my first post so hello everyone :)

I personally am not a CT or CA shipper.
I actually identify as a well-written story shipper.
FF7 remake and rebirth in my opinion, explores the relationship between Cloud and Tifa "too deeply" and then moves on to that between Cloud and Aerith, the latter however on a more dreamlike level.

For me it is clear that in rebirth CT is the predominant ship and this can be understood from various factors such as the greater chemistry between the two and all the verbal and non-verbal actions that are created.

As for CA, their relationship is a continuous contrast between what Zack's experience with Aerith is and what unfortunately cannot be.

This reflection of mine was born mainly after loveless;
Aerirh is certainly and visibly emotional after the NPTK performance because it is as if she, contrary to what the singer and the maestro say in the interview, was reflecting the emotions she feels for Zack on Cloud.

Going into detail, NPTK seems somewhat decontextualized to me if you see it as a love ballad for Cloud, this is because:

1) Time factor: Cloud and Aerith have known each other for more or less 10 days.

2) Narrative factor: if by hypothesis both felt a feeling of love understood as sexual love then the story told would be sensationally weak and lacking.

Nobody will take it badly if I say that Aerith is a character built to be perceived as "desperate" because the way I perceived her while playing both titles, she is desperately looking for a love that no longer exists, trying in all ways to emulate it by reflecting it on Cloud.
Cloud himself is a victim of events that he could not control and inevitably finds himself having "more people in him".

The thing that puzzles me the most after rebirth is that they did a massive build up for CT and narratively speaking if they were to decide not to carry it forward to favor CA in part 3 it would be a total failure.

Lastly, it's clear that they tried to give the entire fandom something to talk about and that's fine. The hope is that in part 3 they don't do any bullshit that could ruin one of the most beautiful and profound stories in the gaming scene.


Pro Adventurer
Nobody will take it badly if I say that Aerith is a character built to be perceived as "desperate" because the way I perceived her while playing both titles, she is desperately looking for a love that no longer exists, trying in all ways to emulate it by reflecting it on Cloud.
Cloud himself is a victim of events that he could not control and inevitably finds himself having "more people in him".
Hi! I am so sorry I followed your post with the image spam that was mine D:

That said, just to highlight what I quoted here, I showed my sister (who has never engaged with FF7 outside of me playing the OG and clips on YT) the Clerith dates and she did comment that Aerith came off as desperate....which I really want to smack the writers for, really. And that's because I know what my sister meant -- she meant desperate as in "trying so hard to get a guy who's spoken for, is not interested, and won't give her the light of day" type. It's....a tired thing in soap opera love trinagles.

Rose Alive

Pro Adventurer
Always hungry
Sharing because misery loves company. :(
Why in the bloody hell did I do this to myself? God, this made brain melt out of my ears.
View attachment 14890View attachment 14891View attachment 14892View attachment 14893
"All creative leads have said Hollow is about Cloud's dedication to Aerith."

Am I the only one who's sick of these songs being used as pure shipping fodder? When Cloud thinks Zack drowned in the river, he says : "Zack was my friend. How could I just forget him like that? Degradation. It's hollowing me out bit by bit..."


Pro Adventurer
"All creative leads have said Hollow is about Cloud's dedication to Aerith."

Am I the only one who's sick of these songs being used as pure shipping fodder? When Cloud thinks Zack drowned in the river, he says : "Zack was my friend. How could I just forget him like that? Degradation. It's hollowing me out bit by bit..."
I'm so sick of FF7 fans erasing Zack in GENERAL. I know I keep saying this but it really is the most offensive thing to me. There's a reason the devs say "[Zack]'s story gave life to FF7." He is, in a lot of ways, the fundamental backbone of the series and yet.... the fandom acts like he didn't exist unless it's to invalidate or validate their ship. IT KILLS ME. He was Cloud's first real friend that he made on his own!!! Do people not know how important that is?!?! AHHH


Pro Adventurer
- HAHAHAH WHY did you do this to yourself and you have to answer those idiocities~ the copium is at high level on whoever it is you're talking to HAHAHAH
It was definitely my bad xD But in my defense, I found that in the comment section of a Cloti scenes compilation vid.

"All creative leads have said Hollow is about Cloud's dedication to Aerith."

Am I the only one who's sick of these songs being used as pure shipping fodder? When Cloud thinks Zack drowned in the river, he says : "Zack was my friend. How could I just forget him like that? Degradation. It's hollowing me out bit by bit..."
I know I am. As I've said, songs are great, but they're accompaniment at best, imo. Unless they're quite literally integral to the plot, I don't take stock on using music to prove anything. Besides.... Hollow made me upset and depressed. I have no idea why anyone would use that as proof of a pair that's meant to be canon, but that's how I perceived the song, so that could be just me.
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