SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
i seem to have run into margot who was trying to tell me NPTK is a love song only for Cloud
only to then show them the many interviews we now have disproving it. They even made a cute little video cutting out certain parts


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Fascinating in the same way as a biologist studying scat to inform themselves on unusual animal diets. It's genuinely fascinating, but still requires digging through miles of shit.
It's not pleasant work, no.

Good, he already wrote this shit once, now he can write into a hammer to bring down on the fingers of poor dangling off a ledge CAltists.
Not that they're listening. He said it NPTK was about everyone in her life, they ignored that.

Failure to heed this advice has some nasty consequences folks. Be wary.
Avoid echo chambers and huboxes, to go with that.

Different sensory scramble from mine, otherwise I know well the feeling you speak of. I partially lose color vision and have my hearing go nuts for the really crippling migraines. So yeah, retroactive sympathy back man.
At least you've traded it for a less intense irritant, I suppose.

See that you do, a tiny bit of healthy reinforcement to balance the tons of vitriol you've suffered in LTD discussions won't hurt much.
I get plenty from my real life, don't you worry.

Could work. I imagine them apologizing for how loud their scattergun is even as they pile up corpses.
"Apologies for the noise!"

Chocobo Race Track gets my vote.
Maybe a graffiti'd Cosmo Canyon wall? Something at Costa Del Sol or Gongaga to round things out? Maybe a level cleaning up Shinra Manor?

They definitely both have comedic value. Choosing is hard.
Maybe she does but it's like a second persona she's not aware of. Ms Pauling is, though, and has to manage both of them.

It's always fun when he tries to do the real human life thing and falls off the wagon into hero stuff same day.
Basically every time he tries, then?

That angry nerd has never truly left him, even at the best of times. He will forever inform a part of what Peter is and can be... barring editorial going too far the other way I guess.
Oh, it's always with him, he just usually tries to be better than those angry impulses.

Agreed. Problematic as it truly is, by comparison it's nothing at all.
It was mostly a matter of when it happened that made it a problem, IIRC.

Mikhail's reaction to Zero solving the dairy problem will never not be gold.
This holds true for basically all of their interactions, though.

There were times you ended at least ten posts in a row that way. It rarely got addressed by anyone on the opposing side.
People would just keep saying complete bullshit, fail to respond when numerous flaws were brought up, and then respond to other much more trivial portions of responses.
For some it was a clear avoidance strategy. For others I am convinced they could not follow an argument beyond a single reply. They completely forgot their own arguments between posts.

Even when, for it to be true, it would need to disprove three other "Clerith proofs" at once.
A lot of those were more accurately "anti-Cloti" proofs, because Anastar spent a lot of her time trying to tear down CT believing that CA would rise by default as a result.

Hook, line, sinker. Anastar would swallow the whole tackle box if it was pink.
So too will a lot of recent desperate shippers, going by what they are saying on Twitter and reddit, like the many many arguments trying to tear down the Gondola KIss.

I believe you, I've witnessed it myself. In person, once, had a coworker in TX call a friend over to reinforce their worldview regarding Clerith.
It's interesting, that for as involved in Fandom as I am, I don't think I've ever encountered a Clerith in person. OT3 shippers several times, but never just a Clerith.
And I've sparked debates about which of the three Lords in Fire Emblem Three Houses/ Hopes is best for Fodlan (It's Edelgard. For anyone wanting to discuss that or object to it we can make a thread)

It's a good feeling. It reminds me of an occasion where Jehovah's Witnesses came a knocking at my house. One thing led to another and suddenly one Witness is all but physically dragging the other back to the car... because a certain Devil had nearly converted them to paganism for shuts and giggles :muhaha:
One can only hope the Witness escaped the cult in the end.

Never let the CAltists get the Dragon balls.
We're well past the statute of limitations on resurrections, though.

Can I just get some slum graffiti in sector 5 that says "Aerith + Zack Forever" already? Let the writing be literally on the wall.
Better yet, a painting on her own house, that she herself painted, maybe even days before the start of the game.

Unfortunately CT too stronk. It dulls the shredder blades and blows out the fire. No matter how much they're mangled to misinform noobs and neutrals, once you know the real quoted you can only be deceived willingly.
It was intriguing to see on their reddit a celebration of people who shipped the pairing despite not playing the game. I don't think that reveals what they want it to about the pairing.

It's like a...

That :monster:
it's very hard for people to change horses mid stream and all that.

View attachment 17007
damm they really don't like us here huh XD
Nah, we're THElifestream. They just hate lifestream
Seriously though they hate us because, ironically, we provided translations. Accurate ones. That spoiled the game. It's the same reason ShinRa Archeology Dept are getting hate now.

A mark of pride and the knowledge that we at TLS have done good work.
Reminder that the vast majority of translations apart from SE come from here or people who hung out here. I include ones that have been "massaged" in that number.

i seem to have run into margot who was trying to tell me NPTK is a love song only for Cloud
only to then show them the many interviews we now have disproving it. They even made a cute little video cutting out certain parts
View attachment 17009
Oh, so that's the Margot I've seen mentioned a few times.
I guess "the lore" doesn't include the writer's own words on the subject?


Pro Adventurer
Oh, so that's the Margot I've seen mentioned a few times.
I guess "the lore" doesn't include the writer's own words on the subject?
Yeah, I've butted heads with Margot a couple times, simultaneously miserable to speak to and a huge liar: "Cloud and Tifa can't have been in a relationship because Cloud never opened his heart to her"

Buddy, not only is there a quote addressing this exact thing, it also says that she's the only person he's opened his heart to.

I think she's the first person to spread the idea that "it's a jealous kiss", or one of the first. I remember I tried to take her up on it since it was basically my first time interacting with the "fandom".

Anyway, basically I said it was crazy to assume it was a jealous kiss, a completely unreasonable interpretation, simply put, the reply I got was "Real Cloud would never do this, you're an idiot if you think so, just because I said it's a jealous kiss doesn't mean I said it's within his character", I reply with: "If Cloud's actions during his SOLDIER persona don't represent his character, then what does that say for his moments with Aerith?"

...never got a reply, lmao.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
It's not pleasant work, no.

And yet for a full understanding, someone has to do it.

Not that they're listening. He said it NPTK was about everyone in her life, they ignored that.

So I've seen. Ignoring the direct statements of the real world song writer about the songs meaning is truly maddening.

Avoid echo chambers and huboxes, to go with that.

Thanks to everyone who brings an honest but different opinion in here. Echo chamber bad.

At least you've traded it for a less intense irritant, I suppose.

Usually less intense. The real fun is multi-day insomnia + migraine. Those hit like an actual car wreck inside my skull, complete with full body sensory overload :awesome: I'm so glad those are currently infrequent.

I get plenty from my real life, don't you worry.

Good. Too many awesome people don't.

"Apologies for the noise!"

"We request a dispenser here, please."

I kinda love it.

Maybe a graffiti'd Cosmo Canyon wall? Something at Costa Del Sol or Gongaga to round things out? Maybe a level cleaning up Shinra Manor?

Your first impulse has much merit.

Maybe she does but it's like a second persona she's not aware of. Ms Pauling is, though, and has to manage both of them.

Pauling is so hyper-competent i'd believe it.

Basically every time he tries, then?

I've seen him hold out for a week or more once or twice but... basically yeah. Note that I'm not counting occasions where his powers were on the fritz and I'm sure you're not either.

Oh, it's always with him, he just usually tries to be better than those angry impulses.

Some days are better than others. Out of curiosity, gave you ever read Jim Butcher's Spider-Man novel?

It was mostly a matter of when it happened that made it a problem, IIRC.

True enough. I mean, if you can't sleep with someone who tried to kill your cousin Jenn's options get much more limited.

This holds true for basically all of their interactions, though.

Near enough.

People would just keep saying complete bullshit, fail to respond when numerous flaws were brought up, and then respond to other much more trivial portions of responses.
For some it was a clear avoidance strategy. For others I am convinced they could not follow an argument beyond a single reply. They completely forgot their own arguments between posts.

Oh this shakes cobwebs off the ol' brain. Remember when everyone just shut up and gave her no one to respond to but you for hours in end? She just straight went dark until someone gave up and posted and boom she responded to them instantly.

Classic Anastar induced rage ensued. Man, the weird shit nostalgia attaches to.

A lot of those were more accurately "anti-Cloti" proofs, because Anastar spent a lot of her time trying to tear down CT believing that CA would rise by default as a result.

Oh just about all of them, barring prattling about AC credits and such. With good reason of course, you can't really prove a falsehood.

So too will a lot of recent desperate shippers, going by what they are saying on Twitter and reddit, like the many many arguments trying to tear down the Gondola KIss.

Some traditions should be allowed to die.

It's interesting, that for as involved in Fandom as I am, I don't think I've ever encountered a Clerith in person. OT3 shippers several times, but never just a Clerith.

They seem rare. Not sure if related but those few I met all seemed to be primarily slash shippers with a focus on putting the most bishonen men they could find together outside of shipping Clerith. It was odd how much it stood out with them.

And I've sparked debates about which of the three Lords in Fire Emblem Three Houses/ Hopes is best for Fodlan (It's Edelgard. For anyone wanting to discuss that or object to it we can make a thread)

Forgive me, my involvement with Fire Emblem consists of me being annoyed at how many Smash roster slots they take up. I still wish I could have gotten Eggman as an echo fighter of Bowser Jr.

One can only hope the Witness escaped the cult in the end.

She certainly looked thoughtful that day. Maybe she found freedom in the end, I did what I could... even if it was mostly fucking with a religious person for lulz.

We're well past the statute of limitations on resurrections, though.

The Super Dragon balls know not what this "limitations" you speak of is, but it sounds like Yamcha.

Inconsequential, for anyone wondering.

Better yet, a painting on her own house, that she herself painted, maybe even days before the start of the game.

I think we ask too much but... yes please.

It was intriguing to see on their reddit a celebration of people who shipped the pairing despite not playing the game. I don't think that reveals what they want it to about the pairing.

Indeed it is not the flex they think it is.

it's very hard for people to change horses mid stream and all that.

"Nothing worth doing is ever easy," is, while not factually accurate, still a phrase that comes to mind for good reason just now.

Nah, we're THElifestream. They just hate lifestream


Seriously though they hate us because, ironically, we provided translations. Accurate ones. That spoiled the game. It's the same reason ShinRa Archeology Dept are getting hate now.

This. Accurate translations, Tres' analysis essay, etc. They hate us for being right, and several of our people being talented enough to trot out the receipts to prove it.

Reminder that the vast majority of translations apart from SE come from here or people who hung out here. I include ones that have been "massaged" in that number.

I miss some of those silly bastards. Remember way back when Quex was learning to translate and being a brilliant example of "if you don't wanna take our word for it learn to do it yourself" and such? Good times.

Oh, so that's the Margot I've seen mentioned a few times.
I guess "the lore" doesn't include the writer's own words on the subject?

Whenever y'all mention this Margot person I get a mixed image of Live Action Harley Quinn and the girl from The Shadow in my head. So, deranged and screaming. Sound accurate at all?

Oh by the way, I just wanna say that I'm not ignoring other posts in this here thread, I read 'em all. I've just got a rhythm going with the quite/response chain with Ryu.


Pro Adventurer
Whenever y'all mention this Margot person I get a mixed image of Live Action Harley Quinn and the girl from The Shadow in my head. So, deranged and screaming. Sound accurate at all?
They had quite a visceral reaction to a thread Shady made recently, so not too far off.


Something else I'd like to mention is that in a recent interview with Cody Christian, he describes Cloud as "loveable" and "loyal".

So, if this is supposedly a jealous kiss, wouldn't that make Cloud simultaneously unloveable and disloyal? And the guy who's being paid to act the character is just lying? A real head-scratcher, I think.

To me, Cody saying that Cloud is loveable and loyal puts a metric ton of Clerith "arguments" six feet under: No, "I think I can meet her there" is not romantic in nature. No, Cloud does not lead Tifa on during the events of OTWTAS and Advent Children in favour of yearning for Aerith.

To still argue these points would be to argue that Cody is straight up lying.

Oh! And something else about Margot, if I remember correctly, she gave out to Cody after he posted something that Cleriths perceived as "pro-Cloti" from him...it was a meme about the "TIFAAAA!!" moment in Gongaga.
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Pro Adventurer
To add on to Aerith searching for Zack in Cloud, and that she is not over him before or during the events of ff7:

I saw it on Shady's thread and I was reminded of it's existenceView attachment 17008

In what world is this about Cloud? Sure, the last 4 probably are, but she's not speaking of him in the way she is about her feelings for Zack.
Yeah, I figured that Zack references end in 8 and Cloud references start in 9. Though, there are lines that are curious, mainly 2 and 3.

Also, considering how most people seem to straight-up ignore Zack's presence in Re-Trilogy in favour of, well, sort of hyperfocusing on CA moments, CA does kind of feel like a giant red herring. I mean, Aerith's ex-boyfriend is there, lol. He basically defied death and fate and is currently fighting to get back to her. The ex-boyfriend she kept seeing in her "new flame".


Pro Adventurer
Viola A. Fox
View attachment 17007
damm they really don't like us here huh XD
Where did you even find this, haha?
I only know about the passive TLS hate from stories and it's mainly because this place is a "Cloti based forum" or something like that. Ah and there are a few tweets about certain members being toxic because they disagreed on nonesense.

i seem to have run into margot who was trying to tell me NPTK is a love song only for Cloud
only to then show them the many interviews we now have disproving it. They even made a cute little video cutting out certain parts
View attachment 17009
I think I blocked her after the 2nd Tweet or so that made it in my TL... But yeah, the day the interview was released and the developers confirmed that NPTK was about multiple people, parts of the fandom had a bit of a mental breakdown. It was kind of block fest to me.

Yeah, I've butted heads with Margot a couple times, simultaneously miserable to speak to and a huge liar: "Cloud and Tifa can't have been in a relationship because Cloud never opened his heart to her"

Buddy, not only is there a quote addressing this exact thing, it also says that she's the only person he's opened his heart to.

I think she's the first person to spread the idea that "it's a jealous kiss", or one of the first. I remember I tried to take her up on it since it was basically my first time interacting with the "fandom".

Anyway, basically I said it was crazy to assume it was a jealous kiss, a completely unreasonable interpretation, simply put, the reply I got was "Real Cloud would never do this, you're an idiot if you think so, just because I said it's a jealous kiss doesn't mean I said it's within his character", I reply with: "If Cloud's actions during his SOLDIER persona don't represent his character, then what does that say for his moments with Aerith?"

...never got a reply, lmao.
Not to mention that most of these takes don't fit so well with the interviews or Ultimania. But hey, what do the devs know? :monster:

Yeah, I figured that Zack references end in 8 and Cloud references start in 9. Though, there are lines that are curious, mainly 2 and 3.

Also, considering how most people seem to straight-up ignore Zack's presence in Re-Trilogy in favour of, well, sort of hyperfocusing on CA moments, CA does kind of feel like a giant red herring. I mean, Aerith's ex-boyfriend is there, lol. He basically defied death and fate and is currently fighting to get back to her. The ex-boyfriend she kept seeing in her "new flame".
Also the entire date in chapter 14 is a whole Zack reference.


Pro Adventurer
They had quite a visceral reaction to a thread Shady made recently, so not too far off.


Something else I'd like to mention is that in a recent interview with Cody Christian, he describes Cloud as "loveable" and "loyal".

So, if this is supposedly a jealous kiss, wouldn't that make Cloud simultaneously unloveable and disloyal? And the guy who's being paid to act the character is just lying? A real head-scratcher, I think.

To me, Cody saying that Cloud is loveable and loyal puts a metric ton of Clerith "arguments" six feet under: No, "I think I can meet her there" is not romantic in nature. No, Cloud does not lead Tifa on during the events of OTWTAS and Advent Children in favour of yearning for Aerith.

To still argue these points would be to argue that Cody is straight up lying.

Oh! And something else about Margot, if I remember correctly, she gave out to Cody after he posted something that Cleriths perceived as "pro-Cloti" from him...it was a meme about the "TIFAAAA!!" moment in Gongaga.
That's what the comment is a post on a repost I made. I just sent them a picture of Cloud saying you have been weird all day and they haven't replied but sure are subtweeting about the thread being shady claiming to be a lore master. When he said take this with a grain of salt XD


Pro Adventurer
Oh! And something else about Margot, if I remember correctly, she gave out to Cody after he posted something that Cleriths perceived as "pro-Cloti" from him...it was a meme about the "TIFAAAA!!" moment in Gongaga.

If I remember correctly, it was they who unleashed Cody's legendary TedTalk.

Imagine being so delulu and unbearable that you get the official voice actor to confess without too much ambiguity that your ship has never been to sea...

It should have been the trigger to return to reality. But looking at your screen, it apparently wasn't enough. Rather telling about the initial intention of this kind of person.

Clout reaching and spreading nonsense like any other conspiracy theorist -> In the block list you go.


Pro Adventurer
If I remember correctly, it was they who unleashed Cody's legendary TedTalk.
Yes, it was. I don't think what he said was in reply to them directly, though.

Not to mention that most of these takes don't fit so well with the interviews or Ultimania. But hey, what do the devs know?
What's new? They never have.

Also, considering how most people seem to straight-up ignore Zack's presence in Re-Trilogy in favour of, well, sort of hyperfocusing on CA moments, CA does kind of feel like a giant red herring. I mean, Aerith's ex-boyfriend is there, lol. He basically defied death and fate and is currently fighting to get back to her. The ex-boyfriend she kept seeing in her "new flame".
Like I've always said: Zack is doing for Aerith right now what Cleriths have been begging Cloud to do for nearly 3 decades at this point.


Pro Adventurer
Viola A. Fox
If I remember correctly, it was they who unleashed Cody's legendary TedTalk.

Imagine being so delulu and unbearable that you get the official voice actor to confess without too much ambiguity that your ship has never been to sea...

It should have been the trigger to return to reality. But looking at your screen, it apparently wasn't enough. Rather telling about the initial intention of this kind of person.

Clout reaching and spreading nonsense like any other conspiracy theorist -> In the block list you go.
Yup, that was Margot. It's possible that this was also the tweet that lead me to block that account. To even bother a VA with this disrespect was too much. I'm glad that Cody spoke up against this kind of behavior.


Pro Adventurer
Yup, that was Margot. It's possible that this was also the tweet that lead me to block that account. To even bother a VA with this disrespect was too much. I'm glad that Cody spoke up against this kind of behavior.
Bugging VAs about shipping stuff will always get an oof from me, regardless the ship or if it’s canon or not.

The writer/author makes more sense because that’s how you can find neat trivia about how/why they went a certain direction over others… but if it’s a “why didn’t you validate my ship” type question then it’s to the oof bin with thee


Pro Adventurer
@Ryushikaze, there's a certain translation that I'm curious about, and I would be thankful if you could help clear up my confusion here:


So, is this translation correct? I see it circulate twitter a lot, but I've seen two different versions of it, one is the one I've posted here, which is seemingly referring to Tifa, or atleast used to refer to her.

But I've also seen translations that refer to Aerith/Zack here, or at least I think I have.

So, I'm just wondering what this actually says, thanks.
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Pro Adventurer
How can he protect Zack and Aerith, they're already dead. Of course Nojima is referring to Tifa and the kids there.
hmmm, now that I think about it I might have been confused on whether or not it said "his important person" or "those important to him", probably the latter.


Pro Adventurer
@Ryushikaze, there's a certain translation that I'm curious about, and I would be thankful if you could help clear up my confusion here:

View attachment 17012

So, is this translation correct? I see it circulate twitter a lot, but I've seen two different versions of it, one is the one I've posted here, which is seemingly referring to Tifa, or atleast used to refer to her.

But I've also seen translations that refer to Aerith/Zack here, or at least I think I have.

So, I'm just wondering what this actually says, thanks.

If you want to share it for people to translate :

クラウドはもともと決してカラ ッとした性格でもないし、ティファと 暮らし始めて仕事も始めたんだ けど、今まで体験したことのない平 和な暮らしを手に入れて、逆に不安 になったんです。そんな中で自分も 星痕症候群 にかかってしまい、大 事な人を守るどころか、自分が死に 直面しなければならなくなり、逃げ 出したと。

Romaji: kura udo wa motomoto kesshite kara tu to shita seikaku de mo naishi, tifa to kurashihajimete shigoto mo hajimeta ndakedo, ima made taiken shita koto no nai hira wana kurashi o te ni irete, gyaku ni fuan ni natta ndesu. sonna naka de jibun mo hoshikon shōkōgun " ni kakatteshimai, dai kotona hito o mamorudokoroka, jibun ga shini chokumen shinakerebanaranaku nari, nigedashita to.

The english translation seems faithful. Cloud never had a bright personality, he started to live with Tifa and work. It was a peaceful life, something he never really experienced and started to feel anxious. Then he contracted geostigma. He had to face death and chose to run away instead of protecting the people he cared about (They're not named, but it's obviously Denzel/Marlene/Tifa as told in ACC. He wanted to protect and cure Denzel, but he ran away when he got sick too)
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Pro Adventurer
If you want to share it for people to translate :

ッとした性格でもないし、ティファと 暮らし始めて仕事も始めたんだ けど、今まで体験したことのない平 和な暮らしを手に入れて、逆に不安 になったんです。そんな中で自分も 星痕症候群 にかかってしまい、大 事な人を守るどころか、自分が死に 直面しなければならなくなり、逃げ 出したと。

Romaji: kura udo wa motomoto kesshite kara tu to shita seikaku de mo naishi, tifa to kurashihajimete shigoto mo hajimeta ndakedo, ima made taiken shita koto no nai hira wana kurashi o te ni irete, gyaku ni fuan ni natta ndesu. sonna naka de jibun mo hoshikon shōkōgun " ni kakatteshimai, dai kotona hito o mamorudokoroka, jibun ga shini chokumen shinakerebanaranaku nari, nigedashita to.

The english translation seems faithful. Cloud never had a bright personality, he started to live with Tifa and work. It was a peaceful life, something he never really experienced and started to feel anxious. Then he contracted geostigma. He had to face death and chose to run away instead of protecting the people he cared about (They're not named, but it's obviously Denzel/Marlene/Tifa as told in ACC. He wanted to protect and cure Denzel, but he ran away when he got sick too)
double checked my understanding of “candid personality” and it’s basically the opposite of Cloud, especially when he’s curled inwardly during an emotionally charged situation such as depression.

Cloud has a bad habit of suffering in silence and even when he does speak, he’s frustratingly vague/deflective because he doesn’t want his baggage to impact others… and that’s counterintuitive to a committed relationship where the other party is very interested in your thoughts/emotions.

What frustrates me though… is that Cloud doesn’t behave like that in the original game after he’s put back together again. He’s clumsy with his expressions, but he does express himself. Enlightened Cloud, I like to call him.


Pro Adventurer
What frustrates me though… is that Cloud doesn’t behave like that in the original game after he’s put back together again. He’s clumsy with his expressions, but he does express himself. Enlightened Cloud, I like to call him.

That's why I never liked the Cloud in CoT or AC. For me, he's not at all the character I knew in FF7. And I don't know where they got the idea that the only memory people have of Cloud is this “tortured” person.

Once again, it makes sense to lose hope because you're trying to protect a sick child, you can't find a solution and you start to doubt yourself all over again, until you break down completely when the disease hits you too.

But dodging Tifa? Afraid to tell her that you've been to Aerith's graves in the same way that you go to see your mistress or ex? That's just poor drama I'm sorry.


Pro Adventurer
I double checked my understanding of “candid personality” and it’s basically the opposite of Cloud, especially when he’s curled inwardly during an emotionally charged situation such as depression.

I think the idea is rather something “colorful”, which is why I used “bright” in my quick translation. He's not extroverted, nor optimistic by nature. Having a happy, peaceful life is therefore new to him, and he feels anxious. “Too good to be true” is his state of mind. I think that's what Nojima is telling.


Pro Adventurer
I think the idea is rather something “colorful”, which is why I used “bright” in my quick translation. He's not extroverted, nor optimistic by nature. Having a happy, peaceful life is therefore new to him, and he feels anxious. “Too good to be true” is his state of mind. I think that's what Nojima is telling.
Which I like if you pair it with Elmyra’s words to him about SOLDIERs giving up a normal life in exchange for power.

But yeah, Cloud regressing to 9-year old Cloud ain’t it.


Pro Adventurer
Even if that’s the case, Aerith is inherently insulated from it because the Turks act as her security detail. Far enough away to be ignored, but close enough to swat danger away from her.

I think she even refers to it as a cage herself, just big enough she can ignore it if she tries, but it is still there.
I wonder if they knew Turks are her real bodyguard. Do they read TOTP? Do they play Ever Crisis?
To them, her bodyguard is Cloud only, even though he fail that job.
Like I've always said: Zack is doing for Aerith right now what Cleriths have been begging Cloud to do for nearly 3 decades at this point.
They just ship Aerith with blonde Zack lol. This is why I dont always mock Cali's crazy prediction because it can be turned to Zerith.

Clerith Week is always held during April-May because they say it's "april shower bring may flower" theme? Zerith canonically met at springs.
They celebrate Clerith's Wedding Anniversary based on Airborne Brigade 2017 June Bride event? Zerith is the official chained pair.
They say Hojo ship Clerith? I bet Hojo would prefer Zack if he knew one of their 1st class SOLDIER has relationship with the Cetra.
They say about Clerith's blue alien baby? Wait for Zerith live in another universe separated from the main one and make baby there please.
They say the Gongaga's baby weapons represent Cloud & Aerith? Wait for Zack & Aerith's role under lifestream at the time of weapons uproar to surface maybe. Btw, Nojima said Zack's role is tied to how Planet work, not to hook up his beloved to his best friend.



Pro Adventurer
They celebrate Clerith's Wedding Anniversary based on Airborne Brigade 2017 June Bride event? Zerith is the official chained pair.
Are you talking about the mobile game? Cause I swear that's got a Cloti one aswell, no?

Unless it's fake.
Is this the Zerith one you're talking about?

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