Sorry for quiet and not posting here for a while. Mostly just been enjoying content mainly, been vibing, relatively. The Hamaguchi comments, which really I think was mainly addressing media integrity, or Western journalists/media putting a spin on things that was not intended. The PC release, enjoying the game afresh with all the new screenshots and things, the excitement of the devs for PC release, and new people getting to experience the wonder that is Rebirth

Ever Crisis and the cute extra/bonus scene they added of Aerith and Cloud coming to get her.
Ever Crisis ... it's been interesting to say the least. They are currently doing a Rebirth crossover and it is the Loveless event with behind the scenes extras. It starts off with the start of the event, it is the full HD cutscene from Rebirth, Chapter 12 of Cloud at Ghost Hotel, Aerith coming to the hotel to get him. So Chapter 12 Aerith date scenario basically. It continues as they go to the theatre where everyone else is, they do the VR and the stuff happens. Aerith gets accepted as the Rosa for the song. Then it branches out in the EC additions.
It's a super cute event featuring Yuffie, Barret and Red as well as Cloud and Aerith. Cloud, Aerith, Barret, Red, go off into VR "green space" to practice. Cloud does his own practice, Barret posits this is because Cloud wants to nail his part and put the rest of them to save. Barret and Red are nervous so Yuffie sneaks behind the scenes in her idol outfit to help them out. Aerith provides encouragement and support.
After the extra/bonus scene with Aerith, and Cloud at the end, it proceeds to the main event. Again this is the Rebirth main scenario with HD cutscenes. Cloud as Alphreid, Aerith as Rosa.
It's basically everything, includes the "chance encounter, divining your future with Rosa" stuff and the Cloud and Aerith dance hold/spin/almost kiss. There's no option to pick Barret/Red here like in Rebirth though.
Then the "Grand Finale", Cloud and Aerith fighting as Alphreid and Rosa, respectively, and together. The victory line, they even include the "Proof indeed that love conquers all does it not?" line that you get in Rebirth S rank.
Then the Alphreid/Rosa farewell scenes, they make their promise, etc.
Aerith sings her song of course, and finally the end of the event. The event ends with the cutscene from Rebirth of Cloud and Aerith about to go ride the Skywheel together, the Skywheel announcement. After going through the full event, and beating this final stage you get the title "Promise" awarded.
There's been a fair bit of marketing for this event, the Rebirth cross over and coinciding with the PC release in January, from the promos leading up to release including featuring the Loveless almost kiss with Cloud and Aerith, maintained during the event via the social media teams marketing for the event on X, etc, to Square Enix emails sending you a "ticket" inviting you to a "showing of Loveless" with an image of Aerith "starring Aerith Gainsborough as Rosa"
So one might think CAs are rolling in it, one might be forgiven for thinking CA got the lion's share here, they are definitely pushing Aerith as canon Rosa right? They are giving no choice but for players to watch through and definitely see the Aerith Chapter 12 date and the Loveless play featuring her?
Irrespective of endgame I was happy, and celebrating, thinking they were celebrating and recognising CA with the event, it's actual Rebirth cross over so maybe a bit more serious and canon that they go with that for making more sense with Rebirth story and a wider audience will have to see CA date and Loveless section, I think maybe I'm not crazy and CA is a ship, and people will see people didn't just pull CA out of their asses or something.
Since this event was released in stages, it really did seem they were focusing Aerith at first so I'm not going to beat myself up too much.
The anniversary banners with the matching Cloud and Tifa Bahamut outfits?, they are now rerunning them (prior to the next half anniversary for EC coming up in March), Cloti banner with the matching Bahamut outfits featuring both characters.
Tifa isn't in the Loveless event in Ever Crisis for the most part (she's in the audience) but you get items to exchange for event weapons, for upgrading Tifa's you get the "Princess" and Rosa titles.
So in the end CTs do get more content to enjoy, everyone's eating, with no-one going hungry.
I suppose again this is their way of keeping things "balanced/fair" and not leaving anyone out.
Sorry for the lengthy post, I just wanted to detail things as best as I could remember, as well as I could.
With Cait Sith/Fool talking about a chance encounter and Aerith in EC again giving a little blurb about chance encounters in her speech, that was quite poignant to me.