I feel like we should always take what any devs say about their own projects with a grain of salt. What stands out to me is this claim of 'equal screen time' between the heroines in the Remake series. I'm curious why they felt they needed to say this, what sort of question was asked. Also, anyone who's played the OG knows that it would be impossible to have equal screen time between Tifa and Aerith without some major changes to the story. So it seems to me like it was meant to placate shippers specifically.
But this also sets strange expectations among the players, who end up tallying the 'moments' between the different ships as if these sorts of things can be quantified. If I was a dev, I would talk as little about my games as possible. Maybe this is why I would be terrible in PR situations. I always feel like devs have to eat their words eventually.
It makes me increasingly curious about how they're going to build hype for part 3 without giving away any important story details about the shipping situation. It'll probably focus on Highwind gameplay, Weapon fights, possible treasure hunt/KOTR sidequests, Snowboarding. Nothing romantic will be shown.