Yeah I know too some big CT who are very excited for p3 (and I mean I am also very excited too, but I’m no big accounts). But I know others who leave the fandom and games because as I said, the marketing leads them to believe that only Aerith matters. And others who see Rebirth’s ending and see two timings cheater Cloud (thanks the EN translation I guess, but also remember they probably saw the CT kiss), and they don’t like it, so they leave. Especially because there is an harassment push from CAs to make CT content creators leave the fandom space (or even just streamers who play the game and see CT and enjoy it).
So yeah the fandom is literally cut in half, with people who are very excited on one side, and others getting caught on the bad Rebirth PR and CA narrative about the ending on the other side. And the PR is actually what makes them believe that what CAs say is true. And EC is part of the PR, CA keep saying the CA GS date is the canon one, even though the devs disagree there is no canon date, and then EC pushes this stupid event. There is no winning against bad arguments when they do this honestly.
Sorry in advance for what’s probably going to be a bit of a lengthy post.
I know what the feeling is like to lose confidence in what you initially believed to be both certain and true. You don’t need to be a public face in the fandom as either a content creator, influencer, or streamer to bear witness to the clearly coordinated campaign of harassment, along with seeking to both control the narrative, and spread a false one in its place.
Before I go any further, yes, there is harassment too from the extremes on the CT side. That goes without saying. It is important to acknowledge that there is some extremely toxic behaviour from extreme CTs, and harassment from them towards CAs, and yes even the developers as well. No one side should take the sole role of victim, not when there is so much hostility being directed and expressed, and from both sides.
It also goes without saying that this is deeply, deeply damaging, outright wrong, and problematic for the community and wider fandom at large that we still have an eternal flame war between the two extremes on either side. To the point that I’m starting to hope that the shippers on both sides, the ones who both ship and DON’T get involved in the fandom infighting, might someday seek to open communication and dialogue between each other.
If only to hopefully one day show that there can be civil discussions and healthy debate between both CTs and CAs in the fandom, even if it’s something as light as just talking about what various aspects of their ship that they like. Positive discourse.
But alas…
As you said, there is a widespread narrative going around about both the content of Part 3, its ending, and specifically its romantic endgame.
This alone, when it is as widespread as it has been, is enough to create doubt. It’s proven nearly every week here and in other online spaces that there is still actual discussion about What If for part 3.
What if Cloud and Tifa AREN’T endgame?
What if Cloud and Aerith are?!
What if Zack really is rejected?
What if there are multiple endings, where the one with Cloud and Aerith is shown in the credits and thus it’s the canon one?!
What if Cloud does defy space and time to find his one true love Aerith in “their place”?
And really at the end of the day, the only thing that these arguments have going for it are that it’s CA that’s saying it.
That’s it.
They don’t have anything in the writing to back this up. Nothing in the games. Nothing in the characters themselves.
Because the same CAs making these arguments about Part 3 are the same ones saying that Aerith’s GS is the “Canon One”.
That’s still ignoring the context of their date. But then they see the date as a mutual love confession.
They see the church dream date as one big love confession.
They see the ending at the Tiny Bronco as a romantic Squall and Rinoa like romantic promise to find each other again and return to “their spot”.
When this is what they see as the text, it’s no wonder they are so confident about what Part 3 has in store for them.
But these moments don’t exist in a Clerith tinted glasses vacuum, and they exist beyond just their view of them as romantic affirmations, ignoring all exterior and even interior context that explains that it is not as simple as they perceive it to be.
The Cloud and Tifa moments also don’t exist in a vacuum. But they also certainly don’t owe themselves to the readings of the CA is endgame camp, who have the usual array of explanations to handwave these moments away, that honestly make their interpretations of Advent Children seem quaint by comparison.
Everything from Tifa is taking advantage of Cloud. That their relationship romanticises abuse.
That the Gold Saucer kiss is a jealousy kiss. A pity kiss.
That Cloud kisses her on the cheek.
And so on and so forth.
And what? Because they say so. That’s it. The important context being that they have to say these things so that their head canon of what’s actually happening can work.
Cloud and Tifa can’t be romantic. It can’t be a positive relationship. It has to be twisted into something dark. Tifa has to be villainised.
Cloud has to become an awful, manipulative jerk.
“Tifa deserves better!”
But Aerith, their supposed favourite, the pure, perfect, princess who can do no wrong, is worthy of the affections of a man who jealously kisses another girl he knows has feelings for him.
And they think Cloud and Tifa’s relationship is dark?!
None of these arguments are done in good faith or spirit, not when they damage their own credibility and ship in the process, nor with any other intent than to seek to completely turn the narrative around on its head, and to spread it far and wide on the internet, on socials, on fandom sites, so that despite plenty of people seeing the relationships as they are, seeing the intent of the writers, they are made to think that the CA interpretation is the right one.
Speaking of things existing, and not existing, in bubbles or vacuums or spaces devoid of context, imagine a scenario where, the toxic CAs weren’t doing what they are doing now.
I sincerely don’t believe we’d be having so much, if anything, to doubt. Ever Crisis for all that’s contributed (or hasn’t) wouldn’t be as big a driver of controversy as it has been. Because the moments it puts Cloud and Aerith on a banner wouldn’t illicit anything more than appreciation for two of FFVII’s most iconic characters, who do have an important and special relationship, being promoted for an event.
Ever Crisis using Cloud and Aerith’s Gold Saucer and Loveless event from Rebirth wouldn’t cause anyone to bat an eye. Said event is still the same as what Rebirth depicts after all, with all of its context of what said moment actually conveys.
We don’t need to have Cloud and Tifa’s GS date to make us feel confident about canonicity or any such thing because the context of their date remains unchanged.
Cloud and Tifa have had their moments in Ever Crisis too, and I don’t think these have been heralded as victorious “wins” in so much as they don’t NEED to be. We have the main games and all of their important story and context to remind us that we don’t need constant, monthly affirmations from this mobile game to keep us confident in Part 3.
But outside of this extreme CA-less bubble, we do have a group of people who DO need constant affirmation. Assurance. Weekly “wins”.
They need dev statements, Ultimania quotes, translations.
Because they can’t rely just on their bad faith readings of the games because the games don’t favour their view at all. Despite their warped interpretations, they need more to keep their narrative in the race, to give it legs.
Which is why they harass and seek to silence any and all big names who go against the grain of what they perceive to be the endgame here.
They can’t have their narrative be made to be seen as the wrong one. Which is why they’ve rallied around Ever Crisis as much as they have because it’s an easy game to quickly twist in their favour. Cloud and Aerith are in an event together, immediately adds to this. No Tifa in sight?! That works for them too.
I can’t explain all this away, nor can I do more to quell the doubts of others (nor even my own, despite all I’m saying here)
But when you take a step away, and with an objective view see it all in the wider and necessary context of the entire Retrilogy, the picture becomes clear.
Both the story for Part 3, and what’s going on within the fandom.
I hate that there are those who have been pushed away. I myself needed a long break away (and no doubt will need another one before Part 3 lol) because it is without a doubt one of the most exhausting and emotionally draining things to do, to constantly hold your ground in this fandom and in particular this “debate”.
But when Rebirth came out, I think it’s fair to say, it exceeded our expectations. In a game all of us were expecting to be heavy on the focus on Cloud and Aerith, it instead did more to reinforce and make explicit the nature of Cloud and Tifa’s relationship, while at the same time greater defining the nature of what Cloud and Aerith’s relationship is. While it certainly hasn’t cleared up the questions surrounding Zack and Aerith’s relationship (yet) it’s certainly more than laid down the groundwork to deliver and maybe even exceed our expectations once again.
While I am sure for many CAs, those who love the characters as they are and the ship itself, there was nothing to be disappointed over, because any and all interactions, irrespective of context, between Cloud and Aerith is enough to make them happy and content.
Without a doubt though, there was significant disappointment about what Rebirth delivered for Clerith, especially the ones we now see so feverishly crying endgame for them.
You wouldn’t think it I know given what we are seeing now.
But when their argument about Tifa taking advantage of Cloud in Gongaga started spreading, that was one of the signs that just expressed both how hugely disappointed they were that Cloud and Aerith didn’t have such a moment, and how furious they were, otherwise they wouldn’t have sunk to such a low level as to even suggest Tifa doing this.
For YEARS have CA wanted nothing more than for Clerith to get the Lifestream, even Aerith appearing in whatever form or context in that sequence would be a huge victory for them. They have desperately wanted the Highwind, despite their assertions that nothing worthy of note happens in that scene.
And now they want all of Cloti’s moments in Rebirth too.
The kiss being a jealous kiss is perhaps the biggest Neon Flashing Sign that they were devastated by Rebirth not giving them a Clerith kiss (remember both before and after the Game Awards trailer, the dead set confidence that Clerith would kiss in Rebirth) because by using this argument, it’s not only the biggest admission of how angry they were that this was a Cloti moment and not a Clerith one, it was also the clearest admission they don’t care about Cloud or Aerith as characters at all.
They only care about the projected idea of what they both want and see in Cloud and Aerith.
I’ve said it before, but if this is a jealousy kiss, Cloud is an irredeemable asshole.
Tifa doesn’t deserve him, but Aerith does?!
Beyond that… there’s also Zack.
And nothing screams how terrified they are of how big a spanner in the works Zack is than their insistence that Zack both approves, and seeks to give Clerith their blessing.
And all because of the words of Marlene.
Because this is the last thing I think that’s worth mentioning in my intent to hopefully contribute to the dispelling of doubts.
And that the value or worth of any one thing in the entire compilation project is weighed in favour of what it either contributes (no matter how small) to supporting their idea of what Clerith means to be, vs whether it subtracts from it, or worse, adds to Cloud and Tifa’s relationship.
Marlene’s words are taken as gospel. Anything Yuffie says is dismissed because “she’s just an immature child”.
The Maiden That Travels The Planet is a sacred text.
Traces of Two Pasts, 2000 Gil (anything written by Nojima lol) is a banned text.
Ever Crisis showed Cloud and Aerith in the Loveless play. It’s canon.
Tifa also unlocks the titles of “Princess” and “Rosa”. Those were meant for Aerith.
I could go on but I’ve already written and rambled on way too much and whatever point I was attempting to aim for has likely been lost along the way.
I know I am repeating ad nauseam what’s already been said perhaps a hundred times over by now.
But I do want to say something, in any such way, to try and hopefully help make getting through this wait for Part 3 easier (other than IGNORE THE BAD ARGUMENTS). Even if it’s just to remind us of what are the facts.
Clerith is endgame is because CA says so.
Cloud and Tifa’s relationship has already revealed itself to be a deeply intimate and romantic one, in Remake AND Rebirth. In the OG, one could argue this was only made explicit from the Lifestream and Highwind onwards. We’ve still got all that to come.
But even without that, Cloud and Aerith had so many chances and opportunities for both characters to affirm something, anything romantic. They didn’t.
Zack isn’t going anywhere.
Ever Crisis is going to continue featuring Aerith prominently. Recent mistranslation issues aside, it isn’t just suddenly going to be the start of the beginning of the end for Cloti, and the start of the push towards Clerith and it being endgame.
As much as I know it’s hard given the context of what it’s like in this fandom, we should try to take the moments, the marketing, as for what it is.
I wish I had something more to say about how to deal and steel oneself against the toxicity and harassment. Hopefully SE’s new policy will help. Hopefully seeing more streamers take the right step and share their work and reactions and experiences will pave the way for others, showing that harassing people into silence won’t work. And from there the attempts at spreading a harmful false narrative won’t hold sway.
Because either way it certainly won’t come Part 3.
Lets hope whatever words they might have lined up ready, they get drowned out in the fireworks from the celebration of Part 3’s arrival, the grand conclusion to the Retrilogy, and a celebration of seeing moments such as the Lifestream, the Highwind, Zack and Aerith’s reunion beautifully and brilliantly brought to life, and in Kitase’s words, delivers an ending that leaves us and the greater fandom feeling happy and satisfied.