LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
nah, this pairing still has a pretty large following, I'd say.

It's just dispersed itself out among various places. besides, not everyone who likes Clerith is crazy and aggressively wants it to be canon.

it's still my OTP, man.

We were referring to the batshit crazy types specifically. Cleriths like yourself, who ship Clerith as their OTP without trying to shoehorn it into canonicity somehow, are much more common than the type we were discussing. Often overlooked, as they seem to be less vocal since they have nothing to prove, or so it seems to me.


Pro Adventurer
For the lurkers:

If they wanted Cloud and Tifa's feelings to be optional why not just say that? They've done it for the dates.

The book is not meant to be "interpreted". It is meant to be understandable by anyone who picks it up. Imagine someone who's never even played FFVII and bought the book because of other installments, never mind being biased for one side. Do you really think that person would have the slightest doubt about who the pairings are after reading that page? Do you really think SE would make it so convoluted and confusing as to make the blurb about Cloud and Tifa mean something completely different from what's meant for the other couples? For people that like looking for hints in all things, take a hint.


For the lurkers:

If they wanted Cloud and Tifa's feelings to be optional why not just say that? They've done it for the dates.

The book is not meant to be "interpreted". It is meant to be understandable by anyone who picks it up. Imagine someone who's never even played FFVII and bought the book because of other installments, never mind being biased for one side. Do you really think that person would have the slightest doubt about who the pairings are after reading that page? Do you really think SE would make it so convoluted and confusing as to make the blurb about Cloud and Tifa mean something completely different from what's meant for the other couples? For people that like looking for hints in all things, take a hint.

Don't you know Fighter? FFVII and the LTD specifically are the great exception. Things like logic, story structure, word meanings, direct creator statements? Those don't apply here.

Because if they did then SE could not tell us the true story of FFVII. The eternal love of Cloud and Aerith. Because we know this is truth. That is why FFVII is the exception. To everything.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
NO Aerith is the angel, Tifa is the whore :rage:

Shouldn't those things be the same?

Also, thanked like 99% of the posts from the last three pages. :monster: Why do you guys get it, yet there are still people opposing this?

Seriously: getting Vincent and Yuffie is optional. The scene with Terra and the kids that's on that scan? Optional.

All of those things are, nonetheless, part of the summaries of their game's stories. And so is the high affection Highwind scene.

When did Yuffie join? Before Junon. When did Vince join? When they went through Nibelheim.

Wutai? It's there before the Keystone business. Lucrecia's cave? After Cloud recovers in the Lifestream.

Fighting Humbaba and Terra rejoining the Returners? Before Shadow rejoined, who was before Relm, who was before Strago, who was before Locke, who was before Mog and Umaro, who was before Gogo, which took place prior to Sabin reuniting with Duncan, which was before Cyan rejoined [EDIT: (actually, before the Dream Stooges incident)], who was before Gau [EDIT: (actually, before Gau met his father)], which was before the Hidon incident, which was before the party met Odin and fought Deathguise -- all of which happened, in that order, prior to going to Kefka's Tower.

The summaries are pretty specific about how a great many optional things went down.

That said, when it comes to FFVII it's not always specific -- yet when it isn't, it tells you it's not. For example, the date sequence? It outright says in the primary text that the outcome is based on the player, then relegates those specifics off to a smaller box in the margin.

Fighting the Turks in Midgar's tunnels at the end of Disc 2? Also says that's up to the player. Doesn't mention it in the main body of the text, and then relegates off to the side mention that, if the player took part in the Wutai side-quest, they have the option of not fighting the Turks when they run into them.

High affection Highwind scene? In the main body of the text:
"And when Cloud and Tifa remain behind alone, in their final hours, they disclose that their feelings for each other match."

What it has off in the margin serves only to reinforce that it was the high affection version that went down:

"2 versions of the conversation before the final battle
Prior to the final battle, the contents of the conversation between Cloud and Tifa can change depending on the degree of Tifa's affection. If the degree of affection is high, the contents of the two's conversation will involve deep subject matter and strong feelings for each other. As well, the sight of the two seen by their companions the next morning will lead to an embarrassing scene for Tifa, and she blushes greatly."

It doesn't even bother describing any other version.

Put that on top of its placement on the "Impressive Scenes" page, as well as on top of that being the only version in the Memorial Album script, and then all of that on top of the "For the One I Love" page which says nothing about that scene's outcome being dependent on the player?

There's nothing up to interpretation here.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
My bad. FFVII itself is up to interpretation.

Is it really a game or a Rorschach ink blot you think is a game? It might just be a cloud formation.

That explains those changes to continuity in the Compilation. Subtle adjustments to the shape of the cloud produces these occasionally minor, occasionally drastic changes to the game that is our collective hallucination -- a.k.a. Final Fantasy VII.

And that's why the main character's name is Cloud! On some level, we all realize that we're seeing shapes in a cloud! And this explains his psychoses that appear in the story!

Ho shit, it all makes sense!


You look like you need a monkey
I'm not sure which is more amusing:

The ones who keep shifting their goalposts (going from "If Cloud and Tifa are truly in love, they'd have had sex," to "Just because they've had sex, it doesn't mean that they're in love");

Or the ones who keep their goalposts in exactly the same place but refuse to acknowledge that the game's over ("There's no canon resolution to the LTD," and "So what if SE says that C and T are a couple, there is no canon resolution to the LTD").


The Wanderer of Time
Fighting Humbaba and Terra rejoining the Returners? Before Shadow rejoined, who was before Relm, who was before Strago, who was before Locke, who was before Mog and Umaro, who was before Gogo, which took place prior to Sabin reuniting with Duncan, which was before Cyan rejoined, who was before Gau, which was before the Hidon incident, which was before the party met Odin and fought Deathguise -- all of which happened, in that order, prior to going to Kefka's Tower.

WHOA WHOA WHOA! The Ultimania actually gives the canon order of events in the World of Ruin? List plz!


Pro Adventurer
A long time ago in debates far far away. Clerith was canon, it wasn't up to interpretation, it was clotis who were making things up. How things have changed.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
WHOA WHOA WHOA! The Ultimania actually gives the canon order of events in the World of Ruin? List plz!

Sure. Glad you asked, actually, 'cause I had a couple details in the wrong place above.

Anyway, this is the order of events:
-Celes meets up with Sabin
-Both reunite with Terra in Mobliz, though she, of course, doesn't rejoin yet
-Sabin and Celes reunite with Edgar
-The trio meets up with Setzer and sets out to get the Falcon
-They take the Falcon to the skies, follow the carrier pigeon to Maranda, learn about Cyan, reunite with him at Mt. Zozo, and he rejoins the party
-They reunite with Gau and he rejoins the party; they then enter the cave on the Veldt, find Shadow wounded, and take him back to Thamasa to recover
-The party returns to Mobliz, fights Humbaba alongside Terra, and she rejoins the party
-The team goes to the coliseum; Shadow rejoins
-In Jidoor, Relm rejoins the team
-At the Cultists' Tower, Strago rejoins
-Venturing into the Phoenix Cave, the team reunites with Locke, who is able to revive Rachel for only a moment before she dies permanently; Locke then rejoins the team
-In Narshe, Mog rejoins; Umaro joins soon after
-The team meets Gogo, who joins
-Sabin is reunited with Duncan
-The incident with the Dream Stooges takes place in Doma Castle
-Gau meets his father
-Hidon incident at Ebot's Rock
-The team acquires Odin as an Esper at the Ancient Castle, and upgrade him into Raiden
-The team destroys Deathguise
-The team confronts Kefka and defeats him
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The Wanderer of Time
Badass, thanks Tres! I'll assume the Veldt cave where you find Shadow is included between Terra rejoining and heading to the Colosseum, right?

EDIT - *looks at Quex's sig*

"In the Final Fantasy VII fandom, the people are represented by two separate yet equally vocal groups: the Clotis, who investigate evidence, and the rabid Cleriths, who prosecute the Clotis. These are their debates."
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I would almost feel sorry for our front page spammers. They obviously haven't played the game. Or conveniently forgot some things. I had both of them call me a liar for saying Cloud beat the shit out of Aerith. (In the context of the illusion of player control in the game.)

And not just to point out my 'mistake'. No they had to take great joy in it. Like I said "almost" sad. If they weren't such blatant liars and fucktards that is.
That actually made me giggle. Claiming someone else hasn't played the game when you're forgetting basic plot points is an easy way to show you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Didn't they also say you hadn't played the game when you said Marlene wasn't Barret's biological daughter?


Fire and Blood
LOL What. They argued that Marlene was Barret's biological daughter? oO"

What's next? Red XIII is human? ._. Caith Sith is accurate in his predictions? ._. Tifa is Cloud's mother? ._. Aerith is a parasite that lives in Cloud and watches Cloud and Tifa as they have sex? ._.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
LOL What. They argued that Marlene was Barret's biological daughter? oO"

What's next? Red XIII is human? ._. Caith Sith is accurate in his predictions? ._. Tifa is Cloud's mother? ._. Aerith is a parasite that lives in Cloud and watches Cloud and Tifa as they have sex? ._.

Hey, that last one is true. Watching Cloud and Tifa have sex is the hot new show on cable.


Your Mom
But guys, come on. The commercial, man. The commercial! It had the word LOVE in it! How can you keep denying it, yet cling to one highly interpretable little page from an ultimania?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
It's just showing us the possible love interests, not the ones that DID happen or something...

This is NOT that hard >_<
The timeline says they share their feelings. If they ONLY share their feelings in the High Affection version, THAT MAKES IT CANON and that's that.


That actually made me giggle. Claiming someone else hasn't played the game when you're forgetting basic plot points is an easy way to show you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Didn't they also say you hadn't played the game when you said Marlene wasn't Barret's biological daughter?

Because I see Cloud and Tifa as the canon couple of FFVII everything I say must be suspect. I have learned to live with this terrible burden.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
AHh this won't last, don't worry XD

It'll probably wear off in a few days. But I do like this name for right now.
Blame Everybody'sGrudge :monster:
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