LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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You look like you need a monkey
So CloTi is canon then?

Half canon, since Cloud would be the only douche in the relationship.

On the other hand, Clerith would be wholly canon because both Cloud and Aerith have to be douches in order for the pairing to become reality.


Pro Adventurer
And though he can't stand to be with Tifa, this Cloud will stay with her simply because it's convenient for him; she'll cook, clean and make sure he's got a roof over his head. Plus he's got her paying for his motorbike by giving free food for life to whoever it was that sold it to him.

Not to mention she's hot and he can use her for sex (taken from destinyfailed):


Cloud loves Aerith with undying love but Tifa is just that hot... it's not his fault.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
You guys are all wrong. That's not how it happened at all.

Tifa: "Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel..."
Cloud: "..." **breaks into interpretive dance**

And in that dance he does the 'running man' which is very clearly a sign of rejection and of Cloud indicating his desire to flee from Tifa.



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
It's not you, LV. We're arguing with phantom cleriths right now, as we often do. :lol: The ones who won't talk to us directly but write in their essays about Cloud being out on the road because he doesn't want to be near Tifa.

I really hate that Cloud. He's a selfish bastard. He had sex with Tifa because she's hot, knowing all the while she loves him and he doesn't feel the same. He stays with her because he has nowhere else to go, but hates being around her. He never speaks up when she mocks or pressures him, just slinks off like a wounded puppy. Hell, not only is he a bastard, he's a wuss. XD

Bastard, Wuss, Douche, Outright asshole, Clerith Cloud isn't just someone you wonder why anyone would want to be in a relationship with, he's someone you wonder why they have anyone who gives a shit about them at all- someone you wonder why they haven't shot in the face.
Also, on this subject, I'd like to remind the assembled lurkers from the pink that your version of the 'C/T Cloud' is still pretty much the same as your C/A version of Cloud, and is not what sane members of this fandom see him as at all.

I've been sleeping erratically since my grandmother died a few months ago. Since November I've spent more nights awake then asleep.

Also, random Fridge Logic, someone explain - I use "Barrage" in FF3, I hit 4 times, lose 4 arrows. I do a normal attack, it says "16 Hits!", and lose one arrow......yeah. How the hell do I fire one arrow and hit sixteen times?

You actually fire 16, but 15 of them ricochet back into your quiver after the attack.

True love is blind.

But, seriously, would Aerith actually want to subject herself to be with someone like that?

Yes. Because we aren't talking about Canon!Aerith but Clerith!Aerith, who is essentially a proxy for the girls' (despite certain members' age, I cannot think of any of them as anything but girls) own desires. And as established on numerous occasions, several of them have a crush on Cloud, and want Aerith (themself) to win.

You mean their credibility somehow managed to survive the monkeys, the koi-that-might-not-be-a-koi, the claims of 'high affection Highwind scene means rejection', and koi bito?

I don't think their credibility really survived 'Rival Orphanages', but not everyone knew about that nonsense.

I thought 'man stealing whore' was Tifa's role.

XD <3

Though you do make a good point. I suppose that, despite their preference for "Calling," "Safe & Sound" really does work better for the Clerith ending where Cloud abandons his adopted son:

"But I am not ashamed/
The choice I maaa-aa-ade"

It's like Gerard and Kyosuke wrote it for Clerith!

I'm still amused they thought Calling was written for the pairing, despite being written nearly ten years before FF7, nevermind AC. Oh, and being a power ballad.
No, it mentions the word 'love' once, dismissively. IT'S A LURVE SONG!

Unrelated: "Safe & Sound" is a truly fucking good song.


Okay, so "You mean Cloud didn't lie to the orphan?" is what should have been the wake-up call that they wanted Aerith's prize to be a complete fucking asshole.

Not to mention she's hot and he can use her for sex (taken from destinyfailed):


Cloud loves Aerith with undying love but Tifa is just that hot... it's not his fault.

I'm still chuckling that the 'scan released before AC'... came out in 2008. AFTER AC. I mean, yes, a couple of the instances of this mention are from beforehand, but the majority are after.

Also, I find 'Okay they had sex but it doesn't mean anything' to just be their form of bargaining in the stages of grief. We've been stuck between bargaining and rage for awhile.

Celes Chere

it's why I didn't respond on TFC.

Yeah, it's basically like talking to a Goddamn wall. And they are a bunch of tards there, at least nond and whatever that other trolls name was. Why can't AngelWing Aeris come back? (Hear that? I see you online so post! xD) Or Winter, or Zee... or Sky? D:


Lots of Cleriths rock my socks. :awesome: BTW TRES, you told me to change my name to "Most Cleriths are trolls now" and my Clerith friend AS PREDICTED was like "what the fook bitch *snaps fingers*". She was joking of course, BUT STILL.

@Drake- So sorry to hear that, hun. :C

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm still chuckling that the 'scan released before AC'... came out in 2008. AFTER AC. I mean, yes, a couple of the instances of this mention are from beforehand, but the majority are after.

This had been bugging me too, so I just went and looked up the actual post. What Anastar was referring to was that "more than friends, less than lovers?" scan from some magazine that also asked the question "Aerith?":

Ryushikaze said:
Also, I find 'Okay they had sex but it doesn't mean anything' to just be their form of bargaining in the stages of grief. We've been stuck between bargaining and rage for awhile.

As long as we've got references to the "For the One I Love" quote as "one little line," I think we're still in the denial stage. I mean, really, it's like "Osama determined to attack inside the U.S." -- how long does that sentence need to be?

Lots of Cleriths rock my socks. :awesome: BTW TRES, you told me to change my name to "Most Cleriths are trolls now" and my Clerith friend AS PREDICTED was like "what the fook bitch *snaps fingers*". She was joking of course, BUT STILL.

You said you needed a new MSN name. :awesome: And besides, I was just quoting you. XD


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Okay, Tres has told me that she was actually referring to a different scan, cropped out of that image, and it's the old magazine speculation talking about 'more than friends less than lovers', but that just makes the argument even less compelling.

One, it's not sure Aerith is actually Aerith, and two, IT'S A MAGAZINE SCAN. Magazine speculation gave us Cloud and Tifa's orphanage, after all. As well as 'Cloud never stays anywhere for long', both of which turned out to be false, of course.
Let me remind everyone, this is nothing more than a random magazine, listing its ideas and speculation for the movie.

And even if we were just trying to use the magazines to talk about what people saw instead of what was in the story, plenty of other magazines referred to C and T as a pair as well. Not that they're any more authoritative than most random magazines, but that's kind of my point. Magazines, with rare exceptions, don't count.

Speaking of 'one little line', and 'denial', anyone else notice that every time additional evidence arises, it's 'all [we've] got?' I mean, it's as though aggregation of evidence and contextual examination of various threads of evidence never occurs to them.

Or maybe they're just projecting. I try to not rule that one out, after my experience with Creotards.
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Your Mom
As long as we've got references to the "For the One I Love" quote as "one little line," I think we're still in the denial stage.
It's funny, they've been saying this for years, every time a new "one little line" appears. So many "one little lines" are stacking up, and yet apparently have no relation to one another.


It's funny, they've been saying this for years, every time a new "one little line" appears. So many "one little lines" are stacking up, and yet apparently have no relation to one another.

Well when you have clearly disproved a quote as romantic with things like "it doesn't say what feelings" or "It's not Cloud's family but Barrets". Then those quotes can be safely ignored.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
It's funny, they've been saying this for years, every time a new "one little line" appears. So many "one little lines" are stacking up, and yet apparently have no relation to one another.

Not only that, but the really baffling part is that apparently making a definitive statement as to who the character loves romantically isn't good enough. They need to say it multiple times or it's not clear enough or some shit.

This just takes us back to your Easter eggs analogy, Bella. "How many eggs does Cloti have in its basket? What colors are they? How big are they?"

When the question needs to be "Are there eggs in the basket at all? There are? Okay then."

Not that there's any statements to begin with even remotely like the "For the One I Love" quote or the Nojima Statement when talking about Cloud's feelings for Aerith.


Your Mom
I distinctly remember certain people saying "SE would never solve the love triangle with one little line in a book" about koibito, the "sex" interview, the "desire/wanting" line and now this scan.

Even if they wouldn't resolve it with "one little line," they would resolve it by speaking about it in a consistent manner. Oh yeah, and with the story itself.


Higher Further Faster
I guess apparently it would take some huge announcement, possibly a press conference, as I've actually seen people say. Because the staff really does care about this whole topic just as much as we do.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So what will solve the ltd according to them?

I can't speak for FFG or most of them, but Anastar once said that she'd expect a section in an Ultimania devoted to the topic. Seems like we got it.

Now, while the "For the One I Love" section isn't only about FFVII's romantic love, it is a section devoted to romantic love, and FFVII isn't left out.

Of course, she said she also expected the developers to give their reasons for choosing one woman or the other in said section, but that always seemed unreasonable to me. They never offered a justification for any of their other decisions that affected fan controversies, such as the Puppet Master Debate.

They really don't give as much of a shit about the LTD as all that. They'd much rather you decide why they chose a particular outcome.
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You look like you need a monkey
Of course, she said she also expected the developers to give their reasons for choosing one woman or the other in said section, but that always seemed unreasonable to me.

I think that's a weird thing to ask for.

I do see this matter as Cloud's choice more than the developers'. Sure, they wrote Cloud to be the character he is, and his feelings, thoughts are due to how his story unfolds and how the developers themselves perceive and shape his character. But there does come a point where the character himself, once he's 'come to life', makes the choices on his own and the authors simply follow.


Your Mom
Of course, she said she also expected the developers to give their reasons for choosing one woman or the other in said section
HAHA, the LTD is Serious Fucking Business. Except it's not.

And again, "reasons for choosing one woman" implies black and white again, when the truth is probably much more gray.
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