LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Yes as a matter of fact I am. Hell I remember people being pissed off because the cards in "Guess Who" didn't actually talk LIKE IN THE COMMERCIAL! I was like 6 when I saw that commercial FFS and I knew they didn't talk.

Lol in fact in the revised commercial they actually had to say "game cards do not actually talk"
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I don't know if I should take everyone thinking Im so young as a compliment or not.


Just wanted to know what you guys thought, but wouldn't Cloud and Tifa's bond be stronger because of everything they've endured together? It doesn't make sense how people will automatically assume the two are incompatible because of this. Cloud and Tifa struggling because of his burden and the two not getting along are completely different matters entirely.

And why does it not apply for Cloud and Aerith when they don't show any gesture of romance throughout the movie, but Cloud and Tifa get called out on that all the time? How can flowers be proof of Cloud and Aerith's love when there isn't (and shouldn't) any physical contact? Are they implying that Cloud being in flower fields is the most physical the two can get?

Also, I remember back in the days when viral videos weren't used in every single commercial and people really couldn't believe it wasn't butter.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Yeah I get tired of explaining that too, it's why I didn't respond on TFC.

I'm not sure what they want. Cloud was happy in the beginning of CoT, then as time went on his guilt took over, but he got better after he found Denzel. Then he went down hill again after he got Geostigma.

I don't know why a hug or a kiss is in order.

And why does it not apply for Cloud and Aerith when they don't show any gesture of romance throughout the movie, but Cloud and Tifa get called out on that all the time?
But the hand reach scene... and kissing the rain and uh... stuff?


Just wanted to know what you guys thought, but wouldn't Cloud and Tifa's bond be stronger because of everything they've endured together? It doesn't make sense how people will automatically assume the two are incompatible because of this. Cloud and Tifa struggling because of his burden and the two not getting along are completely different matters entirely.

This goes back to the whole "if they aint shitting rainbows they can't be compatible" argument.

As for the question at hand about Cloud and Tifa an their happiness that some don't see? Again Cloud is a man of few words. So I don't see him going "wow I am so fucking happy living here". But I have seen it asked before. But why does Cloud hang around these people that make him so miserable? I mean he even has a picture of them on his desk to remind himself.

Forgetting the fact that CoT is told in flashback from a time after Cloud has left. And setting snark aside. If you go into CoT with the mindset that Cloud loves Aerith and him and Tifa are not in a relationship. Then is there any wonder you don't see anything romantic. Or even Cloud happy?

And why does it not apply for Cloud and Aerith

Nothing logical applies for Cloud and Aerith. You should know this by now.


Your Mom
The gooey stuff was in CoT. I swear, the conversations they have at the beginning are as direct and as sentimental as I've ever seen Cloud get. Telling her he'll be there for her and blushing, saying he wants her by his side, that's big stuff from a guy like Cloud. It's really a shame CoT wasn't filmed, because while we can read it, it doesn't have the same impact as it would if we were to watch it, to see Cloud blush, to see them have their silly conversations. It's also a crucial part of AC. It's the setup. If you just jump into AC you're missing what Cloud's "normal" is, what he's so afraid to lose.

Perception is also a big factor. The people who hold the lack of a kiss against them are the same people who say Cloud's guilt indicates he loves Aerith, because you can't feel guilty for failing someone unless you love them apparently. I think we're all just looking for different things. :)

And I remember seeing Star Wars in a theater. The first time it was released.


Nothing logical applies for Cloud and Aerith. You should know this by now.
You're right, it was foolish to ask in the first place. :awesome:

The gooey stuff was in CoT. I swear, the conversations they have at the beginning are as direct and as sentimental as I've ever seen Cloud get. Telling her he'll be there for her and blushing, saying he wants her by his side, that's big stuff from a guy like Cloud. It's really a shame CoT wasn't filmed, because while we can read it, it doesn't have the same impact as it would if we were to watch it, to see Cloud blush, to see them have their silly conversations. It's also a crucial part of AC. It's the setup. If you just jump into AC you're missing what Cloud's "normal" is, what he's so afraid to lose.
And thus the argument, "Friends do that with each other all the time!" argument is used...

Perception is also a big factor. The people who hold the lack of a kiss against them are the same people who say Cloud's guilt indicates he loves Aerith, because you can't feel guilty for failing someone unless you love them apparently. I think we're all just looking for different things. :)
So, how people interpret the outcome because they side with their preferred pairing, right? I'll never know why guilt for the opposite sex is assumed by people that feelings of love must reside as well.

And I remember seeing Star Wars in a theater. The first time it was released.


The gooey stuff was in CoT. I swear, the conversations they have at the beginning are as direct and as sentimental as I've ever seen Cloud get. Telling her he'll be there for her and blushing, saying he wants her by his side, that's big stuff from a guy like Cloud. It's really a shame CoT wasn't filmed, because while we can read it, it doesn't have the same impact as it would if we were to watch it, to see Cloud blush, to see them have their silly conversations. It's also a crucial part of AC. It's the setup. If you just jump into AC you're missing what Cloud's "normal" is, what he's so afraid to lose.

Let us also not forget family and how important it is to Cloud. Ignoring that is a big fallacy IMO.

Perception is also a big factor. The people who hold the lack of a kiss against them are the same people who say Cloud's guilt indicates he loves Aerith, because you can't feel guilty for failing someone unless you love them apparently. I think we're all just looking for different things. :)

The same people who say Cloud lives at 7th heaven just because he didn't have anywhere else to go, are probably the same people that before AC said Cloud never lived with Tifa. Or lived in the church the whole time.

So yes..mindsets and perception.

Also why does Cloud have no choice but Barret does? He takes off at first opportunity.


Your Mom
Again it's perception. Where some people see Cloud out riding his bike and say he's a free spirit who's happy being alone and doesn't want to be tied down by a family, others see a guy who's just doing his job and will return home to his family at night.

Though while we're on that subject, it's worth pointing out that he was reluctant to start the delivery service at first, and it was Tifa who encouraged him. Why wouldn't a free spirit who wants to avoid being at the bar need to be convinced?


Yes as a matter of fact I am. Hell I remember people being pissed off because the cards in "Guess Who" didn't actually talk LIKE IN THE COMMERCIAL! I was like 6 when I saw that commercial FFS and I knew they didn't talk.

Lol in fact in the revised commercial they actually had to say "game cards do not actually talk"

I remember being sad when the copy of Guess Who in my grade 1 classroom didn't have speaking characters D: Totally RUINED my potential fun >: (

And to be quite fair, for someone who did not play FF7 before watching the movie (AC, not ACC), I could see how they'd get Cloud/Aeris implications. Yet, if they were able to pick up on a romantic vibe from those two, I would be a little baffled if they didn't assume Cloud/Tifa were the current couple.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I can't believe I typed all that... I think the Cleriths are trying to get MotA back on their side... :shifty:

Also what is this about cloud just staying there cause it has a toilet and what not? Can't he build his own place? He build some of 7th heaven did he not?


Pro Adventurer
@ Looney -- With the original AC it was very easy. (I did it.) As many people have said, AC expects you to know your shit regarding the FF7 universe, it not meant to be seen as a standalone. Cloti is extremely subtle, and since Aerith is a big factor in Cloud's issues in the plot, it's easy to connect the dots wrong.


You look like you need a monkey
Also what is this about cloud just staying there cause it has a toilet and what not? Can't he build his own place? He build some of 7th heaven did he not?

I don't think so. But don't be surprised. This is Clerith Cloud we're talking about.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
what the hell is MoTA again? I can't keep up with these acronyms, bro.

and I think Cloud is sort of a free spirit. He always seems to magically have "shit to do", even in Kingdom Hearts when he's looking for Sephiroth Aerith seems to just sort of know that he's gonna do WHATEVA HE WANTS.

besides, if he's stopping off at flower fields for shits and giggles, he's definitely a bit of a free spirit. Cloud enjoys his alone time.


shipping is very serious
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Cloud enjoys his alone time.

Does he now? Since when? Cloud has always been miserable when he is alone. Tifa calls him on this by mentioning he doesn't turn his phone off even in AC.

Isabella said:
Again it's perception. Where some people see Cloud out riding his bike and say he's a free spirit who's happy being alone and doesn't want to be tied down by a family, others see a guy who's just doing his job and will return home to his family at night.

Yeah it's not like Cloud began spending less time on the road to be with his family more....oh wait.

Isabella said:
Though while we're on that subject, it's worth pointing out that he was reluctant to start the delivery service at first, and it was Tifa who encouraged him. Why wouldn't a free spirit who wants to avoid being at the bar need to be convinced?

Let us also not forget why Cloud originally began running all over creation. To get supplies for Tifa.
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Pro Adventurer
and I think Cloud is sort of a free spirit. He always seems to magically have "shit to do", even in Kingdom Hearts when he's looking for Sephiroth Aerith seems to just sort of know that he's gonna do WHATEVA HE WANTS.

besides, if he's stopping off at flower fields for shits and giggles, he's definitely a bit of a free spirit. Cloud enjoys his alone time.

It's one thing to enjoy one's alone time and another thing to not want a home. Personally I think he enjoys having the delivery service more than he thought he would, and does like the freedom and travel (he hasn't quit yet, has he? And he named his bike) but still wants to come home to his family at the end of the day and know that he has a place in the world.


We know :monster: Or at least I do, anyway


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
wait wait I never said Cloud was alone all the time. I think only crazy cleriths say that or something, I dunno. How much he values TIFA AND THE KIDS kind of, you know, keep him coming back. :monster:

he just values his space, man.


and nobody told me what MoTA was...? I can only handle so many acronyms.


Pro Adventurer
Messenger Of The Ancients? I remember that name from awhile ago. Balls, nvm.

And alright :monster: I apologize for misunderstanding.

Welcome to the Insomniac's Guild.
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