LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

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Now I'm NOT saying Tifa didn't have a right, but when Aerith's mother was killed, she didn't start hating Shinra, in fact she cried when Tseng was hurt. I think Aerith just isn't capable of hate the same way Tifa is. It's not a bad thing, it's something that makes them different. But I can see what Winter means when she says Aerith is stronger in that sense.

Tifa’s watched her entire village burn to the ground. Her last parent, her father, died in her arms (or found him dead, whatever), leaving her completely orphaned (her mother had died earlier). She went up against Sephiroth at the age of 16 and got slashed/hurt to the point where even Cloud thought she was a goner.

Aeris did not watch the atrocities that Tifa did. She was very little when her mother and her ran away.

Aeris still lived with her foster mommy at the age of 22, kay?

I wouldn’t say she’s weaker because she decided to rebel against Shinra, run her own business and take care of Marlene on the side. How does that make her less independent than Aeris? I still want an answer to this.

AERITH WEARS PINK BECAUSE SHE GODDAMN LIKES IT. Other than Tactics she's worn pink in every game she's been in, even ones where Zack doesn't exist. She wore quite a bit of pink before they even met.
And SE made a point in CC to tell you that Zack likes the color and asked her to wear it. And she does. There is a clear connection there you cannot deny. She does not wear her signature pink outfit until after Zack suggests it.

And no one did this
Actually, Q, LV said exactly that. She said Tifa is WEAKER and LESS INDEPENDENT and gave the above as her reasoning for it, to which Fighter and I responded. How about we read, kay?

LV said:
I never said she was weak in comparison, that would be a very silly claim.
Like Vines said:
Besides, Tifa was never as emotionally strong nor independent as say, Aerith.
You compared them and declared Aeris the emotionally strongER and MORE independent one. But thanks for agreeing your claim is ridiculous.

P.S: I'd also like to know how the fuck Zack did not mean THAT much to Aeris. That just
struck me as weird. Or how Aeris still being pained by zack's memory/attracted to Cloud because of Zack/acting as she does towards Cloud because of Zack = means he didn't mean much.
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8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Aeris did not watch the atrocities that Tifa did. She was very little when her mother and her ran away.
Haha, yes, being experimented on for 7 years isn't atrocious at all.

Aeris still lived with her foster mommy at the age of 22, kay?
lolol okay. Because with mo close friends and very little money it would be a great idea for her to live on her own in the slums, right? Yeah. Living alone would be a bad idea, like I've said, Aerith knew her goddamn limits.

Besides, she's shown as sort of taking care of Elmyra in the same sense that Elmyra takes care of her; Elmyra is (or at least appears to be) a bit older than most parents, and because she's never had children of her own she's very attached to Aerith. I think it would be a huge bitch move on Aerith's part to just leave her by moving out. Besides, she's only 22. Jesus, she's not 30 or 40.

You act like there aren't perfectly normal 22 year olds who live with their parents when moving out is financially impossible.

I wouldn’t say she’s weaker because she decided to rebel against Shinra, run her own business and take care of Marlene on the side. How does that make her less independent than Aeris? I still want an answer to this.
I don't mean it in that sense. I mean it in the way that she deals with others. Look at the difference in how Tifa interacts with Cloud vs. how Aerith interacts with him. Hell, look at how Aerith interacts with ANYONE. She's been alone her whole life and never built up any need to be overly dependent on others.

During the duration of the game, I think that Tifa was EXTREMELY dependent on Cloud emotionally, and I am far from being the only person who saw this, so don't even try to say that I SAW IT WRONG.

Besides, Tifa was never as emotionally strong nor independent as say, Aerith.
Tell me where in there I stated that Aerith is so emotionally strong and powerful that Tifa looks weak.

Oh, wait, I didn't say that. Both girls have a lot to death with and the each carry their burdens in distinctly different ways; it would be an insult to Tifa to say she was a weak little sobby flower.

P.S: I'd also like to know how the fuck Zack did not mean THAT much to Aeris. That just
struck me as weird. Or how Aeris still being pained by zack's memory/attracted to Cloud because of Zack/acting as she does towards Cloud because of Zack = means he didn't mean much.
I answered all of this before. Aerith remembers Zack, yes. There is no goddamn evidence in this game or anywhere else that Aerith wakes up every day and listens to Linkin Park and cries about how her life is empty without Zack.

Within the original canon, Zack really wasn't that big of a figure in her life. Even with everything in CC, though, despite how much she cared about him I think her meeting and falling for him still wasn't the biggest and most significant part of her life.

Haha crack and Ryu that is a quote from a movie. But don't worry, titties are priceless.
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There is no goddamn evidence in this game or anywhere else that Aerith wakes up every day and listens to Linkin Park and cries about how her life is empty without Zack.
There is however, evidence that:
Aerith's feelings for Zack explain why she acts the way she does around Cloud in FFVII.


During the duration of the game, I think that Tifa was EXTREMELY dependent on Cloud emotionally, and I am far from being the only person who saw this, so don't even try to say that I SAW IT WRONG.

What do you mean by dependent? Tifa's just as emotionally strong as Aerith, just that her character doesn't start off just as independent as someone like Aerith is portrayed. The difference, I think, is that Tifa's grown to be an independent person, unlike Aerith, who hasn't had anyone to really 'depend on,' from the start. While I do agree that she wasn't as emotionally strong as Aerith from the start, she's learned over time because of the tragic events that took place in her life, so they're both emotionally strong at this point. It just took Tifa more time considering that she was raised in an environment where she had a lot of support.

Haha crack and Ryu that is a quote from a movie. But don't worry, titties are priceless.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
crack said:
What do you mean by dependent? Tifa's just as emotionally strong as Aerith, just that her character doesn't start off just as independent as someone like Aerith is portrayed. The difference, I think, is that Tifa's grown to be an independent person, unlike Aerith, who hasn't had anyone to really 'depend on,' from the start. While I do agree that she wasn't as emotionally strong as Aerith from the start, she's learned over time because of the tragic events that took place in her life, so they're both emotionally strong at this point. It just took Tifa more time considering that she was raised in an environment where she had a lot of support.
I agree with this entire sentiment. There's a big difference between Aerith, who's never had anyone, and Tifa, who had everyone and lost them.

I also (and I may be the only one) saw Tifa mature a lot between FFVII and AC. AC was the first time I was like "you know, I like you Tifa. I like you." Then I replayed the game and it was like "Hey, I think I get her now."

ALSO the quote is from Zack and Miri Make a Porno. :monster:


I also (and I may be the only one) saw Tifa mature a lot between FFVII and AC. AC was the first time I was like "you know, I like you Tifa. I like you." Then I replayed the game and it was like "Hey, I think I get her now."
I agree; I'm not explicitly implying that her hair is anything symbolic, but her hair being shorter in the movie seems to reflect the growth of her independence and maturity, like that shit Mulan does to her hair before she joins up with all the men and kicks ass.

ALSO the quote is from Zack and Miri Make a Porno. :monster:
I hate that movie. :awesome:


Tell me where in there I stated that Aerith is so emotionally strong and powerful that Tifa looks weak.
Are you fucking serious?

Besides, Tifa was never as emotionally strong nor independent as say, Aerith.

You gonna tell me this statement is NOT comparative?
You COMPARED Aeris and Tifa and said Aeris was STRONGER. "Tifa was never AS strong or independent AS Aeris" can only be taken in so many ways. By implication, Tifa is NOT AS STRONG as Aeris, thus making her WEAKER than Aeris.

I'm not going to sit here and talk basic fucking grammar, ok?
I simply don't like it when I respond to something and people go "I didn't say that" when you clearly did. So either stand by your argument and back it up, or concede and say your glasses are colored by personal preference and your claim is, in fact, bullshit.

You act like there aren't perfectly normal 22 year olds who live with their parents when moving out is financially impossible.
Ah see, your entire response to my comment on Aeris living with mommy is one giant strawman. Because I didn't say it made Aeris weakER. I just said there wasn't anything there that made her MORE independent than Tifa, which was your claim.

I'm just puzzled and still await your explanation on this. How is Aeris stronger and more independent than Tifa?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
You COMPARED Aeris and Tifa and said Aeris was STRONGER. "Tifa was never AS strong or independent AS Aeris" can only be taken in so many ways. By implication, Tifa is NOT AS STRONG as Aeris, thus making her WEAKER than Aeris.
There is a difference between that and saying 'Tifa is weak, period'. It's like saying 'I don't like steak as much as I like hamburgers' and then saying that I claimed that I don't like hamburgers.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
OWD: Calm down. :monster:

Anyway, like Tina said, saying that Aerith is stronger than Tifa doesn't make Tifa weak any more than saying "Sephiroth is more powerful than Cloud" is calling Cloud weak.

Both can be -- and are -- powerful mofos. One just happens to be more so than the other.

As for Aerith and Tifa, I don't know which is the stronger of the two emotionally. Tifa's co-dependent and Aerith is in denial about Zack's death five years after the fact. I really wouldn't toss up a dime for the difference.

Especially since her most notable trait in canon is being an absolute moron (YES HANNAH SIRIUS BLACK IS A BUSH IN THE FOREST. EXCELLENT DEDUCTIVE SKILLS THERE). Is it too much for me to ask that my most favorite character get with someone who's at least a leeeeetle bit smart?

I was pulling for Luna Lovegood myself.


Are you fucking serious?

You gonna tell me this statement is NOT comparative?
You COMPARED Aeris and Tifa and said Aeris was STRONGER. "Tifa was never AS strong or independent AS Aeris" can only be taken in so many ways. By implication, Tifa is NOT AS STRONG as Aeris, thus making her WEAKER than Aeris.
To be fair, if I said "Cloud was never as sexy or hot as say, Zack", I wouldn't be eliminating the conclusion that Cloud isn't sexy or hot, but just not as sexy or hot.

EDIT: why do you keep beating me to the punch? first it was sandwiches, and now it's this? DAMN YOU AKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I was pulling for Luna Lovegood myself.
I can see why they didn't go with Luna, since I can see how that would be a little too neat (having the sextet all hook up with each other) but idk, is it too much to ask for Parvati or Cho? At least they aren't represented as total morons throughout the series. :|

crackbb said:
EDIT: why do you keep beating me to the punch? first it was sandwiches, and now it's this? DAMN YOU AKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
ilu Audball


Anyway, like Tina said, saying that Aerith is stronger than Tifa doesn't make Tifa weak any more than saying "Sephiroth is more powerful than Cloud" is calling Cloud weak.
And? Saying Tifa is strong too, but NOT AS STRONG as Aeris still doesn't address my fucking point.

She compared and implied one was greater (in areas of emotional strength and independence) than the other. I want to know where the fuck that conclusion came from, and my response went from there.

but just not as sexy or hot.
...which is my point exactly? I asked what made her LESSER which is EXACTLY what LV's comparison states by its very nature?
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
And? Saying Tifa is strong too, but NOT AS STRONG as Aeris still doesn't address my fucking point.

She compared and implied one was greater (in areas of emotional strength and independence) than the other. I want to know where the fuck that conclusion came from, and my response went from there.

Which is fair enough, but your rather emotional reaction -- and your diction, for that matter -- suggests you think that one is being called a pillar of emotional fortitude while the other has all the strength of a sapling. Just wanted to make it clear to you that it doesn't seem to be what LV was going for. :monster:

Though I still say both women are strong and weak in their own ways.

And I still say Aerith was always in denial, even in just the original game. The fact that she learns his parents haven't heard from him any more recently than she has but concludes "He found someone else"? Yep, she was always obviously in denial.

Also, why are we not discussing this more?



ilu Audball
ilu too aki and hamburgers are totally tastier

@OWD -

I can't speak for Like Vines, but I think she was under the impression that you were telling her that you thought that what she said implied that Tifa was a weak person, not that she was weaker in comparison, which is why she didn't answer the way she did.

And I think both females equally as strong and emotionally independent, BUT the fact that Aerith has lived independently all her life and Tifa has had to learn to become independent can hint that Aerith is just more experienced in that area because she's been that way all her life, while Tifa's had to struggle with it because of the sudden tragic events she had to face, meaning that Aerith has more experience in that field, while Tifa is still growing, but proving to become stronger herself throughout the series. I dunno what Like Vines stance on it is.

Her nose there makes her look like a mouse. But booooooobs.

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OWD: Stop being so confusing! :awesome:

In all seriousness though, were you people reading special OWD posts I couldn't read? Cause she was being pretty straight forward in what she was saying.


Everybody approves of nekkid Tifa :awesome:
but your rather emotional reaction -- and your diction, for that matter -- diction's been the fuckin same for a while now, buddy. No one had a problem with it. I just don't like backpedaling.

"I never said she was weak in comparison, that would be a very silly claim." - LV
"Besides, Tifa was never as emotionally strong nor independent as say, Aerith." - LV

Ja, the above? Does not compute.

Saying "Tifa is strong too" still doesn't address my point. You say Aeris is so to a greatER degree, you back it up. That's all I asked for, so how about we let LV answer that instead of acting like I ambushed her in a dark alley?


That's all I asked for, so how about we let LV answer that instead of acting like I ambushed her in a dark alley?
You wouldn't be the only one here saying fuck if you actually were acting like that.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
which is my point exactly? I asked what made her LESSER which is EXACTLY what LV's comparison states by its very nature?
Uh I thought she did O_o

And who cares if one is emotionally stronger than the other. They've both had a lot of shit in their past and they deal with it differently. Isn't that the bottom line?


Except I didn't ever reply thinking LV said Tifa was a weepy willow. I always asked her to stand by her statement that Tifa was weaker by comparison. ALWAYS.

What OWD has been saying:
Excuse me.
What exactly makes Tifa weaker or less independent than Aeris?
I wouldn’t say she’s weaker
Actually, Q, LV said exactly that. She said Tifa is WEAKER and LESS INDEPENDENT

Q said:
And who cares if one is emotionally stronger than the other.
Who cares if Cloud loves one more than the other?
Who cares if Sephiroth wasn't secretly Vincent's actual dad?
Who cares if the earth is actually flat or not?

I care, Q, because I disagree (and others). Isn't that the whole fucking point of the LTD to begin with?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
well yeah but I don't see how "which character is more emotionally strong" effects the LTD O_o

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
TresDias diction's been the fuckin same for a while now, buddy. No one had a problem with it. I just don't like backpedaling.

"I never said she was weak in comparison, that would be a very silly claim." - LV
"Besides, Tifa was never as emotionally strong nor independent as say, Aerith." - LV

Ja, the above? Does not compute.

No one's saying it does, but I'm just saying your intense reaction alluded to a different understanding (i.e. Aerith is pillar, Tifa is sapling). That's all.

And I'm not the only one who took that understanding of your reaction, so I don't think it's that what you were saying wasn't being read.

In any case, I'm interested in reading LV's response to all this as well, and would like to see what she thinks of Aerith concluding "He probably found someone else" instead of "He must really be dead" when Zack's parents tell her they also haven't heard from him in five years.

Because to me, that's denial.
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