Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
- Tim, Ryu
Are we seriously trying to argue that Hojo wasn't a batshit crazy motherfucker?
He put cells and chemicals in he and Ifalna's unborn baby,
Lucrecia. Not Ilfana. Probably just a 'whoops, wrong name', but twould be remiss not to correct.
treated her like shit, turned Vincent into a monster, tried to breed Nanaki and Aerith, left Zack and Cloud in test tubes for years, etc.
Oh, no, he's totally crapsack loco, but...
What the hell would ever suggest that Ifalna and Aerith's time there was anything but an absolute nightmare?
The thing is, I doubt he actually payed them any attention. Hojo is notorious for his short attention span and his fixation on Sephiroth. While I doubt their time their was good, I actually have trouble seeing Hojo having the attention or focus to make their lives 'hellish.'