LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Your Mom
I really don't understand their train of thought. Ok, so we have a dozen references to Cloud/Tifa confirming their feelings for each other, and their silly comeback was, "yeah but what kind?" So then we're TOLD what kind, but that doesn't refer back to all the other mentions of feelings? What, is each quote referring to a different kind of feeling being exchanged?

See, I can respect people I disagree with as long as I can follow their logic. But a certain TFC member doesn't exhibit any logic, and projects like hell to boot.


I actually always found Tifa/Aeris' relationship to be fascinating. I mean, they were clearly friends and liked each other from the get-go (ffs they meet and are already finishing off each other's sentences). They tend to wander off together when the party splits off, and being the only two girls in the party (+Yuffie, who is optional), they must have felt somewhat at ease with eachother. But then there's that tension of liking the same guy, which is a situation I felt was very realistic. Maybe not BFF, but other than Jessie Tifa never had any canon female friends, and Aeris had none. So I think it's fair to say that at the time they were probably two of the closest members of the team (IMO).

idk I just like when stuff portrays female friendships in very relatable ways. also I think such speculation belongs in the TnA club :monster:


Pro Adventurer
So I think it's fair to say that at the time they were probably two of the closest members of the team (IMO).

idk I just like when stuff portrays female friendships in very relatable ways. also I think such speculation belongs in the TnA club :monster:

I disagree with them being them probably being the closest members. I actually thought Tifa and Barret were closer. But that's also only my opinion. ^^;

And the Tifa and Aerith club wouldn't like me either. T_T


I disagree with them being them probably being the closest members. I actually thought Tifa and Barret were closer. But that's also only my opinion. ^^;

And the Tifa and Aerith club wouldn't like me either. T_T

I always thought of Tifa-Barret-Cloud-Aeris as "the core" of the team. Red, Vincent, Cid and Yuffie never seemed to really break into that bubble. Just IMO of course.


Pro Adventurer
Aww, you forgot Cait Sith. Probably not the core of the group, but Reeve and his robot's psychic abilities were able to confirm the group's starring love team more or less.


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
So many acronyms, so few brain cells.

Because sad platonic juvenile love involves one party writing 89 letters over the course of 6 years and the other party dragging himself and his buddy half way across the world in an desperate effort to reach the other.

Snark aside, Aerith invested everything in Zack and was devastated when he didn't return. I do think she detaches herself emotionally from him during the game in an effort to avoid ripping open that scar. It's easy to see why Aerith would transfer some of those feelings to Cloud. It is when she realizes he's not who he acts like and says as much on the gondola, her character makes the transition from love interest to heroine.

In that context, Maiden makes no sense.:lol:

Celes Chere

Those who think Zerith is cute only seem to think so because of the better graphics in CC and voice acting or Cloti's who want Aerith paired off because she's such a threat to their fantasy.

Zerith was representative of a young love, even the creators referred to it as a "juvenile" love that was platonic. It's amazing how many people actually thinks CC voids a Cloud/Aerith relationship.



I really don't understand their train of thought. Ok, so we have a dozen references to Cloud/Tifa confirming their feelings for each other, and their silly comeback was, "yeah but what kind?" So then we're TOLD what kind, but that doesn't refer back to all the other mentions of feelings? What, is each quote referring to a different kind of feeling being exchanged?

I assume you are talking about cin? In recent memory I don't think I have seen someone so willfully ignorant.

The delusion is strong in that one.
cin said:
I didn't even know there were fans who didn't believe Cloud and Aeris were canon until recently. And yes, they are rabid. Wow, I hope they don't apply that sort of thinking to their own relationships.

Even if Nomura comes out and says "Cloud wants to make babies with Aeris, not Tifa" I'm sure they'll just find a way to deny it like they do everything else.
Is it any shock she has found like minds in the land of pink?


Chloe Frazer
Ignorance is not a big enough word to describe that girl, the fact that she thinks we're the ones making up translations, in denial and living in a fantasy is just wow


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Cinamon. She's like everything desfail mocks Pinkers for in a single package.

She's absolutely insane, and has recently begun accusing everyone of any and all fallacies.

Truly, it's one of those cases where satire is dead.


Your Mom
I think she just registered at CxA so you may not know her, Drake.

An example of her "reasoning":
The only thing Cloti's have going for them is the optional Highwind scene which is never mentioned again after FF7. AC payed tribute to the hand reach scene between Aerith and Cloud YET there was no mention of the Highwind scene. If it was indeed a "romantic scene" there would've been clues in the movie, flashbacks or a hint. There was NOTHING. Tifa and Cloud acted like friends instead of lovers. Go figure.

There's no point in telling Cloti's that however, they would only cry and point to "evidence" that is made up and twisted to suit their views.
Regarding the bolded part: Why? Why does a scene require a flashback or a mention by the characters in order to be romantic? Just think of how many romantic scenes in films and novels that would be nullified by that requirement.


The Wanderer of Time
The only thing Cloti's have going for them is the optional Highwind scene which is never mentioned again after FF7. AC payed tribute to the hand reach scene between Aerith and Cloud YET there was no mention of the Highwind scene. If it was indeed a "romantic scene" there would've been clues in the movie, flashbacks or a hint. There was NOTHING. Tifa and Cloud acted like friends instead of lovers. Go figure.

There's no point in telling Cloti's that however, they would only cry and point to "evidence" that is made up and twisted to suit their views.


I am so glad I don't go there anymore. I just wouldn't fit in the way there the way I am now, if I had posted my little "Well, ACC kinda changed my views..." thing as I did here, I probably would have been run out on a rail.

Is there something wrong with saying "I acknowledge Cloti is canon but still ship and prefer Clerith"? It won't kill you, and there's nothing wrong with it. In fact if they did that, I don't think it'd be far off to say some people here at least would think higher of them for it.


Your Mom
Is there something wrong with saying "I acknowledge Cloti is canon but still ship and prefer Clerith"? It won't kill you, and there's nothing wrong with it. In fact if they did that, I don't think it'd be far off to say some people here at least would think higher of them for it.
Amen. I've never had a problem with preferring Cloud with Aerith. In fact I can see the appeal. My only issue has ever been the convoluted reasoning they use to deny what they don't like, and the way they tear Tifa down. And I'm not even a Tifa fangirl. I just see posts like the one below as petty and transparent.
anonymous said:
Tifa only started to fall in love with Cloud once he took on Zack's persona. She knew his memories were jumbled, yet, she didn't do anything about it. She went along with his misconception that he was "Zack". Tifa just doesn't make sense to me. She knew he was lying all along and that something was wrong with him, however, she seems to just play along with the fact that he doesn't seem to remember anything.

Her love seems superficial to me. She never loved the quiet, introverted Cloud.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Amen. I've never had a problem with preferring Cloud with Aerith. In fact I can see the appeal. My only issue has ever been the convoluted reasoning they use to deny what they don't like, and the way they tear Tifa down. And I'm not even a Tifa fangirl. I just see posts like the one below as petty and transparent.

anonymous said:
Tifa only started to fall in love with Cloud once he took on Zack's persona. She knew his memories were jumbled, yet, she didn't do anything about it. She went along with his misconception that he was "Zack". Tifa just doesn't make sense to me. She knew he was lying all along and that something was wrong with him, however, she seems to just play along with the fact that he doesn't seem to remember anything.

Her love seems superficial to me. She never loved the quiet, introverted Cloud.

As opposed to Aerith, who only started to fall in love with Cloud after he took on Zack's persona, and never met the quiet, introverted Cloud?

Serious, that post is chock full of fail on all counts, but it's the 'accusing Tifa of thing Aerith would be EVEN MORE GUILTY OF' that always gets me. Glass houses and stones, girls.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Amen. I've never had a problem with preferring Cloud with Aerith. In fact I can see the appeal. My only issue has ever been the convoluted reasoning they use to deny what they don't like, and the way they tear Tifa down. And I'm not even a Tifa fangirl. I just see posts like the one below as petty and transparent.

I'm pretty sure it was mentioned that Tifa never said anything because she thoguht it might have a negative effect on Cloud.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Hey, is this cin person in need of work? I think the movie theater down the road could use a new "projectionist." *rimshot*

Ahhh horrible puns, you never fail me...

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Screw you Drake, I got a private message declaring how hilarious that was thank you.

...I think its funny because it's fail, actually. :awesome:


The Wanderer of Time

EDIT: nvm. Either that's photographed, or the guys running the site are more pathetic than I thought.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I, for one, thought it was funny. Then again it probably helped that I watched Die Hard with a Vengeance about half a year ago, so the context of the scene being referenced is still fresh in my mind.
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