I don't recall them off the top of my head but I'll see if I can grab quotes for you.
Thanks, just remember this is what you said:
Okay, so if you want to take everything they say at face value, there would be no LTD then. Nomura has stated several times throughout the years that he has no idea if Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship.
So what you need to provide me with is these "several" quotes that say just that. I don't want to see any "I let the players decide what Cloud is like." or "Players should make their own decisions." or "Well if you read this one way he COULD Be saying that." I want these several statements that say as clear as day "Idk if CxT are in a relationship." Not one, not two, but several.
And just FYI, if you do provide me with such I'm not going to argue or debate them or anything like that since it's not allowed. I just want to see that they exist.