LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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CAREFUL QUEX. If you say FF7 has contradictions in it you'll get mauled by an elite force of fail.

Im guessing the Cleriths have dug so deep a hole that they have resorted to trying to twist the amount of time Cloud has lived in the church? Or something?

Lol. Or is it more of the same thundering stupidity I often see screencaps of...


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Seeing as how I was told "But Nomura didn't say Cloud was COMPLETELY happy so how does him saying Cloud is happy mean he's really happy if he isn't COMPLETELY happy? Plus he didn't find his Promised Land until AFTER ACC so how could he have been happy?"

I'd say it's the first one.
... Ah! I see its all so CLEAR now. So if THATS how it is... Then Aerith is engraved in his heart, but not COMPLETELY, because he never said that. Only a tiny bit. Cool.

Yet another argument that can be used to rape them up the ass.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
... Ah! I see its all so CLEAR now. So if THATS how it is... Then Aerith is engraved in his heart, but not COMPLETELY, because he never said that. Only a tiny bit. Cool.

Yet another argument that can be used to rape them up the ass.

I NO RITE :monster:
OMG I want to get the one who said this to me on TFC so I can say that

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
Seeing as how I was told "But Nomura didn't say Cloud was COMPLETELY happy so how does him saying Cloud is happy mean he's really happy if he isn't COMPLETELY happy? Plus he didn't find his Promised Land until AFTER ACC so how could he have been happy?"

I'd say it's the first one.

Starting a Family with Tifa. Cloud happy.
Making a delivery to forgotten city for Elmyra, remembering sense of guilt. Cloud Less happy.
Finding Denzel. Cloud more happy again.
Geostigma. Cloud far less happy.
Healed Geostigma, freed from sense of guilt and back to family. Cloud absolutely happy again.

Tifa and Family : positive happy factor.
Guilt, fear of failure, Geostigma : negative happy factor.

Tifa and family makes Cloud happy! :)
TFC <333 poor baby has been dead as a doornail for like a week. To much debate pwnage in one spot I suppose, since it made that one member spontaneously combust.

To bad I promised to retire...


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Starting a Family with Tifa. Cloud happy.
Making a delivery to forgotten city for Elmyra, remembering sense of guilt. Cloud Less happy.
Finding Denzel. Cloud more happy again.
Geostigma. Cloud far less happy.
Healed Geostigma, freed from sense of guilt and back to family. Cloud absolutely happy again.
I tried this once and was told it was just my interpretation. So feh


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Because there are plenty of things, according to them, that show Cloud was sad still after he found Denzel. Like that one picture... and the fact that Cloud left... see? :monster:

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
Like I said: “Finding Denzel. Cloud more happy again.”
More happy doesn`t mean absolutely happy. Sense of guilt, fear of failure are still there. Plus no cure for Denzels Geostigma in sight, which Cloud was searching for.
Ok, this is my interpretation but it fits perfectly with the rest.

And I thought he left because of Geostigma?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
No, he left because Tifa didn't believe him when he said Denzel was sent to him by Aerith, where have you been?

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
Pinker logic said:
he left because Tifa didn't believe him when he said Denzel was sent to him by Aerith



Ultimania Canon evidence, no?

Plus leaving Denzel also makes perfect sense.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Starting a Family with Tifa = ^_^
Making a delivery to forgotten city for Elmyra, remembering sense of guilt = :(
Finding Denzel. Cloud more happy again = :)
Geostigma. Cloud = :'(
Healed Geostigma, freed from sense of guilt and back to family. Cloud absolutely happy again = :D :joy:

there's the visuals :monster:

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
One`s mood can change even during the day. Maybe they argued that day. I don`t know.
Why do we have to go into detail at all?

These both are enough:
Starting a Family with Tifa = ^_^

Healed Geostigma, freed from sense of guilt and back to family. Cloud absolutely happy again = :D :joy:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
While I hate to break up the repetitive back and forth here, Quex, the people calling what you say 'just an interpretation' are contravening fact in order to put out their far less parsimonious interpretation. And they're too cowardly to come anywhere where they don't control utterly.

Also, if they think 'Tifa didn't believe Aerith brought denzel' then they're idiots. She disagreed with the particulars of the delivery slip, not the sender.


Rookie Adventurer
Hey there everyone!

I was away from the LTD for years, but I have watched ACC some days ago and I was looked at the ultimania translations, so I was flared up again a little bit. :)

Anyway, I'm not a shipper, I do not have anything against Aerith x Cloud together too, but I'm seeing the compilation very strongly Cloti. It's a "real life relationship", not some kind of "fairy tale romance", and Cloud x Tifa portrayed EXACTLY as a romantic couple in ACC.

As for the ultimanias and official sources, when I have read the following TWO quotes (I know there're a lot more, but these two is perfectly sufficient), it made my heart kinda warm:

FF 20th Anniversary Ultimania
Thanks to Tifa, Cloud regains himself, and before the final battle with Sephiroth, without using words, he confirms with her that their feelings match.

So, going with the high affection scene, Cloud DOES love Tifa romantically. No more interpretations on Cloud feelings if the player chooses Tifa in the game, eh?

Crisis Core Ultimania
In FF7, Tifa is the only one who knows Cloud’s childhood, and furthermore, she holds the key to people involved in the story of Nibelheim’s burning down, which is also depicted in CC. She and Cloud came to realize their feelings for each other in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DC.

Combinig these two entries, if the player plays out the high affection scene in FF7, then Cloud and Tifa realize that they love each other romantically, and after Cloud's Geostigma ordeal they leave together happily after ACC. Maybe it's not that bad of a "real life fairytale romance", eh...? :)

One last thing. A lot of You are quoting from the official script. Can I find it somewhere on the net, or only bundled together with the collector's edition of AC (which I won't really plan to get, I'm not THAT big of a fan).


The LTD is the gift that keeps on giving.

This person upon being shown the 20th Anv Ult translations among others replied thusly.
By the way I read your little 3rd post down and it doesnt mean anything. They live together so what? Barret and Tifa lived together and the beginning of 7. Didn't think of that did you? Plus if they were so in love then they would sleep in the same bed and have children of their own instead of fn adopting. Cait Sith said Cloud and Aerith were star crossed lovers and would get married. And who knows who wrote that crap for that site anyhow. Could have been anyone from Square/Enix. Doesn't really say much even if it was from one of the original developers. Besides if you think Tifa and Cloud act like a couple your retarded. Whatever crap is canon now then let it be but if you can watch with your own eyes and tell me that Cloud and Tifa are in love then you are just plain dumb. This forum is dead anyhow. Peace.

Oh dear.....


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
They live together so what? Barret and Tifa lived together and the beginning of 7. Didn't think of that did you?

K, now give me 8 or so quotes saying that Barret and Tifa realized their feelings for each other and that's why they live together... you know since her living with Barret is exactly the same as her living with Cloud.

Seriously, if her living with Barret is the same as her living with Cloud, shouldn't there be tons of quotes talking about how they reveal their feelings of friendship? And a couple which say romantic feelings but don't count for some reason?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum


Rookie Adventurer

For the record, when you adopt a child you aren't their foster parent but their adoptive parent. Or just "parent" as most of us prefer. Also, totally wish this opinion on families formed by adoption was found only in silly discussions on video games. Would make my life (and that of my kids who are totally my kids regardless of lack of genetic link) that much easier.

Oh, and Cloti wins.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
For the record, when you adopt a child you aren't their foster parent but their adoptive parent. Or just "parent" as most of us prefer. Also, totally wish this opinion on families formed by adoption was found only in silly discussions on video games. Would make my life (and that of my kids who are totally my kids regardless of lack of genetic link) that much easier.

Oh, and Cloti wins.

Don't ya just LOVE it when people say all sorts of offensive stupid bullshit to defend their ship?

Now then, onto the stupid bullshit.

By the way I read your little 3rd post down and it doesnt mean anything. They live together so what? Barret and Tifa lived together and the beginning of 7. Didn't think of that did you? Plus if they were so in love then they would sleep in the same bed and have children of their own instead of fn adopting.

They don't love each other, so they adopted a child together! It makes PERFECT SENSE! Asshole.

Cait Sith said Cloud and Aerith were star crossed lovers and would get married.

Ah, Star Crossed lovers. Nevermind Cait Sith never said they were lovers- just that they 'showed a bright future together'... Oops, dropped the ball on that one- but star crossed lovers ISN'T A GOOD THING. Like a 'love that could never be,' it's a NEGATIVE statement, meaning a relationship is impossible, the stars are against it.

And who knows who wrote that crap for that site anyhow. Could have been anyone from Square/Enix. Doesn't really say much even if it was from one of the original developers.

I don't care if it's official! I don't like it so it doesn't count!

Besides if you think Tifa and Cloud act like a couple your retarded. Whatever crap is canon now then let it be but if you can watch with your own eyes and tell me that Cloud and Tifa are in love then you are just plain dumb. This forum is dead anyhow. Peace.

...Aaaaand Flounce.

Babble Fish

Rookie Adventurer
Why do Clerith use the pretext that Final Fantasy VII is a fantasy world therefore relationships should be fantasy based?

Are they really that narrow minded?


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Why do Clerith use the pretext that Final Fantasy VII is a fantasy world therefore relationships should be fantasy based?

Are they really that narrow minded?

...You're new to this, aren't you? ^^

They aren't narrow minded. They are SINGLE minded. They are 'die for our ship' and Materia Jesus slaves. They are cultish and delusional, with pink sprinkles of self-insert sueitis and the occasional fandom seizure. They have the amazing ability to talk out both sides of their mouths and their asses SIMULTANEOUSLY.

Oh, and logic burns them.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Why do Clerith use the pretext that Final Fantasy VII is a fantasy world therefore relationships should be fantasy based?

Are they really that narrow minded?


This has been another edition of Simple Answers to Simple Questions.
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