Gym Leader Devil
True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
- So many names
I've read some pretty....fucked up shit.
Amy is hot.
And that was completely mocking smartassery. Do not read anything into it.
So, I've been looking through some discussions on other sites about the whole Ribbon thing, and a couple things come to mind to me.
Firstly, why do some Cleriths argue so hard for the ribbon featured in FFVII being different from the one Zack got for her in CC? Even if it is a different ribbon, it doesn't really allow for any sentimental/romantic anything to be tied to Cloud using it. After all, she was wearing it when they met, so why does it matter aside from trying to disprove Zerith so that Clerith can have a chance?
Secondly, and I feel silly for this: Am I the only one who didn't get the "we wear pink ribbons in remembrance of our fallen comrade" thing in AC the first time? I thought it was a nod to the accessory of the same name in the game proper. I turned to the person who watched it with me the first time and said "Well, they all got sick of status ailments."
PS - you forgot Amy has green eyes
@ Clerith fanvids: They make my eyes bleed. There's so few clips to use of the two of them they're always the same recycled crap and everything is always shown at least twice in every vid. At least for Cloti there is a wider range of footage to choose from.
@ Tres: I see your "Padme Amidala being fucked to death through her navel by a tag-team of Anakin and Senator Palpatine is a little worse." and raise you, from Harry Potter fic:Lucius instructing Crabbe to rape Draco, and then slicing open Draco's stomach to give Crabbe a handjob from around Draco's large intestine because Crabbe won't get off.
@Loxetta: I would hate you, hate you, hate you if you hadn't tagged that multiple times, thus making it my own dumbass fault that I know that. Instead I just say Augh-AUUUUGH!!!!!
@Drake: If given enough material to work with would you make a Clerra vid? That'd be something out of the ordinary.
By the time we're done with this place, scat is going to be so passé.![]()
@Loxetta: I would hate you, hate you, hate you if you hadn't tagged that multiple times, thus making it my own dumbass fault that I know that. Instead I just say Augh-AUUUUGH!!!!!
And if you don't have enough material, make your own.
There was one effect I was doing in a Clerith vid that I never finished and probably never will. It's where Aerith is walking away from Cloud at the end of AC, but I'd given an overlay to part of the image and set it to "Fade In". The result was that as Aerith walked away and the scene played, she slowly vanished. It looked *awesome* and nearly seamless, but I never finished the vid.
That was pretty epic editing. You should finish that other vid, too, it sounds amazing.
It's not just you. It seriously isn't that bad.
Padme Amidala being fucked to death through her navel by a tag-team of Anakin and Senator Palpatine is a little worse.
And I'm really wishing I had gotten the expedited shipping on that damn U20 book. It probably won't get here for at least another four days.
You take pride in mind-raping people with horrible, tormenting images. I like that.
So, I've been looking through some discussions on other sites about the whole Ribbon thing, and a couple things come to mind to me.
Firstly, why do some Cleriths argue so hard for the ribbon featured in FFVII being different from the one Zack got for her in CC? Even if it is a different ribbon, it doesn't really allow for any sentimental/romantic anything to be tied to Cloud using it. After all, she was wearing it when they met, so why does it matter aside from trying to disprove Zerith so that Clerith can have a chance?
Secondly, and I feel silly for this: Am I the only one who didn't get the "we wear pink ribbons in remembrance of our fallen comrade" thing in AC the first time? I thought it was a nod to the accessory of the same name in the game proper. I turned to the person who watched it with me the first time and said "Well, they all got sick of status ailments."
Tormenting images? whats tormenting about this fic?? Me and Ryu will Hadouken and tiger our way in.
@ Clerith fanvids: They make my eyes bleed. There's so few clips to use of the two of them they're always the same recycled crap and everything is always shown at least twice in every vid. At least for Cloti there is a wider range of footage to choose from.
@ Ribbons: When I first watched Advent Children, I didn't have any knowlewdge of FF7 or status ailments or the Ribbon accessory prior to it, and I thought the arm-ribbons meant they were all Avalanche membersOf course I also thought Clerith at the time.
@ Tres: I see your "Padme Amidala being fucked to death through her navel by a tag-team of Anakin and Senator Palpatine is a little worse." and raise you, from Harry Potter fic:Lucius instructing Crabbe to rape Draco, and then slicing open Draco's stomach to give Crabbe a handjob from around Draco's large intestine because Crabbe won't get off.
Amy is hot.
Agreed, we mostly just get Advent Children.
You disgust me.