Take it with a grain of salt BTW5 years ago, Aerith stopped recieving news from her first love, a young first class SOLDIER named Zack. He was a close friend of Cloud's and is the person who largely affected Cloud's personality. Aerith doesn't know the two of them were off duty friends. She is interested in Cloud because she perceives his behavior to be similar to Zack's.
Drinking the kool-aid – A term used when someone has either taken up some of the more extraordinary Clerith beliefs or a slang to describe hanging out at CxA forums for a time. It can also be used to tell someone their argument is really fucking stupid.
But I'm certain everyone knows who I'm talking about, since her exploits and dupe accountery are well, well known.
Okay EG came up with it, but it's still funny.
So how many true Cleriths do you think are left once all the dupes are stripped away? Note, I'm not talking about the reasonable fans who happen to like the pair. I'm talking about the true believers who will fight for Clerith supremacy to the death. I wanna guess ... maybe 4 or 5?
Across the interwebs. The pink crazies, the YouTube crazies, the TNC crazies. They tend to overlap.
California babe/ Kashikoi Ume/ Alice Kingsley/ The Mad Hatter/ TheWhiteQueen/ PrettyYoungThing/AerithGainsborough