LTD Who did Aerith love?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
But it WAS listed as part of the Compilation. The UO listed it. It was never "taken out" as you said. They listed it and it wasn't until... the 10th AU I believe that they list it and say "This isn't part of the Compilation."

... but this basically implies that only entries of the Compilation are canon and I don't believe that's true.

More things than the compilation are canon. Titles which have been ignored resounding since their publication tend not to be canon or within continuity, seeing as how the creators have completely ignored them.

As far as I know you heard very wrong. Everything is in line with DoC and Crisis Core but.. yeah if someone else wants to step forward and discuss these contradictions I'd be happy to hear them.

There were issues with DoC when it was released, relatively soon after Maiden. There are still narrative issues with CC, and and the contrast between Maiden and COLW that makes Aerith look an idiot.

I'm sure it wasn't just "fill pages"
They wanted him to write a story since he's written for them before. It just makes no sense to me that they wanted him to write a story that ... was just fanfiction. What would the point of that be?

To write a little something extra for the fans. It turned out not to be where they wanted to go narratively. They ignored it. IN THE NEXT TITLE, they ignored it. Yes, they have since retconned the bit that did massively retcon Maiden, but my point is not that it is retconned. My point is that Square has NEVER given a shit about Maiden, to the point where the opening of their next FFVII game contradicted an entire chapter of the thing.

Wasn't this discussed in another thread? I could have sworn Tres and someone came to the conclusion that the timeline of each game didn't contradict but I'll have to look for it.

It's kind of irrelevant, though, since my argument is not based on fitting it into the present narrative or not, but the complete lack of regard it has been been shown from DoC, to existing post index in the UO, to being mentioned or referenced literally nowhere, neither in the UO itself or any other guidebook novella or game.


*Contradiction claim #3: Maiden says that all the Cetra have diffused into the Lifestream yet in Case of Lifestream White, Aerith is able to rally many of the Cetra to help her.

Yet again, it sounds like a legitimate contradiction, but again, it is not. While her mother, the last living Cetra before her, is said to have become one with the planet, the fact is also that the Cetra Aerith gathers in Case of Lifestream White are said to be fragments of consciousness. Here is a quote from CoLW:

Having lost the core of their emotions, the surface animosity disappeared. The woman had found a solution, however more and more spirits steeped in spite appeared, and it was too much for her to bear. She rushed through the Lifestream in search of other souls to help her. Ancients, on the verge of diffusing. These fragments of consciousness accepted her undertaking.

In other words, the Cetra she gathers in CoLW were already diluted and weren't really spirits anymore. They were fragments. It wasn't until CoLW that she figures out how to bring them back into a conscious form to help her. If anything, this seems to back up what Maiden has presented and tells us that even though the Cetra had been diffused in Maiden, Aerith found a way to have them help her in CoLW.

Conclusion on contradiction claim #3: This is not a contradiction with the original game or with the wider compilation and is actually CONSISTENT between both stories.

No. You're being equivocal here. In Maiden, she laments that they are all entirely gone, including her mother, last of the fullblood Cetra. In COLW, she finds those who have not diffused. This may not be a literal X was at B and was also at Q contradiction, but it does make Aerith look a bit pants on head stupid for lamenting that she was definitely the last of the Cetra even here only to turn over a glowing spirit rock and there they are.

Ahh I haven't seen it... but is Dissidia in it? Do you consider Dissidia to be non canon then?

Dissidia is not part of the Compilation, just as FFT is not. Both are still canon, and though in the long term irrelevant, to FF7.

Except it doesn't contradict. I have a list of supposed contradictions from Maiden and how they aren't really contradictions. This is what I've been saying. I'll look into the Hojo thing but I could have sworn that it turned out to be another false contradiction.

No. It WAS a contradiction. It was later changed but for entirely different reasons. That is why it is still relevant. Because not only does S-E not give a crap about keeping consistent with Maiden, they never have.

True they did say it was an official entry. What about things like ... I can never spell it right but that Whatever Street Special? IS anything in there canon to you? You know, the board game thingy. Or the other fighting game. Is that anything?

No. Firstly, ISS is a Dragon Quest property. It's never been canon to that series either. Of course, Yuna being able to play monopoly against herself separated by a couple years should have been a tipoff.

That's not true. The end of the UO lists Crisis Core, Before Crisis, Dirge, Last Order, Advent Children and all of them. and right afterwards is Maiden.

And Dirge of Cerberus went and ignored Maiden. Yes, this was later changed for reasons unrelated to Maiden that made it no longer contradict with Maiden explicitly, but they didn't give a shit about it to begin with.

They hadn't been released yet, but they were at least thinking about all of them.

Which is another point AGAINST Maiden, you realize. Even as it was written and released, the core group was releasing a game that casually pissed over a significant chunk of the game. They didn't care.

I'm sure she's attracted to more of Zack, but the story's clearly referencing her first meeting with him and what grabbed her first in terms of attraction. The story simply got that part of the dynamic wrong.

And yeah, it was playful but it was also kinda distant. Like she did intend to keep Zack at arms length because he'd never be Cloud and that was the only one for her. There's playful teasing and then friendly teasing with the undercurrent of "we're just friends." And the latter seemed the case in the story.

Of course it flows well with Maiden, because that's what it wants to portray. But that's not what any other Compilation title wants to state, see? :monster:

LOL you attempted to, and explained 85% of them away. But there's still 15% that's still...just not explainable except by saying its not right.

Those 15% and the complete lack of any followup on its themes of any kind or corroboration in ANY other text are why I say that even if it's still technically canon, then it is definitely novella non grata. No one at SE considers it.

Contrast this to LO, which has been removed from continuity, but which is still considered narratively worthwhile, being included for discussion in guidebooks even after its removal.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
More things than the compilation are canon. Titles which have been ignored resounding since their publication tend not to be canon or within continuity, seeing as how the creators have completely ignored them.
I'll admit that it not being mentioned ever again is the best evidence for it not being canon, but it's just not enough to convince me. I just find it hard to believe that they published this story in the UO as fanfiction without saying anything like "This is fanfiction."

There were issues with DoC when it was released, relatively soon after Maiden. There are still narrative issues with CC, and and the contrast between Maiden and COLW that makes Aerith look an idiot.

No. You're being equivocal here. In Maiden, she laments that they are all entirely gone, including her mother, last of the fullblood Cetra. In COLW, she finds those who have not diffused. This may not be a literal X was at B and was also at Q contradiction, but it does make Aerith look a bit pants on head stupid for lamenting that she was definitely the last of the Cetra even here only to turn over a glowing spirit rock and there they are.
Oh I'm equivocal here huh? Well you are festivio!... see? I can make up words too :awesome:

okay but seriously, she was able to sorta revive Zack by remembering Cloud right?... well wasn't it earlier on in the story that she said they were all gone? Isn't it possible that she just didn't know how to bring them back, and then she realized after what happened with Zack that she could use memories and what not to do so? That was kind of my take on it.

Dissidia is not part of the Compilation, just as FFT is not. Both are still canon, and though in the long term irrelevant, to FF7.
Can't Maiden not be part of the Compilation but still canon then?

And Dirge of Cerberus went and ignored Maiden. Yes, this was later changed for reasons unrelated to Maiden that made it no longer contradict with Maiden explicitly, but they didn't give a shit about it to begin with.
Okay so, why was it changed? What did they say on the matter? I guess I'm not aware of this.

Which is another point AGAINST Maiden, you realize. Even as it was written and released, the core group was releasing a game that casually pissed over a significant chunk of the game. They didn't care.

Did you mean chunk of the story?

okay or... maybe they didn't know what Benny was writing and then released their stuff unaware?... or didn't really realize it? It's not impossible when you have lots of writers doing these things.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'll admit that it not being mentioned ever again is the best evidence for it not being canon, but it's just not enough to convince me. I just find it hard to believe that they published this story in the UO as fanfiction without saying anything like "This is fanfiction."

It doesn't have to have been fanfiction to be rendered acanon. Star Trek Voyager- Threshold. Also all Star Trek Novels ever.

Oh I'm equivocal here huh? Well you are festivio!... see? I can make up words too :awesome:

Except I wasn't making up words. Secondly, I'm rather certain I am not a Spanish festival. Thirdly, what you were being equivocal with was the nature of the two scenarios presented, muddying them to better kludge them together.

okay but seriously, she was able to sorta revive Zack by remembering Cloud right?... well wasn't it earlier on in the story that she said they were all gone? Isn't it possible that she just didn't know how to bring them back, and then she realized after what happened with Zack that she could use memories and what not to do so? That was kind of my take on it.

In trying to remember them, by the rules set forth in maiden, she would have revived them. You don't even have to remember someone. You can remember someone they knew, or something that reminds them of something. Aerith thinking about the Cetra would have acted like a Submarine's ping combined with a fresh pack of batteries.

Can't Maiden not be part of the Compilation but still canon then?

It can. Doesn't mean it IS.

Okay so, why was it changed? What did they say on the matter? I guess I'm not aware of this.

It was changed because a week was a ridiculous time for ShinRa to wait to get Medical attention. And they never officially declared it was changed, AFAIK. They just put Rufus's rescue into CoS and re-timed the scene.

Did you mean chunk of the story?


okay or... maybe they didn't know what Benny was writing and then released their stuff unaware?... or didn't really realize it? It's not impossible when you have lots of writers doing these things.

Which still means that Maiden is not worth shit and crap to Nom, Noj, and Kitase, since they went and did their own thing without telling him any details to watch out for or checking his work to see if it might contain things that would conflict with theirs.
In short, THEY. DIDN'T. CARE.
I'll admit that it not being mentioned ever again is the best evidence for it not being canon, but it's just not enough to convince me. I just find it hard to believe that they published this story in the UO as fanfiction without saying anything like "This is fanfiction."

Something can be canon once and no longer canon in the future because the people in charge have changed their minds. See: Star Wars.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Something can be canon once and no longer canon in the future because the people in charge have changed their minds. See: Star Wars.

The Majority of the SW Marvel Comics, most anything Karen Traviss wrote about the Clone wars- actually anything anyone wrote about the Clone wars before the prequels came out, entire planets got retconned at one point.

Actually, comics in general are an excellent example. Remember when Batman used to use guns every so often? Of course not. That was quietly ignored and a backstory put in to explain why he didn't like them.

Then there's shit that gets made but is NEVER EVER EVER CANON EVER because the Creators don't like it.

Mr. Lucas and his hammer would like to drive that point home on every VHS copy of the Holiday special ever.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
so basically how i feel

aerith did love zack, she was young and in love. but you can't maintain a relationship with a dead person. even when you die you can't say they're both in a relationship because zack is probably lifestream goo by the time she gets there, and she has to help spirits join with the lifestream while she's there, which is a pretty srs job. when she was alive, she fell in love with cloud, and she died loving and wanting a relationship with cloud. and then she died.

now she can't have a relationship with anyone because despite what some believe, you cannot maintain a relationship with someone who is dead and going to become lifestream goo at some point within her death.


ACF Refugee
For starters, I having now played the majority of CC for the first time, I never really bought Zack and Aerith's relationship due to the fact that you didn't spend much game time with her. Much like Zack you're constantly thinking when the next time you're going to see Aerith is, but the moments that deliver are few and far between. Admitadly they are very cute together when they are around each other, but I certainly wouldn't call it full-blown love. They had a viable connection.

FFVII on the other hand gives you plenty of time to spend with Aerith and the game's relationship mechanics even allow you to influence Cloud's feelings for her and her feelings for Cloud.

Now setting what I just said aside, Crisis Core WANTED you to buy into Zack and Aerith's relationship while in FFVII they give you a choice of any of the women in your party to pursue, setting Zack a good bit ahead of Cloud in that regard. And one could also argue that the only reason Aerith took to Cloud so immediately was how much he reminded her of Zack, the soldier who charmed his way into her heart and fell off the face of the earth. Obsessive much?


Double Growth
Obsessive much?

This never goes anywhere good. Her being drawn to Cloud's similarity to Zack could have been nothing more than curiosity as to how they could be so alike. (In actions, at least) She didn't immediately get moist at the sight of him.

I do like how you put that first paragraph though. That the player is like Zack in wondering the next time he or she will get to see Aerith. I don't know if that was intentional, but it is true and kinda neat.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Obsessive much?
how dare she like someone who seemed interested in her for a reason unrelated to her heritage as a cetra and who, despite not being there much, she did date and was attracted to.

how dare she find qualities of her first boyfriend attractive in other people.

that's just disgusting, obsessive behavior, obviously.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
how dare she like someone who seemed interested in her for a reason unrelated to her heritage as a cetra and who, despite not being there much, she did date and was attracted to.

how dare she find qualities of her first boyfriend attractive in other people.

that's just disgusting, obsessive behavior, obviously.

Thanks, glad I didn't have to say it


ACF Refugee
how dare she like someone who seemed interested in her for a reason unrelated to her heritage as a cetra and who, despite not being there much, she did date and was attracted to.

how dare she find qualities of her first boyfriend attractive in other people.

that's just disgusting, obsessive behavior, obviously.

ahahahahahahahah I seem to have struck the wrong chord. If the first paragraph is meant to be about Zack, I'm actually in support of Zerith and believe it to very much be canon. I just thought the story could've been told better, a common complaint among Square's recent works, and Aerith could've taken a slightly more active role in the game than providing light, cute comic relief and building wooden wagons. I for one was excited to see her dynamic with Tseng.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
ahahahahahahahah I seem to have struck the wrong chord. If the first paragraph is meant to be about Zack, I'm actually in support of Zerith and believe it to very much be canon. I just thought the story could've been told better, a common complaint among Square's recent works, and Aerith could've taken a slightly more active role in the game than providing light, cute comic relief and building wooden wagons. I for one was excited to see her dynamic with Tseng.
...this has jack all to do with you accusing her of being obsessive for being attracted to cloud due to his similarities to zack
I for one was excited to see her dynamic with Tseng.

What dynamic with Tseng? She never shared a scene with him. She never spoke to him. She spoke more to him in the OG, when he had a tiny role, than in CC where he was a major character.
And actually I'm quite happy with that. The less canon Square gives me for the Tseng-Aerith relationship, the more freedom I have to make things up.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
How I see this whole thing:

Aerith meets Zack. Zack is charming, flirty and obviously interested in Aerith. Not just because she's a 'cetra' but also because she's different from the other girls and that's why he's more serious about her. He is faithful to her (calling another girl pretty is NOT cheating, imo). They date. They pursue a relationship and it ends up working really well between the two.

Why do people only ever consider Aerith's playground date with Cloud canon but completely forget or disregard the date she had at the same location with Zack?


I'd say they fell in love. Young love, but it was love. Zack was Aerith's first love. He had a huge impact on her. And then, just like that, he dies. Aerith senses this but she'd probably rather believe he left her for another woman than have died because the latter is a whole lot more heart breaking.

Shortly after, she meets Cloud, same way as Zack. He isn't charming or whatever, but he's handsome, he helps her out and he was also a part of SOLDIER. Yeah, there's some similarities there. Aerith probably did find those attractive at first because well...her boyfriend died and here comes a dude similar to him. So similar, she's probably wondering what the fuck is wrong with him at the same time.

So she sticks with him, gets to know him and slowly, starts to move on from Zack. Only problem is, she wants to know the real Cloud, because she can see some of him through the facade. She believes she can fall in love with him. And she does. With Cloud. Not Zack. Not ZaCloud. But Cloud. While she's realizing these feelings and is finally able to move on from her lost love, she dies.

And Aerith can now no longer 'be' with anyone. That's part of the whole tragedy, folks.

The rest is pretty much summed up by Aki, I believe. She reunites with Zack in the lifestream but, they don't have a relationship because, well...he probably turns to mush. She still misses/loves Cloud and, in my opinion, will always love Zack as well but can be with neither of them. For obvious reasons. The love is still there, but any shipper logic is merely fanfiction at this point in regards to Aerith. Sad, but true. That's the whole point, though right?

Either way, I still stand by the fact that she loved both men very much but at varying degrees throughout her lifetime (and probably her afterlife, too). The shipper in me likes to pretend that she does have Zack by her side so she doesn't get so lonely in there but really, it's just fan speculation and not fact. I can admit to these things. :P


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
On a tangent, I'm not sure why folks think Zack turns to mush all that much sooner or faster than Aerith. Yes, he died before her- four months before. Two years later, both of them are coherent and capable of conversation, both with the living in special circumstances, and with each other. It seems they are perfectly capable of continuing an intellectual relationship with each other post mortem, at least.

COLB defines the ability to remain coherent post mortem as dependent on how one is remembered and one's ability to focus. Clearly, Cloud will continue to remember both Zack and Aerith. Clearly, both have been able to focus sufficiently for two years.
Why is Zack required to fizzle away before Aerith?

It doesn't require one to be Cetra to remain distinct- the Gi Nattack did it, and they did it outside the lifestream.

Maybe it's the Wars fanboy in me looking at the Wars fanboys of SE, but why does being dead mean they cannot enjoy each other's company? Granted, they aren't Jedi, but hell, they've done everything else force ghosts do.

And yeah, CC showed us 'Tseng's dynamic about Aerith' rather than theirs together.


wangxian married
It seems they are perfectly capable of continuing an intellectual relationship with each other post mortem, at least.

Something about this is a little creepy...


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Something about this is a little creepy...

They can have a conversation with each other. That's an intellectual relationship. No different than posting on a message board in many ways.
Is it just creepy because they're both dead?


wangxian married
Is it just creepy because they're both dead?

Well, yeah man.

Also in response to what you were saying earlier I'm pretty sure it was part of the special Cetra snowflake package that they could manipulate the lifestream and hold onto their "selves" longer than most humans. Zack came back for a bit because Aeris of Aeris and Cloud's memories, but in the end it's Aeris standing alone watching over Cloud. Thought that was pretty symbolic of her role.

And Aerith can now no longer 'be' with anyone. That's part of the whole tragedy, folks.

Also I agree with this 1000000%


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well, yeah man.

Is this true for you across the board? Like at the end of ROTJ, is it creepy when Yoda, Ben, and Ani are being undead chummy?
What about in ESB, when only one member of the convo is dead?

Also in response to what you were saying earlier I'm pretty sure it was part of the special Cetra snowflake package that they could manipulate the lifestream and hold onto their "selves" longer than most humans. Zack came back for a bit because Aeris of Aeris and Cloud's memories, but in the end it's Aeris standing alone watching over Cloud. Thought that was pretty symbolic of her role.

As the guardian of the planet, sure, yes. But that doesn't mean it's impossible for others to linger a long time too. My point with Zack is that he CAN be sustained, and has been sustained, and whatever's been keeping him coherent is unlikely to change soon.

Now keep in mind that this is all presently tangential as to the subject of 'who she love' or even 'post mortem romance', I'm just wondering why we're so quick to write off A: Zack as a lingering presence and B: the idea of friendships and other interpersonal relationships among ghosts when it seems he's sticking around and being dead doesn't make you any less capable of socializing.

Also I agree with this 1000000%

Actually, I'm not so sure it's quite the tragedy for Aerith as it's supposed to be for the living.


wangxian married



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu


Which doesn't actually answer any of the questions above.

Is this a special pleading for the interaction of dead people, or is it consistent? You have no problem with YYH, Why here?


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Is it just creepy because they're both dead?

It starts reminding me of that really disturbing cloud and aerith fanfiction where cloud has sex with aerith's ghost/dead body/lifestream juice.

So yeah, I'm getting creeped out. Just a little. D: YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY BLAME ME FOR THAT THO. D:


wangxian married
Which doesn't actually answer any of the questions above.

Is this a special pleading for the interaction of dead people, or is it consistent? You have no problem with YYH, Why here?

YYH has nothing to do with anything here wat

It just sounds like lame shipper logic trying to "pair" two people together just cause.

Zack doesn't have a purpose in the afterlife besides becoming a tree or something

Aeris is now a guardian to the living.

Besides I think they're both over it and okay with that.

Now keep in mind that this is all presently tangential as to the subject of 'who she love'

'who she love'

'who she love'

can this be the new thread title pls


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I always thought that because Aerith is all cetra and magical, that she wouldn't turn to goo. Whereas Zack probably stuck around because of Cloud and Aerith's memories and attachment to him. But, eventually, he'd vanish because, y'know...they can't all be cetras and cool like that. :P


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
We really don't know *what* happens to the actual consciousness on the metaphysical level in FFVII, from the perspective of the actual spirit in the Lifestream.

I mean, yeah, we know that physically, their life force cycles the planet as Lifestream and eventually recycles itself to create new life, but that's only half of what happens from the perspective of the living.

The Lifestream isn't the "end" of anything, even if they're dead. In FFX the "Farplane" is the collective home of the dead of Spira. A collection of nothing but pyreflies, but it yields itself to a metaphysical and physical location. An afterlife. We see that with the Fayth, the pyreflies and all those inhabitants of Dream Zanarkand. In FFVII we see that the inside of the Lifestream is hardly just a green river that flows through the crust of the earth. There's more to it than that.

Aerith and Zack somehow being able to communicate and actually interact with each other consciously is not a ridiculous notion at all.
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