LTD Who did Aerith love?


wangxian married
And then he dissolved into Lifestream goo while Aeris watched over the planet until she too, turned into Lifestream goo.

10/10 best love story ever written


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
And then he dissolved into Lifestream goo while Aeris watched over the planet until she too, turned into Lifestream goo.

10/10 best love story ever written

Indeed. :ultros: And Cloud gets over his angsty angst, makes sweet monkey love with Tifa and they both raise a pair of random childs.



wangxian married
And Cloud gets over his angsty angst, makes sweet monkey love with Tifa and they both raise a pair of random childs.



At all times, her first love Zack is always by her side.

A normal physical relationship isn't happening(I dunno if anyone really thinks that). But I don't think it's wrong to consider them being reunited in death an "aww how romantic" thing. I thought it was touching that they could meet again, especially after playing Crisis Core and seeing Zack fighting so hard to get back to Aerith.
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wangxian married
At all times, her first love Zack is always by her side.

A normal physical relationship isn't happening(I dunno if anyone really thinks that). But I don't think it's wrong to consider them being reunited in death a "aww how romantic" thing.

ngl I think that's just as stupid as Cloud and Aeris having a ~spiritual relationship post death.

Both parties being dead doesn't make it any better. I think it pretty much defeats the purpose of having a tragic death if you try to hamfist a happy ending in there. Aeris doesn't get a happy ending cause she's dead. Even in the Calling credits she's staring out at Cloud with her forever alone face.

I thought it was touching that they could meet again, especially after playing Crisis Core and seeing Zack fighting so hard to get back to Aerith.

I think Crisis Core was horribly written and his death scene was ruined by this garbage



Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
ngl I think that's just as stupid as Cloud and Aeris having a ~spiritual relationship post death.

Both parties being dead doesn't make it any better. I think it pretty much defeats the purpose of having a tragic death if you try to hamfist a happy ending in there. Aeris doesn't get a happy ending cause she's dead. Even in the Calling credits she's staring out at Cloud with her forever alone face.
im imagining aerith with eridans face now cannot unsee :[


I don't consider it some perfect happy ending. :/

More like bittersweet. Aerith doesn't seem miserable to me.

I thought CC was pretty good. This part at least I didn't have a problem with.


wangxian married
Aerith doesn't seem miserable to me.

I didn't say she was miserable.

But I do hate it that she's constantly shoved back into either Cloud or Zack's arms as though that's the only way she can have a "happy" ending. She got to save the Planet and keep her friends from dying. I think she's okay with that.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I didn't say she was miserable.

But I do hate it that she's constantly shoved back into either Cloud or Zack's arms as though that's the only way she can have a "happy" ending. She got to save the Planet and keep her friends from dying. I think she's okay with that.
no zee you don't understand women can only be happy when they're in love i learned this in a college class you cannot unprove it


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
Both parties being dead doesn't make it any better. I think it pretty much defeats the purpose of having a tragic death if you try to hamfist a happy ending in there. Aeris doesn't get a happy ending cause she's dead. Even in the Calling credits she's staring out at Cloud with her forever alone face.


I didn't say she was miserable.

But I do hate it that she's constantly shoved back into either Cloud or Zack's arms as though that's the only way she can have a "happy" ending. She got to save the Planet and keep her friends from dying. I think she's okay with that.

That's actually true, very good point. What I was trying to say is that things are OK as they are and there's no valid reason to pair Cloud with Aerith, but I missed that.


I don't think finding Zack and Aerith's reuniting romantic(not in some "omg LTD proofz! :wacky:" way)is shoving her into a guy's arms because a girl needs a love interest handy at all times or wtf is she there for or whatever. It's not like it negates her other actions.

Zack's a big part of her story. And it's not like I'm imagining things or trying to take them further than what was shown or something.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Zack's a big part of her story. And it's not like I'm imagining things or trying to take them further than what was shown or something.
no, it's just that square enix cannot for the life of them make a female protag who has actions that do not directly or indirectly relate to their love for some dude. :awesome:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum

I'm a rebel
lies. was made by square, not square enix
Yeah. But at least Aerith's don't. Tifa gets it worse than her.
eh. pretty much everything in her personality can now be traced back to THAT FIRST SPECIAL BOYFRIEND despite the fact the original game contrasts this at several points and ffs how she dresses is now a point of WHAT A DEVOTED GIRLFRIEND aerith must secretly be. makes a girl wanna stab herself in the gut and puke blood.
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wangxian married
There's always the three lesbians in XIII

But I'm sure SE will find some way to ruin that in the sequel :monster:

eh. pretty much everything in her personality can now be traced back to THAT FIRST SPECIAL BOYFRIEND despite the fact the original game contrasts this at several points and ffs how she dresses is now a point of WHAT A DEVOTED GIRLFRIEND aerith must secretly be. makes a girl wanna stab herself in the gut and puke blood.

Shit, this.


ffs it's like these writers have no sense of subtlety anymore, and the only way to show something is important is to slam your face in it repeatedly. We didn't need all these aspects of Aeris down to the way she fucking dressed to be traced back to a male figure in her life. FF7 got across how important Zack was to her and that was through a few lines and one short, hidden scene.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
There's always the three lesbians in XIII

But I'm sure SE will find some way to ruin that in the sequel :monster:
yeah actually they find the grave of fang and vanille's secret husbandos who actually made them who they are like the bear pelt was from a bear he killed and fangs husband liked her wearing blue so she wears it in memory of him and fang and vanille only act that way because the other one is the only one who remembers their beloved husbands now

also lightening goes all shoutacon for hope and her outfit change is because hope said she looked better in it.


wangxian married
don't forget all the ~tension between her and her new rival

he's going to leave messages on her machine talking about how he matched her, he matched her good


I should get around to finally playing FF XIII.

So are these lesbians the real deal or a cop-out?


wangxian married
Fang and Vanille are legit lesbians. You don't really get action between them til around chapter 7 or 9 (can't recall at the moment) but it's incredibly blatant once they get into it.

Lightning isn't explicitly stated but a girl can dream. :awesome:


OIC. Well, that sounds interesting for a change.

I'm a sucker for the romantic stuff, but it does get pretty cliche a lot of the time.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I'm sure I'll get in trouble for this, but w/e. Get ready for an unpopular opinion:

Why is it upsetting that Aerith and Zack "end up together in the post life"? It's not just's Aerith and Zack. Both of them. Both in a relationship. How come no one gets upset over the fact that people try to shoehorn Zack into a loving relationship post-death or w/e?

And why is being in a relationship, or being in love, a sign of weakness for a female character but not a male character? In fact, why is it a sign of weakness at all? Do women and men not fall in love in real life? Can't a woman be kickass and still be in love?

Does SE have problems creating a true-to-life female character? ha, yeah, I'm not gonna deny it. And was it dumb that practically everything about Aerith was tied back to Zack? Probably. But that doesn't mean she's any less strong and independent. I just don't see how it changes the core of Aerith's personality. Or why it's so terrible that a man might have had a positive influence on her.

And have we so quickly forgotten about Snow who's whole freaking life revolves around Serah. SERAH SERAH, SERAH'S TEAR, I LOVE SERAH, BLAH BLAH. OMG A MALE CHARACTER IN LOVE. Of course this is probably a bad example because Snow is a bit of a pain in the ass regardless.

How about Locke who's searching for a treasure to save Rachel? How about Squall's saving Rinoa and declaring himself her knight? Tidus also seemed pretty smitten with his girl. Vincent practically falls over himself about Lucrecia.

No one complains how Cloud is always trying to be shoehorned into a relationship with either Aerith or Tifa. Why does he have to be in love with one of them? WHY CAN'T HE JUST BE A STRONG INDEPENDENT CHARACTER WITHOUT HAVING TO BE WITH A WOMAN? Oh wait...we can see past the fact that he may be in love with one of them, and still see his value as a man and a character.

I don't mind seeing female characters in love *coughYunacough* as long as it's done right.

I don't have a problem imagining Aerith and Zack in some sort of afterlife together, or just the idea that they are "reunited in death". Doesn't bother me. In fact, I kind of like it...for both of them, not just Aerith. I also liked Crisis Core and Advent Children. :awesome: /more unpopular opinions

(FYI - this post probably sounds harsher than it's meant to be. I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't see the problem. Or at least, it doesn't seem to bother me as much as other people.)
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